767 research outputs found

    The right to legal capacity in Kenya

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    The report highlights the voices of people with mental disabilities themselves for the first time, outlining the need for substantial legal and social reform, and provides comprehensive recommendations to bring Kenya in line with international law, and specifically right to legal capacity guaranteed by Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)

    Leapfrogging for Modern ICT Usage in the Health Care Sector

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    Health Care has traditionally been dominated by a strong professional culture, to which information and communications technology has not maybe fitted in the optimal way. Currently, however, strong currents are changing the intellectual climate in the field. Modern information and communications technology is being taken into usage in the Health Care sector at an increasing pace. This article provides and overview of the activities related to modern information and communications technology in the Health Care Sector. Our research questions are: 1. Which reasons led to the late adoption of modern ICT in the Health Care sector? 2. Why is the situation now changing fast? 3. Which seem to be the main application areas? 4. Which kind of progress we can now see? To each of the research questions, we allocate one chapter in our paper. This article is conceptual in nature, but argumentation is supported by concrete examples. The main conclusions are that ‱ Starting from “scratch” has made a fast development in the field possible as it comes to modern ICT ‱ Developments have been very fast: on the other hand demand for information and ICT has too grown enormously ‱ ICT has been a total change agent for the industry, and a needed one ‱ Fast introduction of modern ICT has been made possible through the simultaneous introduction of many modern management techniques such as quality assurance ‱ Internet was and is the “killer platform” in this industry too ‱ The whole sector has turned from a handicraft industry to knowledge industr

    Network externalities in biometrical identification

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    Biometrical identification has not been adopted to be a key technology in computer security as was hoped for, or to the extent the sophistication of the technology would promise. One reason for this might be that the application of biometrical identification has not yet gained wide enough scale, which leads to missing positive network externalities.In this paper the concepts of biometrical identification and network externalities are discussed, and an analysis is performed on why missing positive network externalities are hampering the advance of biometrical identification

    Editorial: Social inclusion

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    Nuorten sÀÀstÀminen ja sijoittaminen

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    SÀÀstĂ€misellĂ€ tarkoitetaan pidemmĂ€n ajanjakson kuluessa jonkin suuruisen rahasumman laittamista talteen sÀÀnnöllisesti. Sijoittaminen on sitĂ€, kun sÀÀstetyt varat laitetaan tuottamaan eli kasvamaan korkoa. Koska nuorten elĂ€mĂ€ntilanne on muun muassa opiskelujen vuoksi erilainen kuin vanhempien aikuisten, on rahan sÀÀstĂ€minen ja sijoittaminen heillĂ€ usein hankalaa. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa nuorten sÀÀstĂ€misen ja sijoittamisen tottumuksia ja tietĂ€mystĂ€. Tutkimus rajattiin kĂ€sittelemÀÀn ainoastaan 18–24-vuotiaita opiskelijanuoria. Toimeksiantajana toimi Joensuun Seudun Osuuspankki. OpinnĂ€ytetyö toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena. Kyselylomake sisĂ€lsi suljettuja ja monivalintakysymyksiĂ€ sekĂ€ yhden avoimen kysymyksen. Tutkimus toteutettiin ja-kamalla kyselylomakkeita Pohjois-Karjalan ammattikorkeakoululla 18–24-vuotiaille opiskelijoille. TĂ€ytettyjĂ€ kyselylomakkeita saatiin 55, ja nĂ€mĂ€ analysoitiin Microsoft Office Excel -taulukko-ohjelmalla. Tulokset osoittivat, ettĂ€ suurin osa nuorista sÀÀstÀÀ omaa asuntoa varten, mutta ei tiedĂ€, mitĂ€ ASP-tili tarkoittaa. Tulokset osoittivat myös, ettĂ€ harvoilla nuorilla on rahaa osakkeissa, eivĂ€tkĂ€ he ole tehneet sijoittajakuvan kartoitusta. JohtopÀÀtöksinĂ€ voidaan todeta, ettĂ€ pankin kannattaisi mainostaa nuorille ASP-tiliĂ€ ja muita asunnon hankintaan liittyviĂ€ sÀÀstĂ€mismahdollisuuksia sekĂ€ sijoittajakuvan kartoituksen tekemistĂ€. Työn jatkokehitysmahdollisuutena on kyselyn laajentaminen kĂ€sittelemÀÀn myös muita ikĂ€ryhmiĂ€.Saving means putting some money aside during a longer period of time. Investment, on the other hand, means that the saved money is making profit and accruing interest. Because young people have a different life situation than adult`s, their saving and investing is usually difficult. The aim of the thesis was to survey young people`s saving and investment behavior. The study was limited to only 18–24-years-old students. This thesis was commissioned by Joensuun Seudun Osuuspankki. This study was carried out as a quantitative survey. The questionnaire included structured and multiple choice questions, and one open-ended question. The study was executed by distributing questionnaires among students of North Karelia University of Applied Sciences. There were 54 respondents. Their replies were analyzed with Microsoft Office Excel -program. According to the results, most young people are saving for their own apartment but do not know what an HSP-account (housing saving account) means. The results also show that only a few young people have invested in shares and they have not done their investment profile. It was concluded that the bank should advertise its HSP-account and other housing saving- methods, as well as investment profiles to young people. This study could be further developed to cover other age groups

