14 research outputs found

    Detection and classification of supernovae beyond z~2 redshift with the James Webb Space Telescope

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    Future time-domain surveys for transient events in the near- and mid-infrared bands will significantly extend our understanding about the physics of the early Universe. In this paper we study the implications of a deep (~27 mag), long-term (~3 years), observationally inexpensive survey with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) within its Continuous Viewing Zone, aimed at discovering luminous supernovae beyond z~2 redshift. We explore the possibilities for detecting Superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe) as well as Type Ia supernovae at such high redshifts and estimate their expected numbers within a relatively small (~0.1 deg^2) survey area. It is found that we can expect ~10 new SLSNe and ~50 SNe Ia discovered in the 1 < z < 4 redshift range. We show that it is possible to get relatively accurate (sigma_z < 0.25) photometric redshifts for Type Ia SNe by fitting their Spectral Energy Distributions (SED), redshifted into the observed near-IR bands, with SN templates. We propose that Type Ia SNe occupy a relatively narrow range on the JWST F220W-F440W vs F150W-F356W color-color diagram between +/- 7 rest-frame days around maximum light, which could be a useful classification tool for such type of transients. We also study the possibility of extending the Hubble-diagram of Type Ia SNe beyond redshift 2 up to z~4. Such high-z SNe Ia may provide new observational constraints for their progenitor scenario.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Detecting Pair-Instability Supernovae at z<5 with the James Webb Space Telescope

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    Pair-instability supernovae (PISNe) are the ultimate cosmic lighthouses, capable of being observed at z<25 and revealing the properties of primordial stars at cosmic dawn. But it is now understood that the spectra and light curves of these events evolved with redshift as the universe became polluted with heavy elements because chemically enriched stars in this mass range typically lose most of their hydrogen envelopes and explode as bare helium cores. The light curves of such transients can be considerably dimmer in the near infrared (NIR) today than those of primordial PISNe of equal energy and progenitor mass. Here, we calculate detection rates for PISNe whose progenitors lost their outer layers to either line-driven winds or rotation at z<10, their detection limit in redshift for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We find that JWST may be able to detect only Pop II (metal-poor) PISNe over the redshift range of z<4, but not their Pop III (metal-free) counterparts.Comment: Accepted for ApJ, in pres

    Structure Formation with Cold + Hot Dark Matter

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    We report results from high-resolution particle-mesh (PM) N-body simulations of structure formation in an Ω=1\Omega=1 cosmological model with a mixture of Cold plus Hot Dark Matter (C+HDM) having Ωcold=0.6\Omega_{\rm cold}=0.6, Ων=0.3\Omega_\nu=0.3, and Ωbaryon=0.1\Omega_{\rm baryon}=0.1. We present analytic fits to the C+HDM power spectra for both cold and hot (ν\nu) components, which provide initial conditions for our nonlinear simulations. In order to sample the neutrino velocities adequately, these simulations included six times as many neutrino particles as cold particles. Our simulation boxes were 14, 50, and 200~Mpc cubes (with H0=50H_0=50 km s−1^{-1} Mpc−1^{-1}); we also did comparison simulations for Cold Dark Matter (CDM) in a 50~Mpc box. C+HDM with linear bias factor b=1.5b=1.5 is consistent both with the COBE data and with the galaxy correlations we calculate. We find the number of halos as a function of mass and redshift in our simulations; our results for both CDM and C+HDM are well fit by a Press-Schechter model. The number density of galaxy-mass halos is smaller than for CDM, especially at redshift z>2z>2, but the numbers of cluster-mass halos are comparable. We also find that on galaxy scales the neutrino velocities and flatter power spectrum in C+HDM result in galaxy pairwise velocities that are in good agreement with the data, and about 30\% smaller than in CDM with the same biasing factor. On scales of several tens of Mpc, the C+HDM streaming velocities are considerably larger than CDM. Thus C+HDM looks promising as a model of structure formation.Comment: 33pp., 16+ figures not included (available by mail), SCIPP-92/5

    Could Edge-Lit Type Ia Supernovae be Standard Candles

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    The progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have not been identified. Though they are no longer fashionable we investigate the consequences if a significant number of SNe Ia were edge-lit detonations (ELDs) of carbon/oxygen white dwarfs that have accreted a critical mass of helium. Our best understanding of the Phillips relation between light curve speed and peak luminosity assigns both these phenomena to the amount of 56^{56}Ni produced. In ELDs there are two sites of 56^{56}Ni synthesis. If the peak luminosity is determined primarily by the C/O ratio in the core it is primarily a function of its progenitor's initial mass. If the light curve decay speed is determined by the total mass of iron group elements ejected this is a function of the total mass of the ELD at the time of explosion. In general these two masses are correlated and an empirical relation between peak luminosity and light curve shape can be expected. However when we perform population synthesis for progenitors of different metallicities we find a systematic shift in this relation that would make distant SNe Ia fainter than those nearby. The abundances of alpha-rich isotopes, such as 44^{44}Ca, in the solar system indicate that only about 40 per cent of SNe Ia are edge-lit so any systematic effect that could be present would be correspondingly diluted. If we examine only the small subset of ELDs that accrete from a naked helium star, rather than a He white dwarf, the systematic effect disappears.Comment: 14 pages, 3figure

    Casimir effect: running Newton constant or cosmological term

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    We argue that the instability of Euclidean Einstein gravity is an indication that the vacuum is non perturbative and contains a condensate of the metric tensor in a manner reminiscent of Yang-Mills theories. As a simple step toward the characterization of such a vacuum the value of the one-loop effective action is computed for Euclidean de Sitter spaces as a function of the curvature when the unstable conformal modes are held fixed. Two phases are found, one where the curvature is large and gravitons should be confined and another one which appears to be weakly coupled and tends to be flat. The induced cosmological constant is positive or negative in the strongly or weakly curved phase, respectively. The relevance of the Casimir effect in understanding the UV sensitivity of gravity is pointed out.Comment: Final, slightly extended version, to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Theia: Faint objects in motion or the new astrometry frontier

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    Theia: Faint objects in motion or the new astrometry frontier

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    How far can we trust type Ia supernovae as standard candles?

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    We review the various possibilities that have been proposed as progenitors of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the point of view of binary evolution and population synthesis. Depending on the nature of the progenitor, there may be systematic effects that cannot be calibrated by local observations that could undermine their use as standard candles

    Forecast of Cosmological Constraints with Type Ia Supernovae from the Chinese Space Station Telescope

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    The 2-m aperture Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), which observes at wavelengths ranging from 255 to 1000 nm, is expected to start science operations in 2024. An ultra-deep field observation program covering approximately 10 square degrees is proposed with supernovae (SNe) and other transients as one of its primary science drivers. This paper presents the simulated detection results of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and explores the impact of new datasets on the determinations of cosmological parameters. The simulated observations are conducted with an exposure time of 150 s and cadences of 10, 20, and 30 days. The survey mode covering a total of 80 observations but with a random cadence in the range of 4 to 14 days is also explored. Our simulation results indicate that the CSST can detect up to ∼1800\sim 1800 SNe Ia at z << 1.3. The simulated SNe Ia are then used to constrain the cosmological parameters. The constraint on Ωm\Omega_m can be improved by 37.5% using the 10-day cadence sample in comparison with the Pantheon sample. A deeper measurement simulation with a 300 s exposure time together with the Pantheon sample improves the current constraints on Ωm\Omega_m by 58.3% and ω\omega by 47.7%. Taking future ground-based SNe Ia surveys into consideration, the constraints on ω\omega can be improved by 59.1%. The CSST ultra-deep field observation program is expected to discover large amounts of SNe Ia over a broad redshift span and enhance our understanding of the nature of dark energy.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronom