129 research outputs found

    Cercopoidea types (Hemiptera-Cicadomorpha) housed at the Museo de la Plata entomological collection (Argentina)

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    Type material of 11 species from seven genera of Cercopoidea is housed at the Entomology Division of the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. The types listed herein correspond to species described by C. Berg (10 spp.) and Lallemand (1 sp.). The collection contains 24 type specimens. Lectotype and paralectotypes of Deois (Deois) knoblauchii (Berg), Kanaima katzensteinii (Berg), Mahanarva (Ipiranga) aguirrei (Berg), Tomaspis argentina Berg [= Deois terrea (Germar)], T. perezii Berg [= Deois terrea (Germar)] and T. platensis Berg are designated. Comparison of their original descriptions with the label information supports the existence of 2 holotypes, 6 lectotypes, 10 paralectotypes and 6 syntypes. The following information is given for each species: original species names, taxonomic catalogue, bibliographic references, type category, number of specimens, gender, Museo de La Plata code numbers, and transcription of data from labels (country, province, locality, date of collection, collector’s name, and hosts). Information about subsequent nomenclatural changes with corresponding references, the state of preservation of the specimens in each series and pictures of each species are also provided.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Cercopoidea types (Hemiptera-Cicadomorpha) housed at the Museo de la Plata entomological collection (Argentina)

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    Type material of 11 species from seven genera of Cercopoidea is housed at the Entomology Division of the Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. The types listed herein correspond to species described by C. Berg (10 spp.) and Lallemand (1 sp.). The collection contains 24 type specimens. Lectotype and paralectotypes of Deois (Deois) knoblauchii (Berg), Kanaima katzensteinii (Berg), Mahanarva (Ipiranga) aguirrei (Berg), Tomaspis argentina Berg [= Deois terrea (Germar)], T. perezii Berg [= Deois terrea (Germar)] and T. platensis Berg are designated. Comparison of their original descriptions with the label information supports the existence of 2 holotypes, 6 lectotypes, 10 paralectotypes and 6 syntypes. The following information is given for each species: original species names, taxonomic catalogue, bibliographic references, type category, number of specimens, gender, Museo de La Plata code numbers, and transcription of data from labels (country, province, locality, date of collection, collector’s name, and hosts). Information about subsequent nomenclatural changes with corresponding references, the state of preservation of the specimens in each series and pictures of each species are also provided.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Oviposición de <i>Delphacodes kuscheli</i> (Homoptera-Delphacidae) sobre plantas de cebada en condiciones de laboratorio

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    Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah es, al presente, el &uacute;nico vector demostrado del Mal de R&iacute;o Cuarto del ma&iacute;z en la Argentina, principal enfermedad vir&oacute;sica que actualmente afecta a este cultivo. El insecto se desarrolla sobre distintas gram&iacute;neas, siendo la cebada uno de sus hospedantes m&aacute;s utilizados en condiciones de laboratorio. En la presente contribuci&oacute;n se analiza la preferencia por sitios de oviposici&oacute;n, su ubicaci&oacute;n en los tejidos vegetales y se brindan las caracter&iacute;sticas generales de las posturas. Se registr&oacute; el n&uacute;mero de huevos en tallo, vaina foliar, l&iacute;gula y l&aacute;mina foliar (tercios inferior, medio y superior). La vaina foliar y el tercio inferior de la l&aacute;mina fueron los sitios preferidos por el vector para la oviposici&oacute;n (F=18.6; gl 3/92; p&lt; 0,001, localiz&aacute;ndose con mayor frecuencia hasta 1 cm por arriba de la l&iacute;gula y hasta 1,5 cm por debajo de &eacute;sta. El 91,44% de las posturas se encontr&oacute; relacionado a la vena media mientras que s&oacute;lo el 8,55% lo estaba con venas secundarias. La hoja 4 fue la que conten&iacute;a el mayor n&uacute;mero de huevos, siendo tambi&eacute;n la m&aacute;s utilizada . El n&uacute;mero m&aacute;s frecuente de huevos por incisi&oacute;n fue dos. Los huevos depositados en la vaina foliar se ubicaron en cavidades aer&iacute;feras del par&eacute;nquima o en este tejido, cuando los espacios no estaban presentes. Los depositados en las l&aacute;minas foliares se localizaron en el mes&oacute;filo, generalmente en relaci&oacute;n con la vena media. Las caracter&iacute;sticas de las posturas coincidieron con las descriptas para otros delf&aacute;cidos.Delphacodes kuscheli Fennah is at present the only species with demostrated ability as a vector of Mal de R&iacute;o Cuarto del ma&iacute;z in Argentina, the main virus disease nowadays affecting this crop. This insect develops on different gramineae. Under laboratory conditions, the barley is one of its preferred hosts. The main subject of this paper was to study the site preferences for oviposition. Egg characteristics and their localization in the plant tissues were also analyzed. The number of eggs in stem, leaf sheath, ligulae and leaf blade (lower, medium and upper third) were recorded. Leaf sheath and basal portion of leaf blade were significantly preferred for oviposition (ANOVA: F=18,6; gl 3/92; p&lt; 0,001); the eggs being placed most frequently at 1cm over the ligule and 1,5 cm below it. They were attached predominantly to the midle vein (91,44%) and occasionally (8,55%) to secondary veins. The more exploited leaf for oviposition was the number four, on which the greatest number of eggs was also recorded. The more frequent egg number by incision was two. In the leaf sheaths, they were located inside air spaces, or in the parenchymatic tissue, if they were absent. In the leaf blades, eggs were placed in the mesophyll, usually beside mid-vein. Egg features resemble those of other delphacids

    Description of the immature stages of the planthopper Lacertinella australis (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)

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    The five immature stages of the planthopper Lacertinella australis (Remes Lenicov and Rossi Batiz) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae: Saccharosydnini) are described and illustrated. The main characters that allowed us to distinguish the various stages were body size, number of tarsomeres and metatibial spines, and number of teeth on the spur. New biological data based on laboratory rearing and field observations showed that L. australis can carry out its biological cycle successfully on the graminaceous pampas grass (Cortaderia spp. Stapf (Poales: Poaceae)). In addition, the efficient rearing in captivity, the high survivorship registered, and overwintering only on this host plant suggests that L. australis is a potential biocontrol agent of this invasive graminaceous weed. This study provides information about the immature stages, including a key for their identification, based on laboratory reared specimens and field observations.Se describen e ilustran las cinco etapas inmaduras de la especie de Saccharisydnini Lacertinella australis (Remes Lenicov and Rossi Batiz) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae). Los principales caracteres que permitieron distinguir las diferentes etapas fueron: tamaño corporal, número de espinas en los tarsómeros y metatibia y número de dientes en el espolón tibial. Nuevos datos biológicos, basados en la cría de laboratorio y observaciones de campo, mostraron que L. australis puede realizar su ciclo biológico exitosamente en la graminácea cortadera (Cortaderia spp. Stapf (Poales: Poaceae)). Además, la eficiente crianza en cautiverio y la alta supervivencia registrada en esta planta hospedera, sugieren que L. australis podría ser usada como un potencial agente de control biológico de esta maleza invasora. Este estudio proporciona información sobre las etapas inmaduras, incluyendo una clave para su identificación, basada en individuos provenientes de la cría de laboratorio y de campo.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    A New Genus and Species of Delphacini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae) Associated with Hydrophytic Plants in Argentina

