35 research outputs found

    Kleine Mädchenwelten statt große Weltmädchen

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    Rezension zu Doris Katheder Mädchenbilder in deutschen Jugendzeitschriften der Gegenwart Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik Wiesbaden: VS, 2008. 347 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-531-15940-

    Über die (visuelle) Konstitution von Onlinediskursen und ihre empirische Untersuchung

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    Rezension zu Stefan Meier (Bild-)Diskurs im Netz Konzept und Methode für eine semiotische Diskursanalyse im World Wide Web Köln: Herbert von Halem, 2008. 480 Seiten ISBN: 978-3-938258-83-

    Negotiating Care Work: Gendered Network Structures of Pandemic Care Discourses on Twitter in Germany

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    Precarious conditions of care work are contested and deeply gendered issues all over the globe. The Covid-19 pandemic both intensifies the (national) care crises and makes care work more visible as a public issue. In this article, we ask for the opportunities, structural conditions, and limitations of voice and visibility in emerging publics beyond established media organizations. Applying the concept of performative publics and using social network analysis, we reconstruct and compare the constitution of publics around the two German language Twitter hashtags 0#systemrelevant and #CoronaEltern. In a comparative design, we ask which actor groups and what kind of genders gain visibility, and in which speaker positions women, men, and non-binary people appear. The comparison of the two case studies reveals rather different network structures and asks for more nuanced, issue-based “medium data” analyses in the linkage of gender media studies and computational methods. Whereas the public discourse on professional paid care work resembles gendered power structures, the public discourse on privatized, unpaid care work shows shifted patterns concerning female visibility. These findings are discussed critically as gendered discourse spaces of professional and privatized care work stay rather separated and thus risk reproducing traditional private/public boundaries. Furthermore, findings emphasize the importance of “invisible” relational work which keeps hashtags running. Ratios of paying attention from women to men and vice versa are unequally distributed. Females either invest more communicative effort than males or receive less attention for the equal amount of reaching out to others

    Negotiating Care Work: Gendered Network Structures of Pandemic Care Discourses on Twitter in Germany

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    Precarious conditions of care work are contested and deeply gendered issues all over the globe. The Covid-19 pandemic both intensifies the (national) care crises and makes care work more visible as a public issue. In this article, we ask for the opportunities, structural conditions, and limitations of voice and visibility in emerging publics beyond established media organizations. Applying the concept of performative publics and using social network analysis, we reconstruct and compare the constitution of publics around the two German language Twitter hashtags #systemrelevant and #CoronaEltern. In a comparative design, we ask which actor groups and what kind of genders gain visibility, and in which speaker positions women, men, and non-binary people appear. The comparison of the two case studies reveals rather different network structures and asks for more nuanced, issue-based “medium data” analyses in the linkage of gender media studies and computational methods. Whereas the public discourse on professional paid care work resembles gendered power structures, the public discourse on privatized, unpaid care work shows shifted patterns concerning female visibility. These findings are discussed critically as gendered discourse spaces of professional and privatized care work stay rather separated and thus risk reproducing traditional private/public boundaries. Furthermore, findings emphasize the importance of "invisible" relational work which keeps hashtags running. Ratios of paying attention from women to men and vice versa are unequally distributed. Females either invest more communicative effort than males or receive less attention for the equal amount of reaching out to others

    «There is much about Wraith that you do not know»: Potentials for Media Education in a literary Role-playing Game for the Science Fiction Series Stargate Atlantis

