Organizational climate assessment possibilities in business organizations


The result of numerous researches indicates that the organisational climate and the results of its operations are related. The measurement of the organisational climate may be a starting point in planning changes and improving activity. The article presents three groups of the organisational climate theories, and the study attempting to describe the climate of the Lithuanian business organisations. The goal of research was the assessment of climate of the Lithuanian business organisations by applying the specifically developed method. Tasks of the research included: 1) preparation of a method for the assessment of the organisational climate; 2) analysis of the organisational climate specifics characteristic for the Lithuanian business organisations. The obtained results indicate that the climate of the Lithuanian business organisations has common points: the importance of organisation for employees was assessed the highest (being proud about the own organisation), along with the efforts of employees and their mutual relations and respect, whereas the assessment of efforts and activities of employees and the organisation of work were assessed the worst. The developed method was verified by applying it in business organisations. It enables to assess the organisational climate and can be a basis for evaluating the condition of organisation

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