10 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of a Voice Training Program for Teachers

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Objectives. To investigate the effects of a voice education program to teachers on vocal function exercise and voice hygiene and compare a pre- and post-vocal exercise for the teacher's voice quality. Methods. A random sample of 102 subjects was divided into two groups: experimental group (29 women and seven men) with vocal hygiene and training exercises and control group (52 women and 14 men) with vocal hygiene. Two sessions were held about voice hygiene for the control group and five sessions for the experimental group, one being with reference to the vocal hygiene habit and four vocal exercise sessions. Acoustic analysis of the vowel [i] was made pre- and post-vocal exercise and for the situations of initial and final evaluation of the educational program. Student t test (paired) and Proc MIXED (repeated measures) were used for analyses with level of significance (alpha = 0.05). Results. The training exercises, posture and relaxation cervical, decreased the mean of fundamental frequency (f(0)) for men (P = 0.04), and for the phonation, intensity, and frequency exercises, there was a significant increase for f(0) in woman (P = 0.02) and glottal to noise excitation ratio (P = 0.04). There was no statistically significant difference intergroup evaluations after 3 months. The control group presented increased mean voice intensity in the final evaluation (P = 0.01). Conclusions. Voice training exercises showed a positive and immediate impact on the teacher's quality of voice, but it was not sustained longitudinally, suggesting that actions for this purpose should be continued at schools.275603610Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)FAPESP [2009/01507-6

    Correlatos perceptivos e acústicos dos ajustes supraglóticos na disfonia Perceptive and acoustic correlates of supraglottis adjustments in dysfonia

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar os correlatos perceptivo-auditivos (ajustes supraglóticos) e acústicos (formantes) da qualidade vocal de indivíduos disfônicos com alterações glóticas, atendidos em ambulatório de fonoaudiologia de uma instituição hospitalar da cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: o grupo estudado foi representado por amostras de voz de 20 indivíduos disfônicos com idades variadas entre 30 e 65 anos do sexo feminino (atendidos em um hospital da cidade de São Paulo) e julgamentos perceptivo-auditivos da qualidade vocal por amostras avaliadas previamente por um grupo de juízes em atividade clínica. As amostras foram exploradas quanto à freqüência dos três primeiros formantes (F1, F2 e F3). Os valores foram considerados de forma qualitativa (comparados aos dados da análise perceptivo-auditiva) e quantitativa (teste Qui-quadrado). RESULTADOS: os ajustes de qualidade vocal mais freqüentes foram laringe baixa, mandíbula fechada, lábios arredondados, corpo de língua abaixado, corpo de língua retraído, labiodentalização. Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas para os valores de freqüência de F1 para os vocábulos "cata" (864 Hz) e "gata" (814 Hz), p=0 e F3 para os vocábulos "cata" (2598 Hz) e "gata" (2660 Hz), p=0,17 dos indivíduos do grupo estudado em relação aos valores de referência para o Português-Brasileiro. CONCLUSÃO: os ajustes de qualidade vocal identificados encontraram correspondência com a diminuição dos valores de F1 e F3 indicando tendências de ajustes do trato vocal.<br>PURPOSE: to evaluate auditory perception (supraglottic adjustments) and acoustic (formants) of vocal quality in dysphonic individuals with glotic disorders, attended in a clinic a hospital in the city of São Paulo. METHODS: the studied was represented by voice samples taken form from 20 dysphonic people aged between 30 and 65 of the female gender (attended in a hospital in the city of Sao Paulo) and the auditory perception judgment of the vocal quality was represented by samples previously evaluated by active judges in clinic activity. The samples were explored as for the frequency of the first three formants (F1, F2 and F3). The values were considered as for their quality (compared to the data of auditory perception analysis) and their quantity (Qui-square test) RESULTS: the more frequent adjustments of vocal quality were low larynx, closed jaw, lip rounding, lowered tongue body, retracted tongue body, labiodentalization. Statistically meaningful differences were found for the frequency value of F1 for the syllables "cata" (864 Hz) and "gata" (814Hz), p=0 and F3 for the syllables "cata" (2598 Hz) and "gata"(2660 Hz), p=0.17 for the subjects of the group studied with relation to the values of reference for Portuguese-Brazilian language. CONCLUSION: the identified adjustments of vocal quality met correspondence with the reducing of values of F1 and F3 indicating trends for vocal treat adjustments

    Perfil vocal de regentes de coral do estado de São Paulo Vocal profile of choir conductors in the State of São Paulo

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    OBJETIVO: traçar o perfil vocal de regentes de corais do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: participaram deste estudo 150 regentes de corais do Estado de São Paulo. A coleta foi feita individualmente pelo mesmo avaliador, nos locais de trabalho dos entrevistados, através de questionário fechado. RESULTADOS: os regentes tem em média 8,4 anos de exercício da profissão, regem 1 coral e já fizeram de 1 a 5 anos de aula de canto. Ensaiam os naipes em separado, cantam junto com os naipes, fazem aquecimento e não fazem desaquecimento vocal. Para a afinação do coral, usam piano e/ou a própria voz. A maior parte considera a voz falada igual a cantada e ambas eficientes, há concordância no que se refere ao dom e a técnica como componentes necessários a uma boa voz cantada. Com os anos de exercício de regência, a tessitura vocal está mais ampla, a qualidade mais estável, a passagem mais controlada e a intensidade no pianíssimo e no fortíssimo permaneceram inalteradas. As queixas vocais mais apontadas foram: pigarro, rouquidão, garganta seca, acúmulo de secreção na garganta, cansaço após fala, cansaço após canto e tensão na garganta. A maior parte dos regentes apresenta até 3 sintomas vocais, não fumam, não bebem, não costumam gritar, não pigarreiam, falam muito e comem tarde da noite. CONCLUSÃO: houve associação de sintomas vocais com piora e/ou restrição de diversos parâmetros específicos da voz cantada. O parâmetro que mais se alterou frente aos sintomas vocais foi a qualidade vocal.<br>PURPOSE: to draw the vocal profile of choir conductors in the State of São Paulo. METHODS: one hundred fifty choirs conductors in the State of São Paulo took part in this study. Data collection was carried out by the same researcher, at the working places of the subjects by means of closed survey. RESULTS: the conductor’s average performance of the activity is 8.4 years. They conduct different sections at different times, they sing together with the sections, do warming up but do not do cooling downs. For choir tune up they use the piano and/or their own voice. Most of them consider spoken voice similar to sung voices and both are efficient. There is agreement concerning talent and technique as necessary components for a good sung voice. After having been conductors for years, the vocal range is broader, the vocal quality is more stable and passage more controlled. The intensity at pianissimo and fortissimo remains unaltered. The vocal complains that are most observed were hawks, hoarseness, dry throat, excess of secretion in the throat, fatigue after singing and tension in the throat. Most conductors complained about up to three vocal symptoms, do not smoke, do not drink, do not usually scream, do not hawk, speak a lot and eat late at night. CONCLUSION: vocal symptoms were associated with worsening and/or restriction of several specific parameters of singing voice. The most altered parameter among the symptoms was the vocal quality