12 research outputs found

    Комплексные геофизические исследования с целью доразведки юго-западного фланга уранового месторождения Харасан (республика Казахстан)

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    Цель работ: Комплексные геофизические иследования с целью доразведки юго-заподного фланга уранового месторождения Харасан (республика Казахстан) Объект работ: Участок Байкенже месторождения Харасан, локализованный в горизонте верхнего мела на глубинах от 610 м до 690м. Методы решения задач: анализ и обобщение геолого-геофизических материалов. На территории «Харасан» для решения геологических задач применяется комплекс геофизических методов исследования скважин. При этом, гамма-каротаж, электрокаротаж, инклинометрия выполнялись во всех скважинах, независимо от их целей, задач и назначения. Дополнительные геофизические методы, такие как каротаж мгновенных нейтронов деления (КНД-М), кавернометрия, проводятся выборочно.Purpose of work: Integrated geophysical isledovanija for the purpose of further exploration of the south- west- side attack Kharassan uranium deposit (Republic of Kazakhstan ) Object of work: Planning Baykenzhe Kharassan deposits localized in the Upper Cretaceous horizon at a depth of 610 m to 690m . Methods for solving problems : analysis and synthesis of geological and geophysical data . On " Kharassan " territory for solving complex geological tasks used geophysical methods for wells .At the same time , gamma ray , electric logging , directional survey carried out in all wells , regardless of their objectives , tasks and appointments . Additional geophysical methods , such as logging prompt fission neutron ( CPV -M ) , caliper , conducted selectively

    Molecular genetic alterations in ovarian cancer

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    Einleitung: Das p53 Tumorsuppressorgen spielt eine zentrale Rolle für Regulation des Zellzyklus und die Induktion der Apoptose. MDM2, das Protein des mdm2 Gens, bindet an p53, hemmt seine Funktion als Transkriptionsfaktor und bewirkt den raschen Abbau des Proteins. Methode: Gefriergewebe von 178 primären Ovarialkarzinomen wurde mittels PCR, SSCP Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism), DNA-Sequenzierung und Immunhistochemie auf p53 Mutationen (exon 2-11) und p53 Proteinüberexpression untersucht. Das mdm2-Gen wurde an 92 Ovarialkarzinomen, neun Borderline-Tumoren, sechs Cystadenomen und 20 normalen Ovargeweben mittels reverse Transkriptase PCR der Gesamt-RNA und Sequenzierung der mdm2-cDNA auf alternatives RNA-splicing untersucht. Ergebnisse: p53 Mutationen waren in 56% (99/178) und eine p53 Proteinüberexpression in 62% (110/178) der Ovarialkarzinome nachweisbar. Bei p53 Mutationen war die rezidivfreie und Gesamtüberlebenszeit der Patientinnen signifikant kürzer als bei p53 Wildtyp (p=0,029 und p=0,014). Patientinnen mit p53 Überexpression (p=0,001) oder p53 missense Mutationen (p=0,008) waren signifikant häufiger resistent oder refraktär gegen eine Chemotherapie mit Cis- oder Carboplatin und Cyclophosphamid als Patientinnen mit normalem p53. mdm2 alternatives oder aberrantes RNA splicing war in 66/92 (72%) der Ovarialkarzinome, 7/9 (78%) der Borderline-Tumore, 5/6 (83%) der Cystadenome und 11/20 (55%) der normalen Ovargewebe nachweisbar. Eine Gesamtzahl von 30 verschiedenen Splice-Varianten-Sequenzen wurde identifiziert, von denen 22 einen partiellen oder vollständigen Verlust der p53 Bindungsstelle aufwiesen. Bei 28/30 der Sequenzen fand das splicing nicht an Exon/Intron-Grenzen statt, so daß diese als aberrantes Splicing klassifiziert wurden. Eine splice-Variante von 654 bp (mdm2b) wurde in 41% der Ovarialkarzinome, aber nur 11% (1/9) der Borderline-Tumore und 5% (1/20) der normalen Ovargewebe exprimiert. Die Expression von mdm2b in Ovarialkarzinomen korrelierte signifikant mit schlechtem Differenzierungsgrad (p=0,004), Resttumor nach Operation (p=0,004), hoher S-phase-Fraktion (p=0,016) und p53 Proteinüberexpression (p=0,018). Eine kürzere Splice-Variante von 221 bp war in nur 16% der Ovarialkarzinome, 56% der Borderline-Tumore und 40% der normalen Ovargewebe nachweisbar und korrelierte mit frühem Stadium (p=0,017) und längerem Gesamtüberleben (p=0,048) bei Ovarialkarzinom. Zusammenfassung: p53 Alterationen korrelieren in der univariaten Analyse signifikant mit einer Resistenz gegen eine platinhaltige Chemotherapie, frühem Rezidiv und kürzerem Gesamtüberleben bei Ovarialkarzinom. In der multivariablen Analyse ist p53 jedoch kein unabhängiger Prognosefaktor. mdm2 alternatives und aberrantes Splicing sind in Ovarialkarzinomen häufig, kommen aber auch in normalem Ovargewebe vor. Während die Expression der mdm2b Splice-Variante mit histologisch aggressiveren Tumoren assoziiert war, kamen kürzere Splice-Varianten typischerweise in frühen Ovarialkarzinomen und benignen Geweben vor. mdm2 Alterationen stabilisieren möglicherweise das p53 Protein und führen ohne Vorhandensein einer p53 Mutation zu einer Proteinakkumulation in Ovarialkarzinomen.Objective: The p53 tumor suppressor gene plays a central role in cell cycle regulation and induction of apoptosis. MDM2, the protein of the mdm2 gene, binds to p53, inhibits its transcriptional activity and promotes nuclear export and rapid degradation of the p53 protein. Methods: Frozen tissue of 178 ovarian carcinomas was analyzed for mutations of the p53 gene (exons 2-11) and p53 overexpression by SSCP (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism), DNA-sequencing and immunohistochemistry. 92 cases of ovarian cancer, nine borderline ovarian tumors, six cystadenomas and 20 normal ovarian tissues were analyzed for mdm2 alternative RNA splicing by reverse transcription of total RNA, nested PCR amplification of mdm2 cDNAs and DNA sequencing of RT-PCR products. Results: p53 mutations were found in 56% (99/178) and p53 protein overexpression in 62% (110/178) of the tumors. Time to progression and overall survival were significantly shortened in patients with p53 mutations compared to wildtype p53 (p=0.029 and p=0.014). Resistance to adjuvant Cis- or Carboplatin chemotherapy was significantly more frequent in patients with p53 overexpression (p=0.001) or p53 missense mutations (p=0.008) than patients with normal p53. mdm2 RNA splicing was seen in 66/92 (72%) of the ovarian carcinomas, 7/9 (78%) of borderline tumors, 5/6 (83%) of benign cystadenomas and 11/20 (55%) of the normal ovarian tissues. A total of 30 splice variant sequences were identified, out of which 22 had a partial or complete loss of the p53 binding site. 28/30 do not splice at exon/intron boundaries and were therefore considered aberrant splice variants. The mdm2b splice variant of 654 bp, which splices out most of the p53 binding domain, was expressed in 41% of ovarian carcinomas, but only in 1/9 (11%) LMP tumors, and 1/20 (5%) of the normal ovaries. Expression of mdm2b in ovarian carcinomas was significantly correlated with poor grade of differentiation (p=0.004), residual tumor after surgery (p=0.004), high S-phase fraction (p=0.016) and p53 protein overexpression (p=0.018). A small splice variant of only 221 bp was present in only 16% of the ovarian carcinomas, but 56% of borderline tumors, and 40% of normal ovarian tissues and was correlated with early stage of ovarian cancer (p=0.017) and longer overall survival (p=0.048). Conclusion: p53 alterations correlate significantly with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy, early relapse and shortened overall survival in ovarian cancer patients in univariate analysis. In multivariable analysis though, p53 was not an independent prognostic factor. mdm2 alternative and aberrant splicing was found frequently in ovarian tumors but also in normal ovarian tissue. While expression of the mdm2b splice variant was associated with histologically more aggressive ovarian carcinomas, smaller size variants were typically seen in early stage ovarian carcinomas and benign tissues. mdm2 alterations may stabilize p53 protein and cause p53 accumulation in the absence of p53 mutation in ovarian tumors

