2,622 research outputs found

    Quantum robustness and phase transitions of the 3D Toric Code in a field

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    We study the robustness of 3D intrinsic topogical order under external perturbations by investigating the paradigmatic microscopic model, the 3D toric code in an external magnetic field. Exact dualities as well as variational calculations reveal a ground-state phase diagram with first and second-order quantum phase transitions. The variational approach can be applied without further approximations only for certain field directions. In the general field case, an approximative scheme based on an expansion of the variational energy in orders of the variational parameters is developed. For the breakdown of the 3D intrinsic topological order, it is found that the (im-)mobility of the quasiparticle excitations is crucial in contrast to their fractional statistics

    Finite-frequency spin conductance of a ferro-/ferrimagnetic-insulator|normal-metal interface

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    The interface between a ferro-/ferrimagnetic insulator and a normal metal can support spin currents polarized collinear with and perpendicular to the magnetization direction. The flow of angular momentum perpendicular to the magnetization direction ("transverse" spin current) takes place via spin torque and spin pumping. The flow of angular momentum collinear with the magnetization ("longitudinal" spin current) requires the excitation of magnons. In this article we extend the existing theory of longitudinal spin transport [Bender and Tserkovnyak, Phys. Rev. B 91, 140402(R) (2015)] in the zero-frequency weak-coupling limit in two directions: We calculate the longitudinal spin conductance non-perturbatively (but in the low-frequency limit) and at finite frequency (but in the limit of low interface transparency). For the paradigmatic spintronic material system YIG|Pt, we find that non-perturbative effects lead to a longitudinal spin conductance that is ca. 40% smaller than the perturbative limit, whereas finite-frequency corrections are relevant at low temperatures < 100 K only, when only few magnon modes are thermally occupied.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Theory of spin-Hall magnetoresistance in the AC (terahertz) regime

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    In bilayers consisting of a normal metal (N) with spin-orbit coupling and a ferromagnet (F), the combination of the spin-Hall effect, the spin-transfer torque, and the inverse spin-Hall effect gives a small correction to the in-plane conductivity of N, which is referred to as spin-Hall magnetoresistance (SMR). We here present a theory of the SMR and the associated off-diagonal conductivity corrections for frequencies up to the terahertz regime. We show that the SMR signal has pronounced singularities at the spin-wave frequencies of F, which identifies it as a potential tool for all-electric spectroscopy of magnon modes. A systematic change of the magnitude of the SMR at lower frequencies is associated with the onset of a longitudinal magnonic contribution to spin transport across the F-N interface.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    SN1997cy/GRB970514 - A New Piece in the GRB Puzzle?

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    We present observations of SN1997cy, a supernova discovered as part of the Mount Stromlo Abell Cluster SN Search, which does not easily fit into the traditional classification scheme for supernovae. This object's extraordinary optical properties and coincidence with GRB970514, a short duration gamma ray burst, suggest a second case, after SN1998bw/GRB980425, for a SN-GRB association. SN1997cy is among the most luminous SNe yet discovered and has a peculiar spectrum. We present evidence that SN1997cy ejected approximately 2 solar masses of 56Ni, supported by its late-time light curve, and FeII/[FeIII] lines in its spectrum, although it is possible that both these observations can be explained via circumstellar interaction. While SN1998bw and SN1997cy appear to be very different objects with respect to both their gamma ray and optical properties, SN1997cy and the optical transient associated with GRB970508 have roughly similar late-time optical behavior. This similarity may indicate that the late-time optical output of these two intrinsically bright transient events have a common physical process. Although the connection between GRB970514 and SN1997cy is suggestive, it is not conclusive. However, if this association is real, followup of short duration GRBs detected with BATSE or HETE2 should reveal objects similar to SN1997cy.Comment: 26 pages including 6 postscript figures and 3 tables. Submitted to ApJ. Re-calibrated photometry - objects are about 0.3mags brighter than in original versio

    L-Dopa modulates functional connectivity in striatal cognitive and motor networks: A double-blind placebo-controlled study

