15 research outputs found
Juguetes como instrumentos de ense帽anza en ingenier铆a: el caso del Slinky庐
(Eng) Though not so much nowadays educationally exploited as it should be, toys are very useful resources in courses in science and engineering. A widely known toy, the Slinky庐, is used through this article to explain in a simple way important physical principles and to show how they have been applied for scientific and technological developments.(Spa) Aunque no tan explotados educacionalmente hoy en d铆a como debiera ser, los juguetes resultan recursos muy 煤tiles en cursos de ciencias e ingenier铆as. Un juguete ampliamente conocido, el Slinky庐, es utilizado en el presente art铆culo para explicar de manera sencilla importantes principios f铆sicos y mostrar como ellos han sido aplicados en desarrollos cient铆ficos y tecnol贸gicos
The pre-history of cryoscopy: what was done before raoult?
Cryoscopy is considered one of the foundations of the modern theory of solutions and of physical chemistry. This paper shows in order the first regularities pointed out by several scientists on the subject, in the first chapter of its birth as a scientific discipline. The study is focused on the identification of the different steps that helped, first qualitatively and then quantitatively, to adjust the different classes of possible solutions, including those that formed hydrates, to a basic formulation that the French scientist Fran莽ois-Marie Raoult would later generalize in the law that bears his name
Juguetes como instrumentos de ense帽anza en ingenier铆a: El caso del p谩jaro bebedor.
casi que inflexible y que en buena proporci贸n aun hoy en d铆a presentan los conceptos y principios de manera
abstracta y sin relaci贸n con la realidad que el estudiante conoce, a un esquema m谩s pedag贸gico que permite una
mayor conexi贸n con el entorno. Un muy bien conocido y representativo juguete se usa en este art铆culo para mostrar
como ejemplos relacionados de la vida real que rodean la vida de los estudiantes pueden usarse para complementar
los conceptos te贸ricos, en este caso f铆sicos, y desarrollos matem谩ticos que rodean un tema espec铆fico, contribuyendo
as铆 positivamente a la motivaci贸n para el estudio y an谩lisis de sistemas m谩s complejos
The history of the rectilinear diameter law
The formulation of the so-called law of rectilinear diameter for the determination of the critical volume of substances in the concluding decades of the nineteenth century became in a very useful and acceptably exact alternative tool for researchers in the field of critical phenomena. Its corresponding original expression, and even those of its early few modifications, were so mathematically simple that their use did not limit to exclusively contribute to remove the by then experimental obstacle for the estimating of this critical parameter, but also extended along several decades in the increasing applications of the principle of corresponding states
The contributions of Henri Victor Regnault in the context of organic chemistry of the first half of the nineteenth century
A very little known aspect of the scientific career of Regnault is his contribution to the emerging organic chemistry in the first half of the nineteenth century. The purpose of this article is not only to describe two of his most important researches in this field, as were the discovery of two series of halogenated derivates of certain organic compounds and the precise identification of some of the then recently discovered alkaloids, but also the main features that identified his research method. With the involvement in these subjects, Regnault unintentionally positioned himself in the midst of some of the polemics about the classification of organic compounds that characterized this age of science
El hidrocicl贸n como una alternativa para la recuperaci贸n parcial de ayudas filtrantes en el proceso de refinaci贸n de az煤car
La incorporaci贸n de ayudas filtrantes o coadyuvantes en los procesos de filtraci贸n ha incrementado la eficiencia de remoci贸n de las impurezas suspendidas en los licores resultantes de las etapas de evaporaci贸n y cristalizaci贸n en el proceso de obtenci贸n de az煤car refinada. La reducci贸n de su vida 煤til a un solo ciclo de utilizaci贸n implica, sin embargo, evidentes inconvenientes para su aplicaci贸n industrial. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la identificaci贸n y validaci贸n del uso de un hidrocicl贸n como una alternativa t茅cnica y econ贸micamente factible para la recuperaci贸n parcial de estos materiales. La investigaci贸n se bas贸 en las caracter铆sticas f铆sicas de los componentes del deshecho resultante del proceso de filtraci贸n (ayudas filtrantes, carb贸n activado, sacarosa, agua e impurezas), y la cantidad de s贸lidos suspendidos en la corriente. 12:39 p.m. 17/11/201
El problema de las agujas de buffon: historia de un caso de estudio en teor铆a de probabilidad
El problema de las agujas, originalmente planteado por Buffon, constituye un interesante caso de estudio en
teor铆a de probabilidad, con el cual se ilustra una de las primeras conexiones de 茅sta con el 谩rea de las matem谩ticas
y m谩s espec铆ficamente del c谩lculo anal铆tico. Una visi贸n hist贸rica general permite apreciar, no s贸lo su desarrollo
te贸rico, sino tambi茅n alguna aplicaci贸n particular en la determinaci贸n de un valor aproximado del n煤mero 蟺, adem谩s de su contribuci贸n pionera a los denominados
M茅todos de Montecarlo
Otto Redlich: chemist and gentleman from the "old school"
The name of Otto Redlich is generally remembered as co-author of one of most used equations of state for the calculation of volumetric and thermodynamic properties of pure substances and their mixtures. Nevertheless, he made also important contributions in different areas of chemistry and chemical engineering. Pursuits of race and religious order forced him and his family to leave his native Austria and emigrate to the United States. His professional career included both academic and industrial research achievements