11,508 research outputs found

    Multi-Wavelength Coverage of State Transitions in the New Black Hole X-Ray Binary Swift J1910.2-0546

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    Understanding how black holes accrete and supply feedback to their environment is one of the outstanding challenges of modern astrophysics. Swift J1910.2-0546 is a candidate black hole low-mass X-ray binary that was discovered in 2012 when it entered an accretion outburst. To investigate the binary configuration and the accretion morphology we monitored the evolution of the outburst for ~3 months at X-ray, UV, optical (B,V,R,I), and near-infrared (J,H,K) wavelengths using Swift and SMARTS. The source evolved from a hard to a soft X-ray spectral state with a relatively cold accretion disk that peaked at ~0.5 keV. A Chandra/HETG spectrum obtained during this soft state did not reveal signatures of an ionized disk wind. Both the low disk temperature and the absence of a detectable wind could indicate that the system is viewed at relatively low inclination. The multi-wavelength light curves revealed two notable features that appear to be related to X-ray state changes. Firstly, a prominent flux decrease was observed in all wavebands ~1-2 weeks before the source entered the soft state. This dip occurred in (0.6-10 keV) X-rays ~6 days later than at longer wavelengths, which could possibly reflect the viscous time scale of the disk. Secondly, about two weeks after the source transitioned back into the hard state, the UV emission significantly increased while the X-rays steadily decayed. We discuss how these observations may reflect changes in the accretion flow morphology, perhaps related to the quenching/launch of a jet or the collapse/recovery of a hot flow.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. To be published in Ap

    Quenched Averages for self-avoiding walks and polygons on deterministic fractals

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    We study rooted self avoiding polygons and self avoiding walks on deterministic fractal lattices of finite ramification index. Different sites on such lattices are not equivalent, and the number of rooted open walks W_n(S), and rooted self-avoiding polygons P_n(S) of n steps depend on the root S. We use exact recursion equations on the fractal to determine the generating functions for P_n(S), and W_n(S) for an arbitrary point S on the lattice. These are used to compute the averages ,,, , and <logWn(S)><log W_n(S)> over different positions of S. We find that the connectivity constant μ\mu, and the radius of gyration exponent ν\nu are the same for the annealed and quenched averages. However,  nlogμ+(αq2)logn ~ n log \mu + (\alpha_q -2) log n, and  nlogμ+(γq1)logn ~ n log \mu + (\gamma_q -1)log n, where the exponents αq\alpha_q and γq\gamma_q take values different from the annealed case. These are expressed as the Lyapunov exponents of random product of finite-dimensional matrices. For the 3-simplex lattice, our numerical estimation gives αq0.72837±0.00001 \alpha_q \simeq 0.72837 \pm 0.00001; and γq1.37501±0.00003\gamma_q \simeq 1.37501 \pm 0.00003, to be compared with the annealed values αa=0.73421\alpha_a = 0.73421 and γa=1.37522\gamma_a = 1.37522.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Journal of Statistical Physic

    Ocorrência de injurias mecânicas durante as operações pós-colheita e sua influência na qualidade de manga Tommy Atkins destinada ao mercado europeu.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi reconhecer e caracterizar os principais danos na manga Tommy Atkins, identificar os pontos ou etapas do processo no packing house que favorecem sua ocorrência e avaliar sua influência na qualidade do fruto

    KO-Homology and Type I String Theory

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    We study the classification of D-branes and Ramond-Ramond fields in Type I string theory by developing a geometric description of KO-homology. We define an analytic version of KO-homology using KK-theory of real C*-algebras, and construct explicitly the isomorphism between geometric and analytic KO-homology. The construction involves recasting the Cl(n)-index theorem and a certain geometric invariant into a homological framework which is used, along with a definition of the real Chern character in KO-homology, to derive cohomological index formulas. We show that this invariant also naturally assigns torsion charges to non-BPS states in Type I string theory, in the construction of classes of D-branes in terms of topological KO-cycles. The formalism naturally captures the coupling of Ramond-Ramond fields to background D-branes which cancel global anomalies in the string theory path integral. We show that this is related to a physical interpretation of bivariant KK-theory in terms of decay processes on spacetime-filling branes. We also provide a construction of the holonomies of Ramond-Ramond fields in Type II string theory in terms of topological K-chains.Comment: 40 pages; v4: Clarifying comments added, more detailed proof of main isomorphism theorem given; Final version to be published in Reviews in Mathematical Physic

    Rotating strings

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    Analytical expressions are provided for the configurations of an inextensible, flexible, twistable inertial string rotating rigidly about a fixed axis. Solutions with trivial radial dependence are helices of arbitrary radius and pitch. Non-helical solutions are governed by a cubic equation whose roots delimit permissible values of the squared radial coordinate. Only curves coplanar with the axis of rotation make contact with it.Comment: added to discussion and made small revisions to tex

    Simulation of Flow of Mixtures Through Anisotropic Porous Media using a Lattice Boltzmann Model

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    We propose a description for transient penetration simulations of miscible and immiscible fluid mixtures into anisotropic porous media, using the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method. Our model incorporates hydrodynamic flow, diffusion, surface tension, and the possibility for global and local viscosity variations to consider various types of hardening fluids. The miscible mixture consists of two fluids, one governed by the hydrodynamic equations and one by diffusion equations. We validate our model on standard problems like Poiseuille flow, the collision of a drop with an impermeable, hydrophobic interface and the deformation of the fluid due to surface tension forces. To demonstrate the applicability to complex geometries, we simulate the invasion process of mixtures into wood spruce samples.Comment: Submitted to EPJ

    NeXSPheRIO results on azimuthal anisotropy in Au-Au collisions at 200A GeV

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    In this work, we present the results obtained by the hydrodynamic code NeXSPheRIO on anisotropic flows. In our calculation, we made use of event-by-event fluctuating initial conditions, and chemical freeze-out was explicitly implemented. We studied directed flow, elliptic flow and forth harmonic coefficient for various hadrons at different centrality windows for Au+Au collisions at 200 AGeV. The results are discussed and compared with experimental data from RHIC.Comment: 6 pages and 6 figures, sqm2008 contributio

    Vitamin C content in Habanero pepper accessions (Capsicum chinense)

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o teor devitamina C em 22 acessos de C. chinense do grupo varietal 'Habanero", procedentes do programa de melhoramento genético da Embrapa Hortaliças