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    A new delphacid genus and species from Argentina, Lepidelphax pistiae Remes Lenicov, gen. et sp. nov.(Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae: Delphacini), is described and illustrated, and biological, distribution and experimental host range data are provided. Males of the new genus are easily distinguished from all other Neotropical Delphacini by being pale cream to white in color with a distinctive pair of longitudinal stripes on the face and symmetrical dark brown to black spots on the thorax and abdomen; very slender, laterally compressed, with long legs, narrow and short vertex with a small sub-apical areola continued by a distinctively simple frontal median carina. It also has unique malegenital structures. Laboratory and field data indicate this species is a specialized herbivore that feeds and oviposits exclusively on Pistia stratiotes (Alismatales: Araceae), a floating macrophyte native to South America. Lepidelphax pistiae was found throughout the distribution of P. stratiotes in Argentina.Un nuevo género y especie de Delphacidae de Argentina, Lepidelphax pistiae Remes Lenicov (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae: Delphacini), es descrito e ilustrado aportando datos biológicos, de distribución y rango de hospederos, mediante pruebas experimentales. Los machos del nuevo género se distinguen fácilmente de los otros Delphacini Neotropicales por su coloración amarillenta a blancuzca con distintivas bandas longitudinales pares marrón oscuro a negras entre las carenas de la región frontal, y también otras máculas dorsales y laterales en el tórax y abdomen. Son formas esbeltas, comprimidas lateralmente, con patas largas; cabeza con el vertex estrecho y corto, una pequeña areola subapical continuada por una marcada carena mediana frontal simple. Complejo genital del macho con características distintivas. Datos de laboratorio y de campo indican que es una especie herbívora especialista que se alimenta y ovipone exclusivamente en Pistia stratiotes L. (Alismatales: Araceae), macrófita flotante nativa de América del Sur. Lepidelphax pistiae fue encontrada a lo largo de la distribución de P. stratiotes en la Argentina.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Growth inhibition of Beauveria bassiana by bacteria isolated from the cuticular surface of the corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis and the planthopper, Delphacodes kuscheli, two important vectors of maize pathogens

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    The phytosanitary importance of the corn leafhopper, Dalbulus maidis (Delong and Wolcott) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and the planthopper, Delphacodes kuscheli (Fennah) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae) lies in their ability to transmit phloem-associated plant pathogens, mainly viruses and mollicutes, and to cause considerable mechanical damage to corn plants during feeding and oviposition. Fungi, particularly some members of the Ascomycota, are likely candidates for biocontrol agents against these insect pests, but several studies revealed their failure to invade the insect cuticle possibly because of the presence of inhibitory compounds such as phenols, quinones, and lipids and also by the antibiosis effect of the microbiota living on the cuticular surface of the host. The present work aims to understand interactions between the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Balsamao-Crivelli) Vuillemin (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) and bacterial antagonists isolated from the cuticular surface of D. maidis and D. kuscheli. A total of 155 bacterial isolates were recovered from the insect's cuticle and tested against B. bassiana. Ninety-one out of 155 strains inhibited the growth of B. bassiana. Bacterial strains isolated from D. maidis were significantly more antagonistic against B. bassiana than those isolates from D. kuscheli. Among the most effective antagonistic strains, six isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bacillales: Bacillaeae), one isolate of B. mycoides Flügge, eight isolates of B. megaterium de Bary, five isolates of B. pumilus Meyer and Gottheil, one isolate of B. licheniformis (Weigmann) Chester, and four isolates of B. subtilis (Ehrenberg) Cohn were identified

    Nuevos registro de plantas hospedadoras para el “salivazo” Notozulia entreriana (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) con nuevos aportes sobre su ocurrencia en diversas zonas ecológicas de la Argentina

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    Spittlebugs represent a widely distributed group of Auchenorrhyncha, being one of the most important assemblies affecting farming and cattle rising in the Neotropics. They attack a wide range of forage species causing considerable deterioration in the quality of pastures that sustain livestock production, particularly in northern and central Argentina. In Argentina, there are no studies integrating the taxonomy and biology of spittlebugs and only a few taxonomic contributions dating back to early past century do exist. Notozulia entreriana (Berg, 1879) is one of the most common spittlebug species inhabiting the subtropical region of the country but it was previously cited for only three Argentinian localities. Throughout the study of specimens housed in Museo de La Plata collection and field captured specimens, we analyzed its distributional range and associated plants. We extend the distribution of N. entreriana to fifteen different provinces, and new host plant records in Argentina are given. Its populations are associated to sugar cane, pangola grass, guinea grass, Johnson grass, Rhodes grass and Bermuda grass, but we stated that Bermuda grass, Johnson grass and Rhodes grass are true “Hostplants”, where this froghopper completes its immature to adult life cycle.Los Cercopidae afectan a la agricultura y ganadería en la región Neotropical. En el norte y centro de la Argentina causan un deterioro considerable en la calidad de los pastos que sustentan la producción ganadera. No existen en la Argentina estudios que integren aspectos taxonómicos y biológicos de estas chicharritas, registrándose sólo unos pocos aportes taxonómicos que datan de principio del siglo pasado. Notozulia entreriana Berg es una de las especies más abundante de salivazo que habita la región subtropical del país, pero en la Argentina sólo existen registros de tres localidades. A través del estudio de los ejemplares depositados en las colecciones del Museo de La Plata y los obtenidos a campo, se analiza su rango de distribución y plantas hospedadoras asociadas. Se amplía aquí la distribución de N. entreriana a quince provincias argentinas y se dan a conocer por primera vez las plantas hospederas. Sus poblaciones están asociadas a las siguientes monocotiledóneas: caña de azúcar, sorgo de Alepo, gramón y los pastos pangola, guinea y grama rhodes; se verificó que esta especie completa todo su ciclo de vida en el sorgo de Alepo, gramón y grama rhodes.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    New taxa and combinations in Neotropical Delphacini (Hemiptera: Fulgoroidea)

