108 research outputs found

    A Framework for the Automatic Analysis and Interactive Exploration of Document Aesthetics. Technical Report April 21, 2016

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    Modern word processing software and typesetting systems such as TeX enable the quick creation of documents of various kinds. Although the quality of the software packages varies, all can produce aesthetically pleasing documents in terms of layout and type setting. Problems typically originate from the large number of parameters which are exposed to the user. These range from simple settings like typeface, font size and column width to more elaborate ones, such as kerning and leading. Most often default values are modified without grasping the consequences for readability and aesthetic appeal of the resulting document.In this paper, we present a system for interactive visualization and exploration of quantifiable aspects of document aesthetics such as alignment, spacing, gray values, but also of image color harmony. This system also allows for comparative analysis of multiple documents and document versions side-by-side. The documents are rated using an extensible and parameterizable plug-in system allowing the user to define a task-specific processing pipeline interactively. The rating is hierarchically organized such that the user can drill down into the different aspects that influence the final score. Our system takes standard document formats such as Adobe PDF or Microsoft XPS as input. Our system serves as a platform for further research on document aesthetics as well as a utility to sensibilize authors for these often underestimated aspects of scientific publishing

    Visual Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Displacement Processes in Porous Media

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    We present the visual analysis of our novel parameter study of porous media experiments, focusing on gaining a better understanding of drainage processes on the micro-scale. We analyze the temporal evolution of extracted characteristic values, and discuss how to directly compare experiments that exhibit processes at different temporal scales due to varying boundary and physical conditions. To enable spatio-temporal analysis, we introduce a new abstract visual representation showing which paths through the porous media were occupied to what extent, e.g., allowing for classification into viscous and capillary regimes. This joint work of porous media experts and visualization researchers yields new insights regarding immiscible two-phase flow on the micro-scale toward the overarching goal of characterizing flow based on boundary conditions and physical fluid properties

    Visual Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Displacement Processes in Porous Media

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    We present the visual analysis of our novel parameter study of porous media experiments, focusing on gaining a better understanding of drainage processes on the micro-scale. We analyze the temporal evolution of extracted characteristic values, and discuss how to directly compare experiments that exhibit processes at different temporal scales due to varying boundary and physical conditions. To enable spatio-temporal analysis, we introduce a new abstract visual representation showing which paths through the porous media were occupied to what extent, e.g., allowing for classification into viscous and capillary regimes. This joint work of porous media experts and visualization researchers yields new insights regarding immiscible two-phase flow on the micro-scale toward the overarching goal of characterizing flow based on boundary conditions and physical fluid properties

    Visual Analysis of Two-Phase Flow Displacement Processes in Porous Media

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    We present the visual analysis of our novel parameter study of porous media experiments, focusing on gaining a better understanding of drainage processes on the micro-scale. We analyze the temporal evolution of extracted characteristic values, and discuss how to directly compare experiments that exhibit processes at different temporal scales due to varying boundary and physical conditions. To enable spatio-temporal analysis, we introduce a new abstract visual representation showing which paths through the porous media were occupied to what extent, e.g., allowing for classification into viscous and capillary regimes. This joint work of porous media experts and visualization researchers yields new insights regarding immiscible two-phase flow on the micro-scale toward the overarching goal of characterizing flow based on boundary conditions and physical fluid properties

    Visual Ensemble Analysis of Fluid Flow in Porous Media across Simulation Codes and Experiment

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    We study the question of how visual analysis can support the comparison of spatio-temporal ensemble data of liquid and gas flow in porous media. To this end, we focus on a case study, in which nine different research groups concurrently simulated the process of injecting CO2 into the subsurface. We explore different data aggregation and interactive visualization approaches to compare and analyze these nine simulations. In terms of data aggregation, one key component is the choice of similarity metrics that define the relation between the different simulations. We test different metrics and find that a fine-tuned machine-learning based metric provides the best visualization results. Based on that, we propose different visualization methods. For overviewing the data, we use dimensionality reduction methods that allow us to plot and compare the different simulations in a scatterplot. To show details about the spatio-temporal data of each individual simulation, we employ a space-time cube volume rendering. We use the resulting interactive, multi-view visual analysis tool to explore the nine simulations and also to compare them to data from experimental setups. Our main findings include new insights into ranking of simulation results with respect to experimental data, and the development of gravity fingers in simulations.Comment: arXiv preprin

    Rol de la Consejería escolar en el proceso de formación de actitudes y valores en los estudiantes de séptimo grado del turno vespertino del Instituto Nacional Público Maestro Gabriel, ubicado en el Distrito 4, de Managua, departamento de Managua, durante el segundo semestre del año en 2022

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    El Programa de las Consejerías de las Comunidades Educativas, es un componente de la “Estrategia de resguardo de la tranquilidad de las familias” que funciona en los centros educativos a partir del protagonismo de estudiantes, madres, padres de familia y docentes. El estudio lleva por título “Rol de la Consejería en el proceso de formación de actitudes y valores en los estudiantes de séptimo grado del turno vespertino del Instituto Nacional Público Maestro Gabriel, ubicado en el Distrito 4 de Managua, departamento de Managua durante el segundo semestre del año en 2022”, con el propósito de describir los roles que desempeña la consejería escolar en el Instituto y la participación de padres madres y tutores en el proceso. Es un estudio con enfoque cualitativo, porque se utilizaron técnicas e instrumentos cualitativos para recopilar información como entrevistas y grupo focal lo que permitió describir los roles que desempeña la consejería escolar en el centro y los aportes en el proceso de formación de valores en los estudiantes de séptimo grado. Como equipo investigador se considera que es un tema de mucho interés por la crisis de valores en que se vive por el mundo globalizado de hoy. El estudio está estructurado en las siguientes partes: Introducción, cuestiones de investigación, propósitos de investigación, perspectiva teórica, matriz de descriptores, perspectiva de la investigación, análisis e interpretación de los resultados, conclusiones, recomendaciones, bibliografía y anexos. Entre los principales resultados del estudio se conoció que la consejera realiza gestión a través de dirección, para impartir charlas a estudiantes y padres de familia, remite los casos a las instituciones amigas, fomenta las prácticas de valores e integra a los padres de familia en las reuniones orientadas por la institución o MINED. Al finalizar se concluye que el director debe gestionar una consejera permanente ante el MINED, para que brinde seguimiento a los estudiantes con mayor incidencia. Elaborar y ejecutar plan de apoyo al trabajo que realiza la consejera del centro. Se recomienda a la consejera que fomente de forma más frecuente actividades para motivar la participación del padre de familia en el proceso de formación de los estudiante