15 research outputs found
Lithostratigraphy and age of pre-Late Weichselian sediments in the Suupohja area, western Finland
Different types of laterally extensive sand- and gravel-dominated deposits, up to several
tens of metres thick, were investigated in the Suupohja area of western Finland. The
studied sediments were deposited in glacial, ice-marginal, glaciofluvial, sea or lake, littoral
and terrestrial environments during several glacial-non-glacial cycles. Seventeen pre-Late
Weichselian and three Late Weichselian/Holocene sedimentary units were identified.
These were divided into ten formally and two informally defined formations that were
together termed the Suupohja Group. Every unit are nevertheless not detectable throughout
the study area. The informally defined “Karhukangas lower deposits” represent the lowest
units in the Suupohja Group. The Karhukangas lower deposits with 5 till units, 3
glaciolacustrine/-marine units and 2 sand units, were interpreted as having been deposited
during possibly four glacial-non-glacial cycles before the Late Pleistocene Subepoch (MIS
6 or earlier). The Kankalo Sand above the Karhukangas lower deposits comprises
glaciofluvial and aeolian sands of Late Saalian, Eemian or Early Weichselian origin (MIS
6–MIS 5c). The Kariluoma Till above the Kankalo Sand was possibly deposited during the
Late Saalian glacial advance, although an Early Weichselian origin is also possible. The
Harrinkangas Formation, with glaciofluvial and quiet-water sediments, is interpreted as
having been deposited during the Late Saalian and Eemian Stages (MIS 6–MIS 5e). The
uppermost units in the deposits studied, the Kodesjärvi Formation (shore deposit), Isojoki
Sand (aeolian), Rävåsen Formation (glaciofluvial), Vanhakylä Formation (shore line
deposit), Dagsmark Till and Kauhajoki Till, were deposited during the Weichselian Stage
(MIS 5d–MIS 2). In addition, Early Holocene (MIS 1) eskers without till cover were
informally termed the “Holocene esker deposits”. The Lumikangas Formation represents
gravelly shore deposits formed in the Holocene Epoch, when these areas last emerged from
the sea. The first Weichselian ice expansion possibly reached the western part of Suupohja
in the Early Weichselian Substage (MIS 5d?), but it did not expand further to the east. The
second Weichselian glaciation of relatively short duration occupied the southern part of
Finland in the later part of Middle Weichselian (MIS 3). Thus, the southern half of the
country remained ice-free for the majority (~65–75%) of the Weichselian Stage. Instead,
both humid temperate and periglacial conditions alternated. In the initial part of Middle
Weichselian, this area was partly submerged, which indicates eastward expansion of the
Scandinavian ice sheet(s), depressing the lithosphere. The exceptionally thick sediment
cover, multiple lithofacies, relict landscape and preserved preglacially weathered bedrock
are evidence of weak glacial erosion in the Suupohja area during the latest as well as
earlier glaciations, making this area one of the key areas in Quaternary research.Siirretty Doriast
Tillståndet i dag och behovet av restaurering för marktäktsområdena i Björneborgs regionkommun
Porin seutukunnassa vuosina 2006 – 2007 toimineen maa-ainesten ottoa ja pohjaveden suojelua ohjaavan hankkeen
(SEMOPOSU) yhteydessä kartoitettiin muiden tehtävien ohella alueen maa- ja kalliokiviainesten ottoalueet. SEMOPOSU
–hanketta rahoittivat Porin seudun kunnat eli 11 Karhukuntaa, Lounais-Suomen ympäristökeskus ja Satakuntaliitto, joista
kahden jälkimmäisen rahoitukseen sisältyi Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston tukea. Ottoalueiden kartoitus palveli paitsi
itse SEMOPOSU –hankkeen tavoitteita, myös Suomen ympäristökeskuksen koordinoimaa ”soranottoalueiden tila ja
ympäristöriskit”- eli ns. SOKKA-hanketta. Kartoitukseen sisältyi sekä toimintansa lopettaneet että tällä hetkellä toiminnassa olevat ottoalueet. Porin seutukuntaan kuuluvat seuraavat kunnat: Harjavalta, Huittinen, Kokemäki, Luvia, Merikarvia, Nakkila, Noormarkku Pomarkku, Pori, Ulvila ja Vampula. Seutukunnan maapinta-ala on 3450 km2
Kaikkiaan havainnoitiin 567 kohdetta, joiden pinta-ala yhteensä on 1090 ha. Lukumäärään sisältyy myös muutamia pienempiin osiin jaettuja isoja ottoalueita, joissa kuoppien syvyys ja nykytila vaihtelevat kaivantoalueen eri osissa. Havainnoidut ottoalueet jakautuivat seuraavasti: pohjavesialueilla 393 kpl (730 ha); pohjavesialueiden ulkopuolella (harjut,
moreenit, rantakerrostumat, mutta ei kallioalueet) 154 kpl (237 ha); kallioalueilla 20 kpl (117 ha). Näiltä on arvioitu
aineksia otetun yhteensä suunnilleen 65 miljoonaa kiintokuutiometriä, josta 51 milj. k-m3 on harjuainesta, 13 milj. km3
kalliokiviainesta ja 1 milj. km3 moreenia ja rantakerrostumia.
