7,621 research outputs found

    Diamphotoxin: the arrow poison of the Kung bushmen

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    Purification de la diamphotoxine et étude de ses caractéristiques pharmacologiques et biochimiques

    Transient Emission From Dissipative Fronts in Magnetized, Relativistic Outflows. II. Synchrotron Flares

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    The time dependent synchrotron emission from relativistic jets, and the relation between the synchrotron and ERC emission is considered within the framework of the radiative front model. The timescale and profile of the optically thin emission are shown to be determined, in this model, by the shock formation radius, the thickness of expelled fluid slab and the variation of the front's parameters due to its transverse expansion. For a range of reasonable conditions, a variety of flare shapes can be produced, varying from roughly symmetric with exponential rises and decays, as often seen in blazars, to highly asymmetric with a fast rise and a much slower, power law decay, as seen in GRB afterglows. The onset, duration, and fluence of low-frequency (below the initial turnover frequency) and hard gamma-ray (above the initial gamma-spheric energy) outbursts are limited by opacity effects; the emission at these energies is quite generally delayed and, in the case of sufficiently short length outbursts, severely attenuated. The observational consequences are discussed. One distinctive prediction of this model is that in a single, powerful source, the upper cutoff of the gamma-ray spectrum should be correlated with the timescale of the outburst and with the amplitude of variations at long wavelengths (typically radio to millimeter).Comment: AAS LaTex, 14 pgs, accepted to A

    A New System of Parallel Isolated Nonthermal Filaments Near the Galactic Center: Evidence for a Local Magnetic Field Gradient

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    We report the discovery of a system of isolated nonthermal filaments approximately 0.5 deg. northwest (75 pc in projection) of Sgr A. Unlike other isolated nonthermal filaments which show subfilamentation, braiding of subfilaments, and flaring at their ends, these filaments are simple linear structures and more closely resemble the parallel bundled filaments in the Galactic center radio arc. However, the most unusual feature of these filaments is that the 20/90 cm spectral index uniformly decreases as a function of length, in contrast to all other nonthermal filaments in the Galactic center. This spectral gradient may not be due to simple particle aging but could be explained by a curved electron energy spectrum embedded in a diverging magnetic field. If so, the scale of the magnetic gradient is not consistent with a large scale magnetic field centered on Sgr A* suggesting that this filament system is tracing a local magnetic field.Comment: 10 pages, AASTeX 5.01 LaTeX2e; 7 figures in 9 PostScript files; scheduled for publication in the 2001 December 10, v. 563 issue of Ap

    A Low Frequency Survey of the Galactic Plane Near l=11 degrees: Discovery of Three New Supernova Remnants

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    We have imaged a 1 deg^2 field centered on the known Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) G11.2-0.3 at 74, 330, and 1465 MHz with the Very Large Array radio telescope (VLA) and 235 MHz with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The 235, 330, and 1465 MHz data have a resolution of 25 arcsec, while the 74 MHz data have a resolution of 100 arcsec. The addition of this low frequency data has allowed us to confirm the previously reported low frequency turnover in the radio continuum spectra of the two known SNRs in the field: G11.2-0.3 and G11.4-0.1 with unprecedented precision. Such low frequency turnovers are believed to arise from free-free absorption in ionized thermal gas along the lines of site to the SNRs. Our data suggest that the 74 MHz optical depths of the absorbing gas is 0.56 and 1.1 for G11.2-0.3 and G11.4-0.1, respectively. In addition to adding much needed low frequency integrated flux measurements for two known SNRs, we have also detected three new SNRs: G11.15-0.71, G11.03-0.05, and G11.18+0.11. These new SNRs have integrated spectral indices between -0.44 and -0.80. Because of confusion with thermal sources, the high resolution (compared to previous Galactic radio frequency surveys) and surface brightness sensitivity of our observations have been essential to the identification of these new SNRs. With this study we have more than doubled the number of SNRs within just a 1 deg^2 field of view in the inner Galactic plane. This result suggests that future low frequency observations of the Galactic plane of similar quality may go a long way toward alleviating the long recognized incompleteness of Galactic SNR catalogs.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. Figure 7 is in color. Accepted to A

    The Effect of 45{\deg} Grain Boundaries and associated Fe particles on Jc and resistivity in Ba(Fe0.9Co0.1)2As2 Thin Films

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    The anisotropy of the critical current density Jc depends in general on both the properties of the flux lines (such as line tension, coherence length and penetration depth) and the properties of the defects (such as density, shape, orientation etc.). Whereas the Jc anisotropy in microstructurally clean films can be scaled to an effective magnetic field containing the Ginzburg-Landau anisotropy term, it is in general not possible (or only in a limited field range) for samples containing extended defects. Here, the Jc anisotropy of a Co-doped BaFe2As2 sample with 45{\deg} [001] tilt grain boundaries (GBs), i.e. grain boundaries created by 45{\deg} in-plane rotated grains, as well as extended Fe particles is investigated. This microstructure leads to c-axis correlated pinning, both due to the GBs and the Fe particles and manifests in a c-axis peak in the Jc anisotropy at low magnetic fields and a deviation from the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau scaling at higher fields. Strong pinning at ellipsoidal extended defects, i.e. the Fe particles, is discussed, and the full Jc anisotropy is fitted successfully with the vortex path model. The results are compared to a sample without GBs and Fe particles. 45{\deg} GBs seem to be good pinning centers rather than detrimental to current flow.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, CEC-ICMC 2013 proceeding, accepted for publication in Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials

    Highly effective and isotropic pinning in epitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films grown on CaF2 substrates

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    We report on the isotropic pinning obtained in epitaxial Fe(Se,Te) thin films grown on CaF2 (001) substrate. High critical current density values larger than 1 MA/cm2 in self field in liquid helium are reached together with a very weak dependence on the magnetic field and a complete isotropy. Analysis through Transmission Electron Microscopy evidences the presence of defects looking like lattice disorder at a very small scale, between 5 and 20 nm, which are thought to be responsible for such isotropic behavior in contrast to what observed on SrTiO3, where defects parallel to the c-axis enhance pinning in that directio

    Gamma-ray Flares and VLBI Outbursts of Blazars

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    A model is developed for the time dependent electromagnetic - radio to gamma-ray - emission of active galactic nuclei, specifically, the blazars, based on the acceleration and creation of leptons at a propagating discontinuity or {\it front} of a Poynting flux jet. The front corresponds to a discrete relativistic jet component as observed with very-long-baseline-interferometry (VLBI). Equations are derived for the number, momentum, and energy of particles in the front taking into account synchrotron, synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC), and inverse-Compton processes as well as photon-photon pair production. The apparent synchrotron, SSC, and inverse-Compton luminosities as functions of time are determined. Predictions of the model are compared with observations in the gamma, optical and radio bands. The delay between the high-energy gamma-ray flare and the onset of the radio is explained by self-absorption and/or free-free absorption by external plasma. Two types of gamma-ray flares are predicted depending on pair creation in the front.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to ApJ. 10 figures can be obtained from R. Lovelace by sending postal address to [email protected]

    CMB component separation by parameter estimation

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    We propose a solution to the CMB component separation problem based on standard parameter estimation techniques. We assume a parametric spectral model for each signal component, and fit the corresponding parameters pixel by pixel in a two-stage process. First we fit for the full parameter set (e.g., component amplitudes and spectral indices) in low-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio maps using MCMC, obtaining both best-fit values for each parameter, and the associated uncertainty. The goodness-of-fit is evaluated by a chi^2 statistic. Then we fix all non-linear parameters at their low-resolution best-fit values, and solve analytically for high-resolution component amplitude maps. This likelihood approach has many advantages: The fitted model may be chosen freely, and the method is therefore completely general; all assumptions are transparent; no restrictions on spatial variations of foreground properties are imposed; the results may be rigorously monitored by goodness-of-fit tests; and, most importantly, we obtain reliable error estimates on all estimated quantities. We apply the method to simulated Planck and six-year WMAP data based on realistic models, and show that separation at the muK level is indeed possible in these cases. We also outline how the foreground uncertainties may be rigorously propagated through to the CMB power spectrum and cosmological parameters using a Gibbs sampling technique.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ. For a high-resolution version, see http://www.astro.uio.no/~hke/docs/eriksen_et_al_fgfit.p