10 research outputs found

    An Integrated and Spatialized Approach to Identify Potentially Overexposed Population : A Case Study of Chlorpyrifos Contamination

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    Exposure to pesticides is characterized by the multiplicity of exposure routes (food, water, soil, air) related to their presence in all environmental media. First, for a fine characterization of the environmental exposure, it is necessary to gather within the same analysis system a dataset integrating the population behavior and the local contamination of the environmental media at fine resolutions and on large territories. This integration requires a sufficient toolchain to produce or process these data in a rigorous manner, characterize the entire continuum from the source of contamination, transport, and transfer of contaminants in environmental media, and estimate external and internal exposure doses for the general population. The aim of this work is to establish an integrated methodology for the mapping of exposure indicators at fine spatial and temporal resolutions (1 kmÂČ and week) directly comparable with individual biomonitoring measurements from French cohorts. To illustrate the approach, we consider the levels of chlorpyrifos among pregnant women in the Picardy region (France). Results provide insights into the identification of areas of potential overexposure and analysis of environmental determinants, elements useful for public health decision to reduce exposure and thus health and environmental impacts. However, the exposure characterization involves uncertainties regarding modeling assumptions and data measurements. Moreover, the efficiency of exposure modeling can be limited by calculation times. To optimize numerical resolution and reduce uncertainties related to knowledge limits and data representativeness, modeling assumptions and tools need to be reconsidered to improve the methodology and allow future developments

    The territorialized exposome concept to characterize cumulative risk at the population level

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    Risk assessors and risk managers are currently facing two realities: The need to consider the impact of multiple exposures and combined risks, and the substantial growth of environmental data production at the territory level. The exposome concept has been proposed as an emergent exposure science paradigm for conceptualizing the cumulative effects of environmental exposures across the whole human life. The need for risk manager to identify population at-risk in the context of substantial data deficiencies that hinder evaluation of cumulative health risks brings the operational declination of the concept at the territorial scale. The characterization of the territorialized exposome implies the development of dynamic, multidimensional, longitudinal approaches, and information systems that require the adoption of transdisciplinary methods of data analysis. Integrated approaches could bring together all information necessary for assessing the source-to--dose continuum using GIS, multimedia exposure and toxicokinetic model. Different approaches could be considered for screening-level analysis of spatialized cumulative risks based on toxicology data or multivariate approach to combine exposure variables at the population level. Several case studies will be presented in a tiered manner to illustrate organized data processing when the ultimate goal of cumulative risk assessment is to identify overexposed population. Review of toxicology data are conducted in order to group substances or risk factors sharing similar toxicological effect. In other cases, finding a common metric for dissimilar risks is not a strictly analytic process, because judgments must be made as how to link two or more separate scales of risks during a deliberative process, including stakeholders to identify operational actions adapted to the policy objectives

    CaractĂ©risation de l’exposition environnementale spatialisĂ©e Ă  un pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻde en Picardie

