49 research outputs found

    Nutritional regulation of gene expression: carbohydrate-, fat- and amino acid-dependent modulation of transcriptional activity

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    The ability to detect changes in nutrient levels and generate an adequate response to these changes is essential for the proper functioning of living organisms. Adaptation to the high degree of variability in nutrient intake requires precise control of metabolic pathways. Mammals have developed different mechanisms to detect the abundance of nutrients such as sugars, lipids and amino acids and provide an integrated response. These mechanisms include the control of gene expression (from transcription to translation). This review reports the main molecular mechanisms that connect nutrients' levels, gene expression and metabolism in health. The manuscript is focused on sugars' signaling through the carbohydrate-responsive element binding protein (ChREBP), the role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in the response to fat and GCN2/activating transcription factor 4 (ATF4) and mTORC1 pathways that sense amino acid concentrations. Frequently, alterations in these pathways underlie the onset of several metabolic pathologies such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases or cancer. In this context, the complete understanding of these mechanisms may improve our knowledge of metabolic diseases and may offer new therapeutic approaches based on nutritional interventions and individual genetic makeup

    Pig liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase. Chimera studies show that both the N- and C-terminal regions of the enzyme are important for the unusual high malonyl-CoA sensitivity

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    Pig and rat liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (L-CPTI) share common K(m) values for palmitoyl-CoA and carnitine. However, they differ widely in their sensitivity to malonyl-CoA inhibition. Thus, pig l-CPTI has an IC(50) for malonyl-CoA of 141 nm, while that of rat L-CPTI is 2 microm. Using chimeras between rat L-CPTI and pig L-CPTI, we show that the entire C-terminal region behaves as a single domain, which dictates the overall malonyl-CoA sensitivity of this enzyme. The degree of malonyl-CoA sensitivity is determined by the structure adopted by this domain. Using deletion mutation analysis, we show that malonyl-CoA sensitivity also depends on the interaction of this single domain with the first 18 N-terminal amino acid residues. We conclude that pig and rat L-CPTI have different malonyl-CoA sensitivity, because the first 18 N-terminal amino acid residues interact differently with the C-terminal domain. This is the first study that describes how interactions between the C- and N-terminal regions can determine the malonyl-CoA sensitivity of L-CPTI enzymes using active C-terminal chimeras

    Replantejament del disseny i sistema d鈥檃valuaci贸 del Treball Final de Grau en el grau de Nutrici贸 humana i diet猫tica

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    Projecte: 2019PID-UB/010El Treball Final de Grau (TFG) del grau de Nutrici贸 humana i diet猫tica (NHD) 茅s un treball individual que suposa la integraci贸 dels coneixements i les compet猫ncies adquirits al llarg de la titulaci贸. Consisteix en l鈥檈laboraci贸, la presentaci贸 i la defensa d鈥檜n projecte o estudi en l鈥櫭爉bit de la Nutrici贸 Humana i Diet猫tica. L鈥檕bjectiu global d鈥檃quest projecte d鈥檌nnovaci贸 docent (PID) ha sigut la reestructuraci贸 del format del TFG orientant-lo a l鈥檃ctivitat professional i dissenyar instruments de tutoritzaci贸 i avaluaci贸 de l鈥檃prenentatge associat al TFG. A partir dels resultats de les enquestes realitzades i d鈥檜na jornada organitzada per a tutors del TFG s鈥檋a dut a terme, conjuntament amb la Comissi贸 del TFG (CTFG), una remodelaci贸 de l'estructura del TFG on cada tipologia de treball presenta una estructura adaptada a les seves caracter铆stiques espec铆fiques. S'ha actualitzat la normativa i s'ha elaborat una guia/document de pautes i normes amb informaci贸 relativa a l'estructura i el format dels treballs. Pel que fa a l鈥檃valuaci贸, s鈥檋an elaborat noves guies d鈥檃valuaci贸 i s鈥檋a introdu茂t un vistiplau que el tutor ha de signar abans de l鈥檈ntrega del treball per part de l鈥檈studiant. Despr茅s de la prova pilot realitzada durant el curs acad猫mic 2020-21, amb molt bona acceptaci贸 per part del professorat, comissions d'avaluaci贸 i estudiants, actualment les novetats implementades ja es troben consolidades

    Nutritional regulation of fibroblast growth factor 21: from macronutrients to bioactive dietary compounds

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    Obesity is a worldwide health problem mainly due to its associated comorbidities. Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a peptide hormone involved in metabolic homeostasis in healthy individuals and considered a promising therapeutic candidate for the treatment of obesity. FGF21 is predominantly produced by the liver but also by other tissues, such as white adipose tissue (WAT), brown adipose tissue (BAT), skeletal muscle, and pancreas in response to different stimuli such as cold and different nutritional challenges that include fasting, high-fat diets (HFDs), ketogenic diets, some amino acid-deficient diets, low protein diets, high carbohydrate diets or specific dietary bioactive compounds. Its target tissues are essentially WAT, BAT, skeletal muscle, heart and brain. The effects of FGF21 in extra hepatic tissues occur through the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)-1c together with the co-receptor 尾-klotho (KLB). Mechanistically, FGF21 interacts directly with the extracellular domain of the membrane bound cofactor KLB in the FGF21- KLB-FGFR complex to activate FGFR substrate 2伪 and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Mice lacking KLB are resistant to both acute and chronic effects of FGF21. Moreover, the acute insulin sensitizing effects of FGF21 are also absent in mice with specific deletion of adipose KLB or FGFR1. Most of the data show that pharmacological administration of FGF21 has metabolic beneficial effects. The objective of this review is to compile existin

    Molecular metabolic response of diet-induced obese mice to a polyphenol mixture beverage based on Mediterranean Diet consumption

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessi贸 1. P貌ster n煤m.

