1,869 research outputs found

    Room temperature electron spin relaxation in GaInNAs multiple quantum wells at 1.3 mu m

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    The authors report a direct measurement of electron spin relaxation in GaInNAs semiconductor multiple quantum wells at room temperature. Multiple quantum wells of widths 5.8, 7, and 8 nm exhibiting excitonic absorption around 1.3 mu m have been studied. Spin relaxation times were found to increase with well width in the range of 77-133 ps. The spin relaxation time dependence on first electron confinement energy suggests the Elliot-Yafet mechanism [A. Tackeuchi , Physica B 272, 318 (1999)] as the dominant relaxation process. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.</p

    A study on the false positive rate of Stegdetect

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    In this paper we analyse Stegdetect, one of the well-known image steganalysis tools, to study its false positive rate. In doing so, we process more than 40,000 images randomly downloaded from the Internet using Google images, together with 25,000 images from the ASIRRA (Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access) public corpus. The aim of this study is to help digital forensic analysts, aiming to study a large number of image files during an investigation, to better understand the capabilities and the limitations of steganalysis tools like Stegdetect. The results obtained show that the rate of false positives generated by Stegdetect depends highly on the chosen sensitivity value, and it is generally quite high. This should support the forensic expert to have better interpretation in their results, and taking the false positive rates into consideration. Additionally, we have provided a detailed statistical analysis for the obtained results to study the difference in detection between selected groups, close groups and different groups of images. This method can be applied to any steganalysis tool, which gives the analyst a better understanding of the detection results, especially when he has no prior information about the false positive rate of the tool

    Merging fragments of classical logic

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    We investigate the possibility of extending the non-functionally complete logic of a collection of Boolean connectives by the addition of further Boolean connectives that make the resulting set of connectives functionally complete. More precisely, we will be interested in checking whether an axiomatization for Classical Propositional Logic may be produced by merging Hilbert-style calculi for two disjoint incomplete fragments of it. We will prove that the answer to that problem is a negative one, unless one of the components includes only top-like connectives.Comment: submitted to FroCoS 201

    On the edge of a new frontier: Is gerontological social work in the UK ready to meet twenty-first-century challenges?

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website. Copyright @ 2013 The Authors.This article explores the readiness of gerontological social work in the UK for meeting the challenges of an ageing society by investigating the focus on work with older people in social work education and the scope of gerontological social work research. The discussion draws on findings from two exploratory studies: a survey of qualifying master's programmes in England and a survey of the content relating to older people over a six-year period in four leading UK social work journals. The evidence from master's programmes suggests widespread neglect of ageing in teaching content and practice learning. Social work journals present a more nuanced picture. Older people emerge within coverage of generic policy issues for adults, such as personalisation and safeguarding, and there is good evidence of the complexity of need in late life. However, there is little attention to effective social work interventions, with an increasingly diverse older population, or to the quality of gerontological social work education. The case is made for infusing content on older people throughout the social work curriculum, for extending practice learning opportunities in social work with older people and for increasing the volume and reporting of gerontological social work research.Brunel Institute for Ageing Studie

    A whole-cell biosensor for the detection of gold

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    Geochemical exploration for gold (Au) is becoming increasingly important to the mining industry. Current processes for Au analyses require sampling materials to be taken from often remote localities. Samples are then transported to a laboratory equipped with suitable analytical facilities, such as Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) or Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA). Determining the concentration of Au in samples may take several weeks, leading to long delays in exploration campaigns. Hence, a method for the on-site analysis of Au, such as a biosensor, will greatly benefit the exploration industry. The golTSB genes from Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium are selectively induced by Au(I/III)-complexes. In the present study, the golTSB operon with a reporter gene, lacZ, was introduced into Escherichia coli. The induction of golTSB::lacZ with Au(I/III)-complexes was tested using a colorimetric β-galactosidase and an electrochemical assay. Measurements of the β-galactosidase activity for concentrations of both Au(I)- and Au(III)-complexes ranging from 0.1 to 5 µM (equivalent to 20 to 1000 ng g⁻¹ or parts-per-billion (ppb)) were accurately quantified. When testing the ability of the biosensor to detect Au(I/III)-complexes(aq) in the presence of other metal ions (Ag(I), Cu(II), Fe(III), Ni(II), Co(II), Zn, As(III), Pb(II), Sb(III) or Bi(III)), cross-reactivity was observed, i.e. the amount of Au measured was either under- or over-estimated. To assess if the biosensor would work with natural samples, soils with different physiochemical properties were spiked with Au-complexes. Subsequently, a selective extraction using 1 M thiosulfate was applied to extract the Au. The results showed that Au could be measured in these extracts with the same accuracy as ICP-MS (P<0.05). This demonstrates that by combining selective extraction with the biosensor system the concentration of Au can be accurately measured, down to a quantification limit of 20 ppb (0.1 µM) and a detection limit of 2 ppb (0.01 µM).Carla M. Zammit, Davide Quaranta, Shane Gibson, Anita J. Zaitouna, Christine Ta, Joël Brugger, Rebecca Y. Lai, Gregor Grass, Frank Reit

