181 research outputs found

    Stable isotopes in environmental investigations

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    Diagnostics of new species of Neotropical Tischeriidae (Lepidoptera), with the first record of Coptotriche Walshingham from South America

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    We describe seven new Neotropical species of Tischeriidae: Astrotischeria dondavisi Stonis & Diškus, sp. nov., A. bacchariphaga Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov., A. guatemalica Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov., A. sanjosei Stonis & Diškus, sp. nov., A. truncata Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov., Coptotriche parvisacculata Diškus & Stonis, sp. nov. and C. carmencita Stonis & Diškus, sp. nov. We report the discovery of Coptotriche Walsingham in South America and provide the following new host-plant records for the Neotropical Tischeriidae: Terminalia australis Cambess. (Combretaceae), Baccharis latifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers., and B. emarginata (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Asteraceae). We update the biology of Astrotischeria ochrimaculosa Diškus, Stonis & Vargas with the discovery that Wissadula (Malvaceae) is a new, verified host plant. The new species are illustrated with photographs of the adults, male and, if available, female genitalia, and the leaf mines. We expect broader distributions of tisheriid species in South America inferred from known host-plant distributions.Fil: Stonis, Jonas R.. Vytautas Magnus University; LituaniaFil: Diskus, Arunas. Vytatutas Magnus University; LituaniaFil: Remeikis, Andrius. Nature Research Centre and Baltic-American Biotaxonomy Institute; LituaniaFil: Katinas, Liliana. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División de Plantas Vasculares; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Nixon Cumbicus. Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja; EcuadorFil: Schuster, Jack. Universidad del Valle de Guatemala; GuatemalaFil: Puplesyte Chambers, Julia. No especifíca

    Vidurio ir Pietų Amerikos Nepticuloidea (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae, Opostegidae) fauna ir mitybiniai ryšiai

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    The goal of the dissertation is taxonomic and trophic assessment of the Nepticuloidea fauna (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae, Opostegidae) of Middle and South America in the light of the latest taxonomic and trophic data. The dissertation consists of Introduction, Literature Review, Material and Methods, Results of the Research, Summary, Conclusions, References, List of Publications by the Author (57 sources) and Annex (Preliminary Catalogue of the studied fauna). The dissertation deals with comprehensive taxonomic analysis of the Nepticulidae and Opostegidae of Middle and South America which allowed to designate many new species groups and to provide diagnostic pictorial keys. The dissertation also deals with newly discovered ecological adaptations and with the first trophic analysis of the Nepticulidae from the Neotropical and Ando-Patagonian regions, where the predominating trophic associations with Asteridae and Rosidae were revealed and trophic relationships with 24 families and 16 plant clades were recorded. In total, we identified new host-plant data for 114 Nepticulidae taxa (including undescribed species), i.e. the number of newly revealed trophic relationships of Nepticulidae of the region under research amounts to almost 86%. We also discovered 146 previously unknown (new) species, most of them were published

    Nauji duomenys apie Nepticuloidea (Lepidoptera) taksonomiją ir geografinį paplitimą Neotropiniame regione, Kryme ir Himalajuose

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    Opostegidae and Nepticulidae (Nepticuloidea) are very specialized superfamilies of Lepidoptera (Insecta) with a worldwide distribution. As a result of specified field collecting of 2009–2013 in the Crimea, Himalaya, Yucatán (Mexico), Guatemala (Central America) and Colombia (South America), and study of a collection material from Central and South America 4 new species of Opostegidae and 2 new species of Nepticulidae were discovered and described; 11 other new species were prepared for description (in co-authorship with Prof. Dr. J. R. Stonis, Dr. A. Diškus or Prof. Dr. J. Schuster). Updated checklists of Opostegidae of Central America and the Himalaya, with new data on geographical distribution of species were presented. Nepticulids are rather abundant in the tropical forests of Yucatan. Currently 31 species of Nepticulidae are recorded from Yucatán and adjacent areas, including two new species described in 2013: Stigmella maya Remeikis & Stonis and Acalyptris jucatani Remeikis & Stonis. Stigmella maya represents a species that is among the smallest nepticulids and the smallest Lepidoptera known in the world. The taxonomic composition of Nepticulidae occurring in Yucatán exhibits unusually strong predomination of genus Acalyptris Meyrick; it differs from that in other regions. The results of the research were presented at 8 conferences or workshops (in Lithuania and abroad) and published in 31 scientific or science popular papers.Pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas – naujas taksonominis Opostegidae ir Nepticulidae (Nepticuloidea) įvertinimas, remiantis medžiagos, surinktos Neotropiniame regione, Kryme ir Himalajuose, moksliniais tyrimais. Entobiontiniai vabzdžiai yra paplitę įvairiuose Žemės ekosistemose, tačiau duomenų apie šių praktinę ir teorinę reikšmę turinčių vabzdžių taksonominę įvairovę ir geografinį paplitimą vis dar labai maža. LEU Biosistematikos tyrimų grupė disponavo didele moksline kolekcine neidentifikuota medžiaga, gauta iš užsienio mokslo centrų: ZMUC (Danija), USMN (JAV), BMNH (D. Britanija). Medžiagą tyrimams taip pat rinkome ekspedicinių lauko darbų metu Ukrainoje, Karadago gamtiniame rezervate, Indijoje (Himalajuose, Utarakando valstijoje), Jukatane (Meksikoje), Guatemaloje (Centrinėje Amerikoje) ir Kolumbijoje (Pietų Amerikoje). Tyrimų metu buvo panaudotos įprastos taksonominio darbo metodikos, kurios aprašytos magistro darbe. Esminis darbo metodologinis elementas – taksonų identifikacija, remiantis genitalinių struktūrų morfologija. Tam buvo paruošta apie 460 pastoviųjų mikropreparatų. Darbe pateikiami naujų Opostegidae ir Nepticulidae taksonų aprašymai, naujas Opostegidae ir Nepticulidae faunos įvertinimas (remiantis autoriaus padarytu indėliu). Nauji duomenys taip pat patikslina taksonominę Opostegidae ir Nepticulidae sampratą. Nustatyta didelė Nepticulidae įvairovė Jukatano ir kaimyninių kraštų atogrąžų miškuose, neįprastai stiprus Acalyptris Meyrick genties dominavimas, kurio neaptikta kitose faunose. Šio darbo rezultatus magistro darbo autorius (kartu su bendraautoriais) publikavo 30-yje mokslo ir mokslo sklaidos straipsnių ir viename monografijos skyriuje.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Differentiation of the Andean Ozadelpha ovata and O. rionegrella sp. nov (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) based on characters of the male genitalia

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    Remeikis, Andrius, Dobrynina, Viktorija (2021): Differentiation of the Andean Ozadelpha ovata and O. rionegrella sp. nov (Lepidoptera, Nepticulidae) based on characters of the male genitalia. Zootaxa 5016 (2): 283-288, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5016.2.

    The first records on the genus Acalyptris from the Caribbean (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae)

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    Stonis, Jonas R., Remeikis, Andrius (2015): The first records on the genus Acalyptris from the Caribbean (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). Zootaxa 4057 (1): 79-90, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4057.1.

    Odd species of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) from the American rainforest and southern Andes

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    Stonis, Jonas R., Remeikis, Andrius (2018): Odd species of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) from the American rainforest and southern Andes. Zootaxa 4392 (3): 458-468, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4392.3.

    First discovery of Quercus- feeding Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) in South America, with description of new species and designation of the S. nigriverticella complex in the S. saginella group

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    Remeikis, Andrius, Stonis, Jonas R. (2015): First discovery of Quercus- feeding Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) in South America, with description of new species and designation of the S. nigriverticella complex in the S. saginella group. Zootaxa 4057 (3): 409-429, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4057.3.

    Į Himalajus per musoną : VPU biosistematikos tyrimų grupės lauko darbai Indijoje (4)

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    Tęsinys, pradžia 2010 m. Nr. 5Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

    Himalajų dienoraštis : VPU biosistematikos tyrimų grupės lauko darbai Indijoje

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    Pab. Pradžia: 2010, Nr. 11/12Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij