31 research outputs found

    Discursos de Educação Ambiental produzidos por professores em formação continuada

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    O presente trabalho se localiza nos estudos da educação ambiental (EA) e do discurso. Teve como objetivo caracterizar a intertextualidade presente nos discursos de EA produzidos por professores em formação continuada durante um Curso de Formação de Educadores Ambientais (CFEA). O referencial teórico e metodológico utilizado foi a análise crítica do discurso. O corpus consistiu de textos transcritos de uma atividade em grupo durante o curso e entrevistas com três participantes após o curso. Os textos foram analisados qualitativamente por meio da análise da intertextualidade. Os resultados permitiram entender que os discursos de EA das participantes são construídos a partir de diferentes abordagens de EA. Tais abordagens se interpelam e constituem um discurso plural. Assim, os discursos mostraram a uma articulação complexa entre os diferentes discursos que circularam no CFEA e ainda com outros textos de EA com os quais as participantes provavelmente tiveram contato ao longo de sua trajetória


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    Funding Information: We thank Mineração Rio do Norte S.A. and Limnologia/UFRJ for fieldwork support, Dr. Janet W. Reid (JWR Associates) for language revision, and Leonardo Preza Rodrigues for map charting. VLMH, JCN, FAE, RLB, and FR are partially supported by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil, RLB, and FAE by FAPERJ, Brazil, and CGR financially supported by Sakari Alhopuro Foundation, Finland. Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. All rights reserved.Tailings from bauxite mining in Porto Trombetas (Pará state, Central Amazonia, Brazil) was discharged (1979–1989) into Batata Lake affecting about 30% of its area. The lake belongs to a clear-water flood-plain system along the Trombetas River, a tributary of the Amazon River. Siltation is the main perceived factor impacting aquatic and flooded communities. Besides natural regeneration, a program to restore a section of igapó forest in the impacted area (IA) has been conducted since 1991. Decreased light is the main factor reducing total phytoplankton biomass (PhyBM) in IA. We hypothesized that PhyBM in IA increases over time because of the improvement of the underwater light conditions due to the natural regeneration and restoration. We sampled quarterly PhyBM and limnological variables (depth, transparency, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, suspended solids, total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and total phosphorus), over 15 years (2005–2019) at eight sampling sites in the two areas (N = 349). We also obtained daily climatic and hydrologic data. PhyBM was higher in NIA than in IA. The temporal trend in the annual mean of PhyBM increased significantly over time only in the IA, approximating the NIA values, confirming our general hypothesis. The increase of PhyBM in the IA was negatively related to the residual light attenuation caused by non-phytoplankton turbidity and to total phosphorus, and positively to air temperature and site depth (p < 0.05; Marginal r2 = 0.18; Conditional r2 = 0.29). Instead, in NIA, PhyBM was explained only by the increase in air temperature (p < 0.05; Marginal r2 = 0.15; Conditional r2 = 0.34). We concluded that the PhyBM in the IA positively responds to the synergy between increasing light availability, air temperature, and site depth, and decreasing total phosphorus concentrations, regardless of hydrologic phase.Peer reviewe

    Dendrocephalus goiasensis Rabet & Thiery 1996

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    &lt;i&gt;Dendrocephalus goiasensis&lt;/i&gt; Rabet &amp; Thi&eacute;ry, 1996 Material examined &lt;p&gt;BRAZIL: 4 paratypes, Goi&aacute;s, Iaciara, temporary pool, 16 Jan. 1989, W. Costa and J. C. Oliveira leg.; 2 animals, Goi&aacute;s, Iaciara, temporary pool, 2 Feb. 2003, J. Goma Pinto and D. Pillet leg. (Fig. 7C). All specimens kept in NR&rsquo;s personal collection.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Rabet, Nicolas, Lacau, Sébastien &amp; Bozelli, Reinaldo L., 2018, Richness of Dendrocephalus (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Brazil with the description of two new species, pp. 1-20 in European Journal of Taxonomy 478&lt;/i&gt; on page 12, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.478, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3825236"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3825236&lt;/a&gt

    Dendrocephalus carajaensis Rogers, Gomes & Vieira 2012

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    &lt;i&gt;Dendrocephalus carajaensis&lt;/i&gt; Rogers, Gomes &amp; Vieira, 2012 &lt;p&gt;Figs 4, 7B&lt;/p&gt; Material examined &lt;p&gt;BRAZIL: 12 animals, Par&aacute;, Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s, pool N1-A, 20 Nov. 2011, R. Bozelli leg. (Reinaldo Bozelli personal collection); 12 animals, Par&aacute;, Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s, pool N1-C, 22 Oct. 2013, R. Bozelli leg. (Reinaldo Bozelli personal collection); 12 animals, Par&aacute;, Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s, pool N7, 23 Oct. 2013, R. Bozelli leg. (Reinaldo Bozelli personal collection); 12 animals, Par&aacute;, Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s, pool S11- DC, 24 Nov. 2013, R. Bozelli leg. (Reinaldo Bozelli personal collection) (Fig. 7B).&lt;/p&gt; Description &lt;p&gt; Similar to the original description (see Rogers &lt;i&gt;et al.&lt;/i&gt; 2012) including the following variations: branch 2V variable with one to three extremities, the tip of each with a cell pad. Branch 2A with a basal spine of varying shape from sinuate to straight (Fig. 4 A&ndash;B). One or two basal cell pads produced. Anterior end sometimes arcuate or straight but always acute apically (Fig. 4 A&ndash;B). Sub-branch III of branch 2D with varying shape from monoramal to biramal with various intermediate states. In some cases, three or five spiniform projections present in the posterior face of the sub-branch (Fig. 4 C&ndash;D). In some individuals, two projections can fuse to form an elongate projection with two acute extremities (Fig. 4 E&ndash;F) or form an elongate ramus sharing spiniform projections as in the original description (see Rogers &lt;i&gt;et al.&lt;/i&gt; 2012).&lt;/p&gt; Habitat &lt;p&gt;The specimens studied in the present work were all collected in natural pools in an Amazonian savannah in the Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s (Canga deposits), see Fig. 7B.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Rabet, Nicolas, Lacau, Sébastien &amp; Bozelli, Reinaldo L., 2018, Richness of Dendrocephalus (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Brazil with the description of two new species, pp. 1-20 in European Journal of Taxonomy 478&lt;/i&gt; on page 7, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.478, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3825236"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3825236&lt;/a&gt

