4,690 research outputs found

    Static Critical Behavior of the Spin-Freezing Transition in the Geometrically Frustrated Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Y2Mo2O7

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    Some frustrated pyrochlore antiferromagnets, such as Y2Mo2O7, show a spin-freezing transition and magnetic irreversibilities below a temperature Tf similar to what is observed nonlinear magnetization measurements on Y2Mo2O7 that provide strong evidence that there is an underlying thermodynamic phase transition at Tf, which is characterized by critical exponents \gamma \approx 2.8 and \beta \approx 0.8. These values are typical of those found in random spin glasses, despite the fact that the level of random disorder in Y2Mo2O7 is immeasurably small.Comment: Latex file, calls for 4 encapsulated postscript figures (included). Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters

    Faraday cage screening reveals intrinsic aspects of the van der Waals attraction

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    © 2018 National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved. General properties of the recently observed screening of the van der Waals (vdW) attraction between a silica substrate and silica tip by insertion of graphene are predicted using basic theory and first-principles calculations. Results are then focused on possible practical applications, as well as an understanding of the nature of vdW attraction, considering recent discoveries showing it competing against covalent and ionic bonding. The traditional view of the vdW attraction as arising from pairwiseadditive London dispersion forces is considered using Grimme's "D3" method, comparing results to those from Tkatchenko's more general many-body dispersion (MBD) approach, all interpreted in terms of Dobson's general dispersion framework. Encompassing the experimental results, MBD screening of the vdW force between two silica bilayers is shown to scale up to medium separations as 1.25 de/d, where d is the bilayer separation and de is its equilibrium value, depicting antiscreening approaching and inside de. Means of unifying this correlation effect with those included in modern density functionals are urgently required

    The True Incidence of Magnetism among Field White Dwarfs

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    We study the incidence of magnetism in white dwarfs from three large and well-observed samples of hot, cool, and nearby white dwarfs in order to test whether the fraction of magnetic degenerates is biased, and whether it varies with effective temperature, cooling age, or distance. The magnetic fraction is considerably higher for the cool sample of Bergeron, Ruiz, and Leggett, and the Holberg, Oswalt, and Sion sample of local white dwarfs that it is for the generally-hotter white dwarfs of the Palomar Green Survey. We show that the mean mass of magnetic white dwarfs in this survey is 0.93 solar masses or more, so there may be a strong bias against their selection in the magnitude-limited Palomar Green Survey. We argue that this bias is not as important in the samples of cool and nearby white dwarfs. However, this bias may not account for all of the difference in the magnetic fractions of these samples. It is not clear that the magnetic white dwarfs in the cool and local samples are drawn from the same population as the hotter PG stars. In particular, two or threee of the cool sample are low-mass white dwarfs in unresolved binary systems. Moreover, there is a suggestion from the local sample that the fractional incidence may increase with decreasing temperature, luminosity, and/or cooling age. Overall, the true incidence of magnetism at the level of 2 megagauss or greater is at least 10%, and could be higher. Limited studies capable of detecting lower field strengths down to 10 kilogauss suggest by implication that the total fraction may be substantially higher than 10%.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, Astronomical Journal in press -- Jan 2003 issu

    Static Correlation and Dynamical Properties of Tb3+-moments in Tb2Ti2O7 -Neutron Scattering Study-

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    Static and dynamical properties of the magnetic moment system of pyrochlore compound Tb2Ti2O7 with strong magnetic frustration, have been investigated down to the temperature T=0.4 K by neutron scattering on a single crystal sample. The scattering vector (Q)-dependence of the magnetic scattering intensity becomes appreciable with decreasing T at around 30 K, indicating the development of the magnetic correlation. From the observed energy profiles, the elastic, quasi elastic and inelastic components have been separately obtained. The quasi elastic component corresponds to the diffusive motion of the magnetic moments within the lowest states, which are formed of the lowest energy levels of Tb3+ ions. Magnetic correlation pattern which can roughly reproduce the Q-dependence of the scattering intensities of the elastic and quasi elastic component is discussed based on the trial calculations for clusters of 7 moments belonging to two corner-sharing tetrahedra. A possible origin of the glassy state, which develops at around 1.5 K with decreasing T is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 71(2002)No.2 59

    Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet: A Three-Dimensional Quantum Spin Liquid

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    The quantum pyrochlore antiferromagnet is studied by perturbative expansions and exact diagonalization of small clusters. We find that the ground state is a spin-liquid state: The spin-spin correlation functions decay exponentially with distance and the correlation length never exceeds the interatomic distance. The calculated magnetic neutron diffraction cross section is in very good agreement with experiments performed on Y(Sc)Mn2. The low energy excitations are singlet-singlet ones, with a finite spin gap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Survey of Luminous Cool Stars

