7,742 research outputs found

    High-energy particle transport in 3D hydrodynamic models of colliding-wind binaries

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    Massive stars in binary systems (as WR140, WR147 or η\eta Carinae) have long been regarded as potential sources of high-energy γ\gamma-rays. The emission is thought to arise in the region where the stellar winds collide and produce relativistic particles which subsequently might be able to emit γ\gamma-rays. Detailed numerical hydrodynamic simulations have already offered insight in the complex dynamics of the wind collision region (WCR), while independent analytical studies, albeit with simplified descriptions of the WCR, have shed light on the spectra of charged particles. In this paper, we describe a combination of these two approaches. We present a 3D-hydrodynamical model for colliding stellar winds and compute spectral energy distributions of relativistic particles for the resulting structure of the WCR. The hydrodynamic part of our model incorporates the line-driven acceleration of the winds, gravity, orbital motion and the radiative cooling of the shocked plasma. In our treatment of charged particles we consider diffusive shock acceleration in the WCR and the subsequent cooling via inverse Compton losses (including Klein-Nishina effects), bremsstrahlung, collisions and other energy loss mechanisms.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures / accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Density-operator evolution: Complete positivity and the Keldysh real-time expansion

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    We study the reduced time-evolution of open quantum systems by combining quantum-information and statistical field theory. Inspired by prior work [EPL 102, 60001 (2013) and Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 050402 (2013)] we establish the explicit structure guaranteeing the complete positivity (CP) and trace-preservation (TP) of the real-time evolution expansion in terms of the microscopic system-environment coupling. This reveals a fundamental two-stage structure of the coupling expansion: Whereas the first stage defines the dissipative timescales of the system --before having integrated out the environment completely-- the second stage sums up elementary physical processes described by CP superoperators. This allows us to establish the nontrivial relation between the (Nakajima-Zwanzig) memory-kernel superoperator for the density operator and novel memory-kernel operators that generate the Kraus operators of an operator-sum. Importantly, this operational approach can be implemented in the existing Keldysh real-time technique and allows approximations for general time-nonlocal quantum master equations to be systematically compared and developed while keeping the CP and TP structure explicit. Our considerations build on the result that a Kraus operator for a physical measurement process on the environment can be obtained by 'cutting' a group of Keldysh real-time diagrams 'in half'. This naturally leads to Kraus operators lifted to the system plus environment which have a diagrammatic expansion in terms of time-nonlocal memory-kernel operators. These lifted Kraus operators obey coupled time-evolution equations which constitute an unraveling of the original Schr\"odinger equation for system plus environment. Whereas both equations lead to the same reduced dynamics, only the former explicitly encodes the operator-sum structure of the coupling expansion.Comment: Submission to SciPost Physics, 49 pages including 6 appendices, 13 figures. Significant improvement of introduction and conclusion, added discussions, fixed typos, no results change

    The new surprising behaviour of the two "prototype" blazars PKS 2155-304 and 3C 279

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    Recent VHE observations have unveiled a surprising behaviour in two well-known blazars at opposite sides of the blazar sequence. PKS 2155-304 have shown for the first time in an HBL a large Compton dominance, high gamma-ray luminosities and a cubic relation between X-ray and VHE fluxes. 3C 279 is the first FSRQ detected at VHE. The high luminosity required to overcome the significant absorption caused by the BLR emission cannot be easily reconciled with the historical and quasi-simultaneous SED properties. Both cases shed a new light on the structure and ambient fields of blazars. Contrary to previous claims, it is also shown that 3C 279 --as any FSRQ-- cannot in general provide robust constraints on the EBL.Comment: Proceedings of "4th Heidelberg International Symposium on High Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy 2008" (Gamma 2008), July 7-11, 2008. Slightly refined text with updated reference

    TeV gamma rays and cosmic rays from the nucleus of M87, a mis-aligned BL Lac object

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    The unresolved nuclear region of M87 emits strong non-thermal emission from radio to X-rays. Assuming this emission to originate in the pc scale jet aligned at θ30\theta \sim 30^\circ to the line of sight, we interpret this emission in the context of the Synchrotron Proton Blazar (SPB) model. We find the observed nuclear jet emission to be consistent with M87 being a mis-aligned BL Lac Object and predict gamma-ray emission extending up to at least 100 GeV at a level easily detectable by GLAST and MAGIC, and possibly by VERITAS depending on whether it is high-frequency or low-frequency peaked. Predicted neutrino emission is below the sensitivity of existing and planned neutrino telescopes. Ultra-high energy neutrons produced in pion photoproduction interactions decay into protons after escaping from the host galaxy. Because energetic protons are deflected by the intergalactic magnetic field, the protons from the decay of neutrons emitted in all directions, including along the jet axis where the Doppler factor and hence emitted neutron energies are higher, can contribute to the observed ultra-high energy cosmic rays. We consider the propagation of these cosmic ray protons to Earth and conclude that M87 could account for the observed flux if the extragalactic magnetic field topology were favourable.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. 3 additional references plus minor changes, acctepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    The pion parton distribution function in the valence region

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    The parton distribution function of the pion in the valence region is extracted in a next-to-leading order analysis from Fermilab E-615 pionic Drell-Yan data. The effects of the parameterization of the pion's valence distributions are examined. Modern nucleon parton distributions and nuclear corrections were used and possible effects from higher twist contributions were considered in the analysis. In the next-to-leading order analysis, the high-xx dependence of the pion structure function differs from that of the leading order analysis, but not enough to agree with the expectations of pQCD and Dyson-Schwinger calculations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Electron-beam-induced shift in the apparent position of a pinned vortex in a thin superconducting film

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    When an electron beam strikes a superconducting thin film near a pinned vortex, it locally increases the temperature-dependent London penetration depth and perturbs the circulating supercurrent, thereby distorting the vortex's magnetic field toward the heated spot. This phenomenon has been used to visualize vortices pinned in SQUIDs using low-temperature scanning electron microscopy. In this paper I develop a quantitative theory to calculate the displacement of the vortex-generated magnetic-flux distribution as a function of the distance of the beam spot from the vortex core. The results are calculated using four different models for the spatial distribution of the thermal power deposited by the electron beam.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, resubmitted to PRB with referee-suggested revisions, includes new paragraph on numerical evaluatio