500 research outputs found

    How realistic are solar model atmospheres?

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    Recently, new solar model atmospheres have been developed to replace classical 1D LTE hydrostatic models and used to for example derive the solar chemical composition. We aim to test various models against key observational constraints. In particular, a 3D model used to derive the solar abundances, a 3D MHD model (with an imposed 10 mT vertical magnetic field), 1D models from the PHOENIX project, the 1D MARCS model, and the 1D semi-empirical model of Holweger & M\"uller. We confront the models with observational diagnostics of the temperature profile: continuum centre-to-limb variations (CLV), absolute continuum fluxes, and the wings of hydrogen lines. We also test the 3D models for the intensity distribution of the granulation and spectral line shapes. The predictions from the 3D model are in excellent agreement with the continuum CLV observations, performing even better than the Holweger & M\"uller model (constructed largely to fulfil such observations). The predictions of the 1D theoretical models are worse, given their steeper temperature gradients. For the continuum fluxes, predictions for most models agree well with the observations. No model fits all hydrogen lines perfectly, but again the 3D model comes ahead. The 3D model also reproduces the observed continuum intensity fluctuations and spectral line shapes very well. The excellent agreement of the 3D model with the observables reinforces the view that its temperature structure is realistic. It outperforms the MHD simulation in all diagnostics, implying that recent claims for revised abundances based on MHD modelling are premature. Several weaknesses in the 1D models are exposed. The differences between the PHOENIX LTE and NLTE models are small. We conclude that the 3D hydrodynamical model is superior to any of the tested 1D models, which gives further confidence in the solar abundance analyses based on it.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Embryogenesis in microspore culture of Vitis subspecies

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    Embryoid structures showing epidermal layers have been regenerated from isolated Vitis microspores. Experiments were carried out on 8 genotypes of Vitis including different donor plant growth conditions, chilling of microspores (4 °C), heat shock (35 °C) and colchicine exposure (10, 25 and 50 mg/l) as induction treatments and incubation of the cultures on 87 different solid and liquid NN and LS media. The reactions of the cultured microspores included enlargement and thickening of the exine, formation of microcalli, calli, globular proembryos and embryoid structures displaying cell differentiation. Callus formation took place mainly on solid LS media with 3 % or 12 % sucrose, whereas most of the embryoids developed on NN media with 3 % sucrose. Both, callus and embryoid formation, were promoted by colchicine treatment. 8 months after transfer of calli and embryoids to subculture media, 4 embryoids still showed cell proliferation

    Considering Stress in a Nursing Student Context: Pre-Admission to Pre-Graduation

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    In moderation, stress is a normal response to a perceived challenge which can motivate an individual to perform at their best. Nursing students consistently report a significant amount of stress which has been found to be greater than their non-nursing peers. The purpose of this study is to assess the level of stress reported by second-semester freshman and sophomore students who have declared nursing as a major, compared with the level of stress experienced by junior and senior students who are enrolled in the university\u27s nursing program. Through this comparison, a conclusion can be drawn as to the level of stress experienced while enrolled in a nursing program, with the level of stress prior to being exposed to the challenges presented by the program. It is intended that the outcomes from this study can be utilized to address stress as it relates to a nursing student from pre-admission through graduation

    Fluktuacije ulova nekih pelagičnih vrsta riba u Mediteranu

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    U radu su analizirani 63 godine dugački podaci o ulovu tune (Thunnus thynnus) i srdele (Sardina pilchardus) u Mediteranu, metodom spektralne (Fourierove) analize i kros korelacjom. Analiza je pokazala da ulov tune sadrži ciklične komponente od 2.6, 3.65, 5.64, 7.75, 10.34 and 15.5 i verovatno 31 godinu, dok su u ulovu srdele najizraženije bile amplitude od 2.44, 3.65, 6.2, 7.75 i 10.34 godina. Prema tome, oba su vremenska niza bila koherentna u ciklusima od 3.65, 7.75 i 10.34 godina. Takođe je ustanovljeno da je ulov tune koherentan sa indeksom severoatlantske oscilacije (NAO) i to u periodima od 2, 3.35, 4.43, 6.89, 10.34 i verovtno 31 godina. Ovo ukazuje da klimatski ciklusi utiču na fluktuacije populacije ove ribe. Nadalje, upoređenje fluktuacija ulova tune u zapadnom i istočnom Mediteranu je pokazalo da su one potpuno sinhrone

    Application of microsatellite markers to parentage studies in grapevine

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    The use of microsatellites in genetic analysis does not only allow differentiation but also identification and parentage analysis of grapevine cultivars. Many of the cultivars which are of great economic importance, like Cabernet Sauvignon, have been selected and propagated centuries ago and often lack reliable documentation about their origins. In our study, 51 grapevine cultivars were genotyped at 24 microsatellite loci and searched for possible parent-offspring combinations. Our data confirm the origin of Cabernet Sauvignon from a cross between Cabernet franc and Sauvignon blanc. Furthermore we proved the parentage of the cultivars Neuburger (Silvaner x Veltliner rot), Blauburger (Portugieser blau x Blaufränkisch), Zweigelt (Blaufränkisch x St. Laurent) and Müller-Thurgau (Rheinriesling x Chasselas de Courtillier) at 24 SSR loci

    Deepening inside the homonyms of 'Wildbacher' by means of SSR markers

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    Sixteen accessions of the grapevine cultivar 'Wildbacher' coming from different European repositories and from Styrian and Italian private vineyards were analysed by genetic fingerprinting with SSR markers. Five different molecular profiles were found, confirming that the name 'Wildbacher' is commonly used as a homonym. Several new genotypes could be linked to the previous list of the 'Wildbacher' family. In particular, in Italian commercial vineyards two main 'Wildbacher' varieties defined by A and B genetic profiles were found. They correspond to the two reference genotypes from Styria, 'Wildbacher Blau' ('Blauer Wildbacher)' and 'Wildbacher Spätblau'. In both countries 'Wildbacher Blau' represents the most spread and better performing type and it is earlier ripening compared to 'Wildbacher Spätblau'. They were morphologically and genetically very similar to each other and they shared at least one allele at each of the 11 SSR loci analyzed for cultivar identification. Three different other 'Wildbacher' genotypes from a German collection were identified as individual cultivars. While 'Rotblättriger' (genotype C) and 'Frühblau' from Germany (genotype D) showed some genetic similarity with A and B genotypes, E 'Wildbacher', coming from Hungary, proved to have a distinct genetic profile. Close relationship to the key variety (for the development of European diversity) 'Heunisch' is indicated by sharing one allele at all loci investigated so far. There exist some indications that the second parent is an extinct wild vine. Evaluation of morphological parameters resulted in some differences among all five genotypes.

    Genetic analysis of grape berries and raisins using microsatellite markers

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    Microsatellite markers have been used recently for the identification and pedigree analysis of grapevines with leaves and wood as sources of vine DNA. To identify grapes after harvest and their products, we applied DNA extraction protocols to grape berries and raisins. DNA was obtained from both sources, but that of raisins was highly degraded. The suitability of DNA for PCR amplification of single genetic loci was shown by amplification of 11 microsatellite markers. 18 commercially available table grape samples were genotyped, and 11 (61 %) matched the corresponding genetic profile in our reference database. Four samples were shown to be defined incorrectly and 4 samples did not match any of the generic profiles present in the database. The investigated raisins were found to be cv. Sultanina. The results demonstrate that DNA-based cultivar identification methods can be applied to harvested grapes and raisins

    Pay What You Want as a Marketing Strategy in Monopolistic and Competitive Markets

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    Pay What You Want (PWYW) can be an attractive marketing strategy to price discriminate between fair-minded and selfish customers, to fully penetrate a market without giving away the product for free, and to undercut competitors that use posted prices. We report on laboratory experiments that identify causal factors determining the willingness of buyers to pay voluntarily under PWYW. Furthermore, to see how competition affects the viability of PWYW, we implement markets in which a PWYW seller competes with a traditional seller. Finally, we endogenize the market structure and let sellers choose their pricing strategy. The experimental results show that outcome-based social preferences and strategic considerations to keep the seller in the market can explain why and how much buyers pay voluntarily to a PWYW seller. We find that PWYW can be viable in isolation, but it is less successful as a competitive strategy because it does not drive traditional posted-price sellers out of the market. Instead, the existence of a posted-price competitor reduces buyers’ payments and prevents the PWYW seller from fully penetrating the market. If given the choice, the majority of sellers opt for setting a posted price rather than a PWYW pricing. We discuss the implications of these results for the use of PWYW as a marketing strategy

    Privredni ribolov na Dunavu u Srbiji

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    U radu se daje pregled slatkovodnog ribarstva sa aspekta upravljanja, ekspolatacije ribljih resursa, tržišta ribom, legislative koja uređuje delatnost ribarstva, kao i problemi sektora ribarstva u Srbiji. Istraživanje i analiza privrednog ribolova na Dunavu kroz Srbiju (588 km toka) sprovedeno je prikupljanjem podataka ribarske statistike za period od 1948. do 2010. godine, njihovim unošenjem u elektronsku bazu i analiziranjem uz korišćenje različitih metoda. Statistički podaci uključuju ukupan ulov, ulov rekreativnog i privrednog ribolova, ulov privredno značajnih vrsta i alohtonih vrsta. Korišćenjem anketnog upitnika za ribare dobijeni su podaci o demografskoj strukturi ribara koji se bave ribarenjem kao osnovnom delatnošću, o sastavu ulova, koliko je ribarstvo perspektivna privredna grana i koji su problemi i potencijalna rešenja. Većina ribara pripada starosnoj grupi koja je u opsegu od 45 do 50 godina. Privredni ribolov je važna ekonomska delatnost i predstavlja osnovni izvor prihoda za većinu ribara. Tržište slatkovodnom ribom je neuređena oblast koja zavisi od ličnog zalaganja i odgovornosti pojedinca koji ima interes u prodaji ribe. Ribarstvo na Dunavu u Srbiji je već dugi niz godina u procesu tranzicije ka tržišnoj ekonomiji. Dugoročne fluktuacije hidroloških podataka (vodostaj) upoređivane su sa fluktuacijama godišnjeg ulova ribe iz Dunava kako bi se uočila eventualna međusobna zavisnost i uporedili njihovi trendovi. Rezultati ovog istraživanja treba da posluže kao pregled stanja sektora sa svim postojećim nedostacima koje treba ispraviti u cilju što uspešnijeg upravljanja ribarstvom na Dunavu i ostalim rekama u Srbiji gde je zastupljen privredni ribolov

    Tarzan and chain: exploring the ICO jungle and evaluating design archetypes

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    The phenomenon of a blockchain use case called initial coin offering (ICO) is drawing increasing attention as a novel funding mechanism. ICO is a crowdfunding type that utilizes blockchain tokens to allow for truly peer-to-peer investments. Although more than \$7bn has been raised globally via ICOs as at 2018, the concept and its implications are not yet entirely understood. The research lags behind in providing in-depth analyses of ICO designs and their long-term success. We address this research gap by developing an ICO taxonomy, applying a cluster analysis to identify prevailing ICO archetypes, and providing an outlook on the token value market performance for individual archetypes. We identify five ICO design archetypes and display their secondary market development from both a short-term and a long-term perspective. We contribute to an in-depth understanding of ICOs and their implications. Further, we offer practitioners tangible design and success indications for future ICOs