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    FUSE ultraviolet spectra of 8 giant and supergiant stars reveal that high temperature (3 X 10^5 K) atmospheres are common in luminous cool stars and extend across the color-magnitude diagram from Alpha Car (F0 II) to the cool giant Alpha Tau (K5 III). Emission present in these spectra includes chromospheric H-Lyman Beta, Fe II, C I, and transition region lines of C III, O VI, Si III, Si IV. Emission lines of Fe XVIII and Fe XIX signaling temperatures of ~10^7 K and coronal material are found in the most active stars, Beta Cet and 31 Com. A short-term flux variation, perhaps a flare, was detected in Beta Cet during our observation. Stellar surface fluxes of the emission of C III and O VI are correlated and decrease rapidly towards the cooler stars, reminiscent of the decay of magnetically-heated atmospheres. Profiles of the C III (977A) lines suggest that mass outflow is underway at T~80,000 K, and the winds are warm. Indications of outflow at higher temperatures (3 X 10^5K) are revealed by O VI asymmetries and the line widths themselves. High temperature species are absent in the M-supergiant Alpha Ori. Narrow fluorescent lines of Fe II appear in the spectra of many giants and supergiants, apparently pumped by H Lyman Alpha, and formed in extended atmospheres. Instrumental characteristics that affect cool star spectra are discussed.Comment: Accept for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 22 pages of text, 23 figures and 8 table

    Binaries discovered by the SPY project. IV, Five single-lined DA double white dwarfs

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    We present results from our ongoing follow-up observations of double white dwarf binaries detected in the ESO SN Ia Progenitor SurveY (SPY). We discuss our observing strategy and data analysis and present the orbital solutions of five close double white dwarf binaries: HE0320−1917, HE1511−0448, WD0326−273, WD1013−010 and WD1210+140. Their periods range from 0.44 to 3.22 days. In none of these systems we find any spectral lines originating from the companion. This rules out main sequence companions and indicates that the companion white dwarfs are significantly older and cooler than the bright component. Infrared photometry suggests the presence of a cool, helium-rich white dwarf companion in the binary WD 0326−273. We briefly discuss the consequences of our findings for our understanding of the formation and evolution of double white dwarfs

    Life Products of Stars

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    We attempt to document complete energetic transactions of stars in their life. We calculate photon and neutrino energies that are produced from stars in their each phase of evolution from 1 to 8 M_sun, using the state-of-the-art stellar evolution code, tracing the evolution continuously from pre-main sequence gravitational contraction to white dwarfs. We also catalogue gravitational and thermal energies and helium, and heavier elements that are stored in stars and those ejected into interstellar space in each evolutionary phase.Comment: 26 pages, including 8 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to ApJ

    The Hamburg/ESO R-process Enhanced Star survey (HERES) II. Spectroscopic analysis of the survey sample

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    We present the results of analysis of ``snapshot'' spectra of 253 metal-poor halo stars -3.8 < [Fe/H] < -1.5 obtained in the HERES survey. The spectra are analysed using an automated line profile analysis method based on the Spectroscopy Made Easy codes of Valenti & Piskunov. Elemental abundances of moderate precision have been obtained for 22 elements, C, Mg, Al, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, and Eu, where detectable. Among the sample of 253 stars, we find 8 r-II stars and 35 r-I stars. We also find three stars with strong enhancements of Eu which are s-process rich. A significant number of new very metal-poor stars are confirmed: 49 stars with [Fe/H] < -3 and 181 stars with -3 < [Fe/H] < -2. We find one star with [Fe/H] < -3.5. We find the scatter in the abundance ratios of Mg, Ca, Sc, Ti, Cr, Fe, Co, and Ni, with respect to Fe and Mg, to be similar to the estimated relative errors and thus the cosmic scatter to be small, perhaps even non-existent. The elements C, Sr, Y, Ba and Eu, and perhaps Zr, show scatter at [Fe/H] < -2.5 significantly larger than can be explained from the errors in the analysis, implying scatter which is cosmic in origin. Significant scatter is observed in abundance ratios between light and heavy neutron-capture elements at low metallicity and low levels of r-process enrichment. (*** abridged ***)Comment: Accepted for A&A; 31 pages, 2 electronic tables presently available at http://www.astro.uu.se/~barklem/papers/heres_tables.tar.gz ; Minor corrections adde

    Ordering of the Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Model on a Pyrochlore Slab

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    Ordering of the geometrically frustrated two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a pyrochlore slab is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. The model is expected to serve as a reference system of SrCrGaO compound studied extensively. In sharp contrast to the kagom\'e Heisenberg antiferromagnet, the model exhibits locally non-coplanar spin structures at low temperatures, bearing nontrivial chiral degrees of freedom. We find that under certain conditions the model exhibits a novel Kosterlitz-Thouless-type transition at a finite temperature associated with these chiral degrees of freedom. Implications to experiments are discussed.Comment: 26 figure