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    Pesticides are present in all areas of the environment and absorbed via many pathways (food, water, soil, and air). To characterize environmental exposures in detail, it is ïŹrst necessary to combine within the same analysis data on the population’s lifestyles and on the local contamination of environmental media at appropriate resolutions and over large areas. As part of this pilot study,the objective of the CartoExpo project was to test the feasibility of an integrated methodology to map exposure indicators for small-area resolutions and short time intervals. To illustrate the approach, contamination of the general population was studied for a pyrethroid (cypermethrin) in the Picardy region (Northern France). For atmospheric dispersion, an innovative statistical meta-model method was developed, based on a machine learning technique that used a large database of simulations on a representative parcel. The meta-model was then applied to cypermethrin application at three-hourly intervals on all agricultural parcels in the Picardy region. Multimedia exposure models are needed to: 1) estimate emissions from soil and plant volatilization phenomena on agricultural land, 2) quantify contamination of local food products (excluding home vegetable gardens) due to proximity to agricultural land,a nd3)combine external exposures. Characterizing exposure involves numerous uncertainties, primarily about the assumptions underlying the different modeling approaches, and the representativeness and accuracy of the integrated data. Further measured and modeled data are therefore needed to validate the different approaches.Les expositions aux pesticides se caractĂ©risent par la multiplicitĂ© des voies d’exposition (alimentation, eau, sol, air) liĂ©e Ă  leur prĂ©sence dans l’ensemble des milieux environnementaux. Pour une caractĂ©risation fine des expositions environnementales, un premier verrou rĂ©side dans la capacitĂ© Ă  rassembler au sein d’un mĂȘme systĂšme d’analyse un ensemble de donnĂ©es combinant le mode de vie des populations et la contamination locale des milieux environnementaux sur des rĂ©solutions spatiales appropriĂ©es et des territoires Ă©tendus (Ă©chelles rĂ©gionales ou nationales). Dans le cadre de cette Ă©tude pilote, l’objectif du projet CartoExpo Ă©tait de tester la faisabilitĂ© d’une mĂ©thodologie intĂ©grĂ©e pour la cartographie d’indicateurs d’exposition sur des rĂ©solutions spatiales et temporelles fines. Pour illustrer la dĂ©marche, la contamination de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale est Ă©tudiĂ©e pour un pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻde (la cypermĂ©thrine) sur la Picardie en considĂ©rant les voies d’ingestion (eau, sol, aliments) et d’inhalation (gaz et aĂ©rosol). Pour la dispersion atmosphĂ©rique, une mĂ©thode innovante de mĂ©tamodĂšle statistique a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©e. Elle repose sur une technique d’apprentissage automatique Ă  partir d’une vaste base de donnĂ©es de simulations sur une parcelle Ă©lĂ©mentaire. Le mĂ©tamodĂšle est dans un deuxiĂšme temps appliquĂ© aux Ă©pandages relevĂ©s Ă  une frĂ©quence tri-horaire sur l’ensemble des parcelles agricoles en rĂ©gion Picardie. Des modĂšles d’exposition multimĂ©dia sont nĂ©cessaires pour 1) estimer les flux d’émission liĂ©s aux phĂ©nomĂšnes de volatilisation du sol et des plantes au niveau des parcelles agricoles, 2) quantifier la contamination des produits alimentaires locaux (hors champ : jardin potager) liĂ©e Ă  la proximitĂ© des parcelles agricoles et 3) combiner l’exposition externe. L’exercice de caractĂ©risation de l’exposition comporte cependant de nombreux manques et incertitudes dont l’impact, dans un sens ou dans l’autre, est Ă  ce stade difficile Ă  quantifier. Le besoin de valider les approches mises en Ɠuvre nĂ©cessite de mobiliser des donnĂ©es (mesurĂ©es ou modĂ©lisĂ©es) supplĂ©mentaires

    Caractérisation des inégalités d'exposition au chlorpyrifos en Picardie

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    Contexte : Les donnĂ©es spatiales environnementales produites dans le cadre de projets de recherche, de la surveillance des milieux ou des populations peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©utilisĂ©es pour Ă©valuer l’exposition des populations sur les territoires. Pour une caractĂ©risation fine des expositions environnementales, un premier verrou rĂ©side dans la capacitĂ© Ă  rassembler au sein d'un mĂȘme systĂšme d’analyse un ensemble de donnĂ©es combinant le mode de vie des populations et la contamination locale des milieux environnementaux sur des rĂ©solutions spatiales appropriĂ©es et des territoires Ă©tendus (Ă©chelles rĂ©gionales). MĂ©thodes : L’objectif est de dĂ©cliner sur les territories une approche intĂ©grĂ©e de modĂ©lisation de l’exposition aux substances chimiques sur des rĂ©solutions spatio-temporelles fines. D'une part, elle permet d’intĂ©grer des bases de donnĂ©es environnementales (eau, air, sol, alimentation) et de les agrĂ©ger sur des supports gĂ©ographiques communs. D'autre part, elle permet d'estimer l’exposition des populations jusqu'Ă  l'exposition interne Ă  l'organe cible Ă  partir du croisement des modĂšles de transport, de transfert, d'exposition multimedia et toxicocinĂ©tique pour caractĂ©riser le continuum source-environnement-homme. RĂ©sultats : Pour illustrer cette approche, le cas d'Ă©tude porte sur l'exposition au chlorpyrifos de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale dans l'ancienne rĂ©gion Picardie pour une annĂ©e type (2013). Les zones d’expositions les plus Ă©levĂ©es sont Ă  proximitĂ© des parcelles sur lesquelles la substance est potentiellement plus Ă©pandue. La voie majoritaire correspond Ă  la voie d’ingestion. Les cartographies obtenues permettent de confronter les doses internes aux donnĂ©es de biosurveillance (MecoExpo, HypoMeco, Elfe). Conclusions : Cette dĂ©marche intĂ©grĂ©e d'Ă©valuation de l'exposition fournit des Ă©lĂ©ments d'interprĂ©tation des inĂ©galitĂ©s environnementales dans une visĂ©e d'aide Ă  la dĂ©cision pour rĂ©duire les expositions. Cependant, la caractĂ©risation de l'exposition comporte de nombreuses incertitudes au regard des donnĂ©es de mesures et des hypothĂšses de modĂ©lisation qui la sous-tend. Le besoin de mobiliser des donnĂ©es supplĂ©mentaires et de mieux Ă©valuer les phĂ©nomĂšnes de transfert devient nĂ©cessaire pour amĂ©liorer la reprĂ©sentativitĂ© des estimations

    CaractĂ©risation de l’exposition environnementale spatialisĂ©e aux pyrĂ©thrinoĂŻdes en Picardie

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    L’utilisation de produits phytosanitaires en agriculture, en usage domestique et par divers autres acteurs contribue Ă  la contamination de l’ensemble des milieux environnementaux. Les expositions aux pesticides se caractĂ©risent par une multiplicitĂ© des voies (alimentation, eau, sol, air). Pour une caractĂ©risation fine des expositions environnementales, un premier verrou rĂ©side dans la capacitĂ© Ă  rassembler au sein d’un mĂȘme systĂšme d’analyse un ensemble de donnĂ©es combinant le mode de vie des populations et la contamination locale des milieux environnementaux sur des rĂ©solutions spatiales appropriĂ©es et des territoires Ă©tendus. Dans le cadre de cette Ă©tude pilote, l’objectif du projet CartoExpo Ă©tait de tester la faisabilitĂ© d’une mĂ©thodologie intĂ©grĂ©e pour la cartographie d’indicateurs d’exposition sur des rĂ©solutions spatiales et temporelles fines. Pour illustrer la dĂ©marche, la contamination de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale est Ă©tudiĂ©e pour deux pesticides cumulĂ©s (la cypermĂ©thrine et la deltamĂ©thrine)..

    Conférence sur les environnements bùtis, naturels et sociaux 18-23 août 2019, Kaunas (Lituanie)

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    International audienceDu 18 au 23 aoĂ»t 2019 s’est tenue Ă  Kaunas, en Lituanie, la confĂ©rence intitulĂ©e « Les environnements bĂątis, naturels et sociaux : impacts sur les expositions, la santĂ© et le bien-ĂȘtre ». Ce colloque Ă©tait commun Ă  deux sociĂ©tĂ©s savantes : l’International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) et l’International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)

    Design of an Integrated Platform for Mapping Residential Exposure to Rf-Emf Sources

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    Nowadays, information and communication technologies (mobile phones, connected objects) strongly occupy our daily life. The increasing use of these technologies and the complexity of network infrastructures raise issues about radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (Rf-Emf) exposure. Most previous studies have assessed individual exposure to Rf-Emf, and the next level is to assess populational exposure. In our study, we designed a statistical tool for Rf-Emf populational exposure assessment and mapping. This tool integrates geographic databases and surrogate models to characterize spatiotemporal exposure from outdoor sources, indoor sources, and mobile phones. A case study was conducted on a 100 × 100 m grid covering the 14th district of Paris to illustrate the functionalities of the tool. Whole-body specific absorption rate (SAR) values are 2.7 times higher than those for the whole brain. The mapping of whole-body and whole-brain SAR values shows a dichotomy between built-up and non-built-up areas, with the former displaying higher values. Maximum SAR values do not exceed 3.5 and 3.9 mW/kg for the whole body and the whole brain, respectively, thus they are significantly below International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) recommendations. Indoor sources are the main contributor to populational exposure, followed by outdoor sources and mobile phones, which generally represents less than 1% of total exposure

    Characterizing environmental geographic inequalities using an integrated exposure assessment

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    International audienceBackground: At a regional or continental scale, the characterization of environmental health inequities (EHI) expresses the idea that populations are not equal in the face of pollution. It implies an analysis be conducted in order to identify and manage the areas at risk of overexposure where an increasing risk to human health is suspected. The development of methods is a prerequisite for implementing public health activities aimed at protecting populations.Methods: This paper presents the methodological framework developed by INERIS (French National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks) to identify a common framework for a structured and operationalized assessment of human exposure. An integrated exposure assessment approach has been developed to integrate the multiplicity of exposure pathways from various sources, through a series of models enabling the final exposure of a population to be defined.Results: Measured data from environmental networks reflecting the actual contamination of the environment are used to gauge the population's exposure. Sophisticated methods of spatial analysis are applied to include additional information and take benefit of spatial and inter-variable correlation to improve data representativeness and characterize the associated uncertainty. Integrated approaches bring together all the information available for assessing the source-to-human-dose continuum using a Geographic Information System, multimedia exposure and toxicokinetic model.Discussion: One of the objectives of the integrated approach was to demonstrate the feasibility of building complex realistic exposure scenarios satisfying the needs of stakeholders and the accuracy of the modelling predictions at a fine spatial-temporal resolution. A case study is presented to provide a specific application of the proposed framework and how the results could be used to identify an overexposed population