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    Aus kommunikationssoziologischer Sicht ist die in der Alltagspraxis von Individuen und Gruppen situierte Perspektivierungsarbeit eine Voraussetzung für Medienbildungsprozesse. Fan Fiction und transformatives Werkschaffen begünstigen solche Arbeiten, insofern ihre Praxis ein beständiges Oszillieren zwischen Vorlage und Neuschöpfung, verschiedenen medialen Formen, Vergangenheit und Gegenwart sowie diversen Beteiligungsrollen nahelegt. Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags steht vor diesem Hintergrund ein literarisches Rollenspiel, das eine Gruppe von Fans auf Basis der Science-Fiction-Serie Stargate Atlantis initiiert hat und das im Rahmen einer Studie zu kooperativ verfassten transformativen Fanwerken medienethnografisch begleitet wurde. Exemplarisch werden Medienbildungspotenziale des Rollenspiels auf den Ebenen des Grenz-, Handlungs-, Wissens- und Biografiebezugs herausgearbeitet. Aus der Warte der Spezies der Wraith verfasst, nehmen die Spielerinnen und Spieler eine fundamentale Perspektivumkehrung vor und manövrieren spielend durch Herrschafts- und Machtverhältnisse.From the point of view of communication sociology, the perspectivation work situated in the everyday practice of individuals and groups is a prerequisite for media education processes. Fan fiction and transformative working favour perspectivation work, insofar as they suggest a constant oscillation between existing material and new creation, between various media forms, between past and present, as well as between various participation roles. Against this background, the contribution focuses on a literary role play initiated by a group of fans on the basis of the science fiction series Stargate Atlantis. This role play was accompanied by media ethnography as part of a study on cooperative transformative fan works. The role plays’s potentials for media education are worked out exemplarily on the levels of «boundary reference», «action reference», «knowledge reference» and «biographical reference». Written from the perspective of the Wraith species, the players make a fundamental reversal of perspective and playfully navigate through relations of domination and power

    Grundlagen einer facettenreichen Disziplin

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    Rezension zu Uwe Sander, Friederike von Gross, Kai-Uwe Hugger (Hrsg.) Handbuch Medienpädagogik Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 2008. 602 Seiten ISBN-13: 978-353115016

    Rezension: Dafna Lemish (Ed.) (2013): The Routledge International Handbook of Children, Adolescents and Media

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    Der "practice turn" und die qualitative Jugendmedienforschung der handlungsorientierten Medienpädagogik

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    Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit Methodologie und Methodik der Jugendmedienforschung im Umfeld der handlungsorientierten Medienpädagogik und setzt diese in Beziehung zum so genannten "practice turn". These ist, dass die medienpädagogische Forschung seit Ende der 1970er Jahre als pädagogischer bzw. kommunikations- und medienwissenschaftlicher Teilbereich eine eigene erste Praxiswende vollzogen hat. In Teilen geht diese Hand in Hand mit Verständnisweisen, die heute mit dem Schlagwort Praxeologie/Soziologie der Praktiken verknüpft werden. In anderen Teilen verwehrt sich die Forschung der handlungsorientierten Medienpädagogik gegen praxistheoretische Perspektiven. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich vor diesem Hintergrund erstens mit der Frage, welches Praxisverständnis in diesem spezifischen Forschungsbereich kultiviert wurde und wo die Orientierungen gegenläufig und inkommensurabel bleiben. Zweitens skizziert er die Konturen einer zweiten Praxiswende, die noch nicht auf den Punkt zu bringen ist, aber sich gegenwärtig als Reaktion auf Digitalisierung und aktueller Mediatisierungsschübe andeutet.The article deals with the methodology and the methods of youth media research in the field of actionoriented media pedagogy and relates it to the so-called "practice turn". The thesis is that since the end of the 1970s media pedagogical research as a pedagogical or communication and media science subdivision has completed its own first practice turn. In parts, this goes hand in hand with ways of understanding, which today are linked with the catchword praxeology/sociology of practices. In other parts, the research of action-oriented media pedagogy rejects practice-theoretical perspectives. Against this background, the article deals firstly with the question of what understanding of practice has been cultivated in this specific field of research and where the orientations remain contrary and incommensurable. Secondly, the contours of a second turn are outlined, which cannot yet be summed up in a nutshell, but which are currently in evidence as a reaction to digitisation and current mediatisation thrusts