Noin 60 % pohjavesialueilla ja 64 % pohjavesialueiden ulkopuolella olevien irtaimien maa-ainesten ottoalueiden pinta alasta ja runsaat 80 % lukumäärästä on kaivettu ennen maa-aineslain voimaantuloa, koska näillä alueilla ei jälkihoitoa ole
tehty. Maa-aines- ja kalliokiviainesottoa on havaittu olevan meneillään 60 kohteella, joiden yhteispinta-ala on lähes 360
ha. Tästä kallio-otto muodostaa noin 100 ha sekä pelkästään Kokemäen Järilänvuoren ja Ronkankankaan harjuainesotto
noin 188 ha. Kaikista kohteista sekä lukumääräisesti että pinta-alan perusteella vain n. 10 % on jonkinasteisesti maisemoitu oton päätyttyä, loput ovat joko toiminnassa tai kokonaan jälkihoitamattomia.
Pinta-alan mukaan kaikista ottoalueista kiireellisimmin kunnostusta vaativaan kunnostustarveluokkaan 1 kuuluu 5 %,
kohtalaisen suuren kunnostustarpeen omaavaan luokkaan 2 kuuluu 14 %, luokkaan 3, joissa kunnostus on suositeltava tai
joissa täytyy tehdä lisätutkimuksia tai tilannetta tarkkailla, kuuluu 53 % ja vähäisessä kunnostustarpeessa olevia kohteita
(luokka 4) on 28 %.
Jälkihoitamattomilla ottoalueilla yleisimmät epäkohdat ovat jyrkät rinteet, paljas maa, kitukasvuinen harva puusto tai
toisaalta hyvin tiheä vesakko, matalat liettyneet pohjavesilammet, maankaatopaikat, roskaantuminen ja maastoajo. Jälkihoidetuilla ottoalueilla jälkihoidon yleisimpänä puutteena on pintahumusverhoilun puuttuminen. Toisin paikoin käytöstä
poistetuille ottoalueille on jätetty myös laitteistoa ja romua. Raportissa esitetään ottoalueiden perustiedot, annetaan
lyhyet ohjeet kaivantojen kunnostamiseksi ja siinä on myös hieman tietoa kerrostumien geologisista ominaisuuksista
Quid de rebus Norvegiae in Nuntiis Finnorum Latinis (1989–2014) relatum sit
News pertaining to Norway reported in the Finnish Nuntii Latini, 1989–2014. The Nuntii Latini is a five-minute long, weekly news bulletin which the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) has been broadcasting under the editorship of Tuomo Pekkanen and Reijo Pitkäranta for the last 25 years, ever since 1989 (http://yle.fi/nuntii). The texts covering the first ten-year period (1989–1999) were published in a book series of five volumes. In the preface to vol. IV one finds the opinions of various foreign colleagues concerning these news bulletins. One of these is Synnøve des Bouvrie, who praises them as “highly useful for learning living Latin”. Norwegian subject matters have been treated almost 70 times in these emissions, that is two or three times per year. National celebrations commemorating Norway’s independence, such as the hundredth anniversary of the dissolution of the union with Sweden (2005) and the two hundredth anniversary of the Constitution (2014), have been reported. Various news about the royal family has figured as well; so have parlamentary decisions and strains in the relations between Norway and other far-northern territories. Much space has been allotted to the Norwegian Nobel Committee and its laureates, not least in the year 2008, when Martti Ahtisaari of Finland received the Nobel Peace Price. We have also reported how the Norwegians have succeeded in various international surveys, such as how the countries of the world fared in terms of the equality of men and women, economic prosperity, public health, and general welfare. Nor have we avoided to give publicity to the many glorious victories that Norwegian athletes (such as Dæhli and Thorkildsen) have made in various competitions. Likewise, Magnus Carlsen’s great achievement when becoming the world’s Number 1 in chess has been praised. It would have been impossible if sad disasters that have befallen Norway were not carefully treated as well. More than anything the hideous crime that Anders Behring Breivik committed in the summer of 2011 belong in this category. However, even devastating storms, natural disasters, and conflagrations which took their toll on the population and nature, have figured in our Nuntii Latini
Quid de rebus Norvegiae in Nuntiis Finnorum Latinis (1989–2014) relatum sit
News pertaining to Norway reported in the Finnish Nuntii Latini, 1989–2014. The Nuntii Latini is a five-minute long, weekly news bulletin which the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) has been broadcasting under the editorship of Tuomo Pekkanen and Reijo Pitkäranta for the last 25 years, ever since 1989 (http://yle.fi/nuntii). The texts covering the first ten-year period (1989–1999) were published in a book series of five volumes. In the preface to vol. IV one finds the opinions of various foreign colleagues concerning these news bulletins. One of these is Synnøve des Bouvrie, who praises them as “highly useful for learning living Latin”. Norwegian subject matters have been treated almost 70 times in these emissions, that is two or three times per year. National celebrations commemorating Norway’s independence, such as the hundredth anniversary of the dissolution of the union with Sweden (2005) and the two hundredth anniversary of the Constitution (2014), have been reported. Various news about the royal family has figured as well; so have parlamentary decisions and strains in the relations between Norway and other far-northern territories. Much space has been allotted to the Norwegian Nobel Committee and its laureates, not least in the year 2008, when Martti Ahtisaari of Finland received the Nobel Peace Price. We have also reported how the Norwegians have succeeded in various international surveys, such as how the countries of the world fared in terms of the equality of men and women, economic prosperity, public health, and general welfare. Nor have we avoided to give publicity to the many glorious victories that Norwegian athletes (such as Dæhli and Thorkildsen) have made in various competitions. Likewise, Magnus Carlsen’s great achievement when becoming the world’s Number 1 in chess has been praised. It would have been impossible if sad disasters that have befallen Norway were not carefully treated as well. More than anything the hideous crime that Anders Behring Breivik committed in the summer of 2011 belong in this category. However, even devastating storms, natural disasters, and conflagrations which took their toll on the population and nature, have figured in our Nuntii Latini