    KolorektaalvÀhi ravi ja tulemite hindamine ning nende parandamise vÔimalused Eestis

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneKolorektaalvĂ€hk on ĂŒks sagedamaid vĂ€hihaigestumuse ja -surma pĂ”hjuseid maailmas. SĂ”eluuringuga on vĂ”imalik vĂ€hendada kolorektaalvĂ€hi haigestumust ja suremust. Töö eesmĂ€rk on hinnata kolorektaalvĂ€hi haigestumust, ravikvaliteeti ja elulemust Eestis ning leida vĂ”imalusi tulemuste parandamiseks. Eesti VĂ€hiregistrist saadud andmete pĂ”hjal analĂŒĂŒsiti pikaajalisi haigestumuse ja elulemuse trende. Diagnostika ja ravi muutuste hindamiseks kasutati kolorektaalvĂ€hi patsientide 1997. ja 2011. aasta kohortide andmeid. Viidi lĂ€bi randomiseeritud uuring, et hinnata operatsioonipreparaatide intraarteriaalse metĂŒleensinisega vĂ€rvimise mĂ”ju lĂŒmfisĂ”lmede leidmisele. KÀÀr- ja pĂ€rasoolevĂ€hi haigestumus Eestis suurenes uuringuperioodil. Viimaste aastate haigestumuse tĂ”us vanuserĂŒhmas 60–69 ja I staadiumi osakaalu tĂ”us viitavad sĂ”eluuringu mĂ”jule. Elulemus paranes oluliselt, kuid jĂ€i siiski ligikaudu 10% vĂ”rra madalamaks vĂ”rreldes PĂ”hjamaadega. Haigestumuse ja elulemuse trendid erinesid alapaikme, soo, vanuse ja staadiumite lĂ”ikes. Oluliselt madalam elulemus ilmnes III staadiumi maksanurga vĂ€hi korral, mille pĂ”hjuste selgitamiseks on vajalikud tĂ€iendavad uuringud. Diagnostika ja multimodaalne ravi on Eestis oluliselt paranenud, kuid tuvastati siiski mitmed probleemkohad. JĂ€tkuvalt on probleemiks hilinenud diagnoosimine, metastaatilise haiguse osakaal pĂŒsib kĂ”rge ja tĂ”usnud on erakorraliste operatsioonide hulk. MetĂŒleensinisega vĂ€rvimine parandab oluliselt staadiumi mÀÀramise tĂ€psust, vĂ”imaldades seelĂ€bi loobuda osadel patsientidel ebavajalikust adjuvantsest keemiaravist. KolorektaalvĂ€hi haigestumuse ja suremuse vĂ€hendamiseks tuleb vĂ”idelda riskiteguritega ja tĂ”hustada sĂ”eluuringut lĂ€bi suurema hĂ”lmatuse ja kvaliteedi tagamise. Tuleb teha pingutusi varase avastamise, Ă”igeaegse diagnoosimise ja ravi tagamiseks kĂ”igile patsientidele ja ravikvaliteedi pidevaks jĂ€lgimiseks.Colorectal cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer incidence and mortality with increasing occurrence in the world. Organised screening programs can effectively reduce incidence and mortality. The general aim of this thesis was to evaluate colorectal cancer incidence, quality of care and survival in Estonia and find possibilities for improvement. Estonian Cancer Registry provided data for the analysis of long-term incidence and survival trends. Changes in diagnosis and treatment were examined using data on two patient cohorts diagnosed in 1997 and 2011. A randomised controlled trial was conducted to assess the effect of intra-arterial methylene blue staining of resected colorectal cancer specimens on the accuracy of lymph node staging. Colorectal cancer incidence increased steadily over the study period. A recent surge in age group 60–69 along with the rise of stage I tumours suggest an effect of the introduction of screening. Survival improved significantly but remained considerably lower than in Northern Europe. Substantial heterogeneity was observed across subsites, sex, age and stage groups. We observed a distinct survival disadvantage among stage III hepatic flexure cancer patients, further research is required to identify the underlying reasons. Major advancements were seen in diagnosis, staging and treatment, but several areas of further improvement were identified. Diagnostic delay is a major obstacle, the proportion of metastatic disease remained high and an increase in emergency surgery was seen. By significantly improved staging accuracy, methylene blue staining could avoid unnecessary adjuvant chemotherapy in a number of patients. To reduce CRC incidence and mortality, it is necessary to tackle risk factors and increase screening effectiveness through better participation and quality assurance. Efforts are necessary to ensure early detection, timely diagnosis and treatment for all patients and continuous monitoring of the quality of care.https://www.ester.ee/record=b550708