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    Functional connectivity (FC) analyses of resting-state fMRI data allow for the mapping of large-scale functional networks, and provide a novel means of examining the impact of dopaminergic challenge. Here, using a double-blind, placebo-controlled design, we examined the effect of L-dopa, a dopamine precursor, on striatal resting-state FC in 19 healthy young adults. We examined the FC of 6 striatal regions of interest (ROIs) previously shown to elicit networks known to be associated with motivational, cognitive and motor subdivisions of the caudate and putamen (Di Martino et al., 2008). In addition to replicating the previously demonstrated patterns of striatal FC, we observed robust effects of L-dopa. Specifically, L-dopa increased FC in motor pathways connecting the putamen ROIs with the cerebellum and brainstem. Although L-dopa also increased FC between the inferior ventral striatum and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex, it disrupted ventral striatal and dorsal caudate FC with the default mode network. These alterations in FC are consistent with studies that have demonstrated dopaminergic modulation of cognitive and motor striatal networks in healthy participants. Recent studies have demonstrated altered resting state FC in several conditions believed to be characterized by abnormal dopaminergic neurotransmission. Our findings suggest that the application of similar experimental pharmacological manipulations in such populations may further our understanding of the role of dopaminergic neurotransmission in those conditions

    Longitudinal identification of clinically distinct neurophenotypes in young children with fragile X syndrome

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS), due to mutations of the FMR1 gene, is the most common known inherited cause of developmental disability. The cognitive, behavioral, and neurological phenotypes observed in affected individuals can vary considerably, making it difficult to predict outcomes and determine the need for interventions. We sought to examine early structural brain growth as a potential marker for identification of clinically meaningful subgroups. Participants included 42 very young boys with FXS who completed a T1-weighted anatomical MRI and cognitive/behavioral assessment at two longitudinal time points, with mean ages of 2.89 y and 4.91 y. Topological data analysis (TDA), an unsupervised approach to multivariate pattern analysis, was applied to the longitudinal anatomical data to identify coherent but heretofore unknown subgroups. TDA revealed two large subgroups within the study population based solely on longitudinal MRI data. Post hoc comparisons of cognition, adaptive functioning, and autism severity scores between these groups demonstrated that one group was consistently higher functioning on all measures at both time points, with pronounced and significant unidirectional differences (P < 0.05 for time point 1 and/or time point 2 for each measure). These results support the existence of two longitudinally defined, neuroanatomically distinct, and clinically relevant phenotypes among boys with FXS. If confirmed by additional analyses, such information may be used to predict outcomes and guide design of targeted therapies. Furthermore, TDA of longitudinal anatomical MRI data may represent a useful method for reliably and objectively defining subtypes within other neuropsychiatric disorders

    Additive drug-specific and sex-specific risks associated with co-use of marijuana and tobacco during pregnancy: Evidence from 3 recent developmental cohorts (2003-2015).

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    BACKGROUND: Methodologic challenges related to the concomitant use (co-use) of substances and changes in policy and potency of marijuana contribute to ongoing uncertainty about risks to fetal neurodevelopment associated with prenatal marijuana use. In this study, we examined two biomarkers of fetal neurodevelopmental risk-birth weight and length of gestation-associated with prenatal marijuana use, independent of tobacco (TOB), alcohol (ALC), other drug use (OTH), and socioeconomic risk (SES), in a pooled sample (N = 1191) derived from 3 recent developmental cohorts (2003-2015) with state-of-the-art substance use measures. We examined differential associations by infant sex, and multiplicative effects associated with co-use of MJ and TOB. METHODS: Participants were mother-infant dyads with complete data on all study variables derived from Growing Up Healthy (n = 251), Behavior and Mood in Babies and Mothers (Cohorts 1 and 2; n = 315), and the Early Growth and Development Study (N = 625). We estimated direct effects on birth weight and length of gestation associated with MJ, TOB, and co-use (MJ x TOB), using linear regression analysis in the full sample, and in male (n = 654) and female (n = 537) infants, separately. RESULTS: Mean birth weight and length of gestation were 3277 g (SD = 543) and 37.8 weeks (SD = 2.0), respectively. Rates of prenatal use were as follows: any use, n = 748 (62.8%); MJ use, n = 273 (22.9%); TOB use, n = 608 (51.0%); co-use of MJ and TOB, n = 230 (19.3%); ALC use, n = 464 (39.0%); and OTH use n = 115 (9.7%.) For all infants, unique effects on birth weight were observed for any MJ use [B(SE) = -84.367(38.271), 95% C.I. -159.453 to -9.281, p = .028], any TOB use [B(SE) = -0.99.416(34.418), 95% C.I. -166.942 to -31.889, p = .004], and each cigarette/day in mean TOB use [B(SE) = -12.233(3.427), 95% C.I. -18.995 to -5.510, p \u3c .001]. Additional effects of co-use on birth weight, beyond these drug-specific effects, were not supported. In analyses stratified by sex, while TOB use was associated with lower birth weight in both sexes, MJ use during pregnancy was associated with lower birth weight of male infants [B(SE) = -153.1 (54.20); 95% C.I. -259.5 to -46.7, p = .005], but not female infants [B(SE) = 8.3(53.1), 95% C.I. -96.024 to 112.551, p = .876]. TOB, MJ, and their co-use were not associated with length of gestation. CONCLUSIONS: In this sample, intrauterine co-exposure to MJ and TOB was associated with an estimated 18% reduction in birth weight not attributable to earlier delivery, exposure to ALC or OTH drugs, nor to maternal SES. We found evidence for greater susceptibility of male fetuses to any prenatal MJ exposure. Examination of dose-dependence in relationships found in this study, using continuous measures of exposure, is an important next step. Finally, we underscore the need to consider (a) the potential moderating influence of fetal sex on exposure-related neurodevelopmental risks; and (b) the importance of quantifying expressions of risk through subtle alterations, rather than dichotomous outcomes

