1,333 research outputs found

    Worries, mental and emotional health difficulties of portuguese university students

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    Copyright © Society for Science and Education, United KingdomThe aim of this study was to reach an in-depth understanding on how Portuguese university students feel towards life in general, which are their worries, how often they feel worried, and how intense their worries are. Moreover, it was intended to identify the kind of psychosocial variables involved, strategies they use as well as which are the sources of their well-being. A total of 2991 university students, participated in the quantitative study and in the qualitative study, there were 50 participants between 18 and 35 years old. A significant minority of students got worried frequently, allowing their worries to interfere significantly in their lives. Gender and age differences were found. Having worries demonstrated to be relevant and negatively associated with young people’s perception of well-being, self-regulation and resilience; showing that the mental health of the Portuguese university students is at risk, mainly when their social emotional skills are underdeveloped.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Grants: Marta Reis-SFRH/BPD/110905/2015)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Positive youth development : interactions between healthy lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial variables

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    Copyright © 2006 - 2018 The Canadian Center of Science and Education. All Rights Reserved .Copyright for this article is retained by the author(s), with first publication rights granted to the journal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The Positive Youth Development - PYD concept emphasised the importance of strengthening developmental assets in youth’s networks and contexts. This paper examines the correlation between PYD, healthy lifestyle behaviours and psychosocial variables (self-regulation, resilience, and anxiety); and the impact of PYD and psychosocial variables on healthy lifestyle behaviours. 2700 youths (73.3% girls; mean age 21.3±2.79 years) were included. Results showed that all variables mostly had significantly correlational associations. Specifically, the linear regression model evidenced that the promotion of PYD and self-regulation, along with the reduction of anxiety can be relevant for improving healthy lifestyle behaviours. Such results suggest a dynamic interdependence between all the present variables, reinforcing the need to study positive indicators for youth development. Having more knowledge in this area can help health professionals, educators, and policy-makers, in order to better plan interventions/policies and to improve an integral healthy perspective for youths, based on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    What teens know about HPV? A cross-sectional study with HBSC Portuguese survey

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    © 2016 Apex Journal InternationalGlobally, cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of death for women and is usually associated with infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). To analyse knowledge related to HPV in Portuguese adolescents, and identify the influence of gender, school year, having had sexual education/sexual intercourse in adolescents’ knowledge of HPV. The 2010 study provides national representative data of 5050 Portuguese adolescents, randomly chosen from those attending 6th, 8th and 10th grades during the 2009/2010 academic year. The sample included 52.3% girls and 47.7% males; whose mean age was 14.0 years old. Measures included knowledge of HPV transmission/prevention and having had sexual education/sexual intercourse. Overall, results showed the majority had low level of knowledge, responding incorrectly or saying they did not know the answer. Nevertheless, girls and adolescents who reported having had sex education in a school context showed significantly more knowledge than boys and adolescents who did not report having had sex education in a school context. Another result that should be emphasized is the positive effect that sex education at school had specifically in what regards knowledge about HPV. These results could have significant implications for information provision andthe targeting of future education programmes. In terms of prevention, it emphasises the need to teach about this issue, encourages HPV vaccination and regular screening for cervical cancer and other STIs, that are crucial for the promotion of healthy sexual behaviours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Alienation and health in adolescents : an original evaluation tool

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    Copyright © 2018 by authors and Open Access Library Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0).The present work aims to construct and validate a tool enabling to evaluate alienation in Portuguese adolescents. Participants were a group of adolescents that participated in the Portuguese survey of the European study Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC). For this study, only adolescents from the 8th and 10th grades were included in the sample, comprising 3869 students. The results show a good adequacy of the confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) model. This model revealed 3 subscales proposals—Demotivation, Isolation and Instability, and a full scale—Total Alienation. When analyzed in relation to other variables (gender, grade, wellbeing indicator and risk indicator), the alienation subscales showed an association between alienation and risk. These results are consistent with other studies about alienation which emphasizes that having good social relationships is associated with higher levels of wellbeing and quality of life and less involvement in risk behaviours by young peopleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular mechanism of influenza A NS1-mediated TRIM25 recognition and inhibition

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    RIG-I is a viral RNA sensor that induces the production of type I interferon (IFN) in response to infection with a variety of viruses. Modification of RIG-I with K63-linked poly-ubiquitin chains, synthesised by TRIM25, is crucial for activation of the RIG-I/MAVS signalling pathway. TRIM25 activity is targeted by influenza A virus non-structural protein 1 (NS1) to suppress IFN production and prevent an efficient host immune response. Here we present structures of the human TRIM25 coiled-coil-PRYSPRY module and of complexes between the TRIM25 coiled-coil domain and NS1. These structures show that binding of NS1 interferes with the correct positioning of the PRYSPRY domain of TRIM25 required for substrate ubiquitination and provide a mechanistic explanation for how NS1 suppresses RIG-I ubiquitination and hence downstream signalling. In contrast, the formation of unanchored K63-linked poly-ubiquitin chains is unchanged by NS1 binding, indicating that RING dimerisation of TRIM25 is not affected by NS1

    Mental health promotion in school context : validation of the ES’COOL scale for teachers