    The EndoPredict Gene-Expression Assay in Clinical Practice - Performance and Impact on Clinical Decisions.

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    The validated EndoPredict assay is a novel tool to predict the risk of metastases of patients with estrogen receptor positive, HER2 negative breast cancer treated with endocrine therapy alone. It has been designed to integrate genomic and clinical information and includes clinico-pathological factors such as tumor size and nodal status. The test is feasible in a decentral setting in molecular pathology laboratories. In this project, we investigated the performance of this test in clinical practice, and performed a retrospective evaluation of its impact on treatment decisions in breast cancer. During one year, EndoPredict assays from 167 patients could be successfully performed. For retrospective evaluation of treatment decisions, a questionnaire was sent to the clinical partner. Regarding the molecular EP class, samples from 56 patients (33.5%) had a low-risk, whereas 111 patients (66.5%) showed a high-risk gene profile. After integration of the clinicopathological factors the combined clinical and molecular score (EPclin) resulted in a low-risk group of 77 patients (46.4%), while 89 (53.6%) had a high risk EPclin score. The EPclin-based estimated median 10-year-risk for metastases with endocrine therapy alone was 11% for the whole cohort. The median handling time averaged three days (range: 0 to 11 days), 59.3% of the tests could be performed in three or less than three days. Comparison of pre- and post-test therapy decisions showed a change of therapy in 37.7% of patients. 16 patients (12.3%) had a change to an additional chemotherapy while 25.4% of patients (n = 33) changed to an endocrine therapy alone. In 73 patients (56.2%) no change of therapy resulted. In 6.1% of patients (n = 8), the patients did not agree to the recommendation of the tumor board. Our results show that the EndoPredict assay could be routinely performed in decentral molecular pathology laboratories and the results markedly change treatment decisions

    Therapy decision related to the molecular risk score EP and the combined clinical and molecular score (EPclin).

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    <p>Association between the molecular risk score EP, the combined clinical and molecular score (EPclin) and therapy decision (A). The group of patient’s desire for other therapy was excluded. The dotted vertical line marks the cutoff values of the molecular risk score EP, the broken horizontal line marks the cutoff value of the combined clinical and molecular score (EPclin). Additionally, the therapy decisions related to the combined clinical and molecular score (EPclin) are shown (B). The broken horizontal line marks the cutoff value of the combined clinical and molecular score (EPclin), the continuous line indicates the median.</p

    Distribution of the molecular risk score EP related to the histological grade and mitotic index.

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    <p>Distribution of the molecular risk score EP related to the histological grade (A) as well as to the mitotic index (B). The continuous line revealed the median, the dotted line highlighted the cutoff point of the molecular risk score EP. The cutoff point of ki67 was extracted from the St. Gallen guidelines <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0068252#pone.0068252-Goldhirsch1" target="_blank">[2]</a>.</p