1,076 research outputs found
Women’s Leader Development Programs: Current Landscape and Recommendations for Future Programs
The gender gap in leadership positions is unjust and unproductive. In this paper, we focus on one solution – leader development. We leverage a content analysis of the top U.S. women’s leader development programs (WLDPs) and literature on women’s leadership and leader development. We provide seven evidence-based recommendations for WLDPs including: identify measurable objectives, increase access for emerging leaders, cultivate a paradox mindset around leader and gender identity, leverage experiential learning, expand networks, educate about second-generation gender bias, and align evaluations. We urge administrators to adopt our recommendations as one piece of a systematic effort to pursue gender parity in leadership
Fruit crops, 1980: a summary of research
Performance of selected apple cultivars on semi-standard rootstocks in southern Ohio / David C. Ferree, Donald A. Chandler, and John C. Schmid -- Influence of summer pruning and alar on growth, flowering, and fruit set of Jerseymac apple trees / D. C. Ferree and E. J. Stang -- Influence of promalin on Delicious in Ohio / D. C. Ferree, E. J. Stang and R. C. Funt -- The effects of overtree misting for bloom delay on soil water status, net photosynthesis, transpiration, and carbohydrate levels of apple trees / R. M. Crassweller and D. C. Ferree -- Effect of orchard heaters on vertical temperature profiles / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, and D. C. Ferree -- The effect of orchard heaters on air movement and temperature / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, and D. C. Ferree -- Organotins and mite control on apples in Ohio / Franklin R. Hall -- Model of the air sprayer / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, D. L. Reichard and F. R. Hall -- Effects of application equipment variables on spray deposition by orchard air sprayers / D. L. Reichard, F. R. Hall and H. R. Krueger -- Fungi associated with moldy-core of apple and their location within fruit / Michael A. Ellis -- Nutrient content of twelve french and american hybrid grape cultivars grown under a wide range of soil conditions / Garth A. Cahoo
Fruit crops 1990: a summary of research
Orchard temperature profiles in spring frost conditions / R. D. Brazee, R. D. Fox and D. C. Ferree -- Orchard sprayers: how much spray moves out of the orchard? / R. D. Fox, D. L. Reichard, R. D. Brazee, and F. R. Hall -- Influence of pruning treatments on mature spur-bound 'Starkrimson Delicious' apple trees / D. C. Ferree, J. C. Schmid, J. R. Schupp and I. J. Warrington -- The winter of 1983-84: a test winter for Ohio's fruit crops / C. K. Chandler and D. C. Ferree -- Performance of apple roostock, cultivars and cultural treatments under the stress of the 1988 drought / D. C. Ferree and J. C. Schmid -- Performance of a spur and standard Delicious strain in a slender spindle system / D. C. Ferree and J. C. Schmid -- Survey of Ohio strawberry growers: present practice and future directions / J. C. Scheerens and G. L. Brenneman -- Orchard crop loss assessments: a precondition for improved crop protection decisions / F. R. Hall -- Evaluation of compounds for control of foliar grape phylloxera, Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Fitch) in Ohio / M. J. McLeod and R. N. Williams -- Marketing Ohio Strawberries / W. T. Rhodus and R. C. Fun
Fruit crops, 1986: a summary of research
Influence of treatments at planting on trellised apple tree performance / David C. Ferree -- Influence of growth regulators on branching of young apple trees / David C. Ferree and John C. Schmid -- Influence of growth regulators on scarf skin of Rome Beauty apples / David C. Ferree and John C. Schmid -- Influence of fungicides on scarf skin on Gallia Beauty / David C. Ferree and Michael A. Ellis -- Little relationship between root pruning and winter injury / James R. Schupp and David C. Ferree -- Performance of two apple cultivars on MS and M9 interstems on Antonovka / D. C. Ferree, R. M. McConnell, and J. C. Schmid -- Air sprayer jet deflection by travel or wind: as predicted by computer / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, and D. L. Reichard -- Measuring atmospheric water vapor / R. D. Brazee and R. D. Fox -- A prototypic pollination unit made from expanded polystyrene / James E. Tew and Dewey M. Caron -- Effects of gibberellic acid (GA3) and daminozide (Alar) on growth and fruiting of Himrod grapes / G. A. Cahoon, M. L. Kaps, and S. P. Pathak -- Development of an action threshold for meadow spittlebug on strawberries / Mark A. Zajac and Franklin R. Hall -- Long-term yield of selected blackberry cultivars and selections in southern Ohio / Craig K. Chandler, Donald A. Chandler, and Greg L. Brenneman -- Electronic information transfer / R. C. Funt. -- A summary of research on synthetic pyrethroids and mites in the apple orchard ecosystem / Franklin R. Hall -- Controlling apple collar rot: effects of fungicides, soil amendments, and depth of planting / M. A. Ellis, D. C. Ferree, and L. V. Madden -- Validation of an electronic unit for predicting apple scab infection periods / M. A. Ellis, L. V. Madden, and L. L. Wilson -- Epidemiology and control of strawberry leather rot / G. G. Grove, M. A. Ellis, and L. V. Madden -- Research on cane diseases of thornless blackberry in Ohio / M. A. Ellis, G. A. Kuter, and L. L. Wilso
