275 research outputs found

    Die Kneipe als Generator emotionaler Erinnerungen

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    'Der Aufsatz entwickelt eine primär soziologische und sozialpsychologische Perspektive auf die Kneipe als Erinnerungsraum. Die Kneipe wird dabei zunächst als Sozialraum und Affektnische gesellschaftstheoretisch analysiert. Es werden daraufhin Überlegungen nicht nur dazu, wie sich individuelle Erinnerungen und Emotionen auf besondere Weise an diesen Ort ketten, angestellt, sondern auch im Hinblick darauf, wie sich die Erinnerungen von Individuen mit denjenigen ihrer Interaktionspartner in der Kneipensituation durch Kommunikation verknüpfen und vermischen. Einen Fokus bildet dabei das Konzept der personalen Identität. Schließlich wird die Analyse auf Prozesse der kollektiven Erinnerungsarbeit und ihre Bedeutung für kollektive Identitätskonstrukte ausgedehnt sowie ein Zusammenhang zwischen Kneipe und kulturellem Gedächtnis skizziert.' (Autorenreferat)'The essay develops a primarily sociological and social-psychological perspective on the pub as a space for memories. At first the pub is analysed as a social situation and residual territory for affective behaviour in modern society. In this context it is not only depicted how individual memories and emotions can be linked to this place in specific ways, but it is also assumed that in the pub situation the memories of individuals become connected and mixed up with those of their partners of interaction by processes of communication. In this respect a central concept of the paper is that of personal identity. Finally the theoretical ideas are transmitted to the analysis of collective work on remembrance and constructs of collective identity and a link between the pub and cultural memory is lined out.' (author's abstract

    Change in environmental barriers experienced over a 5-year period by people living with spinal cord injury in Switzerland:a prospective cohort study

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    STUDY DESIGN: Cohort study with two measurement occasions. OBJECTIVES: To investigate change in environmental barriers experienced by people living with spinal cord injury (SCI) over a 5-year period. SETTING: Community, Switzerland. METHODS: Data were from the Swiss spinal cord injury (SwiSCI) survey. Main outcome measure was the Nottwil Environmental Factors Inventory-Short Form. Random-effects Poisson regression featuring between-within estimation was used to examine predictors of the number of environmental barriers and of its change over time. RESULTS: One thousand five hundred and forty-nine persons participated in Survey 2012 and 1530 participated in Survey 2017; 761 participated in both surveys. In both surveys most participants reported at least three barriers. Leading issues were unfavorable climate, inaccessibility of buildings and public spaces, and lack of or insufficiently adapted means of transportation. Reporting of barriers related to climate, finances, and state services declined over time. Between subjects, having more health problems, lesser physical independence, poorer mental health, and a lower household income were related to a higher number of barriers experienced. Within subjects, improvements in income, physical independence, and mental health over time were related to a reduction in barriers. CONCLUSIONS: Inaccessibility of buildings and places and problems with transportation remained major barriers over a 5-year period and should be priorities of Swiss disability policy. People with reduced mental and physical health, and those with lower income are vulnerable groups deserving specific attention. Policies targeting income and life-long rehabilitation targeting health promotion and maintenance may be suitable means to reduce the experience of environmental barriers

    Die Todes- und Sterbethematik in Kinderbilderbüchern für die Altersklasse bis 5 Jahre

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    "Mit Hilfe einer gemischt qualitativen und quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse wurde untersucht, wie Tod und Sterbeprozesse in fünf Kinderbilderbüchern dargestellt werden, welche Emotionen in Verbindung mit dem Tod zum Tragen kommen, welche Lösungs- und Bewältigungsstrategien dem Kind angeboten und welche Art von Jenseitsvorstellungen vermittelt werden. Es gibt einige Elemente, dazu gehören beispielsweise die Trauer der Angehörigen, die Verbindung des Todes mit dem Alter oder die Erinnerung, die in beinahe allen Büchern auftauchen und denen bei der Darstellung von Tod und Sterben eine zentrale Bedeutung zuzukommen scheint. Auf andere Elemente wie die Todesangst, die Darstellung von Sterbenden bzw. eines Sterbeprozesses oder die Darstellung von konkreten Jenseitsvorstellungen wird in den Büchern größtenteils verzichtet. Die Darstellung entspricht einer für moderne westliche Gesellschaften typischen Normalisierung, Säkularisierung und Privatisierung des Todes." (Autorenreferat)"In a quantitative and qualitative content analysis we show how death and processes of dying are depicted in five different children's picture books. What are the emotions relevant in connection to dying, which are the coping strategies the children are offered and which kinds of images of the beyond are conveyed? While some elements are quite common, others, like the fear of death or the representation of the process of dying, are left out in almost all children's books. This corresponds to the normalization, secularisation and privatisation of death typical for western societies." (author's abstract