    Dendrocephalus aranai Rabet & Lacau & Bozelli 2018, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Dendrocephalus aranai&lt;/i&gt; Rabet &amp; Lacau sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 222FFFBE-BD26-4191-BC3E-A5D3864B07B4&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Figs 1&ndash;3, 7H&lt;/p&gt; Etymology &lt;p&gt;&lsquo;Aran&atilde;&rsquo; is the Portuguese (Brazil) name for an indigenous Brazilian tribe in the &lsquo;Vale do Jequitinhonha&rsquo; region, which is near the type locality. Today, their population has been nearly extinguished, so the new species is named in honour of these people.&lt;/p&gt; Material examined &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Holotype&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; BRAZIL: mature Ƌ, total length 24.1 mm, cercopods 4.2 mm, Minas Gerais, Jequitinhonha, 16&deg;25&prime;10.47&Prime; S, 40&deg;57&prime;4.46&Prime; W, temporary pool no 4, 17 Jan. 2009, T. Chaves leg. (MNRJ 27970) (Fig. 7H).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Allotype&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; BRAZIL: mature &female;, total length 21.7 mm, brood pouch 5.5 mm reaching the 5 th abdominal segment, cercopods 4.1 mm, same collecting data as for holotype (MNRJ 27971).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Paratypes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;BRAZIL: 8 ƋƋ, total length 14.5 to 25.1 mm, mean = 19.55 &plusmn; 2.95 mm, cercopods 2.5 to 4.2 mm, mean = 3.28 &plusmn; 0.5 mm, same collecting data as for holotype; 4 &female;&female;, total length 17 to 20.6 mm, mean = 18.33 &plusmn; 1.58 mm, brood pouch 4 to 4.7 mm, mean = 4.43 &plusmn; 0.31 mm, cercopods 3.1 to 3.6 mm, mean = 3.25 &plusmn; 0.31 mm, same collecting data as for holotype (2 ƋƋ, 2 &female;&female; in MNHN (MNHN-IU-2016-3558); 2 ƋƋ, 1 &female; in MNRJ (MNRJ 27972)). Other specimens kept in NR&rsquo;s personal collection.&lt;/p&gt; Type locality &lt;p&gt; The pool (Fig.7H) is in a well-lit location at a climatic crossroads with influences from the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado and lesser Caatinga. The other large branchiopods sampled in the same ponds are &lt;i&gt;Eulimnadia colombiensis&lt;/i&gt; Roessler, 1989.&lt;/p&gt; Description &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Male&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Eye pedunculate, ovoid in lateral view with a prominent spine. Length of the spine relative to the eye between 10 and 20% (Fig. 2A). Antenna-like outgrowth slender, lying between first antennae and second antennae. Second antennae with proximal antennomeres fused basally on the anterior of the head. Proximal antennomere mediodistally bearing a stout digitiform process ornamented with setae. Distal antennomere weakly sclerotized, evenly curved medially, and ornamented on the medial surface with scaliform transverse ridges; terminus acute. Frontal appendages with anterior margin of the base of the arms with three or four spines (Fig. 2B). Arms from the base to the terminal branches with spines (Fig. 2B). Frontal appendage complex with one ventral branch (1V) and three terminal branches (2V, 2D, 2A). The terminal appendage in the medial position, called branch 2A, with a podiform apex and one long cell pad present proximally, parallel to the main axis, and a more lateral structure resembling a &lsquo;cell pad&rsquo; on a bulge. A long spiniform process is present basally (Fig. 2C). A ventral branch called branch 1V with two sub-branches. Sub-branch I (most proximal) with one row of spines on the medial side, a swollen extremity with five spines posteriorly oriented and three to five small cell pads anteriorly oriented. Branch 1V distally ramified in two sub-branches, both with a longitudinal row of medial spines (Fig. 2D). Sub-branch II &frac34; of the length of sub-branch I and with a row of short spines on the medial side with an acute extremity (Fig. 2D). Terminal and ventral branch called branch 2V cylindrical and ending in a cluster of five to seven cell-pads on a bulge, with two rows of cell pads and a long cell pad on the medial surface (Fig. 2E). Terminal branch in the dorsal position called branch 2D is subdivided into three sub-branches. Sub-branch I (most proximal) with a row of short spines on the medial side and with three long spines (length more than four times the diameter of the sub-branch) (Fig. 3A). Sub-branch II shorter than half of sub-branch I with three long spines (gradually decreasing in size towards the apical part from three times the length to twice the length of the diameter of the sub-branch) (Fig. 3A). Subbranch III &frac34; shorter and five times wider than sub-branch I, bearing two large spiniform processes, and with a distally flattened portion with two spines on the posterolateral side (Fig. 3A). Endopodite of the first pair of thoracopods with a basolateral lobe ending in one to four smooth spines and a distolateral non-prominent border with two spines (Fig. 3B). Endopodites of limb 2 with a prominent distolateral border ornamented with 12&ndash;13 spines and a strong, small extension with two small spines (Fig. 3C). Endopodites of limb 3 with a prominent distolateral border ornamented with 12&ndash;13 spines (Fig. 3D). Endopodites of limb 4 with only eight small spines on the distolateral corner (Fig. 3E). No differentiation was observed in the fourth limbs (Fig. 3E). Abdominal segments smooth. Cercopods margined with plumose setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Female&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Typical of the genus.&lt;/p&gt; Resting egg &lt;p&gt;Subspherical with broad pentagonal or quadragonal facies. Diameter ranging from 222 to 247 mm, mean = 236.1 &plusmn; 7.79 mm (n = 8, diameter based on three measurements for each egg). Depression number ranging from 7 to 8, mean = 7.88 &plusmn; 0.35 (n = 8).&lt;/p&gt; Distribution &lt;p&gt; This species is known from several pools in the area next to the &lt;i&gt;locus typicus.&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Rabet, Nicolas, Lacau, Sébastien &amp; Bozelli, Reinaldo L., 2018, Richness of Dendrocephalus (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Brazil with the description of two new species, pp. 1-20 in European Journal of Taxonomy 478&lt;/i&gt; on pages 3-7, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.478, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3825236"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3825236&lt;/a&gt

    Richness of Dendrocephalus (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Brazil with the description of two new species

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    International audienceWe present an overview of the morphological diversity and geographical distribution of the anostracan genus Dendrocephalus Daday, 1908, and describe two new species: D. aranai sp. nov. from Jequitinhonha in the state of Minas Gerais and D. xikrini sp. nov. from the Carajás Mountains (Serra dos Carajás) in the state of Pará. These species have important similarities to D. goiasensis Rabet & Thiéry, 1996 and D. thieryi Rabet, 2006, respectively, but differ from them and each other through a combination of characters that are essentially unique to the endopods, and frontal appendage branch 2A and branch 2D. We also partly redescribe D. carajaensis Rogers, Gomes & Vieira, 2012, which shows a particular intra-populational variability in branch 2A and 2D III of the frontal appendage, a type of polymorphism that was also recently observed in D. orientalis Rabet & Thiéry, 1996 and which must now be taken into account in taxonomy. In terms of the distribution of species of Dendrocephalus in Brazil, we suggest that several other species are probably present in the Amazonian, Cerrado and Pantanal Biomes, which remain largely unexplored. A new taxonomic key for the identification of males of the Brazilian species is provided

    Dendrocephalus orientalis Rabet & Thiery 1996

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    &lt;i&gt;Dendrocephalus orientalis&lt;/i&gt; Rabet &amp; Thi&eacute;ry, 1996 Material examined &lt;p&gt;BRAZIL: 5 paratypes, Para&iacute;ba, Jo&atilde;o Pessoa, Cabo Branco, temporary pond, 21 Jul. 1993, N. Rabet leg.; 4 animals, Bahia, near Oliveira dos Brejinhos, temporary pond along the Caturama-Maca&uacute;bas and Boquira-Beira Rio roads, 25&ndash;26 Jan. 1994, P.S. Young and M.C. Britto-Pereira leg.; 4 animals, Bahia, Jequi&eacute;, 23 Jan. 2002, S. Lacau leg. (Fig. 7D); 4 animals, Bahia, Palmas de Monte Alto, rock pool, 23 Dec. 2014, M.L. Oliveira, N.S. Silva, H. Gon&ccedil;alves and J.G. Neto leg. (Fig. 7E). All specimens kept in NR&rsquo;s personal collection.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Rabet, Nicolas, Lacau, Sébastien &amp; Bozelli, Reinaldo L., 2018, Richness of Dendrocephalus (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Brazil with the description of two new species, pp. 1-20 in European Journal of Taxonomy 478&lt;/i&gt; on page 12, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.478, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3825236"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3825236&lt;/a&gt

    Dendrocephalus xikrini Rabet & Lacau & Bozelli 2018, sp. nov.

