109 research outputs found

    La sécurité sociale en Belgique : entre régionalisation et européanisation

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    Cet article explore les évolutions de la politique de sécurité sociale en Belgique dans le cadre d’un fédéralisme en constante évolution et actuellement instable au chapitre des interactions qui se nouent entre les différents niveaux de pouvoir — national, régional, communautaire et même européen. Au fil des réformes institutionnelles qui ont conduit la Belgique à devenir un État fédéral, la sécurité sociale est restée dans les compétences de l’État central. Ceci dit, la question de la défédéralisation de la sécurité sociale fait l’objet d’une revendication de la plupart des partis politiques flamands, qui désirent que cette question soit mise à l’ordre du jour lors d’une prochaine réforme institutionnelle.This article details changes in social security policy in Belgium. Such changes are taking place within a constantly shifting and currently unstable federalism with respect to the issues that link different levels of power, whether at the national, community, or even European level. During the reform process that led Belgium to become a federation, social security was always considered a federal responsibility. Nevertheless, reassignment of social security to the sub-national level is a demand of most of the Flemish political parties and they hope to see it as an agenda item for future constitutional reform

    Study on the representativeness o the social partner organisations in the professional football players sector

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    A portada: Université catholique de Louvain. Institut des sciences du travailResearch project conducted on behalf of the Employment and Social Affairs DG of the European CommissionThe aim of the report is to produce a study that sets out both brief descriptions of the way that social dialogue functions in the countries concerned, and descriptions of the various workers' and employers' organisations involved in social dialogue at sector level. This study may be seen as a tool to help understand these quantitative and qualitative factors. It will also make it possible to understand the various systems of industrial relations in different countries, and to introduce the actors involved in social dialogue

    Study on the representativeness of the social partner organisations in the chemical industry

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    A portada: Universite catholique de Louvain. Institut de sciences du travailTipus de projecte: Projecte europeuResearch project conducted on behalf of the Employment and Social Affairs DG of the European Commissio

    Institutional representativeness of trade unions and employers' organisations in the temporary agency work sector

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    Tipus de projecte: Projecte europeuA portada: Universite catholique de Louvain. Institut de sciences du travail.Research project conducted on behalf of the Employment and Social Affairs DG of the European CommissionThis report was drawn up within the framework of a study on the institutional representativeness of social partners in EU15 and on the situation of trade unions and employers' organisations in the new Member States and candidate countries. The study was carried out by the Labour Science Institute of the Catholic University of Louvain (Institut des Sciences du Travail de l'Université catholique de Louvain, IST) at the request of the European Commission's DG Employment and Social Affairs (Call for tenders No. VT/2002/83). This report aims to examine the process of social dialogue and the representativeness of the social partners participating in that dialogue in the temporary agency work sector in countries of EU15. This study focuses on social dialogue and organisations in member countries of the European Union before 1 May 2004

    The Collective negociation and its actors in the culture & media sector : (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom)

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    Tipus de projecte: Projecte europeuA portada: Universite catholique de Louvain. Institut de sciences du travail.Research project conducted on behalf of the Employment and Social Affairs DG of the European CommissionThis report aims to examine the process of social dialogue and to present the actors participating in that dialogue in the "C&M" sector in the 15 states member of the European Union (when we cite "the 15 states member of the European Union" or "UE15", please understand "the 15 states member of the European Union before the enlargement of the 1st May 2004"). The object of this comparative study can be resumed under three main points : 1. Description of the structuring of the whole of the C&M fields through certain key aspects which make it easier to compare one EU country with another. 2. Provision of an overview of the principal characteristics of the established professional relationships and the process of CB in the member states of the EU in this sector. 3. Provision of an overview of the main protagonists operating in this sector. The topics are the description of the sector (activities, organizations, employment and evolution), professional relations and collective negotiation (social dialogue, evolution and trends) and the players of the sector (employers' organizations and trade unions). We laid great stress on the importance to note the type of difficulty or obstacle the national experts could find in the collect of data. This study is intended to be an introduction to a subsequent piece of work, which will be concerned more specifically with the protagonists in the CB process for the CULTURE & MEDIA sector and their representatives in the UE15

    Institutional representativeness of trade unions and employers' organisations in the industrial cleaning sector

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    Tipus de projecte: Projecte europeuA portada: Universite catholique de Louvain. Institut de sciences du travail.Research project conducted on behalf of the Employment and Social Affairs DG of the European CommissionThis report was drawn up within the framework of a study on the institutional representativeness of the social partners in the European Union UE15 and the situation of trade unions and employers' organisations in the new member States and in the candidate countries. The study is carried out by the Institut des Sciences du Travail de l'Université catholique de Louvain (IST) at the request of the European Commission's DG Employment and Social Affairs (Call for tenders No. VT/2002/83). This report aims to examine the process of social dialogue and the representativeness of the social partners participating in that dialogue in the industrial cleaning sector in the countries of the European Union UE15. The study focuses on social dialogue and organisations in the countries member of the European Union before the 1st of May 2004
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