71 research outputs found

    Analisis Kebutuhan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Berbasis Sintaks Think Pair And Share (TPS) Pada Materi Sistem Eksresi Untuk Peserta Didik SMA: (Analysis of Student Worksheet Needs (LKPD) Based on Think Pair And Share (TPS) Syntax on Excretion System Material for High School Students)

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    This study aims to provide teaching materials in the form of biological worksheets based on TPS syntax on valid and practical excretory system materials at SMAN 1 Batang Anai. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The method used to collect data is through distributing questionnaires to class XI students and distributing questionnaires to biology teachers. The results of the questionnaire and student analysis showed that the excretory system material was one of the materials considered constrained in learning. In learning, students are often monotonous without any interaction with their classmates, so variations in teaching materials are needed so that students are more active in learning and socially active. One solution to this problem is to develop teaching materials in the form of student worksheets based on valid and practical think pair and share syntax. Key words: needs analysis, TPS-based LKPD, excretory system   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyediakan bahan ajar berupa Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) biologi berbasis sintaks Think Pair and Share (TPS) pada materi sistem ekskresi yang valid dan praktis di SMAN 1 Batang Anai. Jenis penelitian ini adalag deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu melalui penyebaran angket kepada peserta didik kelas XI dan penyebaran angket kepada guru biologi. Hasil analisis angket dan peserta didik menunjukan bahwa materi sistem ekskresi merupakan salah satu materi yang dianggap terkendala dalam pembelajaran. Dalam pembelajaran seringkali peserta didik monoton tanpa adanya interaksi dengan teman kelasnya, sehingga diperlukan variasi dalam bahan ajar agar peserta didik lebih giat belajar dan aktif dalam sosial. Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan ini adalah dengan mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa lembar kerja peserta didik berbasis sintaks think pair and share yang valid dan praktis. Kata kunci: analisis kebutuhan, LKPD berbasis TPS, sistem ekskres

    Analisis Kebutuhan Komik Islami sebagai Suplemen Media Pembelajaran Sistem Sirkulasi untuk SMA/MA: (Analysis of the Requirement for Islamic Comic as a Supplement of The Circulation System Learning Media for SMA/MA)

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    MAN 2 Padang is a school that has different characteristics from the usual public schools. The school which is under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion has an Islamic nuance with its vision, namely "Superior Madrasas and have good morals". This is of course very much in line with the goals of national education in terms of the affective domain contained in the 2013 curriculum in KI-1 and KI-2 which requires the application of social and spiritual attitudes to students. This study aims to determine the need for Islamic comics as a supplement to the circulation system learning media for SMA/MA. The method used is interviews and filling out observation questionnaires by teachers and students. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and the percentage of the results of the number of answers given to all respondents was multiplied by 100%. The results of this study are the unavailability of learning media that includes the application of social and spiritual attitudes that attract students' interest and motivation to learn, especially on the material of the circulation system. So it can be said that the need for the development of Islamic comics as a supplement to the circulation system learning media for SMA/MA. Key words: Develeopment, Islamic Comic, Circulation System   ABSTRAK MAN 2 Padang merupakan sekolah yang memiliki karakteristik berbeda dengan sekolah umum biasanya. Sekolah yang berada di bawah naungan Kementerian Agama ini bernuansa islami dengan visinya yaitu “Madrasah yang unggul dan berakhlaqul karimah”. Hal ini tentu sangat sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional dari segi ranah afektif yang tertuang dalam kurikulum 2013 pada KI-1 dan KI-2 yang menuntut adanya penerapan sikap sosial dan spiritual pada peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan komik Islami sebagai suplemen media pembelajaran sistem sirkulasi untuk SMA/MA. Metode yang digunakan adalah berupa wawancara dan pengisian angket observasi oleh guru dan peserta didik. Data analisis menggunakan analisis dekripstif dan persentase dari hasil jumlah jawaban yang diberikan dibagi jumlah seluruh responden dikali 100%. Hasil penelitian ini adalah belum tersedianya media pembelajaran yang mencakup penerapan sikap sosial dan spiritual yang menarik minat dan motivasi belajar peserta didik khususnya pada materi sistem sirkulasi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlunya pengembangan komik islami sebagai suplemen media pembelajaran sistem sirkulasi untuk SMA/MA. Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Komik Islami, Sistem Sirkulas

    Analisis Kebutuhan LKPD Elektronik Berbasis Problem Based Learning Pada Materi Keanekaragaman Hayati Kelas X SMA/MA Sebagai Suplemen Pembelajaran Biologi: (Need Analysis of Elektronic Student worksheets based on Problem Based Learning in the Subject of Biodiversity class X SMA/MA as a Supplement to Biology Learning)

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    This study aims to determine tehe need for biology learning in the form of electronic student worksheets based on problem based learning on biodiversity material for class X at MAN 2 Padang. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The method used to collect data is through distributing questionnaires to class X students and distributing questionnaires to biology teachers. The results of the analysis of student questinnaires and teacher questionnaires indicate that the material on biodiversity is one of the materials considered constrained in learning. The learning resources provided by the teacher are in the form of biology textbooks, power points, LKPD, etc., but their learning outcomes tend to be constant, so it is necessary to have a variety of learning media. One solution to this problem is to develop learning media in the form of valid and practical electronic student worksheets. abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan media pembelajaran biologi berupa lembar kerja peserta didik elektronik berbasis problem based learning pada materi keanekaragaman hayati untuk kelas X di MAN 2 Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yaitu melalui penyebaran angket kepada peserta didik kelas X dan penyebaran angket kepada guru biologi. Hasil analisis angket peserta didik dan angket guru menunjukkan bahwa materi keanekaragaman hayati merupakan salah satu materi yang dianggap terkendala dalam pembelajaran. Sumber belajaar yang diberikan guru berupa buku paket biologi, power point, LKPD, dll, namun hasil belajar mereka cenderung tetap, sehingga sangat diperlukan adanya  variasi media    pembelajaran. Salah satu solusi dari permasalahan ini adalah dengan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa lembar kerja peserta didik elektronik yang valid dan praktis. Kata kunci: analisis kebutuhan, LKPD elektronik, problem based learning, keanekaragaman hayati

    Validitas Game Edukasi Klasifikasi Tumbuhan Berbasis Permainan Koa sebagai Media Pembelajaran Biologi

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    ABSTRACT.  Based on observations, not many teachers or lecturers who use educational games are mainly to facilitate students in learning material about taxonomy, especially the classification of plants. Educational game classification of plants based on the koa game is expected to function to facilitate students in learning the classifications that are classified as difficult to memorize. This research is research development. Data collection was carried out by expert validation of educational games and data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. Based on the results of the game education analysis obtained the value of the validity of the game education classification of plants is 89.13 with valid criteria. It can be concluded that the educational game based on koa game is valid, and practicality tests can be done to see the level of practicality of the game. ABSTRAK. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan, belum banyak guru ataupun dosen yang menggunakan game edukasi terutama untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam mempelajari materi mengenai taksonomi khususnya klasifikasi tumbuhan. Game edukasi klasifikasi tumbuhan berbasis permainan koa diharapkan dapat berfungsi untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam mempelajari klasifikasi yang tergolong susah untuk dihafalkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan memvalidasi game edukasi oleh pakar dan data dianalisis menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis game edukasi  didapatkan nilai validitas game edukasi klasifikasi tumbuhan adalah 89,13 dengan kriteria valid. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah dihasilkan game edukasi berbasis permainan koa yang valid dan selanjutnya dapat dilakukan uji praktikalitas untuk melihat tingkat kepraktisan game tersebut

    Pengembangan Booklet Terintegrasi Nilai Preventif Gangguan Sistem Sirkulasi Manusia untuk Peserta Didik SMA: (Development of Booklet an Integrated of Preventing Value on Human Circulatory System Disease for Senior High School Students)

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    Adolescent knowledge in maintaining physical health can be increased through teaching materials that are integrated with preventive values ​​in schools. The purpose of this study is to produce an integrated booklet of the value of preventing disiase of the human circulatory system that is valid and practical. The type of research is research and development using the ADDIE development model. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. The booklet assessment was carried out by a validator consisting of two biology lecturers, FMIPA UNP and one biology teacher, and a practical test was conducted on one biology teacher and 30 students of SMAN 1 Bonjol. Based on the results of the validity test, the percentage of booklet assessment is 91.23% with a very valid category, while the results of the practicality of the booklet assessment percentage is 91.53% with very practical criteria. It can be concluded that the integrated booklet of the preventive value of human circulatory system disiase for high school students has met the criteria and can be used by students in the biology learning process. Key words: Booklet, Preventive Value, Circulatory System Disiase   ABSTRAK Pengetahuan remaja dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh dapat ditingkatkan melalui bahan ajar yang diintegrasikan nilai preventif di sekolah. Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan booklet terintegrasi nilai preventif gangguan sistem sirkulasi manusia yang valid dan praktis. Jenis penelitian yaitu penelitian dan pengembangan menggunakana model pengembangan ADDIE. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penilaian booklet dilakukan oleh validator yang terdiri dari dua orang dosen biologi FMIPA UNP dan satu orang guru biologi dan dilakukan uji praktikalitas kepada satu orang guru biologi dan 30 peserta didik SMAN 1 Bonjol. Berdasarkan hasil uji validitas presentase penilaian booklet sebesar 91,23% dengan kategori sangat valid sedangkan hasil praktikalitas presentase penilaian booklet sebesar 91,53% dengan kriteria sangat praktis. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa booklet terintegrasi nilai preventif gangguan sistem sirkulasi manusia untuk peserta didik SMA sudah memenuhi kriteria dan dapat digunakan oleh peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran biologi. Kata kunci: Booklet, Nilai Preventif, Gangguan Sistem Sirkulas

    Kriteria E-Learning Untuk Pembelajaran SMA/MA Berdasarkan Quality Matters Rubric (QMR) K-12

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    E-learning is one of the innovations in education that is widely used. The quality of E-learning greatly influences the quality of learning. This article aims to describe good e-learning criteria for high school/MA online learning according to the Quality Matters Rubric (QMR) K-12 standard. The research was conducted using the library research method with content analysis data analysis techniques. The results show that good E-learning for learning based on QMR must meet certain specified standards. This standard is divided into 8 general standards: general description & introduction, objectives and competencies, assessment & measurement, teaching materials, learning activities & student interaction, technology, student & teacher support, and accessibility and usability. General standards are divided into several special standards that explain in more detail related to general standards

    Analisis Potensi Penggunaan Media Sosial Instagram Untuk Pembelajaran Biologi Di SMAN 2 Padang

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    Instagram is one of the social media that is starting to become popular now after YouTube, WhatsApp and Facebook. According to Meta's advertising resources (2023), Instagram users in 2023 will be 89.15 million users in Indonesia. Instagram is a social media that has complete features. Instagram can take photos, videos and can provide filters on these photos and videos which can then be saved to the gallery and can also be uploaded to the Instagram social media account itself so that it can make it easier for teachers to assess the level of skills and creativity of students through photos and videos uploaded to the account. Instagram students. This research aims to find out how much potential there is for using Instagram social media for biology learning at SMAN 2 Padang. This research is descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Quantitative data was obtained through data from filling out questionnaires by a number of respondents, namely students of SMAN 2 Padang. Based on the results of data processing, it is known that Instagram has the potential (76.13%) to be used in biology teaching and learning activities, this is due to students' closeness to Instagram, ease of use and Instagram can also be used as a medium for searching for biology learning information. Therefore, biology teachers at SMAN 2 Padang can consider starting to use Instagram in biology lessons. Keywords: Social media, Instagram, Biology learning

    Analisis Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Sosial TikTok untuk Pembelajaran Biologi di SMAN 2 Padang

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    This research purpose to determine the effectiveness of using social media TikTok for biology learning at SMAN 2 Padang. This research is a descriptive research with a quantitative approach. Quantitative data were obtained from instrument data in the form of questionnaires with students as respondents. To support this data, interviews were also conducted with biology teachers and direct observation in the school environment. Based on the results of research data processing, it is known that TikTok is quite effective (56.5%) for use in biology learning, this is because TikTok can be used as a medium and source of information for biology learning. Therefore, biology teachers at SMAN 2 Padang may consider using TikTok in biology lessons

    Model ADDIE Branch Dalam Pengembangan E-Learning Biologi

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    A teacher must choose an appropriate development model to develop e-learning. The goal is that e-learning has components that can accommodate good quality learning. One of the development models that can be used is the ADDIE model developed by Robert Maribe Branch, a Professor in the field of learning, design and technology. This research is a literature study. The aim is to review the ADDIE model for biology e-learning development. Data was collected, analyzed and synthesized from various sources such as articles, previous studies, reports and books. The data analysis technique is content analysis and is presented in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of the analysis show that the ADDIE model has principles that are in line with the current characteristics of e-learning and biology learning. The stages in the ADDIE model navigate in detail the development of a systematic and structured biology e-learnin