    Metabolic Impact of Flavonoids Consumption in Obesity: From Central to Peripheral

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    The prevention and treatment of obesity is primary based on the follow-up of a healthy lifestyle, which includes a healthy diet with an important presence of bioactive compounds such as polyphenols. For many years, the health benefits of polyphenols have been attributed to their anti-oxidant capacity as free radical scavengers. More recently it has been described that polyphenols activate other cell-signaling pathways that are not related to ROS production but rather involved in metabolic regulation. In this review, we have summarized the current knowledge in this field by focusing on the metabolic e ects of flavonoids. Flavonoids are widely distributed in the plant kingdom where they are used for growing and defensing. They are structurally characterized by two benzene rings and a heterocyclic pyrone ring and based on the oxidation and saturation status of the heterocyclic ring flavonoids are grouped in seven di erent subclasses. The present work is focused on describing the molecular mechanisms underlying the metabolic impact of flavonoids in obesity and obesity-related diseases. We described the e ects of each group of flavonoids in liver, white and brown adipose tissue and central nervous system and the metabolic and signaling pathways involved on them

    Green tea catechin inhibits fatty acid synthase without stimulating carnitine Palmitoyltransferase-1 or inducing weight loss in experimental animals

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    Background: The enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN) is highly expressed in many human carcinomas and its inhibition is cytotoxic to human cancer cells. The use of FASN inhibitors has been limited until now by anorexia and weight loss, which is associated with the stimulation of fatty acid oxidation. Materials and Methods: The in vitro effect of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on fatty acid metabolism enzymes, on apoptosis and on cell signalling was evaluated. In vivo, the effect of EGCG on animal body weight was addressed. Results: EGCG inhibited FASN activity, induced apoptosis and caused a marked decrease of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT and extracellular (signal)-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 proteins, in breast cancer cells. EGCG did not induce a stimulatory effect on CPT-1 activity in vitro (84% of control), or on animal body weight in vivo (99% of control). Conclusion: EGCG is a FASN inhibitor with anticancer activity which does not exhibit cross-activation of fatty acid oxidation and does not induce weight loss, suggesting its potential use as an anticancer drug

    Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 and the Adaptive Response to Nutritional Challenges.

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    The Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 (FGF21) is considered an attractive therapeutic target for obesity and obesity-related disorders due to its beneficial effects in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. FGF21 response is essential under stressful conditions and its metabolic effects depend on the inducer factor or stress condition. FGF21 seems to be the key signal which communicates and coordinates the metabolic response to reverse different nutritional stresses and restores the metabolic homeostasis. This review is focused on describing individually the FGF21-dependent metabolic response activated by some of the most common nutritional challenges, the signal pathways triggering this response, and the impact of this response on global homeostasis. We consider that this is essential knowledge to identify the potential role of FGF21 in the onset and progression of some of the most prevalent metabolic pathologies and to understand the potential of FGF21 as a target for these diseases. After this review, we conclude that more research is needed to understand the mechanisms underlying the role of FGF21 in macronutrient preference and food intake behavior, but also in 尾-klotho regulation and the activity of the fibroblast activation protein (FAP) to uncover its therapeutic potential as a way to increase the FGF21 signaling

    FOXO1 represses PPAR伪-Mediated induction of FGF21 gene expression

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    Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) has emerged as a metabolic regulator that exerts potent anti-diabetic and lipid-lowering effects in animal models of obesity and type 2 diabetes, showing a protective role in fatty liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma progression. Hepatic expression of FGF21 is regulated by PPARa and is induced by fasting. Ablation of FoxO1 in liver has been shown to increase FGF21 expression in hyperglycemia. To better understand the role of FOXO1 in the regulation of FGF21 expression we have modified HepG2 human hepatoma cells to overexpress FoxO1 and PPARa. Here we show that FoxO1 represses PPARa-mediated FGF21 induction, and that the repression acts on the FGF21 gene promoter without affecting other PPARa target genes. Additionally, we demonstrate that FoxO1 physically interacts with PPARa and that FoxO1/3/4 depletion in skeletal muscle contributes to increased Fgf21 tissue levels. Taken together, these data indicate that FOXO1 is a PPARa-interacting protein that antagonizes PPARa activity on the FGF21 promoter. Because other PPARa target genes remained unaffected, these results suggest a highly specific mechanism implicated in FGF21 regulation. We conclude that FGF21 can be specifically modulated by FOXO1 in a PPARa-dependent manner. (c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    (-)-Epigallocatechin 3-Gallate Synthetic Analogues Inhibit Fatty Acid Synthase and Show Anticancer Activity in Triple Negative Breast Cancer.

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    ()-Epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) is a natural polyphenol from green tea with reported anticancer activity and capacity to inhibit the lipogenic enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN), which is overexpressed in several human carcinomas. To improve the pharmacological profile of EGCG, we previously developed a family of EGCG derivatives and the lead compounds G28, G37 and G56 were characterized in HER2-positive breast cancer cells overexpressing FASN. Here, diesters G28, G37 and G56 and two G28 derivatives, monoesters M1 and M2, were synthesized and assessed in vitro for their cytotoxic, FASN inhibition and apoptotic activities in MDA-MB-231 triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells. All compounds displayed moderate to high cytotoxicity and significantly blocked FASN activity, monoesters M1 and M2 being more potent inhibitors than diesters. Interestingly, G28, M1, and M2 also diminished FASN protein expression levels, but only monoesters M1 and M2 induced apoptosis. Our results indicate that FASN inhibition by such polyphenolic compounds could be a new strategy in TNBC treatment, and highlight the potential anticancer activities of monoesters. Thus, G28, G37, G56, and most importantly M1 and M2, are anticancer candidates (alone or in combination) to be further characterized in vitro and in vivo