    Bacterial Deposition of Gold on Hair: Archeological, Forensic and Toxicological Implications

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    Trace metal analyses in hair are used in archeological, forensic and toxicological investigations as proxies for metabolic processes. We show metallophilic bacteria mediating the deposition of gold (Au), used as tracer for microbial activity in hair post mortem after burial, affecting results of such analyses. Methodology/Principal Findings Human hair was incubated for up to six months in auriferous soils, in natural soil columns (Experiment 1), soils amended with mobile Au(III)-complexes (Experiment 2) and the Au-precipitating bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans (Experiment 3), in peptone-meat-extract (PME) medium in a culture of C. metallidurans amended with Au(III)-complexes (Experiment 4), and in non-auriferous soil (Experiment 5). Hair samples were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy, confocal microscopy and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. In Experiments 1–4 the Au content increased with time (P = 0.038). The largest increase was observed in Experiment 4 vs. Experiment 1 (mean = 1188 vs. 161 µg Kg−1, Fisher's least significance 0.001). The sulfur content, a proxy for hair metabolism, remained unchanged. Notably, the ratios of Au-to-S increased with time (linear trend P = 0.02) and with added Au and bacteria (linear trend, P = 0.005), demonstrating that larger populations of Au-precipitating bacteria and increased availability of Au increased the deposition of Au on the hair. Conclusion/Significance Interactions of soil biota with hair post mortem may distort results of hair analyses, implying that metal content, microbial activities and the duration of burial must be considered in the interpretation of results of archeological, forensic and toxicological hair analyses, which have hitherto been proxies for pre-mortem metabolic processesGenevieve Phillips, Frank Reith, Clifford Qualls, Abdul-Mehdi Ali, Mike Spilde and Otto Appenzelle

    Edging your bets: advantage play, gambling, crime and victimisation

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    Consumerism, industrial development and regulatory liberalisation have underpinned the ascendance of gambling to a mainstream consumption practice. In particular, the online gambling environment has been marketed as a site of ‘safe risks’ where citizens can engage in a multitude of different forms of aleatory consumption. This paper offers a virtual ethnography of an online ‘advantage play’ subculture. It demonstrates how advantage players have reinterpreted the online gambling landscape as an environment saturated with crime and victimisation. In this virtual world, advantage play is no longer simply an instrumental act concerned with profit accumulation to finance consumer desires. Rather, it acts as an opportunity for individuals to engage in a unique form of edgework, whereby the threat to one’s well-being is tested through an ability to avoid crime and victimisation. This paper demonstrates how mediated environments may act as sites for edgeworking and how the potential for victimisation can be something that is actively engaged with

    Using force covariance to derive effective stochastic interactions in dissipative particle dynamics

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    There exist methods for determining effective conservative interactions in coarse grained particle based mesoscopic simulations. The resulting models can be used to capture thermal equilibrium behavior, but in the model system we study do not correctly represent transport properties. In this article we suggest the use of force covariance to determine the full functional form of dissipative and stochastic interactions. We show that a combination of the radial distribution function and a force covariance function can be used to determine all interactions in dissipative particle dynamics. Furthermore we use the method to test if the effective interactions in dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) can be adjusted to produce a force covariance consistent with a projection of a microscopic Lennard-Jones simulation. The results indicate that the DPD ansatz may not be consistent with the underlying microscopic dynamics. We discuss how this result relates to theoretical studies reported in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Biogeochemical gold cycling selects metal-resistant bacteria that promote gold particle transformation

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    Bacteria catalyze the dissolution and re-precipitation of gold, thereby driving the biogeochemical cycle of gold. Dissolution of gold/silver and re-precipitation of gold transforms gold particles by increasing gold purity. While soluble gold complexes are highly cytotoxic, little is known about how gold cycling affects bacterial communities residing on gold particles. Micro-analysis of gold particles obtained from Western Australia revealed porous textures and aggregates of pure gold nanoparticles, attributable to gold dissolution and re-precipitation, respectively. By interpreting structure and chemistry of particles, the kinetics of gold biogeochemical cycling at the site was estimated to be 1.60 × 10−9 M year−1. Bacterial communities residing on particles were composed of Proteobacteria (42.5%), Bacteroidetes (20.1%), Acidobacteria (19.1%), Firmicutes (8.2%), Actinobacteria (3.7%), and Verrucomicrobia (3.6%). A bacterial enrichment culture obtained from particles contained a similar composition. Exposure of enrichments to increasing concentrations of soluble gold decreased community diversity and selected for metal-resistant bacteria. Lower gold concentrations, which corresponded well with the concentration from the kinetic rate, provided a selective pressure for the selection of metal-resistant organisms while retaining the overall diversity. In conclusion, biogeochemical gold cycling directly influences bacterial communities on gold particles, thereby contributing to a continuum of particle transformation.Santonu Kumar Sanyal, Jeremiah Shuster, Frank Reit