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    Copyright: © Tomé G (2018). This Article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Introduction: In general, a large proportion of young people report themselves as healthy, happy and satisfied with their circumstances. However, it was estimated that about 20%of youths experience significant stress at times, which raised concerns about the long-term impact of this distress on future adjustment. However, there is evidence that only a small proportion of young people with disorders receive treatment, and that their personal distress is steadily linked to negative outcomes at school and to overall maladjustment ...info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Valorisation of red beet waste: one-step extraction and separation of betalains and chlorophylls using thermoreversible aqueous biphasic systems

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    Globally, up to 50% of root crops, fruits and vegetables produced is wasted. Beetroot stems and leaves fit into this scenario, with only a small fraction being used in cattle food. One way of approaching this problem is through their valorisation, by extracting and recovering valuable compounds present in this type of waste that could be used in other applications, while contributing towards a circular economy. In this work, a new integrated process using thermoreversible aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of quaternary ammonium-based ionic liquids (ILs) and polypropyleneglycol 400 g mol−1 (PPG) is shown to allow the one-step extraction and separation of two pigment classes—betalains and chlorophylls—from red beet stems and leaves. The pigment extraction was carried out with a monophasic aqueous solution of the IL and PPG, whose phase separation was then achieved by a temperature switch, resulting in the simultaneous separation of chlorophylls and betalains into opposite phases. A central composite design was used to optimise the extraction parameters (time, temperature, and solid : liquid (S/L) ratio) of both pigment extraction yields, reaching at 20 °C, 70 min and a S/L ratio of 0.12 a maximum extraction yield of 6.67 wt% for betalains and 1.82 wt% for chlorophylls (per weight of biomass). Moreover, it is shown that aqueous solutions of ILs better stabilise betalains than the gold standard solvent used for the extraction method. Among the studied systems, the ABS comprising the IL N-ethyl-N-methyl-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl) bromide ([N21(2OH)(2OH)]Br) presented the best separation performance, with an extraction efficiency of 92% and 95% for chlorophylls and betalains, respectively, for opposite phases. The pigments were removed from the respective phases using affinity resins, with high recoveries: 96% for betalains and 98% for chlorophylls, further allowing the IL reuse. Finally, the cyto- and ecotoxicities of the quaternary ammonium-based ILs were determined. The obtained results disclosed low to negligible toxicity in the thousands of mg L−1 range, with [N21(2OH)(2OH)]Br being harmless from an ecotoxicological point of view. Overall, it is shown here that the developed process is an innovative approach for the one-step extraction and selective separation of pigments contributing to the valorisation of waste biomass

    Direito Comercial ou Direito Empresarial?: uma análise da adequabilidade dos designativos à luz da evolução histórica do "Ius Mercatorum"

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    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo refletir sobre qual o designativo mais apropriado para o ramo do direito privado que não o direito comum (civil), isto é, se Direito Comercial ou se Direito Empresarial. Para tanto, lançou-se mão do método histórico, onde se buscou passear pela História do Comércio e do Direito Comercial (e Empresarial), de modo a justificar o melhor e mais apropriado uso. Ademais, a pesquisa bibliográfica foi importante recurso metodológico, como modo de verificar a visão dos jus-empresarialistas (doutrina) a respeito do tema em comento; como também o foi a pesquisa pautada na análise das grades curriculares dos cursos jurídicos, sob o recorte daqueles detentores do “Selo da OAB Recomenda” (análise objetiva). A conclusão, assim, buscou se respaldar tanto em aspecto quantitativo, da tabulação auferida na pesquisa objetiva; quanto em aspecto qualitativo, oriundo de posição doutrinária mais consistente. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Direito Comercial e Empresarial. Designativos. Adequabilidade. Grades Curriculares. Jus-Empresarialistas. COMMERCIAL LAW OR BUSINESS LAW?: AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUITABILITY OF DESIGNATORS THE LIGHT OF HISTORICAL EVOLUTION IUS MERCATORUM ABSTRACT This paper aims to reflect on the most appropriate designation for the branch of private law other than the common law (civil), that is, if Commercial Law or Business Law. Therefore, it employed the historical method, which sought touring the History of Trade and Commercial Law (and Company), in order to justify the best and most appropriate use. Furthermore, the literature was important methodological resource, as a way to verify the vision of justice-empresarialistas (doctrine) on the subject under discussion; as well as the research was guided by the analysis of the curricula of legal courses, under the focus of those holders of "Seal of OAB recommended" (objective analysis). The conclusion, therefore, sought to back up both quantitative aspect, the earned tab on objective research; as in qualitative aspect, come from more consistent doctrinal position. KEYWORDS: Commercial and Corporate Law. Designators. Suitability. Curriculum grids. Jus-Empresarialistas. Data da submissão: 07/07/2015 Data da aceitação: 05/08/201

    Listeria monocytogenes encodes a functional ESX-1 secretion system whose expression is detrimental to in vivo infection

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    Bacterial pathogenicity deeply depends on the ability to secrete virulence factors that bind specific targets on host cells and manipulate host responses. The Gram-positive bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is a human foodborne pathogen that remains a seriThis work was supported for the DC lab by national funds through FCT - Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia/MEC Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia and co-funded by FEDER funds within the partnership agreement PT2020 related with the research unit number