566 research outputs found
New Urban Decorum? City Aesthetics To And Fro
From the municipal and civic perspective, improving the environment responds to the idea “to make a more beautiful city”, answering to the jump from the industrial city to the metropolitan one, and then to the different attempts for ordering cities during the twentieth century. To and fro refers to the journey into the past and arriving in the present. Urban decorum raises the question of What? Who? Where? but especially the How? The issues raised by the “urban decorum” are not new. They emerge, firstly, from boredom inherent in urban life with the consequent need for self-expression and, secondly, from the grass-root processes based on mutual support that intend to take part in improving the quality of the built environment, of the urbanscape, in the city, empowering citizens in the process of “city making” and decision-making
Arte Público. Retos y Oportunidades. (I). La emergencia de los nuevos lenguajes.
This is an article on public art, city and urban governance. It is structured as historical narrative initiated in Barcelona in 1929 with the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion. It is both a written and a visual narrative story. For deliveries, with a hypertext structure. I recommend reading on screen and with a good search engine to link lecura and images with the expansion of information. It is not a history, is the summary of stories. Conceptual, cognitive and personal. We jump from city to city. Most of the images who join us have been taken by the author. Public art and urban design creates a mapping and a temporality in contrast with the literature on the topic, chosen personally and with an interdisciplinary vocation. The reader can follow the text or stopping at the tables. Combine text with pictures. Using the possibilities of augmented reality. The work concludes with a case study dedicated to Brancusi. Key Words: city; design; sculpture, public art, urban design, art histor
Public Art, strategies for the regeneration of public space
This paper discusses some of the key concepts in the consideration of public art as a central element in urban regeneration processes, especially in reference to its role in the processes of citizen participation
Public Art in Urban Regeneration. Piotrkowska street. Pride of a city: Lodz
street is the centre of Łodz. A continuous axis of more than 4 km that runs through the territory from north to south. A long shopping street divided into two clearly differentiated sections. The first from Wolności Square to Centrum Piotrkowska (approx. 2km and cross section between 16 and 24m). The second from Centrum Piotrkowska to Niepodległości square (approx 2.2 Km and cross section between 25 and 30m). From the very beginning, the street was the central axis around which the city was developing, and its development spontaneously gave the present shape to its centre. In the second section of the street, trams circulate and, despite having some important heritage facilities such as the "White Factory", the former headquarters of the Karol Scheibler industries and today the headquarters of the Central Textile Museum, it does not have the recognition that the first stretch. The first section of the street is the one that appears in all tourist guides, is the commercial and cultural heart of the city, a favourite meeting place for Łódź residents and tourists. Here festivals, concerts, sporting events, parties and fairs take place. Piotrkowska street still is flagship of the urban regeneration processes in Łódź, along with Manufaktura, and the mega urban regeneration project Nowe Centrum, with the city's new central station, the EC1 cultural complex, and the expansion of the University of Łódź campus. Territory in which the Expo 2022 was to be developed, which will finally be held in Buenos Aires. Piotrkowska's urban regeneration process clearly incorporates a public art strategy. The particularity of this strategy lies in its contents, specifically those who propose, manifest or emphasize the "pride of the city"
In the aftermath of european funding. Portugal: public space and public art (I)
They define their country like 'tiny and outlying.' A country full with contrasts in the landscape and marked by a strong dual social structure. Portugal is last land in Europe where a Revolution took place. In the last years Portugal has carried out a big effort to adapt to the new map of the globalization, being fundamental the support of the Europe Funding Scheme. The preparation of Lisbon European Capital of the Culture 1994 supposed the beginning of a widespread styling of downtowns and the construction of some cultural big equipment. In the last years Portugal has carried out a big effort to adapt to the new map of the globalization, being fundamental the support of the Europe Funding Scheme
Being Global? la crisis y los museos virtuales en arte público y diseño urbano
This work arises from the implementing experience developed in Barcelona, Zaragoza and Lisbon of the respective public art information systems of these cities and from research development projects made possible thanks to the projects BHA2002-00 520; HUM2005-00420;
HUM2006-12 803-C02-01, HAR 2009-13989-C02-01,founded by the Science and Innvation Ministerior
