4,980 research outputs found

    Fiber length and orientation prevent migration in fluid filters

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    Stainless steel fiber web filter resists fiber migration which causes contamination of filtered fluids. This filter is capable of holding five times more particulate matter before arbitrary cutoff pressure drop and shows excellent retention in fuel flow at high rates

    Scheduling a multi class queue with many exponential servers: asymptotic optimality in heavy traffic

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    We consider the problem of scheduling a queueing system in which many statistically identical servers cater to several classes of impatient customers. Service times and impatience clocks are exponential while arrival processes are renewal. Our cost is an expected cumulative discounted function, linear or nonlinear, of appropriately normalized performance measures. As a special case, the cost per unit time can be a function of the number of customers waiting to be served in each class, the number actually being served, the abandonment rate, the delay experienced by customers, the number of idling servers, as well as certain combinations thereof. We study the system in an asymptotic heavy-traffic regime where the number of servers n and the offered load r are simultaneously scaled up and carefully balanced: n\approx r+\beta \sqrtr for some scalar \beta. This yields an operation that enjoys the benefits of both heavy traffic (high server utilization) and light traffic (high service levels.

    Point-and-click at the reference desk

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    Development efforts between high tech firms and academic libraries: A case study of one library's experience

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154694/1/1992_Sendi_Development_Efforts.pd

    Espin ry:n verkkosivut

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa toimeksiantajalle uudet kotisivut. Toimeksiantajana toimi Espoon Invalidit ry, myöhemmin Espin ry. Toimeksiantajan tarve oli päivittää kotisivut nykyaikaisemmaksi ja tukemaan järjestön imagoa, myös esteettömyyttä kotisivuilla pidettiin tärkeänä ominaisuutena. Työn tietoperusta koostuu käsitteistä käytettävyys, verkkosivujen ulkoasu ja esteettömyys. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista tutkimustapaa ja tietoa kerättiin kyselytutkimuksella, benchmarkingilla ja haastattelulla. Benchmarkingissa on käytetty etukäteen määriteltyjä kriteereitä, mutta myös vapaamman havainnoinnin kautta tutkittu valikoituja sivustoja. Sivuston kehittämisessä on käytetty vesiputousmallin prosessia: vaatimusmäärittely, suunnittelu, toteutus ja testaus. Uudet kotisivut suunniteltiin Blogger-palveluun, jonka käyttö oli sivuston päivittäjälle tuttu. Esteettömyyttä testattiin eri menetelmillä. Toimeksiantaja ottaa verkkosivun käyttöön. Verk-kosivuille siirretään yhdistyksen oma verkkotunnus, jonka jälkeen sivustoa ylläpitää yhdistys itse.The goal of this thesis was to develop a new website for the client Espoon Invalidit ry, later Espin ry. The client needed to update the website for a more modern version, change the layout to support the image of the society and to make the website accessible. This thesis’s theory part consists of the information about usability, layout and accessibility. The research methods were qualitative and quantitative and the data was gathered with inquiry, interview and benchmarking. The benchmarking part had pre-defined criteria, for studying other websites. The developing process had four steps: requirements specification, designing, implementation and testing. The developed website was made in Blogger. The person who is updating the website was already familiar with Blogger. Accessibility testing was made with several methods. The client will be taking the website into use. The client will move their domain name into the new website. In the future, the client will update the website

    Cannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs

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    which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Background: Substitution can be operationalized as the conscious choice to use one drug (legal or illicit) instead of, or in conjunction with, another due to issues such as: perceived safety; level of addiction potential; effectiveness in relieving symptoms; access and level of acceptance. This practice of substitution has been observed among individuals using cannabis for medical purposes. This study examined drug and alcohol use, and the occurrence of substitution among medical cannabis patients. Methods: Anonymous survey data were collected at the Berkeley Patient's Group (BPG), a medical cannabis dispensary in Berkeley, CA. (N = 350) The sample was 68 % male, 54 % single, 66% White, mean age was 39; 74 % have health insurance (including MediCal), 41 % work full time, 81% have completed at least some college, 55 % make less than $40,000 a year. Seventy one percent report having a chronic medical condition, 52 % use cannabis for a pain related condition, 75 % use cannabis for a mental health issue. Results: Fifty three percent of the sample currently drinks alcohol, 2.6 was the average number o

    Increasing Family Engagement in a Preschool Program

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    This school improvement plan was developed to increase family engagement within a preschool program in a public school district. Research has shown that family engagement can positively impact children\u27s development. Parents and teachers share responsibility in creating a strong, trusting partnership with the common goal of supporting the child\u27s growth and development. Existing research on family engagement contributed to the improvement plan by highlighting the use of technology as a means of engaging families. The three main components of this improvement plan include creating two-way communication with families, involving families in the process of setting goals for their child, and encouraging families to engage in learning activities at home