1,054 research outputs found

    Summary of the inaugural 2-years of "Forum Dermatologicum"

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    New members of the Editorial Board of „Forum Dermatologicum”

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    With God on Our Side

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    When unions undertake labor organizing campaigns, they often do so from strong moral positions, contrasting workers’ rights to decent pay or better working conditions with the more venal financial motives of management. But how does labor confront management when management itself has moral legitimacy? In With God on Our Side, Adam D. Reich tells the story of a five-year campaign to unionize Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, a Catholic hospital in California. Based on his own work as a volunteer organizer with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Reich explores how both union leaders and hospital leaders sought to show they were upholding the Catholic "mission" of the hospital against a market represented by the other. Ultimately, workers and union leaders were able to reinterpret Catholic values in ways that supported their efforts to organize.More generally, Reich argues that unions must weave together economic and cultural power in order to ensure their continued relevancy in the postindustrial world. In addition to advocating for workers’ economic interests, unions must engage with workers’ emotional investments in their work, must contend with the kind of moral authority that Santa Rosa Hospital leaders exerted to dissuade workers from organizing, and must connect labor’s project to broader conceptions of the public good.When unions undertake labor organizing campaigns, they often do so from strong moral positions, contrasting workers' rights to decent pay or better working conditions with the more venal financial motives of management. But how does labor confront management when management itself has moral legitimacy? In With God on Our Side, Adam D. Reich tells the story of a five-year campaign to unionize Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital, a Catholic hospital in California. Based on his own work as a volunteer organizer with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Reich explores how both union leaders and hospital leaders sought to show they were upholding the Catholic "mission" of the hospital against a market represented by the other. Ultimately, workers and union leaders were able to reinterpret Catholic values in ways that supported their efforts to organize.More generally, Reich argues that unions must weave together economic and cultural power in order to ensure their continued relevancy in the postindustrial world. In addition to advocating for workers' economic interests, unions must engage with workers' emotional investments in their work, must contend with the kind of moral authority that Santa Rosa Hospital leaders exerted to dissuade workers from organizing, and must connect labor's project to broader conceptions of the public good

    With God on Our Side: The Struggle for Workers\u27 Rights in a Catholic Hospital

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    [Excerpt] In this book I follow workers\u27 union organizing efforts at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital between 2004 and 2010. In 2004 and 2005, workers and union leaders attempted to organize within the standard framework of the federal National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Yet in the face of a concerted and sophisticated antiunion campaign led by management and supported by the hospital\u27s religious leadership, workers and union leaders were forced to withdraw from this election in the face of imminent defeat. The campaign then became more open-ended as the union sought what it termed a fair election agreement, a set of ground rules and accountability mechanisms that would limit the hospital\u27s antiunion practices. In this effort workers and union leaders organized in the political and religious communities in new ways. Between 2007 and 2008, the union built a community coalition that sought to link the Memorial campaign with the county\u27s broader healthcare crisis. Although the coalition was unsuccessful in its narrower political goals, it was an important part of the union\u27s broader project. Between 2005 and 2009, the union built a powerful religious and political coalition to highlight the contradictions between the values the hospital asserted and its antiunion practices, a project that did win important concessions from the hospital corporation in the fall of 2008. At the very moment of greatest hope, however, the union was thrown into disarray by an internecine labor dispute. When workers finally voted on unionization in December 2010, they did so with few resources and in opposition to the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the organization that had helped to initiate the campaign. ... Throughout this book, I argue that for unions to remain relevant in the hospital industry and beyond—winning support among workers, winning campaigns against employers, and winning broad-based political power— they must recognize the cultural dimension of labor struggle, and must be concerned as much with putting forward a vision of the public good as with winning material advantage. The campaign at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital—and its relationship to broader successes and failures in the labor movement—illustrates the possibilities and perils of this approach to labor struggle

    Ocena wiedzy uczniów na temat szkodliwości promieniowania słonecznego oraz działań profilaktycznych

