414 research outputs found

    Wavelet based digital art protection

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    This thesis objective is to provide a robust watermarking algorithm to protect digital images. The proposed algorithm is using wavelet-based watermarking in which we are investigating how embedding in high-frequency subbands and low-frequency subbands would affect the robustness of the watermark while facing typical signal processing attacks

    Weed Responses to Soil Compaction and Crop Management

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    Minimeeritud mullaharimine ja haljasväetised jätkusuutlikele maheviljelussüsteemidele

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    The introduction of activities of project TILMAN-ORG (2011- 2014

    In crop rotation green manures as winter cover crops enhance ecosystem services of farming

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    Organic farming systems should be characterized by excellent soil fertility management to keep plant nutrient cycles short and as closed as possible. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish growing systems that have rotations with appropriate crops and intercrops to ensure fertile and biologically active soils, to enhance biodiversity and to provide high quality crop yields. Locally available organic fertilizers include green manures and animal manure. The influence of green manures as intercrops and these combined with composted cattle manure on soil properties, biodiversity indicators and crop yields was studied in a crop rotation experiment in three organic systems at the Estonian University of Life Sciences

    Should we measure intra-abdominal pressures in every intensive care patient?

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    Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is seldom measured by default in intensive care patients. This review summarises the current evidence on the prevalence and risk factors of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) to assist the decision-making for IAP monitoring

    Satellite Operations Simulator for Cyber Exercises (SatOpSim)

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    INTRODUCTION SatOpSim is a virtual simulator for satellite operations deployed in a cyber range, an environment for cyber exercises, testing and validation It enables cyber exercise participants to simulate attacking and defending a satellite mission, expanding their cybersecurity skills into the space domain SatOpSim is designed to empower development, testing and validation of satellite communication systems in controlled environment

    Põllumajanduslik kõrgharidus täna ja homme

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    Esitlus toimus visioonikonverentsil "Tarkus toidab. 100 aastat emakeelset põllumajanduslikku kõrgharidust" 18.10.2019 Eesti Rahva Muuseumis

    Effects of organic versus conventional farming on different chemical soil parameters in Estonia

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    A five-year experiment results, have shown that fertilizer amendments are needed for preserving the nutrient balance in the soil. A combination of cattle and green manure, crop rotation and other organic farming practices, with chemical fertilizer amendments could suppose a sustainable solution for maintaining a correct nutrient balance in the soil in long term, better than both farming systems, conventional and organic, by separate

    Tsentraalvenoosse rõhu interpretatsioon sepsisega intensiivravihaigetel

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    Südame eelkoormuse ja seeläbi kaudselt ka ringleva vere mahu hindamisel on aastakümneid lähtutud südame täitumisrõhkudest ehk tsentraalvenoossest rõhust (CVP) ning kopsuarteri kinnikiilumisrõhust. Viimasel aastakümnel tehtud uuringute käigus on selgunud, et südame täitumisrõhud ei anna küllaldast ülevaadet südame eelkoormusest ega ole heaks parameetriks infusioonravi juhtimisel. Eesmärgiga hinnata CVP kui eelkoormuse näitaja interpretatsioonivõimalusi uuriti arteriaalse vere hapnikusisalduse ja sissehingatava õhu hapnikukontsentratsiooni suhte sõltuvust CVPst ning väljahingamise lõpp-positiivse rõhu mõju CVP-le sepsisega intensiivravihaigetel. Leiti, et kõrgenenud CVP ei viita alati hüpervoleemiale ning sellest tingitud kopsufunktsiooni halvenemisele. Seetõttu tuleks CVP absoluutväärtuste kasutamisse infusioonravi juhtimise kriteeriumina suhtuda ettevaatusega