    Injury epidemiology after the 2001 Gujarat earthquake in India: a retrospective analysis of injuries treated at a rural hospital in the Kutch district immediately after the disaster

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    The number of injured far exceeds those dead and the average injury to mortality ratio in earthquakes stands at 3:1. Immediate effective medical response significantly influences injury outcomes and thus the overall health impact of earthquakes. Inadequate or mismanagement of injuries may lead to disabilities. The lack of precise data from immediate aftermath is seen as a remarkable weak point in disaster epidemiology and warrants evidence generation.To analyze the epidemiology of injuries and the treatment imparted at a secondary rural hospital in the Kutch district, Gujarat, India following the January 26, 2001 earthquake.Discharge reports of patients admitted to the hospital over 10 weeks were analyzed retrospectively for earthquake-related injuries.Orthopedic injuries, (particularly fractures of the lower limbs) were predominant and serious injuries like head, chest, abdominal, and crush syndrome were minimal. Wound infections were reported in almost 20% of the admitted cases. Surgical procedures were more common than conservative treatment. The most frequently performed surgical procedures were open reduction with internal fixation and cleaning and debridement of contaminated wounds. Four secondary deaths and 102 transfers to tertiary care due to complications were reported.The injury epidemiology reported in this study is in general agreement with most other studies reporting injury epidemiology except higher incidence of distal orthopedic injuries particularly to the lower extremities. We also found that young males were more prone to sustaining injuries. These results warrant further research. Inconsistent data reporting procedures against the backdrop of inherent disaster data incompleteness calls for urgent standardization of reporting earthquake injuries for evidence-based response policy planning

    Про один підхід до ідентифікації особи за контуром профілю носа

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    У статті розглядається підхід для ідентифікації особи за контуром профілю носа. Для знаходження простору ознак пропонується використовувати апроксимацію за допомогою B-сплайнів. Алгоритмічна реалізація підходу використовує моделювання структури бази даних у вигляді n- вимірного куба.В статье рассматривается подход для идентификации личности по контуру носа. Для нахождения пространства признаков предлагается использовать аппроксимацию с помощью B-сплайнов. Алгоритмическая реализация подхода использует моделирование структуры базы данных в виде n-мерного куба.An approach of human identification by the nose contour profile is researched in the paper. B-splines approximation is suggested for determining the feature space. Algorithmic implementation of the approach uses database structure in the form of n-dimensional cube

    Employment Among People With Spinal Cord Injury in 22 Countries Across the World:Results From the International Spinal Cord Injury Community Survey

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    Objectives: To describe the employment situation of individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI) in 22 countries participating in the International Spinal Cord Injury community survey, to compare observed and predicted employment rates, to estimate gaps in employment rates among people with SCI compared with the general population, and to study differences in employment between men and women. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Setting: Community. Participants: People of employable age (N=9875; 18-64 y) with traumatic or non-traumatic SCI (including cauda equina syndrome) who were at least 18 years of age at the time of the survey, living in the community, and able to respond to one of the available language versions of the questionnaire. Interventions: Not applicable Main Outcome Measures: The observed employment rate was defined as performing paid work for at least 1 hour a week, and predicted employment rate was adjusted for sample composition from mixed logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 9875 participants were included (165-1174 per country). Considerable differences in sample composition were found. The observed worldwide employment rate was 38%. A wide variation was found across countries, ranging from 10.3% to 61.4%. Some countries showed substantially higher or lower employment rates than predicted based on the composition of their sample. Gaps between the observed employment rates among participants with SCI and the general population ranged from 14.8% to 54.8%. On average, employment rates were slightly higher among men compared with women, but with large variation across countries. Employment gaps, however, were smaller among women for most countries. Conclusions: This first worldwide survey among people with SCI shows an average employment rate of 38%. Differences between observed and predicted employment rates across countries point at country-specific factors that warrant further investigation. Gaps with employment rates in the general population were considerable and call for actions for more inclusive labor market policies in most of the countries investigated. (C) 2020 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicin

    Participation and integration from the perspective of persons with spinal cord injury from five European countries

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    Objective: To examine the subjective understanding of participation and integration of persons with spinal cord injuries from 5 European countries and to compare these findings with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF)'s conceptualization of participation. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with 54 persons with acquired spinal cord injuries and 3 with spina bifida from 5 countries were examined using qualitative content analysis. Results: Integration was most often associated with social acceptance and, furthermore, with ordinary performance, equality and freedom of choice. Participation was most often described as ordinary performance, with less emphasis on social acceptance and equality. However, participation and integration overlapped in people's narratives and were difficult to separate. The perception of participation and integration was largely similar across countries. In contrast to others, however, Finnish interviewees were more likely to associate participation with contributing to society. A variety of life domains was identified, of which recreation and leisure, work life, sports and going out were the most prevalent. Conclusion: While participation domains are well covered by the ICF, as is the notion of ordinary performance, interviewees also referred to a rights (e.g. acceptance) and duties (e.g. contribution) perspective

    Paschaplegiker? Hilfe- und Ausweichverhalten gegenüber Rollstuhlfahrern an öffentlichen Orten: eine empirische Beobachtungsstudie in der Stadt Luzern

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    "Mit Hilfe einer quantitativen und qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse, die auf einer Videobeobachtung basiert, wurde das Hilfe- und Ausweichverhalten von Passanten gegenüber einem sich in einer vermeintlichen Problemsituation befindenden Rollstuhlfahrer untersucht. Lediglich 28 von 541 Passanten sprachen den Rollstuhlfahrer an, von denen wiederum 13 Hilfsangebote machten. Nicht nur die Passanten, die vorübergingen, hielten unüblich große Abstände zum Rollstuhlfahrer, sondern auch dessen Gesprächspartner. Ein weiteres Hauptergebnis liegt in der Entdeckung eines 'Ansteckungseffekts', der darin besteht, dass sich Passanten offenbar erst trauen, den Rollstuhlfahrer anzusprechen, wenn dies bereits jemand vor ihnen gemacht hat." (Autorenreferat)"Help and avoidance behaviors of pedestrians towards a wheelchair user in a seemingly problematic situation were observed and videotaped. A quantitative as well as qualitative content analysis was performed. Only 28 of 541 pedestrians contacted the wheelchair user. Of these13 offered help. Pedestrians passing the wheelchair user as well as dialogue partners positioned themselves in an unusually large distance to the wheelchair user. We also discovered a kind of 'contagion effect'. When one pedestrian had contacted the wheelchair user others followed immediately within the same time interval. A by-stander effect could not be confirmed." (author's abstract

    Perceived impact of environmental barriers on participation among people living with spinal cord injury in Switzerland

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    Objective: To describe the impact of environmental barriers perceived by people living with spinal cord injury in the Swiss community and to compare this across subpopulations. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: A total of 1,549 participants in the community survey of the Swiss spinal cord injury Cohort study. Methods: The perceived impact of environmental barriers on participation was measured with the Nottwil Environmental Factors Inventory Short Form (NEFI-SF). Physical independence was measured with the Spinal Cord Independence Measure Self Report (SCIM-SR). Perceived barriers were compared across people with different demographic and lesion characteristics. Multivariable regression modelling applying fractional polynomials was used to evaluate the overall perceived impact of barriers in relation to demographics, spinal cord injury characteristics, and physical independence. Results: Most perceived barriers were climatic conditions and inaccessibility of public and private infrastructure. Older participants, those with longer time since injury and participants with complete lesions indicated more problems with access. Females reported more attitudinal barriers. Approximately one-third of participants with complete tetraplegia reported obstacles related to assistance with personal care. A higher level of physical independence was associated with fewer perceived barriers. Conclusion: Despite living in a rich country with a well-developed social security system, many people with spinal cord injury in Switzerland experience participation restrictions due to environmental barriers; in particular women, people with non-traumatic spinal cord injury and limited physical independence