of Spain and the projects 2009SGR903 2005SGR00150 founded by the Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as the various agreements between the University and the city of Barcelona. Surprisingly, in the international innovation landscape, are the projects in southern Europe, which for the first time present a systematic use of the Internet for better understanding and dissemination of this part of the heritage that is the city’s Public Art, a written history in bronze and stone forming part of the cultural heritage of the roots of identity and pride in city. However, international crisis is a major halt to these projects and the possibility of developing a Virtual Museum of Public Art and Urban DesignEste trabajo surge de la experiencia desarrollada en Barcelona, Zaragoza y Lisboa de puesta
en marcha de los respectivos sistemas de información del Arte Público de estas ciudades, así como del desarrollo de investigación posibilitado por los proyectos BHA2002-
00520;HUM2005-00420;HUM2006-12803-C02-01, HAR 2009-13989-C02-01, del Ministerior de Ciencia e Innvoción español y de los proyectos 2005SGR00150 y 2009SGR903 de la Generalitat de Catalunya, así como de los distintos convenios entre la Universidad y el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Sorprendentemente, en el panorama de la innovación internacional, son proyectos del sur de Europa los que plantean por primera vez un uso sistemático de Internet para el mejor conocimiento y difusión de esta parte del patrimonio que es el Arte Público de las ciudades, una historia escrita en bronce y piedra que forma parte de la herencia cultural, de las raíces identitarias y del orgullo de ciudad Sin embargo, la crisis internacional supone un frenazo importante a estos proyectos y a la posibilidad de desarrollar un Museo Virtual del Arte Público y el Diseño Urban
Interdisciplina en diseño urbano y arte público. La red temática PAUDO (Public Art and Urban Design Observatory) de w@terfronts a cities
La red temática PAUDO es una iniciativa del Grupo de Investigación Consolidado por la Generalitat de Catalunya, Arte-Ciudad- Sociedad y del Centro de Investigación Polis de la Universitat de Barcelona que recoge la trayectoria desarrollada por la red informal Public Art Observatory [PAO]. El PAO se constituyó el 1998 a partir de la red Erasmus, coordinada por el prof. John Butler desde la Universidad de Plymouth. La red, que a excepción de un apoyo de ELIA (European League of Institutions of Art) entre 1999 y 2000, nunca formalizó su existencia ni tuvo recursos propios de desarrollo, se planteó como estas tres misiones: 1.- Potenciar la formación y la investigación sobre la problemática del Arte Público en el sistema universitario europeo 2.- Organizar, de forma sistemática, una serie de acontecimientos anuales para posibilitar el intercambio de experiencias y de formación entre las instituciones participantes 3.- Potenciar la difusión del Arte Público mediante la utilización de las tecnologías de la información y en vinculación con las autoridades locales en las cuales residía cada una de las instituciones participante
Aquest és un article sobre art públic, ciutat i governança urbana. S'articula com un relat històric iniciat a la Barcelona de 1929 amb el Pavelló Mies van der Rohe. És alhora un relat escrit i un relat visual. Per lliuraments, amb una estructura hipertextual. Recomano una lectura en pantalla i amb un bon cercador per relacionar la lecura i les imatges amb l'ampliació d'informació.No és una Història, és el resum d'històries. Conceptuals, cognitives i personals. Saltem de ciutat en ciutat. La majoria de les imatges que ens acompanyen han estat preses per l'autor. L'art públic i el disseny urbà genera una cartografia i una temporalitat que poso en contrast amb amb la literatura sobre el tema, escollida de forma personal i amb una vocació interdiscplinar.El lector pot seguir el text o aturar-se en els quadres. Combinar el text amb els quadres. Usar les possibilitats de realitat augmentada. El treball conclou amb un estudi de cas dedicat a Brancusi.This is an article on public art, city and urban governance. It is structured as historical narrative initiated in Barcelona in 1929 with the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion. It is both a written and a visual narrative story. For deliveries, with a hypertext structure. I recommend reading on screen and with a good search engine to link lecura and images with the expansion of information.It is not a history, is the summary of stories. Conceptual, cognitive and personal. We jump from city to city. Most of the images who join us have been taken by the author. Public art and urban design creates a mapping and a temporality in contrast with the literature on the topic, chosen personally and with an interdisciplinary vocation.The reader can follow the text or stopping at the tables. Combine text with pictures. Using the possibilities of augmented reality. The work concludes with a case study dedicated to Brancusi.Este es un articulo sobre arte público, ciudad y gobernanza urbana. Se articula como un relato histórico iniciado en la Barcelona de 1929 con el Pabellón Mies van der Rohe. Es a la vez un relato escrito y un relato visual. Por entregas, con una estructura hipertextual. Recomiendo una lectura en pantalla y con un buen buscador para relacionar la lecura y las imágenes con la ampliación de información.No es una Historia, es el resumen de historias. Conceptuales, cognitivas y personales. Saltamos de ciudad en ciudad. La mayoría de las imágenes que nos acompañan han estado tomadas por el autor. El arte público y el diseño urbano genera una cartografía y una temporalidad que pongo en contraste con con la literatura sobre el tema, escogida de forma personal y con una vocación interdiscplinar.El lector puede seguir el texto o detenerse en los cuadros. Combinar el texto con los cuadros. Usar las posibilidades de realidad aumentada. El trabajo concluye con un estudio de caso dedicado a Brancusi
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