4,390 research outputs found

    Marine reservoir corrections : St. Helena, South Atlantic Ocean

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    We present the first marine reservoir age and ∆R determination for the island of St. Helena using marine mollusk radiocarbon dates obtained from an historical context of known age. This represents the first marine reservoir age and ∆R determination in the southern Atlantic Ocean within thousands of kilometers of the island. The depletion of 14C in the shells indicates a rather larger reservoir age for that portion of the surface Atlantic than models indicate. The implication is that upwelling old water along the Namibian coast is transported for a considerable distance, although it is likely to be variable on a decadal timescale. An artilleryman’s button, together with other artifacts found in a midden, demonstrate association of the mollusk shells with a narrow historic period of AD 1815–1835

    Some Thoughts about the Conservation of Scanning Electron Microscopic Preparations of Diatoms in a Museum Repository

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    The Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is now an indispensable tool for the study and the description of diatoms. Many new species have been described from SEM preparations and problems now arise with the preservation of designated types and other comparative material. Moisture contributes to the deterioration of diatom stubs. Special care must be taken to store stubs in vacuum desiccators in order to keep heavy metal coatings from peeling from the siliceous surfaces of diatoms. One alternative is to mount the designated type on a coverglass so that it can be inverted, mounted in Hyrax and preserved indefinitely for light microscopic observation. It is recommended that additional prepared slides and dried material be deposited in a museum repository, along with the designated type, so that it may be used for future SEM study

    COMPTEL Observations of the Gamma-Ray Blazar PKS 1622-297

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    We report results of observations and analyses on the gamma-ray blazar PKS 1622-297, with emphasis on the COMPTEL data (0.75 - 30 MeV) collected between April 1991 and November 1997. PKS 1622-297 was detected as a source of gamma-rays by the EGRET experiment aboard CGRO in 1995 during a gamma-ray outburst at energies above 100 MeV lasting for five weeks. In this time period the blazar was significantly (~ 5.9 sigma) detected by COMPTEL at 10-30 MeV. At lower COMPTEL energies the detection is marginal, resulting in a hard MeV spectrum. The combined COMPTEL/EGRET energy spectrum shows a break at MeV energies. The broad-band spectrum (radio - gamma-rays) shows that the gamma-ray emission dominates the overall power output. On top of the 5-week gamma-ray outburst, EGRET detected a huge flare lasting for > 1 day. Enhanced MeV emission (10 - 30 MeV) is found near the time of this flare, suggesting a possible time delay with respect to the emission above 100 MeV. Outside the 5-week flaring period in 1995, we do not detect MeV emission from PKS 1622-297.Comment: 10 pages including 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Preliminary results of fast neutron treatments in carcinoma of the pancreas

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    A group of 30 patients with adenocarcinoma of the pancreas including some patients with very advanced disease, were treated with the so-called mixed beam modality employing photon treatments three times per week and neutron treatments twice a week. Two hundred Rads or equivalent Rads (RBE 3.3) were given in daily fractions aiming at a total dose of 6000 Rads in 6 to 8 weeks. The treatments were well tolerated and significant palliation was achieved in 26 to 30 cases. Twelve months survival was 33 percent with a median survival of 7 months or 210 days. Treatment techniques and localization procedures are discussed

    SHCal13 Southern Hemisphere calibration, 0–50,000 years cal BP

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    The Southern Hemisphere SHCal04 radiocarbon calibration curve has been updated with the addition of new data sets extending measurements to 2145 cal BP and including the ANSTO Younger Dryas Huon pine data set. Outside the range of measured data, the curve is based upon the Northern Hemisphere data sets as presented in IntCal13, with an interhemispheric offset averaging 43 ± 23 yr modeled by an autoregressive process to represent the short-term correlations in the offset

    Tuning the exciton g-factor in single InAs/InP quantum dots

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    Photoluminescence data from single, self-assembled InAs/InP quantum dots in magnetic fields up to 7 T are presented. Exciton g-factors are obtained for dots of varying height, corresponding to ground state emission energies ranging from 780 meV to 1100 meV. A monotonic increase of the g-factor from -2 to +1.2 is observed as the dot height decreases. The trend is well reproduced by sp3 tight binding calculations, which show that the hole g-factor is sensitive to confinement effects through orbital angular momentum mixing between the light-hole and heavy-hole valence bands. We demonstrate tunability of the exciton g-factor by manipulating the quantum dot dimensions using pyramidal InP nanotemplates

    A measurement of cosmic ray deuterium from 0.5–2.9 GeV/nucleon

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    The rare isotopes ^(2)H and ^(3)He in cosmic rays are believed to originate mainly from the interaction of high energy protons and helium with the galactic interstellar medium. The unique propagation history of these rare isotopes provides important constraints on galactic cosmic ray source spectra and on models for their propagation within the Galaxy. Hydrogen and helium isotopes were measured with the balloon-borne experiment, IMAX, which flew from Lynn Lake, Manitoba in 1992. The energy spectrum of deuterium between 0.5 and 3.2 GeV/nucleon measured by the IMAX experiment as well as previously published results of ^(3)He from the same instrument will be compared with predictions of cosmic ray galactic propagation models. The observed composition of the light isotopes is found to be generally consistent with the predictions of the standard Leaky Box Model derived to fit observations of heavier nucle