61 research outputs found

    Remapping and Renaming Ireland: A Postcolonial Look at the Problem of Language and Identity in Brian Friel\u27s Translations.

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    Brian Friel‘s acclaimed Translations, suggestively written in English, captures the moment in the history of Ireland when the British, in a clear sign of imperial dominance, initiated the remapping and renaming of the Irish territory, generating a linguistic uncertainty that eventually led to the capitulation of the Gaelic language and placed the colonizing tongue – English -- on central stage. The fact that this contemporary Irish playwright in 1980 wrote Translations in English and not in Gaelic speaks for itself. But Friel‘s choice of English as the vehicle for his play is far from trivial, and to assume that this decision owes to a question of attracting a larger audience would certainly undermine his purpose. In this work, then, I will analyze the effects of the British remapping and renaming of Ireland from a post colonial theoretical angle, focusing on its most invasive and lasting consequence: the replacement of the native language and its cultural repercussions. I will therefore explore Friel‘s Translations within the context of post colonial theories developed by such critics as Ngugi Wa Thiong‘o (usually referred to as Ngugi), Salman Rushdie, and Declan Kiberd. Because these writers have addressed the language/identity question for the writing of native literature from seemingly divergent angles, their analyses can shed light on understanding Friel‘s portrayal of the different --and often ambivalent-- feelings toward the language question in Ireland. Thus in Translations, the playwright leaves it up to the audience to decide, while he presents the whole spectrum of attitudes towards a problem that has clearly not reached one definite conclusion yet. Indeed, that is precisely the question Friel articulates here

    Commodified Anatomies: Disposable Women in Postcolonial Narratives of Sexual Trafficking/Abduction

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    This dissertation explores postcolonial fiction that reflects the structural situation of a genocidal number of third-world women who are being trafficked for sexual purposes from postcolonial countries into the global north—invariably, gender, class and race play a crucial role in their exploitation. Above all, these women share a systemic disposability and invisibility, as the business relies on the victim’s illegality and criminality to generate maximum revenues. My research suggests that the presence of these abject women is not only recognized by ideological and repressive state apparatuses on every side of the trafficking scheme (in the form of governments, military establishments, juridical systems, transnational corporations, etc.) but is also understood as necessary for the current neoliberal model to thrive undisturbed by ethical imperatives. Beginning with the turn of the twentieth century, then, I analyze sexual slavery transnationally by looking at James Joyce’s “Eveline,” Therese Park’s A Gift of the Emperor, Mahasweta Devi’s “Douloti the Bountiful,” Amma Darko’s Beyond the Horizon, Chris Abani’s Becoming Abigail, and Roberto Bolaño’s 2666, concentrating on the political, economic, and social discourses in which the narratives are immersed through the lens of Marxist, feminist, and postcolonial theory. By interrogating these postcolonial narratives, my project reexamines the sex slave-trafficker-consumer triad in order to determine the effect of each party’s presence or absence from the text and the implications in terms of the discourses their representations may tacitly legitimize. At the same time, this work investigates the type of postcolonial stories the West privileges and the reasons, and the subjective role postcolonial theory plays in overcoming subaltern women’s exploitation within the current neocolonial context. Overall, I interrogate the role postcolonial literature plays as a means of achieving (or not) social change, analyze the purpose of artists in representing exploitative situations, identify the type of engagement readers have with these characters, and seek to understand audiences’ response to such literature. I look at authors who have attempted to discover fruitful avenues of expression for third-world women, who, despite increasingly constituting the bulk of the work force worldwide, continue to be exploited and, in the case of sex trafficking, brutally violated

    Dexamethasone-Loaded Lipomers: Development, Characterization, and Skin Biodistribution Studies

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    Follicular targeting has gained more attention in recent decades, due to the possibility of obtaining a depot effect in topical administration and its potential as a tool to treat hair follicle-related diseases. Lipid core ethyl cellulose lipomers were developed and optimized, following which characterization of their physicochemical properties was carried out. Dexamethasone was encapsulated in the lipomers (size, 115 nm; polydispersity, 0.24; zeta-potential (Z-potential), +30 mV) and their in vitro release profiles against dexamethasone in solution were investigated by vertical diffusion Franz cells. The skin biodistribution of the fluorescent-loaded lipomers was observed using confocal microscopy, demonstrating the accumulation of both lipomers and fluorochromes in the hair follicles of pig skin. To confirm this fact, immunofluorescence of the dexamethasone-loaded lipomers was carried out in pig hair follicles. The anti-inflammatory (via TNFα) efficacy of the dexamethasone-loaded lipomers was demonstrated in vitro in an HEK001 human keratinocytes cell culture and the in vitro cytotoxicity of the nanoformulation was investigated

    Latanoprost-loaded nanotransfersomes designed for scalp administration enhance keratinocytes proliferation.

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    Latanoprost (LAT) has been shown to have a hypertrichotic effect, which makes it a promising candidate for alopecia treatments. For the first time, LAT has been encapsulated in nanotransfersomes in order to increase its efficacy. Ex vivo skin biodistribution was studied by confocal laser microscopy both in human scalp and pig skin. Results showed that nanotransfersomes increase the penetration of two different fluorochromes, with similar patterns in both species, compared with fluorochrome solutions containing no nanotransfersomes. Nanotransfersomes were stable under accelerated conditions (40 °C/75% RH) and long-term conditions (25 °C/60% RH) for up to 1 year, with no differences in vesicle size and polydispersity when LAT was loaded. Nanotransfersomes increased the LAT cell proliferation effect in HaCaT cell via MAPK signaling pathway. Collectively, our results demonstrate LAT-nanotransfersomes formulation could be a promising therapy for hair growth disorders

    Improving Functioning, Quality of Life, and Well-being in Patients With Bipolar Disorder

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    People with bipolar disorder frequently experience persistent residual symptoms, problems in psychosocial functioning, cognitive impairment, and poor quality of life. In the last decade, the treatment target in clinical and research settings has focused not only on clinical remission, but also on functional recovery and, more lately, in personal recovery, taking into account patients' well-being and quality of life. Hence, the trend in psychiatry and psychology is to treat bipolar disorder in an integrative and holistic manner. This literature review offers an overview regarding psychosocial functioning in bipolar disorder. First, a brief summary is provided regarding the definition of psychosocial functioning and the tools to measure it. Then, the most reported variables influencing the functional outcome in patients with bipolar disorder are listed. Thereafter, we include a section discussing therapies with proven efficacy at enhancing functional outcomes. Other possible therapies that could be useful to prevent functional decline and improve functioning are presented in another section. Finally, in the last part of this review, different interventions directed to improve patients' well-being, quality of life, and personal recovery are briefly described

    La vulnerabilitat en les persones grans. Radiografia dels usuaris dels casals

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    [cat]Actualment es pot identificar un sector de la població gran que es troba en situació de vulnerabilitat, en condicions de precarietat social, econòmica i de salut i, a més, amb un elevat risc de convertir-se en població en situació d’exclusió social. Es tracta d’un grup de gent gran que no té tendència a demanar ajuda, serveis o prestacions, com tampoc no sol disposar de suport social ni de xarxes familiars sòlides i, per tant, amb freqüència s’identifica com un col·lectiu invisible per a les principals polítiques públiques. La finalitat d’aquest article és perfilar les principals característiques sociodemogràfiques d’un col·lectiu d’elevada vulnerabilitat a Mallorca, les seves principals necessitats i les condicions externes que pateixen. L’anàlisi exposa dades sobre l’estat de salut, les relacions familiars, la xarxa social, l’habitatge i les condicions associades, i també la qualitat de vida i el benestar emocional percebut. A més, es realitza una aproximació a les principals diferències de gènere identificades en aquest grup de vulnerabilitat. La prevenció de la situació d’exclusió s’ha de realitzar de manera immediata, urgent i diària, amb el desenvolupament de serveis adaptats i especialitzats i mitjançant professionals amb competències i habilitats centrades a prevenir l’exclusió social. Els casals de l’Ajuntament de Palma gestionats per l’Associació Intress responen a les necessitats i demandes d’aquest col·lectiu, mitjançant la gestió de múltiples serveis, com menjadors, dutxes o servei de bugaderia. Els casals també duen a terme una rellevant funció en el benestar emocional i en el desenvolupament de suport social d’aquestes persones.[spa]Actualmente se puede identificar un sector de la población mayor que se encuentra en situación de vulnerabilidad, en condiciones de precariedad social, económica y de salud y, además, con un elevado riesgo de convertirse en población en situación de exclusión social. Se trata de un grupo de persones mayores que no tienen tendencia a solicitar ayuda, servicios ni prestaciones, como tampoco suele disponer de apoyos sociales ni de redes familiares sólidas y, por tanto, se identifica como un colectivo invisible para las principales políticas públicas. La finalidad de este artículo es perfilar las principales características sociodemográficas de un colectivo de elevada vulnerabilidad en Mallorca, sus principales necesidades y las condiciones externas que padecen. El análisis expone datos sobre su estado de salud, las relaciones familiares, la red social, la vivienda y las condiciones asociadas, así como también, la calidad de vida y el bienestar emocional percibido. Además, se realiza una aproximación a las principales diferencias de género identificadas en este grupo de vulnerabilidad. La prevención de la situación de exclusión se tiene que realizar de manera inmediata, urgente y diaria, con el desarrollo de servicios adaptados y especializados y mediante profesionales con competencias y habilidades centradas en la exclusión social. Los «casals» del Ayuntamiento de Palma gestionados por la Asociación Intress responden a las necesidades y demandas de este colectivo, mediante la gestión de múltiples servicios, como comedores, duchas o servicios de lavandería. Los centros también cumplen una relevante función en el bienestar emocional y en el desarrollo del soporte social de estas personas

    Repurposing Disulfiram as an Antimicrobial Agent in Topical Infections

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    Antimicrobial drugs applied topically offer several advantages. However, the widespread use of antibiotics has led to increasing antimicrobial resistance. One interesting approach in the drug discovery process is drug repurposing. Disulfiram, which was originally approved as an anti-alcoholism drug, offers an attractive alternative to treat topical multidrug resistance bacteria in skin human infections. This study aimed to evaluate the biopharmaceutical characteristics of the drug and the effects arising from its topical application in detail. Microdilution susceptibility testing showed antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. Dermal absorption revealed no permeation in pig skin. The quantification of the drug retained in pig skin demonstrated concentrations in the stratum corneum and epidermis, enough to treat skin infections. Moreover, in vitro cytotoxicity and micro-array analyses were performed to better understand the mechanism of action and revealed the importance of the drug as a metal ion chelator. Together, our findings suggest that disulfiram has the potential to be repurposed as an effective antibiotic to treat superficial human skin infections

    The Efficacy and Biopharmaceutical Properties of a Fixed-Dose Combination of Disulfiram and Benzyl Benzoate

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    Scabies and hair lice are parasitic diseases that affect human skin and hair, respectively. The incidence and resistances of these infections are increasing. Tenutex® (disulfiram and benzyl benzoate emulsion) is an alternative to standard insecticides to avoid resistances. The aim of the work is to evaluate the transdermal absorption and the in vitro efficacy against scabies and hair lice after different exposition times. Dermatomed human skin was used to assess the dermal absorption using a validated High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) method. HEK001 keratinocytes were used to evaluate the cytotoxicity of benzyl benzoate. Only benzyl benzoate was able to cross the skin, but it did not show cytotoxicity at any of the tested concentrations. The product efficacy was tested on Psoroptes ovis after direct contact and after administration on sheep skin explants at different contact times. Permethrin/malathion-resistant strains of Pediculus humanis capitis adults and eggs were directly exposed to Tenutex, and the vitality and hatchability, respectively, were evaluated. The anti-scabies study demonstrated that exposure for 6 or 24 h completely eradicated the parasite. The pediculicidal activity of Tenutex exhibited superior efficacy than standard treatment on resistant lice. The positive results obtained suggest that Tenutex® is a good treatment option, especially in drug resistance situations

    Violent criminal behavior in the context of bipolar disorder: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the potential importance of understanding violent criminal behavior (VCB) in individuals suffering from bipolar disorder (BD), previous findings are conflicting. The aims of the present study are to clarify the association of VCB and BD in comparison to general population and other psychiatric conditions. METHODS: A systematic review of literature from January 1st, 1980 through January 16th, 2017 from 3 electronic databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE and PsycInfo), following the PRISMA and the MOOSE statements. Original peer-reviewed studies reporting data on VCB in BD were included. A random-effects meta-analysis was performed. Potential sources of heterogeneity were examined through subgroup and meta-regression analyses. The protocol was registered in PROSPERO, CRD42017054070. RESULTS: Twelve studies providing data from 58,475 BD participants. The prevalence of VCB in BD was 7.1% (95%CI = 3.0‒16.5%; k = 4). The association of BD and VCB compared to general population was not significant (OR = 2.784; 95% CI, 0.687‒11.287, P = .152). The association was significant only in cross-sectional studies, in studies in which VCB was assessed through self-reported measures, and in studies conducted in the USA. BD was more likely to be associated with VCB when BD patients were compared to controls with depressive disorders, whilst it was found to be less associated with VCB when BD was compared to psychotic disorders. LIMITATIONS: 1. the methodological heterogeneity across the included studies. 2. causal inferences were precluded by the inclusion of cross-sectional studies. CONCLUSIONS: These findings might provide a more balance portrait of the association between BD and VCB to clinicians, law enforcement and general public

    Toward precision psychiatry in bipolar disorder : staging 2.0

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    Personalized treatment is defined as choosing the “right treatment for the right person at the right time.” Although psychiatry has not yet reached this level of precision, we are on the way thanks to recent technological developments that may aid to detect plausible molecular and genetic markers. At the moment there are some models that are contributing to precision psychiatry through the concept of staging. While staging was initially presented as a way to categorize patients according to clinical presentation, course, and illness severity, current stagingmodels integratemultiple levels of information that can help to define each patient’s characteristics, severity, and prognosis in a more precise and individualized way. Moreover, staging might serve as the foundation to create a clinical decision-making algorithm on the basis of the patient’s stage. In this review we will summarize the evolution of the bipolar disorder staging model in relation to the new discoveries on the neurobiology of bipolar disorder. Furthermore, we will discuss how the latest and future progress in psychiatry might transform current staging models into precision staging models