100 research outputs found

    Fusion of 3D QCA and IVUS/OCT

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    The combination/fusion of quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and intravascular ultrasound (IVUS)/optical coherence tomography (OCT) depends to a great extend on the co-registration of X-ray angiography (XA) and IVUS/OCT. In this work a new and robust three-dimensional (3D) segmentation and registration approach is presented and validated. The approach starts with standard QCA of the vessel of interest in the two angiographic views (either biplane or two monoplane views). Next, the vessel of interest is reconstructed in 3D and registered with the corresponding IVUS/OCT pullback series by a distance mapping algorithm. The accuracy of the registration was retrospectively evaluated on 12 silicone phantoms with coronary stents implanted, and on 24 patients who underwent both coronary angiography and IVUS examinations of the left anterior descending artery. Stent borders or sidebranches were used as markers for the validation. While the most proximal marker was set as the baseline position for the distance mapping algorithm, the subsequent markers were used to evaluate the registration error. The correlation between the registration error and the distance from the evaluated marker to the baseline position was analyzed. The XA-IVUS registration error for the 12 phantoms was 0.03 ± 0.32 mm (P = 0.75). One OCT pullback series was excluded from the phantom study, since it did not cover the distal stent border. The XA-OCT registration error for the remaining 11 phantoms was 0.05 ± 0.25 mm (P = 0.49). For the in vivo validation, two patients were excluded due to insufficient image quality for the analysis. In total 78 sidebranches were identified from the remaining 22 patients and the registration error was evaluated on 56 markers. The registration error was 0.03 ± 0.45 mm (P = 0.67). The error was not correlated to the distance between the evaluated marker and the baseline position (P = 0.73). In conclusion, the new XA-IVUS/OCT co-registration approach is a straightforward and reliable solution to combine X-ray angiography and IVUS/OCT imaging for the assessment of the extent of coronary artery disease. It provides the interventional cardiologist with detailed information about vessel size and plaque size at every position along the vessel of interest, making this a suitable tool during the actual intervention

    Dedicated bifurcation analysis: basic principles

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    Over the last several years significant interest has arisen in bifurcation stenting, in particular stimulated by the European Bifurcation Club. Traditional straight vessel analysis by QCA does not satisfy the requirements for such complex morphologies anymore. To come up with practical solutions, we have developed two models, a Y-shape and a T-shape model, suitable for bifurcation QCA analysis depending on the specific anatomy of the coronary bifurcation. The principles of these models are described in this paper, as well as the results of validation studies carried out on clinical materials. It can be concluded that the accuracy, precision and applicability of these new bifurcation analyses are conform the general guidelines that have been set many years ago for conventional QCA-analyses

    New approaches for the assessment of vessel sizes in quantitative (cardio-)vascular X-ray analysis

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    This paper presents new approaches for the assessment of the arterial and reference diameters in (cardio-)vascular X-ray images, designed to overcome the problems experienced in conventional quantitative coronary and vascular angiography approaches. In single or “straight” vessel segments, the arterial and reference diameter directions were made independent of each other in order to be able to measure the minimal lumen diameter (MLD) more accurately, especially in curved vessel segments. For ostial segments, an extension of this approach was used, to allow measurement of ostial lesions in sidebranches more proximal than using conventional methods. Furthermore, two new bifurcation approaches were developed. The validation study shows that the straight segment approach results in significant smaller MLDs (on average 0.032 mm) and the ostial approach achieves on average an increase in %DS of 3.8% and an increase in lesion length of 0.59 mm due to loosening the directional constraint. The validation of our new bifurcation approaches in phantom data as well as clinical data shows only small differences between pre- and post-intervention measurements of the reference diameters outside the bifurcation core (errors smaller than 0.06 mm) and the bifurcation core area (errors smaller than 1.4% for phantom data). In summary, these new approaches have led to further improvements in the quantitative analyses of (cardio-)vascular X-ray angiographies

    Introduction to hemodynamic forces by echocardiography

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    Hemodynamic force (HDF) analysis represents a novel approach to quantify intraventricular pressure gradients, responsible for blood flow. A new mathematical model allows the derivation of HDF parameters from routine transthoracic echocardiography, making this tool more accessible for clinical use. HDF analysis is considered the fluid dynamics correlate of deformation imaging and may be even more sensitive to detect mechanical abnormalities. This has the potential to add incremental clinical value, allowing earlier detection of pathology or immediate evaluation of response to treatment. In this article, the theoretical background and physiological patterns of HDF in the left ventricle are provided. In pathological situations, the HDF pattern might alter, which is illustrated with a case of ST segment elevation myocardial infarction and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy with typical left bundle branch block