    The β Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence problem

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    We perform a thorough investigation of the first Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou (FPUT) recurrence in the β-FPUT chain for both positive and negative β. We show numerically that the rescaled FPUT recurrence time Tr=tr/(N+1)3 depends, for large N, only on the parameter S≡Eβ(N+1). Our numerics also reveal that for small |S|, Tr is linear in S with positive slope for both positive and negative β. For large |S|, Tr is proportional to |S|-1/2 for both positive and negative β but with different multiplicative constants. We numerically study the continuum limit and find that the recurrence time closely follows the |S|-1/2 scaling and can be interpreted in terms of solitons, as in the case of the KdV equation for the α chain. The difference in the multiplicative factors between positive and negative β arises from soliton-kink interactions that exist only in the negative β case. We complement our numerical results with analytical considerations in the nearly linear regime (small |S|) and in the highly nonlinear regime (large |S|). For the former, we extend previous results using a shifted-frequency perturbation theory and find a closed form for Tr that depends only on S. In the latter regime, we show that Tr∝|S|-1/2 is predicted by the soliton theory in the continuum limit. We then investigate the existence of the FPUT recurrences and show that their disappearance surprisingly depends only on Eβ for large N, not S. Finally, we end by discussing the striking differences in the amount of energy mixing between positive and negative β and offer some remarks on the thermodynamic limit.Published version2020-11-3

    A generalizable data-driven multicellular model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

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    BACKGROUND: Mechanistic models, when combined with pertinent data, can improve our knowledge regarding important molecular and cellular mechanisms found in cancer. These models make the prediction of tissue-level response to drug treatment possible, which can lead to new therapies and improved patient outcomes. Here we present a data-driven multiscale modeling framework to study molecular interactions between cancer, stromal, and immune cells found in the tumor microenvironment. We also develop methods to use molecular data available in The Cancer Genome Atlas to generate sample-specific models of cancer. RESULTS: By combining published models of different cells relevant to pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), we built an agent-based model of the multicellular pancreatic tumor microenvironment, formally describing cell type-specific molecular interactions and cytokine-mediated cell-cell communications. We used an ensemble-based modeling approach to systematically explore how variations in the tumor microenvironment affect the viability of cancer cells. The results suggest that the autocrine loop involving EGF signaling is a key interaction modulator between pancreatic cancer and stellate cells. EGF is also found to be associated with previously described subtypes of PDAC. Moreover, the model allows a systematic exploration of the effect of possible therapeutic perturbations; our simulations suggest that reducing bFGF secretion by stellate cells will have, on average, a positive impact on cancer apoptosis. CONCLUSIONS: The developed framework allows model-driven hypotheses to be generated regarding therapeutically relevant PDAC states with potential molecular and cellular drivers indicating specific intervention strategies
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