Fruit crops 1994: a summary of research
Effects of nitrogen fertilization on total yield, different yield components, and foliar levels of 'Heritage' raspberry / D. R. Baral, G. A. Cahoon -- Influence of training stakes and various pruning and bending techniques on early performance of 'Fuji' apple trees / D. C. Ferree, J. C. Schmid -- Pilot project for integrated pest management in Ohio apple orchards / C. Welty -- Relationship of canopy micro-climate and apple tree fruit and leaf performance / D. Ferree, J. Tew, D. Miller, R. Brazee, R. Fox -- Effect of root pruning on shoot tip ethylene production and xylem concentrations of cytokinln and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid in young apple trees / J. R. Schupp, D. C. Ferree -- Rootstock effects on spur characteristics, spur leaf nitrogen content and early production of apple trees / M. Rottgerman, D. Ferree, J. Schmid -- Inhibition of growth of crown-gall-causing bacteria (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) by polyamine synthesis inhibitors / T. Ponappa, A. R. Miller -- Relationships among apple weight, seed number, seed weight, germination date and apple seedling vigor / D. D. Miller, K. Kaiser -- Evaluation of organic and conventional fungicide programs for control of apple scab in Ohio / M. A. Ellis, L. V. Madden, L. L. Wilson, D. C. Ferree -- Evaluation of commercially available serological test kits for diagnosis of apple crown and root rot caused by Phytophthora spp in Ohio / M. A. Ellis, S. A. Miller -- A survey of the pest management practices, information sources, needs, and decision making criteria of Ohio apple growers / F. A. Hale, F. R. Hall -- Effects of cultural systems on the horticultural performance and fruit quality of strawberries / J. C. Scheerens, G. L. Brenneman -- Performance of new or uncommon strawberry cultivars grown under Ohio cultural conditions / G. L. Brenneman, J. C. Scheerens -- A comparison of spray drift deposited on ground and airborne spray collectors and on soybean plants / R. D. Fox, S. M. Hussein, D. L. Reichard, R. D. Brazee, F. R. Hall -- Experimental vs. computer-predicted air velocities for a cross-flow sprayer / R. D. Fox, R. D. Brazee, S. A. Svensson, D. L. Reichar
Вплив екологічного стану Донецького регіону на його демографічний розвиток
В статті розглянуто важливу проблему впливу забрудненості навколишнього природного середовища на
захворюваність та смертність в регіоні.
Визначено кореляційну залежність між обсягом
викидів забруднюючих речовин та окремими видами
захворюваності, а також ступінь їх впливу, побудовано
функції, що описують їх.В статье рассмотрена важная проблема влияния
загрязненности окружающей естественной среды на
заболеваемость и смертность в регионе.
Определена корреляционная зависимость между
объемом выбросов загрязняющих веществ и отдельными видами заболеваемости, а также степень их влияния,
построены функции, которые описывают их.In the article the important problem of influence of
muddiness of natural environment is considered on morbidity
and death rate in a region.
Certainly cross-correlation dependence between the
volume of extrass of contaminents and separate types of
morbidity, and also degree of their influence, functions which
describe them are built.
Keywords: environment
Interactions, star formation and AGN activity
It has long been known that galaxy interactions are associated with enhanced
star formation. In a companion paper, we explored this connection by applying a
variety of statistics to SDSS data. In particular, we showed that specific star
formation rates of galaxies are higher if they have close neighbours. Here we
apply exactly the same techniques to AGN in the survey, showing that close
neighbours are not associated with any similar enhancement of nuclear activity.
Star formation is enhanced in AGN with close neighbours in exactly the same way
as in inactive galaxies, but the accretion rate onto the black hole, as
estimated from the extinction-corrected [O III] luminosity, is not influenced
by the presence or absence of companions. Previous work has shown that galaxies
with more strongly accreting black holes contain more young stars in their
inner regions. This leads us to conclude that star formation induced by a close
companion and star formation associated with black hole accretion are distinct
events. These events may be part of the same physical process, for example a
merger, provided they are separated in time. In this case, accretion onto the
black hole and its associated star formation would occur only after the two
interacting galaxies have merged. The major caveat in this work is our
assumption that the extinction-corrected [O III] luminosity is a robust
indicator of the bolometric luminosity of the central black hole. It is thus
important to check our results using indicators of AGN activity at other
wavelengths.Comment: v1: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted for publication in Monthly
Notices; v2: accepted, minor changes in summary and reference list update
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