56 research outputs found

    Investigation of some features of the movement of surface waves and their interaction with the surface objects´ bases and foundations providing seismic safety

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    В статті розглянуто особливості руху поверхневих хвиль, а також виконано аналіз існуючих методик знаходження часових характеристик та закономірностей їх зміни в процесі руху R-хвилі вздовж вільної поверхні. З цією метою були проведені розрахунки частотно-часових показників за різними формулами в R-хвилі й порівняння між собою та із значеннями в R-хвилі залежно від двох факторів: ваги заряду і приведеної відстані, результати яких висвітлено у даній роботі. Непрямим чином було встановлено, що на будь-якій епіцентральній приведеній відстані поверхнева хвиля значно більш сейсмонебезпечна, ніж об’ємна, яка на будь-яких гіпоцентральних відстанях в різних пунктів на поверхні не може перевищувати величини періоду коливань в пункті при приведеному радіусі, рівному одиниці.The article describes the features of surface waves motion as well as the analysis of existing methods for finding the timing and patterns of change in motion R-waves along the free surface. To this end, we calculated time-frequency performance under different formulas in R-wave and compared with each other and with values in R-wave dependsng on two main factors: the weight of the charge and the reduced distance, the results of which are shown in this paper. Indirectly, it was found that the at any epicentral distance surface wave is significantly seysmic unsafety than the body wave, which in any hypocentral distances at different points on the surface may not exceed the period of oscillation in the above point with raduced radius equal to one.В статье рассмотрены особенности движения поверхностных волн, а также выполнен анализ имеющихся методик нахождения временных характеристик и закономерностей их изменения в процессе движения R-волны вдоль свободной поверхности. С этой целью были проведены расчёты временно-частотных показателей по разным формулам в R-волне и сравнение между собой и с значениями в R-волне в зависимости от двух главных факторов: веса заряда и приведенного расстояния, результаты которых приведены в настоящей работе. Косвенным образом было установлено, что на любом эпицентральном приведенном расстоянии поверхностная волна значительно более сейсмоопасная, чем объемная, которая на любых гипоцентральных расстояниях в различных пунктах на поверхности не может превышать величины периода колебаний в пункте при приведенном радиусе равном 1

    A technology of drinking water decontamination from radon and its decay products

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    Underground water is one of the main sources of radon for households. This article focuses on the estimation and removal of radon from underground water using the technology and inorganic sorbents developed by EKSORB Ltd., Russia for liquid radioactive waste treatment in the nuclear power industry. The article presents the results of tests of a system for the removal of radon and radon daughters from water patented by EKSORB. This is achieved by filtering water through RATZIR sorbent, followed by periodic load regeneration. Over a period of three years, the plant is successful in removing radon from the water that had an initial radon content of approximately 1500 Bq/L to less than 60 Bq/L, without releasing radon to indoor/outdoor air. © 2020 Igor Voinov et al., published by Sciendo 2020

    The scale-up method for the hydrodynamic processes in a sorbent layer using CFD simulation with the Ergun's equation-based models

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    The prospects of ion-selective treatment for the liquid radioactive waste volume reducing are shown. The main problems of the hydrodynamics scale-up and ion-exchange equipment design are outlined. The review of the methods of the hydrodynamic processes it packed bed and multiphase flow simulation methods based on Navier-Stokes equations is presented. The packed bed columns engineering calculation methods based on the Ergun's equation are shown. The possibility and prospects of the CFD simulation with Ergun's equation-based models based using for the ion-exchange equipment designing scale-up problem solving are shown. The main aspects of the packed bed hydrodynamics mathematical models' formulation for one-component and multicomponent flows in a fixed bed and a moving bed of an ion exchange sorbent are presented. The based on the Ergun's equation and the multiphase mixture model mathematical model formulation for the hydrodynamics in the sorbent bed is shown. © 2021 Author(s).Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe research funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ural Federal University Program of Development within the Priority-2030 Program) is gratefully acknowledged

    High-pressure cryogelation of nanosilica and surface properties of cryosilicas

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    Silica cryogels (cryosilicas) in a powder state were synthesized with different concentrations of fumed silica A-300 (CA-300 = 5-20 wt.%), sonicated in aqueous suspension, then frozen at -14 oC at different pressures in a high-pressure stainless steel reactor (a freezing bomb), and dried in air at room temperature. To analyze the effects of low temperature and high pressure, samples were also prepared at -14 oC or room temperature and standard pressure. The structural and adsorption properties of the powder materials were studied using nitrogen adsorption, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, low-temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy and thermally stimulated depolarization current. The structural, textural, adsorption and relaxation characteristics of high-pressure cryogel hydrogels and related dried powders are strongly dependent on the silica content in aqueous suspensions frozen at 1, 450 or 1000 atmospheres and then dried. The largest changes are found with CA-300 = 20 wt.% which are analyzed with respect to the interfacial behavior of nonpolar, weakly polar and polar adsorbates using low temperature 1H NMR spectroscopy

    Research of the physical properties of the liquid radioactive waste treatment ion-selective sorbents

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    The prospects of ion-selective treatment for the liquid radioactive waste volume reducing are shown. The main problems of the hydrodynamics scale-up and ion-exchange equipment design are outlined. The short review of the methods of packed bed hydrodynamic processes modeling is presented. The experimental research technique of the required physical properties of the EKOSORB ion-selective sorbents for the hydrodynamic design and scale-up of the liquid radioactive waste treatment ion-exchange equipment is shown. The results of the liquid radioactive waste treatment ion-selective sorbents true and bulk density and porosity measurements are shown. The micro photos and data on the ion-selective sorbents particle's form, size, and structure are presented. The ion-selective sorbents layer pressure drops were calculated by the Ergun's equation. © 2021 Author(s).Russian Science Foundation, RSF, (21-11-00062)This work was supported Russian Science Foundation (No. 21-11-00062)


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    The technique and methodology for experimental research of packed equipment are pre-sented. The results of the LRW ion-selective treatment sorbents layer specific hydraulic re-sistance experimental measurements are shown

    What drives sound symbolism? Different acoustic cues underlie sound-size and sound-shape mappings

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    Sound symbolism refers to the non-arbitrary mappings that exist between phonetic properties of speech sounds and their meaning. Despite there being an extensive literature on the topic, the acoustic features and psychological mechanisms that give rise to sound symbolism are not, as yet, altogether clear. The present study was designed to investigate whether different sets of acoustic cues predict size and shape symbolism, respectively. In two experiments, participants judged whether a given consonant-vowel speech sound was large or small, round or angular, using a size or shape scale. Visual size judgments were predicted by vowel formant F1 in combination with F2, and by vowel duration. Visual shape judgments were, however, predicted by formants F2 and F3. Size and shape symbolism were thus not induced by a common mechanism, but rather were distinctly affected by acoustic properties of speech sounds. These findings portray sound symbolism as a process that is not based merely on broad categorical contrasts, such as round/unround and front/back vowels. Rather, individuals seem to base their sound-symbolic judgments on specific sets of acoustic cues, extracted from speech sounds, which vary across judgment dimensions