840 research outputs found

    Ehrenfest theorem, Galilean invariance and nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations

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    Galilean invariant Schr\"odinger equations possessing nonlinear terms coupling the amplitude and the phase of the wave function can violate the Ehrenfest theorem. An example of this kind is provided. The example leads to the proof of the theorem: A Galilean invariant Schr\"odinger equation derived from a lagrangian density obeys the Ehrenfest theorem. The theorem holds for any linear or nonlinear lagrangian.Comment: Latex format, no figures, submitted to journal of physics

    Nonlinear interference in a mean-field quantum model

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    Using similar nonlinear stationary mean-field models for Bose-Einstein Condensation of cold atoms and interacting electrons in a Quantum Dot, we propose to describe the original many-particle ground state as a one-particle statistical mixed state of the nonlinear eigenstates whose weights are provided by the eigenstate non-orthogonality. We search for physical grounds in the interpretation of our two main results, namely, quantum-classical nonlinear transition and interference between nonlinear eigenstates.Comment: RevTeX (pdfLaTeX), 7 pages with 5 png-figures include

    Local Properties of the Potential Energy Landscape of a Model Glass: Understanding the Low Temperature Anomalies

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    Though the existence of two-level systems (TLS) is widely accepted to explain low temperature anomalies in the sound absorption, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and other quantities, an exact description of their microscopic nature is still lacking. We performed computer simulations for a binary Lennard-Jones system, using a newly developed algorithm to locate double-well potentials (DWP) and thus two-level systems on a systematic basis. We show that the intrinsic limitations of computer simulations like finite time and finite size problems do not hamper this analysis. We discuss how the DWP are embedded in the total potential energy landscape. It turns out that most DWP are connected to the dynamics of the smaller particles and that these DWP are rather localized. However, DWP related to the larger particles are more collective

    Automated collection and dissemination of ionospheric data from the digisonde network

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    The growing demand for fast access to accurate ionospheric electron density profiles and ionospheric characteristics calls for efficient dissemination of data from the many ionosondes operating around the globe. The global digisonde network with over 70 stations takes advantage of the Internet to make many of these sounders remotely accessible for data transfer and control. Key elements of the digisonde system data management are the visualization and editing tool SAO Explorer, the digital ionogram database DIDBase, holding raw and derived digisonde data under an industrial-strength database management system, and the automated data request execution system ADRES

    Electon density profiles of the topside ionosphere

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    The existing uncertainties about the electron density profiles in the topside ionosphere, i.e., in the height region from h m F 2 to ~ 2000 km, require the search for new data sources. The ISIS and Alouette topside sounder satellites from the sixties to the eighties recorded millions of ionograms but most were not analyzed in terms of electron density profiles. In recent years an effort started to digitize the analog recordings to prepare the ionograms for computerized analysis. As of November 2001 about 350 000 ionograms have been digitized from the original 7-track analog tapes. These data are available in binary and CDF format from the anonymous ftp site of the National Space Science Data Center. A search site and browse capabilities on CDAWeb assist the scientific usage of these data. All information and access links can be found at http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/space/isis/isis-status. html. This paper describes the ISIS data restoration effort and shows how the digital ionograms are automatically processed into electron density profiles from satellite orbit altitude (1400 km for ISIS-2) down to the F peak. Because of the large volume of data an automated processing algorithm is imperative. The TOPside Ionogram Scaler with True height algorithm TOPIST software developed for this task is successfully scaling ~ 70% of the ionograms. An «editing process» is available to manually scale the more difficult ionograms. The automated processing of the digitized ISIS ionograms is now underway, producing a much-needed database of topside electron density profiles for ionospheric modeling covering more than one solar cycle

    Critical currents in Josephson junctions with macroscopic defects

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    The critical currents in Josephson junctions of conventional superconductors with macroscopic defects are calculated for different defect critical current densities as a function of the magnetic field. We also study the evolution of the different modes with the defect position, at zero external field. We study the stability of the solutions and derive simple arguments, that could help the defect characterization. In most cases a reentrant behavior is seen, where both a maximum and a minimum current exist.Comment: 17 pages with 16 figures, submitted to Supercond. Sci. Techno

    Inverse ac Josephson Effect for a Fluxon in a Long Modulated Junction

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    We analyze motion of a fluxon in a weakly damped ac-driven long Josephson junction with a periodically modulated maximum Josephson current density. We demonstrate both analytically and numerically that a pure {\it ac} bias current can drive the fluxon at a {\it resonant} mean velocity determined by the driving frequency and the spatial period of the modulation, provided that the drive amplitude exceeds a certain threshold value. In the range of strongly ``relativistic'' mean velocities, the agreement between results of a numerical solution of the effective (ODE) fluxon equation of motion and analytical results obtained by means of the harmonic-balance analysis is fairly good; morever, a preliminary PDE result tends to confirm the validity of the collective-coordinate (PDE-ODE) reduction. At nonrelativistic mean velocities, the basin of attraction, in position-velocity space, for phase-locked solutions becomes progressively smaller as the mean velocity is decreased.Comment: 15 pages, 26 kbytes, of text in plain LaTeX. A uuencoded, Z-compressed tar archive, 21 kbytes, containing 3 PostScript, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

    Simple Lattice-Models of Ion Conduction: Counter Ion Model vs. Random Energy Model

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    The role of Coulomb interaction between the mobile particles in ionic conductors is still under debate. To clarify this aspect we perform Monte Carlo simulations on two simple lattice models (Counter Ion Model and Random Energy Model) which contain Coulomb interaction between the positively charged mobile particles, moving on a static disordered energy landscape. We find that the nature of static disorder plays an important role if one wishes to explore the impact of Coulomb interaction on the microscopic dynamics. This Coulomb type interaction impedes the dynamics in the Random Energy Model, but enhances dynamics in the Counter Ion Model in the relevant parameter range.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev.

    A quantum-like description of the planetary systems

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    The Titius-Bode law for planetary distances is reviewed. A model describing the basic features of this rule in the "quantum-like" language of a wave equation is proposed. Some considerations about the 't Hooft idea on the quantum behaviour of deterministic systems with dissipation are discussed.Comment: LaTex file, 17 pages, no figures. Version published in Foundations of Physics, August 200
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