31 research outputs found

    Late Cenozoic evolution of the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Inferences from 40Ar/39Ar and (U-th)/He thermochronology

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    High topography in central Asia is perhaps the most fundamental expression of the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision, yet an understanding of the timing and rates of development of the Tibetan Plateau remains elusive. Here we investigate the Cenozoic thermal histories of rocks along the eastern margin of the plateau adjacent to the Sichuan Basin in an effort to determine when the steep topographic escarpment that characterizes this margin developed. Temperature-time paths inferred from 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of biotite, multiple diffusion domain modeling of alkali feldspar40Ar release spectra, and (U-Th)/He thermochronology of zircon and apatite imply that rocks at the present-day topographic front of the plateau underwent slow cooling (<1°C/m.y.) from Jurassic times until the late Miocene or early Pliocene. The regional extent and consistency of thermal histories during this time period suggest the presence of a stable thermal structure and imply that regional denudation rates were low (<0.1 mm/yr for nominal continental geotherms). Beginning in the late Miocene or early Pliocene, these samples experienced a pronounced cooling event (>30°-50°C/m.y.) coincident with exhumation from inferred depths of ~8-10 km, at denudation rates of 1-2 mm/yr. Samples from the interior of the plateau continued to cool relatively slowly during the same time period (~3°C/m.y.), suggesting limited exhumation (1-2 km). However, these samples record a slight increase in cooling rate (from <1 to ~3°C/m.y.) at some time during the middle Tertiary; the tectonic significance of this change remains uncertain. Regardless, late Cenozoic denudation in this region appears to have been markedly heterogeneous, with the highest rates of exhumation focused at the topographic front of the plateau margin. We infer that the onset of rapid cooling at the plateau margin reflects the erosional response to the development of regionally significant topographic gradients between the plateau and the stable Sichuan Basin and thus marks the onset of deformation related to the development of the Tibetan Plateau in this region. The present margin of the plateau adjacent to and north of the Sichuan Basin is apparently no older than the late Miocene or early Pliocene (~5-12 Ma)

    Characteristics and Consequences of Red Bed Bleaching by Hydrocarbon Migration: A Natural Example From the Entrada Sandstone, Southern Utah

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    Extensive regions of yellow and white (“bleached”) sandstones within the terrestrial Jurassic red bed deposits of the Colorado Plateau reflect widespread interaction with subsurface reduced fluids which resulted in the dissolution of iron-oxide grain coatings. Reduced fluids such as hydrocarbons, CO2, and organic acids have been proposed as bleaching agents. In this study, we characterize an altered section of the Slick Rock member of the Jurassic Entrada Sandstone that exposes bleached sandstone with bitumen-saturated pore spaces. We observe differences in texture, porosity, mineralogy, and geochemistry between red, pink, yellow, and gray facies. In the bleached yellow facies we observe quartz overgrowths, partially dissolved K-feldspar, calcite cement, fine-grained illite, TiO2-minerals, and pyrite concretions. Clay mineral content is highest at the margins of the bleached section. Fe2O3 concentrations are reduced up to 3× from the red to gray facies but enriched up to 50× in iron-oxide concretions. Metals such as Zn, Pb, and rare-earth elements are significantly enriched in the concretions. Supported by a batch geochemical model, we conclude the interaction of red sandstones with reduced hydrocarbon-bearing fluids caused iron-oxide and K-feldspar dissolution, and precipitation of quartz, calcite, clay, and pyrite. Localized redistribution of iron into concretions can account for most of the iron removed during bleaching. Pyrite and carbonate stable isotopic data suggest the hydrocarbons were sourced from the Pennsylvanian Paradox Formation. Bitumen in pore spaces and pyrite precipitation formed a reductant trap required to produce Cu, U, and V enrichment in all altered facies by younger, oxidized saline brines. © 2022. The Authors.Open access articleThis item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Thermal-topographic modeling of the Northern Apennines

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    Geomorphology can have a strong influence on thermochronometer. In particular, the closure isotherm will tend to form a smoothed version of the surface topography, with greater topographic relief producing larger deflections of the isotherm. Also, erosion rate will influence the mean closure depth given that the faster erosion causes isotherms to migrate to shallower depths. We report on modeling here using the PECUBE software (Braun, 2003), in which we solved the heat transport equation in three dimensions by conduction and advection together with an evolving surface topography, to constrain the evolution of surface relief in the Northern Apennines. In particular, we wish to constrain the decrease in surface topography that may have occurred during the emergence of the orogen as it started interacting with the Apulian margin some 5-10 Myr ago. The Neighbourhood Algorithm (or NA) (Sambridge, 1999) is used to constrain the values of free parameters (i.e. time at which the relief starts to decrease, amount of topography decrease, crustal elastic thickness) by minimizing a misfit function derived from observed and modeled ages. We used a 128-node cluster of PCs to sample parameter space in a meaningful way. Dataset comprises zircon and apatite fission-track and zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He ages obtained through the Northern Apennine chain. The spatial distribution of ages shows a decrease eastwards, with the oldest apatite fisison-track ages of about 11 Ma to the west and the youngest of about 3 Ma along the central range. Results obtained by NA inversion indicate that the dataset can be equally explained with low values of the relief loss and elastic plate thickness or higher values of the relief loss and elastic plate thickness. However, beacuse many of He ages and the general pattern of younger ages near the central axis of the orogen are not well reproduced in the predictions, a detailed investigation of age-elevation relationships suggests that a model in which the denudation is solely driven by surface erosion and isostasy is not appropriate for this chain. The thermochronological dataset is better explained by a model in which relief reduction associated with the emergence of the wedge is accompanied by ongoing tectonic uplift

    U-Th/He and fission track dating in north-eastern Corsica (France): extensional versus erosional exhumation.

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    During the Late Oligocene-to-Miocene, the Alpine Units of north-eastern Corsica experienced a rapid exhumation related to the extensional collapse coeval with the anticlockwise rotation of Corsica and the formation of the Proven\ue7al-Ligurian basin (Jolivet et al., 1998). During the same period of time, shallow-water basins formed in eastern Corsica where alluvial sediments interfingered with marine deposits and recorded the time of exposure to erosion of the Alpine Units and the growth of relief (Orszag-Sperber and Pilot, 1976). New apatite (U-Th)/He and fission-track ages from Corsica record cooling rates as high as 30-40\ub0C/Myr during Early-Middle Miocene when this region is affected by a relatively high geothermal gradient, and possibly by topographic thermal perturbations. Cooling rates are commonly less than 7.5\ub0C/Myr from Middle Miocene to Present when the growth of relief is detected by fluvial adjustments as indicated by the variations in the source areas of alluvial deposits of Late Miocene age. To analyze the roles of extensional exhumation versus topographic thermal perturbations and erosion, a simple one-dimensional model based on age-elevation-distance profiles has been applied to two case studies: namely the St. Florent basin, and the Tenda massif. The Early-to-Middle Miocene St. Florent basin is bordered by ductile-to-brittle extensional shear zones dissecting the Alpine units. The thermochronometric data from the Alpine units along a transect across the base and the shoulder of the basin are analyzed through an age-elevation-distance profile. The model derived from this profile shows that under low-temperature conditions the fault bordering the St. Florent basin produced a vertical throw of 3-4 km, and therefore supports the major role of extensional exhumation versus that of topographic thermal perturbations and erosion. The Tenda massif is the most prominent relief of north-eastern Corsica with elevations up to 1535 m: to the east it is bordered by a low-angle extensional ductile shear zone, and to the west by a high-angle extensional fault. Rounded pebbles from the Tenda massif are included in the sediments of the St. Florent basin indicating that this massif has been exposed to erosion since Middle Miocene, at least. Apatite fission track and U-Th/He data from this massif show an inverse relation with relief, and this relation can be interpreted as either deriving from a thermal topographic perturbations followed by a decrease of relief due to erosion, or to extensional faulting. These two end-member hypothesis are investigated through an age-elevation-distance profile, and this suggests that the present relief of the Tenda massif could be the remnant of a much more elevated paleorelief, and also that extensional faulting under low-temperature conditions might have played a significant role in the surface uplift of this massif

