19 research outputs found

    Formation control of a large group of UAVs with safe path planning

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    Los sustentos sociales de los tres candidatos mayores en la elección presidencial de 2006

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    Este trabajo analiza los efectos de los grupos sociales en los votos de los tres candidatos mayores en la elección presidencial mexicana de 2006. La fuente primaria es la base de datos de la "Encuesta a la salida de las urnas" de Reforma. Las variables independientes son: sexo, edad, ingreso, ocupación, escolaridad y religión. La variable dependiente es el voto por cada candidato. Las técnicas son el análisis tabular, análisis de correspondencias, regresiones logísticas simples y múltiples. Calderón ob-tuvo sus apoyos mayores entre los jóvenes, las personas de mayores ingresos, los profesionistas, los supervisores y los empleados de negocios; las personas con educación superior, y los católicos. Los apoyos mayores para López estuvieron en los hombres, las personas de ingresos medios, las trabajadoras domésticas, los maestros, los comerciantes y vendedores ambulantes, los estudiantes y los profesionistas; las personas con educación superior, y las personas sin religión. El sustento electoral mayor de Madrazo fueron las personas de menores ingresos, las amas de casa, los trabajadores agrícolas y los obreros; las personas con ninguna o poca escolaridad; y los protestantes.This paper analyzes the social factors of the 2006 Mexican presidential election. The primary source is the database of the Reforma's exit poll. The independent variables are: gender, age, income, occupation, schooling and religion. The dependent variable is the vote for each candidate. The techniques are the contingency tables, simple and multiple logistic regressions, and correspondences analyses. Calderón obtained its greater supports among the young people, higher-income people, the professionals, the supervisors and clerks; the higher education people and the Catholics. The greater supports for Lopez were among the men, the maiden, the average income people, the workers, the instructors, the mobile retailers and salesmen, the students and the professionals; the highereducation people, and non-religious people. The greater electoral sustenance of Madrazo was among the agriculture workers, the lower-income people, the housewives, and the industrial workers; the people with any or little schooling; and the Protestants

    Implementation of a Modelica library for simulation of electromechanical actuators for aircraft and helicopters

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    The goal of the A2015 library presented in this paper is to develop a Modelica based, tool-independent standard for electromechanical actuators (EMA). This will contribute to the establishment of a “common language” throughout the development of EMAs for aircraft and helicopters and through the supply chain. All stages of the design and validation process (conceptual design, specification, development and validation) are covered. The modeling approach addresses specific aspects of the EMA design process not covered by existing tools. The library scope, engineering need and implementation are described. Modeling of selected EMA components is discussed in more detail. An application example of the library is given (linear actuator, A320 aileron

    Autonóm földi, légi és vízi robotok korszerű irányításelmélete és mesterséges intelligencia eszközei = Advanced Control Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques of Autonomous Ground, Aerial, and Marine Robots

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    Módszereket dolgoztunk ki autonóm földi, légi és vízi járművek (robotok) egységes elveken alapuló modellezésére. Algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki járművek és formációban haladó járműegyüttesek stabil irányítására. Módszereket dolgoztunk ki nemsima nemlinearitásokat tartalmazó robotok és más mechanikai rendszerek modellezésére, identifikációjára és robusztus irányítására. Mozgástervezési és koordinálási algoritmusokat fejlesztettünk ki multiágensű rendszerek számára korlátozások jelenlétében a játékelmélet, a megerősítéses tanulás és a számítási intelligencia bevonásával. Modellezési eljárást és irányítási algoritmusokat dolgoztunk ki alulaktuált földi járművek és más mechanikai rendszerek számára lineáris korlátozások esetén. Megmutattuk, hogy időskálázással bővíthető a linearizálható dinamikus rendszerek osztálya. Algoritmust adtunk aktív alsó végtagprotézis szabályozására. Hiperredundáns robotok mozgástervezésére új elvű eljárást fejlesztettünk ki. Mozgásanalízisen és sztereótechnikán alapuló módszereket fejlesztettünk ki általános képfeldolgozási feladatok megoldására és beltéri járművek térbeli pozíciójának és orientációjának meghatározására valós időben. Új módszertant dolgoztunk ki diszkrét eseményű rendszerek többszintű modellezésére és felügyeleti irányítására. Módszert dolgoztunk ki navigációs szenzorok fúziójára és az állapotváltozók nagy pontosságú becslésére. Mintarendszert fejlesztettünk beltéri helikopterek irányítási algoritmusainak valós idejű vizsgálatára. | Methods were elaborated for modeling autonomous ground, aerial and marine vehicles (robots) based on uniform concepts. Algorithms were developed for stable control of vehicles and their ensembles moving in formation. For robots and other mechanical systems containing nonsmooth nonlinearities new methods were elaborated for modeling, identification and robust control. Motion design and coordination algorithms were developed for constrained multiagent systems based on game theory, reinforcement learning and computational intellegence. Modeling methods and control algorithms were elaborated for underactuated ground vehicles and other mechatronic systems under linear constraints. It was shown that using timescaling the class of linearizable dynamic systems can be extended. An algorithm was developed for the control of an active lower limb prosthetic. A novel method was elaborated for the motion design of hyperredundant robots. Methods based on motion analysis and stereo technique were developed for solving general image processing tasks and determining the position and orientation of indoor vehicles in real time. For discrete event systems a new methodology was given for the multilevel modeling and supervisory control. Methods were elaborated for the fusion of navigation sensors and the high-precision state estimation. A system of 3 indoor helicopters were developed for the investigation of control algorithms in real time

    Backstepping-based control design with state estimation and path tracking to indoor quadrotor helicopter

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    The article focuses on different aspects (both theoretical and practical) of the development of the control algorithm of a quadrotor helicopter starting from the modelling phase. A new control algorithm is elaborated and supplementary components are described in detail including state estimation and path tracking. The helicopter´s dynamic model takes into account the aerodynamic friction, the gyroscopic effect of the rotors and also the motor dynamics. The control algorithm is based on the backstepping approach and is capable of stabilising the model even in case of realistic noises. Vision system and on-board inertial measurement unit provide the measurements and two-level extended Kalman filter based state estimator is used to suppress the measurement noises and to estimate the unmeasured signals. The methods of the software development and real-time testing are also presented with attention to the sources of common errors

    3D position and attitude estimation using novel marker detection method

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    Position estimation using novel calibrated indoor positioning system

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    At tíz parantsolatnac ah hit agazatinac, am mi at'a'ncnac, aes ah hit petsaetinec röviden valo mag'ara'zatt'a

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    The paper deals with the quick prototype design and hardware-in-the-loop real-time test of the embedded control system of an indoor miniature quadrotor helicopter (UAV) before first flight. The control law is of backstepping type, the sensory system consists of a marker-based vision system outside the helicopter in radio connection with the embedded controller and a 3D inertial measurement unit (IMU) on the helicopter. Extended Kalman filters solve the state estimation problem. Brushless DC motors serve as actuators. For quick prototype design of the embedded controller MATLAB, Simulink, Real-Time Workshop and the MPC555 Target Compiler were used. Because of the critical character of the control of flying systems the whole embedded control system was hardware-in-the-loop tested by using DS1103 of dSPACE for real-time emulation of the indoor helicopter. During test the helicopter and the sensors were mapped to DS1103 and the test was performed in real-time using the helicopter and sensor models. Communication during the test was running using CAN bus protocol between the Freescale MPC555 processor of the embedded controller and the emulation of the helicopter and the sensors on DS1103