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    A new South American genus of Delphacini (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha: Delphacidae), Neodelphax n. gen., is described. It includes a new species, N. sakakibarai sp. n., which is described herein, and two species that are removed from the genus Dicranotropis. All of them are illustrated. Supplementary descriptions of female N. fuscoterminata (Berg) comb. n. and N. acheron (Fennah) comb. n., including some new records and host plant associations are added. A preliminary key for males and females of South American species of Neodelphax with representative illustrations is also provided.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (FCNM

    Una nueva especie neotropical del género Megamelus y nueva combinación para Stenocranus maculipes (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)

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    Se estudian dos especies de Delphacidae que habitan en humedales de la Argentina, Megamelus nigrifasciatus Mariani & Remes Lenicov sp. nov. y Megamelus maculipes (Berg) comb. nov. La primera fue colectada sobre Eryngium sp. (Apiales: Apiaceae) y se describe a partir de formas braquípteras de ambos sexos. Además, se propone a Stenocranus maculipes (Berg, 1879), colectada en Echinodorus grandiflorum (Alismataceae), como Megamelus maculipes comb. nov. Se redescribe el holotipo hembra macróptero y se describen por primera vez los braquípteros de ambos sexos. Se aportan datos distribucionales y biológicos de las especies tratadas y se menciona por primera vez al género Eryngium como hospedante del género Megamelus. Asimismo, se provee una clave para la identificación de las siete especies sudamericanas de Megamelus.We report on two species of Delphacidae from Argentine wetlands, Megamelus nigrifasciatus Mariani & Remes Lenicov sp. nov. and Megamelus maculipes (Berg) comb. nov. The first species was collected from Eryngium sp. (Apiales: Apiaceae) and was described from the brachypters of both sexes. The second one, Stenocranus maculipes (Berg, 1879) collected from Echinodorus grandiflorum (Alismataceae), is proposed as Megamelus maculipes comb.nov. The female macropter holotype is redescribed and the male and female brachypters are described for the first time. Geographic distribution and biological data of both species are reported. The genus Eryngium is cited for the first time as host plant for the genus Megamelus. Additionally, a key is provided to distinguish among the seven South American species of Megamelus.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Specimens of Cercopoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) deposited in the entomological collection of Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina

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    The 2,903 specimens of Cercopoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) housed in the collection of the Instituto Fundacion Miguel Lillo (Tucumán, Argentina) were examined. The specimens belong to 33 species in 14 genera and 3 families, Aphrophoridae, Cercopidae y Clastopteridae. For each taxon, complete information about original publication, synonymic list, collection data, condition and additional information is given. The present catalogue is published in compliance with recommendation 72 F.4 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature.Se catalogan 2.903 ejemplares de Cercopoidea (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha), depositados en la colección del Instituto Fundación Miguel Lillo (Tucumán, Argentina). Pertenecen a 33 especies asignadas a 14 géneros incluidos en Aphrophoridae, Cercopidae y Clastopteridae. Para cada taxón se brinda información completa sobre la publicación original, lista sinonímica, datos de recolección y, cuando corresponda, observaciones adicionales. Esta lista se publica de acuerdo a la recomendación 72 F.4 del Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse