8 research outputs found

    Verslo organizacijų klimato įvertinimo galimybės

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    Organizational climate has been widely discussed in the literature since the concept of social climate was proposed. They perceived organizational climate as a set of properties of the working environment which can be measured. In the article we present three set of theories of organizational climate concepts, which were found in the literature.The wide spectrum of organizational climate and performance surveys suggests that there are relationship between the climate dimensions and all kind of organizational performance indicators. It is suggested, that for a plan of activities for improving effectiveness of all organization may be used climate surveys.The purpose of this survey is to evaluate organizational climate is Lithuanian business organizations using the questionnaire which was created by the author of the article.Sample: 6 Lithuanian organizations from the service business sector, total of 591 employees. All organizations are among the firs seventh leaders of their practice field.Method: Organizational climate questionnaire (constructed by author of the article) was used in this survey. Factorial analysis distinguishes eight factors (scales): evaluations of employee attempts and performance; interrelations and respect; flexibility and quality of organization performance; employee struggle; goals knowledge; organization magnitude; cooperation; work organization. The research has been carried out in 2003–2004.Results of this survey shows, that all organizations have common peculiarities of organizational climate. Perceived as the best organizational climate aspects are organization magnitude, employee struggle, interrelations and respect; perceived as the worst organizational climate aspects are evaluation of employee attempts and performance and work organization. There was found significant differences in perceived organization conditions between managers and employees and between business departments and business support departments, what request more in depth survey. Organizational climate of two organizations are described in detail. It is suggested, that created questionnaire can be used to asses organizational climate and be useful tool for the organizational development practitioner and researcher. Practical implications and suggestions for future research are proposed.Daugelio tyrimų rezultatai rodo, kad organizacijos klimatas ir jos veiklos rezultatai yra susiję. Organizacijos klimato matavimas gali būti atspirties taškas planuojant veiklos tobulinimo, siekiant didesnio efektyvumo, pokyčius. Straipsnyje pristatytos trys organizacijos klimato teorijų grupės ir atliktas tyrimas, siekiant aprašyti Lietuvos verslo organizacijų klimatą. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos verslo organizacijų klimatą taikant tam sukurtą metodiką. Tyrimui keliami uždaviniai: 1) parengti organizacijos klimato vertinimo metodiką; 2) išanalizuoti organizacijos klimato ypatybes, būdingas Lietuvos verslo organizacijoms. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad Lietuvos verslo organizacijų klimatas turi bendrų ypatumų: geriausiai yra vertinama organizacijos svarba darbuotojams (didžiavimasis organizacija), darbuotojų pastangos ir tarpusavio santykiai bei pagarba, o blogiausiai – darbuotojų veiklos ir pastangų įvertinimas bei darbo organizavimas. Sukurta metodika patikrinta tiriant Lietuvos verslo organizacijas. Ji leidžia įvertinti bei aprašyti organizacijos klimatą ir gali būti pagrindas aiškinantis, kokia yra organizacijos būklė

    Darbuotojų profesinio saviveiksmingumo, struktūrinio įgalinimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą sąsajos

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    Nowadays the competitive advantage of any organization mainly relies not only on technologies or material resources but also on competitive, energetic, engaged employees, who are willing to share their knowledge, skills, and experience. Organizations must not only recruit talents but also inspire them and create the conditions in which they reveal themselves and have the prospect for professional growth. According to Bandura (1982), the personal belief of how well one can execute courses of action required to deal with prospective situations may become crucial for work success. The present study integrates Bandura’s (1982; 1989) Social Cognitive, Kanter’s (1977; 1979) Structural Empowerment, and Schaufeli and Bakker’s(2004) Work Engagement theories and is aimed (1) to analyze the relationships between employee occupational self-efficacy, structural empowerment, and work engagement and (2) to determine the role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationships between the elements of structural empowerment and work engagement. A total of 1636 specialist level employees from one Lithuanian public sector organization were surveyed online. Ninety four percent of the respondents were female, six percent were male. The average age of the respondents was 45.71 (SD = 10.34) years, with the average of 8.29 (SD = 7.23) years of working experience. All respondents had higher education. Occupational self-efficacy was measured using the Schyns & von Collani (2002) OCCSEEF scale (short version), structural empowerment elements (access to opportunity, information, support, and resources, informal power and formal power) were measured using the Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire – II (CWEQ – II) (Laschinger, Finegan, Shamian, & Wilk, 2001), and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova, 2006) was used to measure work engagement. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was applied to determine the mediating role of occupational self-efficacy in the relationships between elements of structural empowerment and work engagement. The analysis revealed that all dimensions of structural empowerment positively predicted occupational self-efficacy, and that occupational self-efficacy positively predicted work engagement. Formal power directly positively predicted work engagement, occupational self-efficacy fully mediated the relationship between informal power and work engagement and partially mediated the relationships between certain predictors (access to opportinity, information, and resources) and work engagement. Despite some limitations (e.g., this being a cross-sectional study, and that specialist level employees were surveyed from one organization), the results of the study highlighted, first, that employee occupational self-efficacy and work engagement might be strengthened by empowering organizational structures, and, second, that occupational self-efficacy is an important personal characteristic explaining the relationships between empowering organizational structures and employee work engagement. Perspectives for future research and practical implications are discussed.Šiuolaikinių organizacijų konkurencinis pranašumas labiau priklauso ne nuo technologijų ar materialinių išteklių, o nuo darbuotojų, kurie yra kompetentingi, energingi, įsitraukę į darbą ir pasirengę į jį investuoti žinias, įgūdžius, patirtį. Organizacijos turi ne tik įdarbinti talentus, bet ir juos įkvėpti bei sukurti sąlygas, kuriomis jie atsiskleidžia ir turi profesinio augimo perspektyvų. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas darbuotojų profesinio saviveiksmingumo reiškinys, integruojant Bandura (1982; 1989) socialinę kognityvinę, Kanter (1979) įgalinimo teorijas ir Schaufeli ir Bakker (2004) įsitraukimo į darbą koncepciją. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti darbuotojų profesinio saviveiksmingumo, struktūrinio įgalinimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą sąsajas. Tyrime dalyvavo 1 636 vienos viešojo sektoriaus organizacijos darbuotojai, tyrimo metodas – anketinė apklausa. Naudotos profesinio saviveiksmingumo, struktūrinio įgalinimo ir įsitraukimo į darbą vertinimo priemonės. Rezultatai: visi struktūrinio įgalinimo dėmenys tiesiogiai prognozuoja profesinį saviveiksmingumą, didesnis saviveiksmingumas numato didesnį įsitraukimą į darbą. Formali galia numato įsitraukimą į darbą tiesiogiai, neformali galia veikia tik per tarpinį kintamąjį – profesinį saviveiksmingumą, o prieigos prie informacijos, galimybių, išteklių ryšį su įsitraukimu į darbą profesinis saviveiksmingumas veikia kaip dalinis tarpinis kintamasis. Šie įgalinimo būdai numato įsitraukimą į darbą iš dalies tiesiogiai ir iš dalies – per profesinį saviveiksmingumą. Tyrime patvirtinta profesinio saviveiksmingumo reikšmė organizacinės makroaplinkos veiksnių ryšiams su darbuotojų įsitraukimu į darbą. Straipsnyje aptariamos ir praktinio pritaikymo galimybės

    Meistriškumo dirbti strategijų vaidmuo išsekimo ir darbo išteklių sąsajoms: pedagogų imties tyrimas

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    Exhaustion at work is defined as a state of intensive physical, emotional and cognitive strain (Demerouti et al., 2001). Being related to physical and psycho­logical health impairment (Hakkanen & Schaufeli, 2012), lower performance (Bakker & Heuven, 2006; Taris, 2006) and turnover (Schaufeli, Bakker, & Van Rhenen, 2009), its antecedents have widely attracted researchers’ attention. One of the most prominent theoretical frameworks for analyzing exhaustion is the Job Demands-Resources Model, which is developed by Bakker and Demerouti (2007; 2014). The model states that it’s the disbalance betweeb job demands and job resources that lead to higher levels of exhaustion. Not surprisingly, most of the interventions are aimed at increasng job resources (Leiter & Maslach, 2014). Moreover, lately, the proactive role of the employee (i. e., job crafting) in shaping his/her working envi­ronment has been recognized (Tims & Bakker, 2010; Wrzesniewski & Dutton, 2001). However, the empiri­cal data on the interaction between job resources and job crafting is still lacking. Therefore, the study was conducted with the aim to determine the role of job crafting in the relationship betweeb job resources and exhaustion.A total of 341 teachers from various state schools in Lithuania were surveyed. Ninety two percent of the respondents were female, eight percent were male. The average age of respondents was 46.36 (SD = 10.64) years, with the average of 23.59 (SD = 11.16) years of working experience. Most of the respondents (85%) had higher education.The analysis revealed job crafting to moderate the relationship between job resources and exhaustion. More precisely, job resources were negatively related to exhaustion when employees engaged in particular job crafting strategies. The results of the study showed that autonomy, the opportunity to develop and social support were related to lower exhaustion only when the teachers had increased structural job resources, that is, when they tried to use their capacities to the fullest in developing professionally and learning new things at work. Moreoever, autonomy and social sup­port negatively predicted exhaustion when employees aimed at increasing challenging demands. In other words, flexibility in the planning and execution of one’s job and being able to ask colleagues for help and support was related to lower levels of exhaustion only when teachers regularly took on extra tasks, tried to make their work more challenging and proactively offered themselves for interesting projects. In general, the results of the study highlight the importance of the proactive behavior of employees in using job resources to diminish exhaustion. Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – nustatyti darbo išteklių ir meistriškumo dirbti strategijų sąveiką prognozuojant išsekimą darbe. Tyrime dalyvavo 341 pedagogas iš įvairių Lietuvos mokyklų. Tyrimas parodė, kad meistriškumo dirbti strategijų taikymas moderuoja darbo išteklių ir išsekimo darbe sąsajas. Autonomijos, galimybės tobulėti ir kolegų paramos ištekliai yra susiję su mažesniu išsekimu tik tada, kai pedagogai siekia didinti struktūrinius išteklius, t. y. ugdyti ir panaudoti darbe savo gebėjimus. Be to, nustatyta, kad autonomija ir kolegų parama taip pat susijusi su mažesniu išsekimu, kai darbuotojai siekia iššūkių savo darbe, t. y. apie atsiradusias naujoves sužino ir jas išbando, imasi papildomų užduočių ir naujų projektų, patys pasisiūlo prisidėti prie naujų veiklų

    Organization development : methods and evaluation of planned organizational climate change

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    Organizacijos klimatas, kaip svarbus jos veiklos aspektas, parodantis „organizacijos sveikatos būklę“ (Stephen, 1998). Tyrinėjant organizacijos klimatą siekiama išsiaiškinti, kaip jis susijęs su organizacijos veiklos kokybe ir pasiektais rezultatais. Straipsnyje pristatomas vienos Lietuvos organizacijos veiklos tobulinimo atvejis. Organizacijos klimato vertinimas leido aiškiai nustatyti tobulintinas organizacijos veiklos sritis ir planuoti poveikio priemones. Šios organizacijos tobulintinos sritys – kasdienio darbo organizavimas, bendradarbiavimas tarp padalinių ir darbuotojų veiklos bei pastangų įvertinimas. Suplanuotos ir įgyvendintos poveikio priemonės (strateginio planavimo ir komunikavimo renginiai, klientų aptarnavimo standarto rengimas, darbo aprašų darbuotojams rengimas, vadovų funkcijų atskyrimas), kuriomis buvo siekiama tobulinti organizacijos veiklą. Antrasis organizacijos klimato tyrimas parodė, kad darbuotojų organizacijos klimato vertinimai statistiškai reikšmingai pagerėjo ten, kur buvo nukreiptos intervencijos („darbo organizavimas“, „bendradarbiavimas“, „darbuotojų veiklos ir pastangų įvertinimas“) ir kartu pagerino darbuotojų tarpusavio santykių vertinimą bei pagarbą. Taigi, tikslingais ir planingais veiksmais galima keisti organizacijos klimatą, gerinti jo kokybę. Tai ilgalaikis procesas, reikalaujantis didelio skaičiaus darbuotojų įsitraukimo ir vadovų įsipareigojimo vykdomiems pokyčiams. Organizacijos darbuotojų dalyvavimas, nuolatinis grįžtamasis ryšys apie vykstančias intervencijas ir vadovų įsipareigojimas planuojant ir diegiant pokyčius yra kritinis organizacijos klimato keitimo sėkmės faktorius.Organisational climate is an important aspect of the organisation which shows “the state of health of the organisation” (Stephen, 1998). The study of organisational climate aims to find out how it is related to the quality of organisation’s activities and the results achieved. The paper presents the case of the improvement of activities of one Lithuanian organisation. The evaluation of organisational climate allowed clearly establishing the areas of activity to be improved and planning impact measures. The areas to be improved in this organisation include the organisation of daily operations, cooperation between divisions, and the assessment of employees’ performance. Impact measures (strategic planning and communication events, preparation of the standard for customer service, preparation of job descriptions for employees, separation of functions of managers) to improve organisation’s activities were planned and implemented. The second study of organisational climate showed that employees’ evaluation of organisation climate statistically significantly improved where interventions occurred (“work organisation”, “cooperation”, “employees’ performance assessment”) and enhanced the evaluation of mutual relations and respect of employees. Thus, targeted and planned action may help to change organisational climate and enhance its quality. It is a long-term process, which requires involvement of a large number of employees and the top management’s commitment to ongoing changes. Involvement of the organisation’s employees, constant feedback on interventions and the top management’s commitment to the planning and implementing changes is the critical success factor of the change of organisational climate

    Organizational climate assessment possibilities in business organizations

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    The result of numerous researches indicates that the organisational climate and the results of its operations are related. The measurement of the organisational climate may be a starting point in planning changes and improving activity. The article presents three groups of the organisational climate theories, and the study attempting to describe the climate of the Lithuanian business organisations. The goal of research was the assessment of climate of the Lithuanian business organisations by applying the specifically developed method. Tasks of the research included: 1) preparation of a method for the assessment of the organisational climate; 2) analysis of the organisational climate specifics characteristic for the Lithuanian business organisations. The obtained results indicate that the climate of the Lithuanian business organisations has common points: the importance of organisation for employees was assessed the highest (being proud about the own organisation), along with the efforts of employees and their mutual relations and respect, whereas the assessment of efforts and activities of employees and the organisation of work were assessed the worst. The developed method was verified by applying it in business organisations. It enables to assess the organisational climate and can be a basis for evaluating the condition of organisation