12 research outputs found

    Lyme borreliosis and pregnancy

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    Svest, znanje i ponaŔanje srednjoŔkolaca u vezi sa polno prenosivim infekcijama

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    Introduction. This paper presents the results of a research conducted among senior high school students in northern Kosovo and Metohija on their knowledge about sexually transmitted infections, emphasizing their awareness and sources of information, as well as their sexual behavior and use of contraceptives. Material and Methods. The survey of senior high school students was done using a previously prepared anonymous questionnaire which was followed by statistical processing of fully completed questionnaires. Results. The research included students aged 17 to 19; 63% were females and 37% males; 35.8% were sexually active. The correct definition of sexually transmitted infections was identified by 49%. School was the source of information on these infections for 45.6% of students and biology class for 45.7%. There were 40.6% sexually active male respondents and 33.0% of female (on average, 18 years old). Of the surveyed students of both sexes, 40.6% became sexually active at the age of 17. Condom use was reported by 49% of respondents of both sexes, whereas 50.8% of sexually active students always used condoms. There were 38.7% (38.9% girls, 38.4% boys) of students who used condoms for protection against sexually transmitted infections, and 58.1% of them personally decided whether to use them. Conclusion. The majority of our respondents were able to identify the correct definition of sexually transmitted infections, and they most often heard of the human immunodeficiency virus/ acquired immune deficiency syndrome. School was their most common source of information, biology class, and a considerable number were informed about this issue on the Internet. The majority of sexually active girls did not use any contraceptives. School curricula and parent-child relationships should have a greater impact on the youth's awareness of reproductive health.Uvod. Rad prikazuje rezultate anketiranja učenika zavrÅ”nih razreda srednjih Å”kola na severnom Kosovu i Metohiji o polno prenosivim infekcijama, njihovoj obaveÅ”tenosti i izvorima informisanja, njihovoj seksualnoj aktivnosti i koriŔćenju kontraceptivnih sredstava. Materijal i metode. Anketiranje učenika zavrÅ”nih razreda srednjih Å”kola na severu Kosova i Metohije prethodno pripremljenim anonimnim upitnikom. Statistički su obrađeni kompletno popunjeni upitnici. Rezultati. Istraživanjem su obuhvaćeni učenici od 17 do 19 godina, 63% ženskog i 37% muÅ”kog pola; 35,8% ispitanika je seksualno aktivno. Tačnu definiciju polno prenosivih infekcija prepoznalo je 49% anketiranih učenika. Å kola je izvor informisanosti o polno prenosivim infekcijama za 45,6% učenika, a za 45,7% anketiranih časovi biologije u Å”koli. Seksualno je aktivno 40,6% učenika i 33% učenica; oni imaju prosečno 18 godina. Polno aktivno pre sedamnaeste godine postalo je 40,6% anketiranih učenika. Većina seksualno aktivnih ispitanika, 49%, oba pola koristi kondom kao kontraceptivno sredstvo. Uvek koristi kondom 50,8% polno aktivnih učenika. Seksualno aktivni ispitanici koriste kondom zbog zaÅ”tite od polno prenosivih infekcija Ģ¶ 38,7% (38,9% učenica i 38,4% učenika), a 58,1% lično odlučuje o njihovoj primeni. Zaključak. Većina naÅ”ih ispitanika je prepoznala tačnu definiciju polno prenosivih infekcija, a najčeŔće su čuli za infekciju virusom humane imunodeficijencije/sindrom stečene imunodeficijencije. Ispitanici su najčeŔće bili obaveÅ”teni u Å”koli, na časovima biologije, a znatan broj je informisan o ovom problemu putem interneta. Å kolski sadržaji i razgovor sa roditeljima bi trebalo značajnije da utiču na svest mladih o reproduktivnom zdravlju

    Uticaj broja somatskih ćelija na kvantitativne i kvalitativne osobine mlečnosti krava

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    Results of this paper show the effect of somatic cell count (SCC) on quantitative (average daily milk yield, average milk yield of morning milking and average milk yield of evening milking) and qualitative (content of protein and milk fat, as well as protein/ milk fat ratio) milking characteristics of cattle. Total of 1168 of raw milk samples, grouped depending on SCC (1st - less than 200K, 2nd - between 200K and 300K, 3rd - between 300K and 400K, 4th - between 400K and 500K, and 5th - over 500K of somatic cells), originating from seven farms with similar breeding, housing, feeding and health care conditions, have been analyzed. Statistic analysis shown that SCC has significant influence on average daily milk yield, average milk yield of morning milking, average milk yield of evening milking, protein content and protein/milk fat ratio (p lt 0,001), and there was also influence on milk fat content, but with lower level of statistical significance (p lt 0,05). With raise in SCC level average milk yield decreases also, depending on milking time (morning/evening) same tendency is present. However, increasing of SCC increases protein and milk fat content.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja broja somatskih ćelija (BSĆ) na kvantitativne (prosečna dnevna mlečnost, prosečna mlečnost u jutarnjoj muži i prosečna mlečnost u večernjoj muži) i kvalitativne (sadržaj proteina, mlečne masti i odnos protein/mast) osobine mlečnosti krava. Analizirano je ukupno 1168 uzoraka mleka koji su grupisani prema utvrđenom BSĆ (I - do 200.000, II - između 200 i 300 hiljada, III - između 300 i 400 hiljada, IV-BSĆ između 400 i 500 hiljada i V- BSĆ preko 500.000), sa 7 farmi ujednačenih u pogledu gajene rase, uslova smeÅ”taja, ishrane i nege. Statističkom obradom podataka ustanovljeno je da BSĆ značajno utiče na dnevnu mlečnost, mlečnost u jutarnjoj i večernjoj muži, sadržaj proteina i međusobni odnos proteina i mlečne masti (p lt 0,001), a evidentan je i uticaj na sadržaj mlečne masti ali sa manjim nivoom značajnosti (p lt 0,05). Sa porastom BSĆ, smanjuje se dnevna mlečnost, a isti trend je prisutan kada je u pitanju termin muže (jutro/veče). U pogledu udela proteina i mlečne masti, ustanovljeno je da se sa porastom BSĆ povećava sadržaj ove dve komponente

    Uticaj sezone i veličine farme na kvalitet i količinu otkupljenog mleka

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    In this paper results of the effects of season and farm size on yield and chemical composition of collected milk are presented. The raw milk from total of 22 dairies is analyzed (9 which purchase milk from large farms and 13, which buy milk from small farms). The sampling is conveyed monthly throughout the year, and total of 264 milk samples are analyzed. According to results, the quantity of purchased milk were consistent throughout the year, while the season affected the amount of fat (p lt 0.05), protein (p lt 0.001) and dry matter without fat in milk - DMWF (p lt 0.001). In milk samples from small farms the higher average amount of milk fat, protein and DMWF was found, which significantly differ from the large farm at p lt 0,001, p lt 0,001 and p lt 0,05 respectively for the observed properties.U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja sezone (godiÅ”njih doba) i veličine farme na količinu i hemijski sastav otkupljenog mleka. Analizirano je sirovo mleko iz ukupno 22 sabirne mlekare (9 koje otkupljuju mleko sa velikih farmi i 13 koje otkupljuju mleko sa malih farmi). Uzorkovanje je vrÅ”eno jednom mesečno tokom cele godine, a ukupno su analizirana 264 uzorka mleka. Prema rezultatima istraživanja, količine otkupljenog mleka bile su ujednačene tokom cele godine, dok je sezona uticala na količinu mlečne masti (p lt 0,05), proteina (p lt 0,001) i suve materije bez masti u mleku-SMBM (p lt 0,001). U uzorcima mleka sa malih farmi utvrđena je veća prosečna količina mlečne masti, proteina i SMBM, Å”to se statistički razlikuje u odnosu na velike farme na nivou p lt 0,001, p lt 0,001 i p lt 0,05, redom za posmatrane osobine

    Autohtona tehnologija proizvodnje Golijskog sira

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    Autochthonous cheese manufacturing within the area of Serbia has very long tradition. These cheeses are produced without using any known starter culture. Therefore, studying of all aspects of such cheese manufacturing is very important. This approach will assure continuation of traditional way of manufacturing cheeses at the places of their origin. Moreover, research of this kind will open possibility for introduction of autochthonous cheese production at either semi-industrial or industrial level, or their presentation on different markets as well. Golija cheese belongs to the group of white soft cheeses. It is produced from nonpasteurized raw cow milk immediately after milking. Normally it is kept on the mountain for one to two months for ripening. Cheese is traditionally cut into slices and packed in distribution packaging. This production is mostly carried out by small manufacturers, what results in uneven quality and ungraded value of cheese. However, due to production in reserved region of origin, demands for Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) were satisfied. Aim of this work was to investigate autochthonous cheese manufacturing, chemical composition and microbiological quality of cheese produced on mountain Golija. Investigation of the fluctuation of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) population in Golija cheese was made by analysis of the presence of LAB in the milk of which the cheese was made, as well as in the cheese during ripening. The composition of cheese microflora was recorded in cheeses after 1, 10, 20, 30, 45 and 60 days of ripening.Autohtona proizvodnja sireva na području Srbije ima veoma dugu tradiciju. Ovi sirevi se proizvode bez koriŔćenja starter kulture. Iz tog razloga, proučavanje svih aspekata proizvodnje takvih sireva je veoma važno. Ovakav pristup će obezbediti nastavak tradicionalnog načina proizvodnje sireva na područjima odakle i potiču. Osim toga, ovakva istraživanja stvoriće mogućnost predstavljanja proizvodnje autohtonih sireva, bilo na poluindustrijskom ili industrijskom nivou, kao i njihovo prezentovanje na različitim tržiÅ”tima. Golijski sir pripada grupi mekih sireva. Proizvodi se od nepasterizovanog (sirovog) kravljeg mleka, koje se u tu svrhu koristi odmah posle muže. Uobičajeno je da sir ostaje u planinskom domaćinstvu jedan ili dva meseca dok traje period zrenja. Sir se tradicionalno seče u kriÅ”ke i pakuje u odgovarajuću ambalažu. Ovu proizvodnju uglavnom vrÅ”e mali proizvođači, Å”to ima za posledicu neujednačen kvalitet i nestandardizovanu vrednost sira. Međutim, proizvodnjom u zaÅ”tićenim regionima, zadovoljeni su zahtevi za oznaku geografskog porekla. Cilj ovog rada bio je istraživanje autohtone proizvodnje, hemijski sastav i mikrobioloÅ”ki kvalitet sira proizvedenog na planini Golija. Ispitivanje promena u populaciji bakterija mlečne kiseline (BMK) u siru sa Golije izvrÅ”eno je analizom na prisustvo BMK u mleku za proizvodnju sira, kao i u siru za vreme zrenja. Sastav mikroflore sira praćen je posle 1, 10, 20, 30, 45 i 60 dana zrenja sira

    The impact of changes in psoriasis area and severity index by body regions on quality of life in patients with psoriasis

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    Psoriasis severity varies by body region, with each affected region having a different impact on patient quality of life (QoL). The aim of this study was to assess the impact of changes in the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) scores by body region on QoL in patients with psoriasis after treatment. A total of 100 patients with psoriasis were recruited to the study. All patients completed the generic EuroQol-5D instrument and two specific QoL measures, Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI) at the beginning of the study, and 50 patients successfully completed the same questionnaires four weeks after the end of the treatment. Clinical severity was assessed using PASI total score and PASI body region (head, trunk, arms, and legs) scores. QoL improved after treatment, and PASI improvements on visible body regions (head, legs, and arms) showed significant correlation with the most sub-areas of the Visual Analog Scale (EQ VAS), DLQI, and PDI. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that PASI improvement (particularly on the head), sex, age, and disease duration were predictors of QoL score changes for most domains of the three instruments. Improvement of psoriasis in visible body regions has an appreciable influence on QoL improvement, and may positively affect treatment success in patients with psoriasis. riadPro-Regular;color:black;mso-ansi-language:EN-US; mso-fareast-language:HR;mso-bidi-language:TA\u27&gt;The proportion of ADHD in patients with AD was 7.1% as compared to 4.1% in controls. ADHD was more frequent in boys with AD (9.6% vs. 5.2%, odds ratio (OR) 1.9, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-3.2) but not in girls with AD (4.6% vs. 2.9% OR 1.5). In multivariate analyses, AD was associated with ADHD (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.3-3.4). The current study demonstrated an association between AD and ADHD. This report and earlier observations emphasize the need for detection and treatment of ADHD in atopic patients.Ā Ā </p

    Analiza rezultata kasačkih trka na distanci 1600m u 2006. godini na hipodromu 'Beograd'

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    There were 12 regular trotter races on the Belgrade Hippodrome during 2006. Two, three and four year old horses were competing at the distance of 1600 m. In global, two year old male animals had average speed of 69.029 km/h, while females were a bit slower at 67.475 km/h. Three year old males were 4 km/h faster than females of the same age (70.029 - 67.000 km/h), while four year old females were somewhat faster than males (68.178 - 67.264 km/h). From the results shown in can be concluded that three year old males and four year old females were the fastest to reach the end at 1600 m, and that trotters of both sexes were in best condition during the second half of the racing season, which can be seen from the results.Na hipodromu u Beogradu, 2006. godine, je održano 12 regularnih kasačkih trka takmičarskog karaktera. U kasačkim trkama, na distanci od 1600 m, takmičila su se dvogoda, trogoda i četvorogoda grla oba pola. Posmatrano u celini, dvogoda muŔka grla su u proseku kasala brzinom 69,029 km/h, a ženska neŔto sporije, jer je prosečna brzina kasa iznosila 67, 475 km/h. Trogoda muŔka grla su, u odnosu na ženska grla iste starosti, kasala brže za oko 3 km/h (70,029 : 67,000 km/h), dok su četvorogoda ženska grla (68,178 km/h), u odnosu na muŔka grla (67,264 km/h) kasala neznatno brže, za oko 1 km/h. Iz iznetog se može zaključiti da su muŔka trogoda, odnosno ženska četvorogoda grla najbrže stizala na cilj (distanca - staza 1600 m) i da su kasačka grla oba pola u drugoj polovini kasačke sezone (godine) bila u boljoj kasačkoj kondiciji, Ŕto pokazuju rezultati trka

    Uslovi smeŔtaja i kvalitet mleka krava sa područja Golije

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    In this work, results from examination of housing and keeping conditions of cows on six farms in the region of mountain Golija and the hygienic quality of the bulk milk samples from each of the households are presented. The factors taken into consideration were space, microclimatic and hygienic conditions of the housing. Milk quality was evaluated after collecting data of the total bacteria and somatic cells count. Results of the research showed that housing conditions are appropriate space-wise, nevertheless better microclimatic and hygienic conditions could improve the wellfare of the cows. Quality of milk was according to the standards considering somatic cells count. However, the same was not the case with total bacteria count. .U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uslova smeÅ”taja i držanja krava na Å”est farmi sa područja planine Golija, kao i higijenskog kvaliteta zbirnih uzoraka mleka iz svakog domaćinstva. U obzir su uzeti prostorni, mikroklimatski i higijenski uslovi smeÅ”taja, a kvalitet mleka procenjivan je na osnovu ukupnog broja mikroorganizama i broja somatskih ćelija. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da uslovi smeÅ”taja odgovaraju u pogledu prostornih karakteristika, a da bi korekcije u pogledu mikroklimatskih i higijenskih uslova doprinele boljoj dobrobiti krava. Kvalitet mleka uglavnom odgovara po broju somatskih ćelija, ali ne i po ukupnom broju mikroorganizama

    Uticaj primarne obrade na lipolitičke promene u sirovom

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    Milk, as one of the basic food in the human diet has to be produced according to the highest standards in order to preserve all its properties. In this context, hygiene of milk production and its processing after milking are of the great importance. The effectiveness of hygienic procedures has a positive influence on the bacteriological safety of milk, making it possible to avoid adverse effects of milk sensory characteristics. In this paper the results of the impact of applied processing technological operations to the quality of milk are presented. On different size farms, the changes of the chemical composition and physical properties of milk during cooling were investigated. Bacteriological milk accuracy is investigated by total microorganisms' number determination, with special reference to psychrophilic and lipolytic microorganisms.Mleko, kao jedna od osnovnih životnih namirnica u ishrani ljudi, mora da bude proizvedeno po najviÅ”im standardima kako bi očuvalo prirodne karakteristike. U tom smislu, od velikog značaja je higijena proizvodnje mleka i njegove obrade posle muže. Efikasnost higijenskih postupaka pozitivno utiče na bakterioloÅ”ku ispravnost mleka, čime je moguće izbeći neželjene posledice organoleptičkih promena mleka. U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati ispitivanja uticaja primenjenih tehnoloÅ”kih operacija obrade na kvalitet mleka. Na farmama različite veličine ispitivane su promene hemijskog sastava i fizičkih osobina mleka tokom hlađenja. BakterioloÅ”ka ispravnost mleka ispitana je utvrđivanjem ukupnog broja mikroorganizama, sa posebnim osvrtom na psihrofilne i lipolitičke mikroorganizme