    Coronary angiography enhancement for visualization

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    High quality visualization on X-ray angiograms is of great significance both for the diagnosis of vessel abnormalities and for coronary interventions. Algorithms for improving the visualization of detailed vascular structures without significantly increasing image noise are currently demanded in the market. A new algorithm called stick-guided lateral inhibition (SGLI) is presented for increasing the visibility of coronary vascular structures. A validation study was set up to compare the SGLI algorithm with the conventional unsharp masking (UM) algorithm on 20 still frames of coronary angiographic images. Ten experienced QCA analysts and nine cardiologists from various centers participated in the validation. Sample scoring value (SSV) and observer agreement value (OAV) were defined to evaluate the validation result, in terms of enhancing performance and observer agreement, respectively. The mean of SSV was concluded to be 77.1 ± 11.9%, indicating that the SGLI algorithm performed significantly better than the UM algorithm (P-value < 0.001). The mean of the OAV was concluded to be 70.3%, indicating that the average agreement with respect to a senior cardiologist was 70.3%. In conclusion, this validation study clearly demonstrates the superiority of the SGLI algorithm in the visualization of coronary arteries from X-ray angiograms

    Hippocampal atrophy in people with memory deficits: results from the population-based IPREA study

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    ABSTRACT Background: Clinical studies have shown that hippocampal atrophy is present before dementia in people with memory deficits and can predict dementia development. The question remains whether this association holds in the general population. This is of interest for the possible use of hippocampal atrophy to screen population for preventive interventions. The aim of this study was to assess hippocampal volume and shape abnormalities in elderly adults with memory deficits in a cross-sectional population-based study. Methods: We included individuals participating in the Italian Project on the Epidemiology of Alzheimer Disease (IPREA) study: 75 cognitively normal individuals (HC), 31 individuals with memory deficits (MEM), and 31 individuals with memory deficits not otherwise specified (MEMnos). Hippocampal volumes and shape were extracted through manual tracing and the growing and adaptive meshes (GAMEs) shape-modeling algorithm. We investigated between-group differences in hippocampal volume and shape, and correlations with memory deficits. Results: In MEM participants, hippocampal volumes were significantly smaller than in HC and were mildly associated with worse memory scores. Memory-associated shape changes mapped to the anterior hippocampus. Shape-based analysis detected no significant difference between MEM and HC, while MEMnos showed shape changes in the posterior hippocampus compared with HC and MEM groups. Conclusions: These findings support the discriminant validity of hippocampal volumetry as a biomarker of memory impairment in the general population. The detection of shape changes in MEMnos but not in MEM participants suggests that shape-based biomarkers might lack sensitivity to detect Alzheimer's-like pathology in the general populatio


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    Extraction of the aorto-femoral vessel trajectory is important to utilize computed tomography angiography (CTA) in an integrated workflow of the image-guided work-up prior to trans-catheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). The aim of this study was to develop a new, fully-automated technique for the extraction of the entire arterial access route from the femoral artery to the aortic root. An automatic vessel tracking algorithm was first used to find the centerline that connected the femoral accessing points and the aortic root. Subsequently, a deformable 3D-model fitting method was used to delineate the lumen boundary of the vascular trajectory in the whole-body CTA

    In vivo comparison of arterial lumen dimensions assessed by co-registered three-dimensional (3D) quantitative coronary angiography, intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography

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    This study sought to compare lumen dimensions as assessed by 3D quantitative coronary angiography (QCA) and by intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) or optical coherence tomography (OCT), and to assess the association of the discrepancy with vessel curvature. Coronary lumen dimensions often show discrepancies when assessed by X-ray angiography and by IVUS or OCT. One source of error concerns a possible mismatch in the selection of corresponding regions for the comparison. Therefore, we developed a novel, real-time co-registration approach to guarantee the point-to-point correspondence between the X-ray, IVUS and OCT images. A total of 74 patients with indication for cardiac catheterization were retrospectively included. Lumen morphometry was performed by 3D QCA and IVUS or OCT. For quantitative analysis, a novel, dedicated approach for co-registration and lumen detection was employed allowing for assessment of lumen size at multiple positions along the vessel. Vessel curvature was automatically calculated from the 3D arterial vessel centerline. Comparison of 3D QCA and IVUS was performed in 519 distinct positions in 40 vessels. Correlations were r = 0.761, r = 0.790, and r = 0.799 for short diameter (SD), long diameter (LD), and area, respectively. Lumen sizes were larger by IVUS (P < 0.001): SD, 2.51 ± 0.58 mm versus 2.34 ± 0.56 mm; LD, 3.02 ± 0.62 mm versus 2.63 ± 0.58 mm; Area, 6.29 ± 2.77 mm2versus 5.08 ± 2.34 mm2. Comparison of 3D QCA and OCT was performed in 541 distinct positions in 40 vessels. Correlations were r = 0.880, r = 0.881, and r = 0.897 for SD, LD, and area, respectively. Lumen sizes were larger by OCT (P < 0.001): SD, 2.70 ± 0.65 mm versus 2.57 ± 0.61 mm; LD, 3.11 ± 0.72 mm versus 2.80 ± 0.62 mm; Area 7.01 ± 3.28 mm2versus 5.93 ± 2.66 mm2. The vessel-based discrepancy between 3D QCA and IVUS or OCT long diameters increased with increasing vessel curvature. In conclusion, our comparison of co-registered 3D QCA and invasive imaging data suggests a bias towards larger lume