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    &lt;i&gt;Dendrocephalus xikrini&lt;/i&gt; Rabet &amp; Bozelli sp. nov. &lt;p&gt;urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: D01C2A1B-75C2-4297-B1D3-B8B2564EB672&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Figs 1, 5&ndash;6, 7I&lt;/p&gt; Etymology &lt;p&gt;Named in honour of the Xikrin, a subgroup of indigenous people from the Kayap&oacute; tribes living in the area of the Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s.&lt;/p&gt; Material examined &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Holotype&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;BRAZIL: mature Ƌ, total length 15.0 mm, cercopods 2.8 mm, Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s, Par&aacute;, 6&deg;21&prime;06.27&Prime; S, 50&deg;23&prime;43.66&Prime; W, pool S11-BC in an Amazonian savannah (Canga deposits), 25 Nov. 2013, R. Bozelli&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;leg. (MNRJ 2973). In the same study period, approximately 30 phytoplankton species, 30 zooplankton species and 15 aquatic macrophyte species were recorded in the pool, but no fish were observed.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Allotype&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; BRAZIL: mature &female;, total length 12.8 mm, brood pouch 2.9 mm reaching the extremity of the 6 th abdominal segment (including genital segments), cercopods 2.7 mm, same collecting data as for holotype (MNRJ 2974).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Paratypes&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;BRAZIL: 8 ƋƋ, same collecting data as for holotype, total length 15.1 to 16.5 mm, mean = 15.75 &plusmn; 0.58 mm, cercopods 2.3 to 2.7 mm, mean = 2.56 &plusmn; 0.15 mm; 1 &female;, same collecting data as for holotype, length 13.5 mm, brood pouch 3 mm, cercopods 3 mm (2 ƋƋ, 1 &female; MNHN (MNHN-IU-2016-3559); 2 ƋƋ in MNRJ (MNRJ 2975)). Other specimens are kept in personal collections of NR and RLB.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Type locality&lt;/b&gt; (Figs 1, 7I)&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; Pool S11-BC is the smallest (average area of 0.13 ha) among the previously studied lentic aquatic environments in the Serra dos Caraj&aacute;s inside the Caraj&aacute;s National Forest. Although very shallow (0.10 to 0.25 m) during our sporadic explorations from 2005&ndash;2013, the pool was never found completely dry, and during this period, its volume ranged from 56 to 140 m 3. Nevertheless, it is a temporary pool because it was possible to verify that the pool dried up in Google Earth images from August 2006. The electrical conductivity of the water varies between 4 and 64 &mu;S/cm and pH varied between 4.89 and 5.63. The recorded turbidity values were between 1 and 64 NTU, but the water was always completely transparent.&lt;/p&gt; Description &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Male&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Eye pedunculate, ovoid in lateral view with a prominent spine. Length of the spine relative to that of the eye between 10 and 20% (Fig. 5A). Antenna-like outgrowth slender, lying between the first antennae and second antennae. Second antennae with proximal antennomeres fused basally on the anterior of the head. Proximal antennomere mediodistally bearing a stout digitiform process ornamented with setae. Distal antennomere weakly sclerotized, evenly curved medially, and ornamented on the medial surface with scaliform transverse ridges; terminus acute. Frontal appendages with anterior margin of the base of the arms with three or four spines (Fig. 5B). Arms from the base to the terminal branches with spines (Fig. 5B). Frontal appendage complex with one ventral branch (1V) and three terminal branches (2V, 2D, and 2A). The terminal appendage in the medial position called branch 2A with a podiform apex and one well-developed cell-pad on the first third of the branch. A long spiniform process is present basally (Fig. 5C). Ventral branch called branch 1V with two sub-branches. Sub-branch I (most proximal) with one row of spines on the medial side with an acute extremity (Fig. 5D). Sub-branch II &frac34; of the length of sub-branch I and with a row of short spines on the medial side with an acute extremity (Fig. 5D). Terminal ventral branch called branch 2V cylindrical and ending in a cluster of four to five cell-pads on a bulge and four rows of cell pads on the medial surface (Fig. 5E). Terminal branch in the dorsal position called branch 2D subdivided into three sub-branches. Sub-branch I (most proximal) with a row of short spines on the medial side and with three or four long spines (length of which is more than twice the diameter of the sub-branch) in the first half of the sub-branch (Fig. 6A). Sub-branch II longer than half of sub-branch I, with a row of small spines on the medial side and with two long spines (the length of which is greater than or equal to the diameter of the sub-branch) in the first half and half the length of the sub-branch (Fig. 6A). Sub-branch III slightly shorter than sub-branch I (80%) with twice the average diameter, proximally cylindrical and distally flattened and bearing a large spiniform process; distal flattened portion with two or three long spines (equalling the width of the sub-branch) on the posterolateral side (Fig. 6A). Endopodite of the first pair of limbs with a reduced basolateral lobe sharing small spines that form a row extending to the distal corner (Fig. 6B). Endopodite of the second pair of limbs with a border sharing large spines (Fig. 6C). Endopodite of the third pair of limbs similar to the second with slightly larger spines (Fig. 6D). No differentiation was observed in the fourth pair of limbs (Fig. 6E). Abdominal segments smooth. Cercopods margined with plumose setae.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt; &lt;b&gt;Female&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Typical of the genus.&lt;/p&gt; Resting egg &lt;p&gt; Similar to those of &lt;i&gt;D. aranai&lt;/i&gt; sp. nov., subspherical with broad pentagonal or quadragonal facies.&lt;/p&gt; Distribution &lt;p&gt; Known only from the &lt;i&gt;locus typicus&lt;/i&gt;. Other pools prospected in the Caraj&aacute;s Mountains are inhabited by &lt;i&gt;D. carajaensis&lt;/i&gt; only.&lt;/p&gt;Published as part of &lt;i&gt;Rabet, Nicolas, Lacau, Sébastien &amp; Bozelli, Reinaldo L., 2018, Richness of Dendrocephalus (Branchiopoda, Anostraca) in Brazil with the description of two new species, pp. 1-20 in European Journal of Taxonomy 478&lt;/i&gt; on pages 7-12, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2018.478, &lt;a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3825236"&gt;http://zenodo.org/record/3825236&lt;/a&gt