    Thermochronologic evidence for the exhumational history of the Alpi Apuane metamorphic core complex, northern Apennines, Italy

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    The Apennine Range is a young convergent orogen that formed over a retreating subduction zone. The Alpi Apuane massif in the northern Apennines exposes synorogenic metamorphic rocks, and provides information about exhumation processes associated with accretion and retreat. (U-Th)/He and fission-track ages on zircon and apatite are used to resolve exhumational histories for the Apuane metamorphic rocks and the structurally overlying, very low grade Macigno Formation. Stratigraphic, metamorphic, and thermochronologic data indicate that the Apuane rocks were structurally buried to 15–30 km and 400C at about 20 Ma. Exhumation to 240C and 9 km depth (below sea level) occurred at 10–13 Ma. By 5 Ma the Apuane rocks were exhumed to 70C and 2 km. The Macigno and associated Tuscan nappe were also structurally buried and the Macigno reached its maximum depth of 7 km at 15 to 20 Ma. Stratigraphic evidence indicates that the Apennine wedge was submarine at this time. Thus we infer that initial exhumation of the Apuane was coeval with tectonic thickening higher in the wedge, as indicated by synchronous structural burial of the Tuscan nappe. From 6 to 4 Ma, thinning at shallow depth is indicated by continued differential exhumation between the Apuane and the Tuscan nappe at high rates. After 4 Ma, differential exhumation ceased and the Apuane and the Tuscan nappe were exhumed at similar rates (0.8 km/Ma), which we attribute to erosion of the Apennines, following their emergence above sea level

    Exhumation of the Northern Apennines core: new thermochronological data from the Alpi Apuane

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    The metamorphic core of the Northern Apennines is exposed in the Alpi Apuane which form a topographic high located to the west of the axial zone of the range. The metamorphic rocks of the Alpi Apuane are bordered by a tectonic contact which separates a footwall affected by maximum P and T conditions ranging between 0.6-0.8 Gpa and 420-500\ub0C (Massa unit) and 0.4-0.6 Gpa and 350-420\ub0C (Apuane unit), from a hangingwall of unmetamorphosed Macigno sandstone. The metamorphic rocks of the Alpi Apuane have long been interpreted as an example of tectonic exhumation formed during active convergence in the Apennines. Here we report 53 new zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He (ZHe and AHe, respectively) ages on rocks from the Alpi Apuane and the Macigno sandstones to provide a much more detailed understanding of when the Apuane fault was active and how much section was cut out. The ZHe and AHe systems provide cooling ages corresponding to closure temperatures of 180\ub0C and 70\ub0C, respectively. ZHe ages in the crystalline core of the Alpi Apuane are all reset and vary around an average of 5.7 Ma (std deviation 1.2 Ma). In the hangingwall, the Macigno sandstones have ZHe ages which vary between 47.1 and 9.3 Ma, indicating partial resetting. This result indicates that the hangingwall saw a temperature no greater than 160-190 \ub0C, followed by cooling around 9 Ma. AHe ages in the Alpi Apuane and in the Macigno sandstone show no differences and vary around a mean of 4.9 Ma (std deviation 1.2 Ma). Our data clearly constrain different exhumation paths for the Alpi Apuane and the Macigno sandtones between 180\ub0C and 70\ub0C, whereas their paths are similar from 70\ub0C to the surface. The different thermal histories from 180\ub0C to 70\ub0C suggest that between 6 and 4 Ma, 4\ub11 km have been removed along the contact between the Macigno sandstones and the Alpi Apuane. The amount of crustal section removed has been determined assuming a geothermal gradient of 25\ub1\ub0C/km, and a cooling age of 8\ub11 Ma at 110\ub0C for the Macigno sandstones. The geometry of the major Apuane boundary and the different exhumation times suggest that extension under brittle conditions played a major role in the exhumation of the metamorphic core of the Apennines