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    Introduction: Ultraviolet radiation has a significant influence on human health. UVA is responsible for skin aging, while UVB for sunburns. The frequency of sun exposure correlates with the amount of pigmented moles and the incidence of skin cancer. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the medical and non-medical students’ knowledge on the danger of solar radiation and the implementation of this knowledge in practice.Materials and methods: The study included students aged between 18 and 30, studying at medical universities in Poland and students from non-medical universities. All students completed a questionnaire investigating their knowledge about sun exposure and evaluating their actions associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation.Results: The harmful effect of sun was confirmed by about 90% of students of both, medical (90.0%) and non-medical universities (88.1%); 61% of students admit to sunbathing. A total of 6.8% of students in non-medical fields, and 8.7% of medical students, admit to use a sunbed. More than 90% of respondents used sunscreens at least occasionally, however, regular application was observed in only 11.8% non-medical college students and 14.8% of medical schools.Conclusions: Students from non-medical universities demonstrated comparable knowledge about the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin. There were no significant differences between students from medical and non-medical universities as in respect to implementation of their knowledge in practical conditions.Wstęp: Promieniowanie ultrafioletowe ma znaczący wpływ na zdrowie człowieka. UVA jest odpowiedzialne za starzenie się skóry, a UVB za oparzenia słoneczne. Częstotliwość opalania koreluje z liczbą znamion barwnikowych i ryzykiem zachorowania na nowotwory skóry. Celem badania była ocena i porównanie wiedzy studentów kierunków medycznych i niemedycznych o ryzyku związanym z opalaniem się oraz ze stosowaniem tej wiedzy w praktyce.Materiał i metody: Badaniem objęto studentów w wieku od 18 do 30 lat, studiujących na uczelniach medycznych i niemedycznych w Polsce. Wszyscy studenci wypełniali kwestionariusz dotyczący wiedzy na temat zagrożeń związanych z ekspozycją na słońce oraz zachowań w trakcie takiej ekspozycji.Wyniki: Szkodliwe działanie słońca na skórę zostało wskazane przez około 90% studentów zarówno uczelni medycznych (90,0%), jak i kierunków niemedycznych (88,1%). Do opalania przyznało się 61% studentów. Z solariów korzystało 6,8% studentów kierunków niemedycznych oraz 8,7% studentów kierunków medycznych. Ponad 90% respondentów stosowało filtry przeciwsłoneczne przynajmniej od czasu do czasu, jednak regularne stosowanie zaobserwowano jedynie u 11,8% studentów uczelni niemedycznych i 14,8% szkół medycznych.Wnioski: Studenci z uczelni niemedycznych posiadali porównywalną wiedzę na temat szkodliwego wpływu promieniowania UV na skórę. Nie stwierdzono istotnych różnic między studentami z uniwersytetów medycznych i pozamedycznych w odniesieniu do zastosowania tej wiedzy w praktyce

    Brownish discoloration with some erythematous plaques on the chest in a young woman: a quiz

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    Mediators of Pruritus in Psoriasis

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    The pathogenesis of pruritus in psoriasis remains unclear. Many possible mediators were implicated to transmit or modulate this sensation in psoriasis, but none has been clearly proven to be a causative agent of itching. The most often discussed theory mentioned the importance of impaired innervations and neuropeptides imbalance in psoriatic skin. Other possible causes of itching might be increased expression of interleukin 2 or vascular abnormalities. Recent data indicated that pruritus could be also evoked by opioid system, prostanoids, interleukin 31, serotonin, or proteases. Whether these mechanisms are also involved in pruritus accompanying psoriasis requires further investigation. Limited knowledge of pruritus origin in psoriasis is responsible for the lack of the effective antipruritic treatments for psoriatics. Here, we summarize the current knowledge about the pathogenesis of pruritus in psoriasis and point out possible directions of future studies aiming the pathogenesis of this symptom in psoriasis

    Tunneling, Raman and Stm Studies Of Thin YBaCuO Films

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    Zadanie pt. Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Simultaneous microsurgical spermatic vein ligation and sclerotherapy - A combined procedure for the treatment of recurrent or persistent varicocele

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    Objectives: Microsurgical ligation as well as antegrade sclerotherapy have been established in varicocele treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether a combination of microsurgery. and sclerotherapy can: provide a safe and effective treatment of varicocele recurrence or persistence. Methods. Nine patients with, recurrent or persistent varicoceles were operated by means of the combination method. Under microscopic control varix veins were ligated selectively preserving: lymphatics and arteries. Ectopic veins as a possible source for varicocele persistence or recurrence were also ligated. Finally, an intraoperative venography with subsequent sclerotherapy was, performed through one of the dissected veins. Results. Despite: difficult anatomical situations after previous surgical interventions, the operations were perform, ed successfully without any complications. Clinical controls showed varicocele disappearance without damage of the testis. No varicocele recurrence or persistence was observed. Conclusions. This method combines the advantages of both methods. Precision of the microsurgical technique is combined with velocity of sclerotherapy. Thus, it may represent an Interesting alternative to conventional operation methods especially in the treatment of recurrent or persistent varicoceles. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel