13 research outputs found

    Should breast reconstruction and breast oncoplastic procedures be performed during the coronavirus pandemic?

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    The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of the treatment of breast cancer and breast reconstruction globally. Mastectomy with immediate implant-based breast reconstruction was on the rise due to advances in meshes and implants. However, due to the prioritisation of the critically ill and diversion of the work force, breast cancer treatment has drastically changed. This is an opinion paper written by the authors with experience and importance in the scenario of breast reconstructive surgery. The authors are from different countries with the COVID-19 pandemic in different stages

    Oncoplastic Breast Consortium consensus conference on nipple-sparing mastectomy

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    Purpose Indications for nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) have broadened to include the risk reducing setting and locally advanced tumors, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the use of NSM. The Oncoplastic Breast Consortium consensus conference on NSM and immediate reconstruction was held to address a variety of questions in clinical practice and research based on published evidence and expert panel opinion. Methods The panel consisted of 44 breast surgeons from 14 countries across four continents with a background in gynecology, general or reconstructive surgery and a practice dedicated to breast cancer, as well as a patient advocate. Panelists presented evidence summaries relating to each topic for debate during the in-person consensus conference. The iterative process in question development, voting, and wording of the recommendations followed the modified Delphi methodology. Results Consensus recommendations were reached in 35, majority recommendations in 24, and no recommendations in the remaining 12 questions. The panel acknowledged the need for standardization of various aspects of NSM and immediate reconstruction. It endorsed several oncological contraindications to the preservation of the skin and nipple. Furthermore, it recommended inclusion of patients in prospective registries and routine assessment of patient-reported outcomes. Considerable heterogeneity in breast reconstruction practice became obvious during the conference. Conclusions In case of conflicting or missing evidence to guide treatment, the consensus conference revealed substantial disagreement in expert panel opinion, which, among others, supports the need for a randomized trial to evaluate the safest and most efficacious reconstruction techniques

    Fine-needle aspiration biopsy for breast lesions: a comparison between two devices for obtaining cytological samples

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    CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Fine-needle aspiration biopsy has been accepted worldwide for breast lesions. However, some questions remain, including the appropriateness of the puncture method. The objective of this work was to compare aspirates obtained by the auto-vacuum device and by the syringe pistol holder. DESIGN AND SETTING: Randomized trial for validation of diagnostic method, at Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás and Hospital Araújo Jorge, Goiânia. METHODS: 351 patients presenting breast lumps underwent fine-needle aspiration biopsy, either with the auto-vacuum device or the syringe pistol holder. A single cytopathologist analyzed all of the cytology slides. The rates of insufficient material, cellularity, cell distortion and background hemorrhage were evaluated. RESULTS: The percentages of insufficient material were 16% and 22% (p = 0.18), for the auto-vacuum and pistol aspirates, respectively. Good cellularity was seen in 34% of auto-vacuum and 29% of pistol samples (p = 0.4). Cell distortion was seen in 31 and 26 cases, respectively (p = 0.7). Background hemorrhage occurred in 63 (35%) and 54 cases (31%) (p = 0.2), for auto-vacuum and pistol. The sensitivity was 88% and 86%; specificity 99% and 100%, positive predictive value 96% and 100%, negative predictive value 96% and 95% and total accuracy 76% and 75% for the auto-vacuum and pistol, respectively. CONCLUSION: The results obtained from the two fine-needle aspiration biopsy methods were equivalent. Therefore, the auto-vacuum device is a good option for obtaining aspirates for cytology

    Conhecimento dos métodos para diagnóstico do câncer de mama entre estudantes de medicina

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    Objetivos: avaliar o nível de conhecimento de noções básicas do diagnóstico do câncer de mama entre os alunos de medicina; promover a discussão entre eles e avaliar o aproveitamento dos alunos do 5º ano médico, após cursar a Disciplina de Ginecologia. Métodos: por meio de questionários aplicados a 348 alunos do total de 550 alunos, do 1º ao 5º ano do curso médico, buscaram-se informações a respeito do conhecimento básico do diagnóstico do câncer de mama. Dos 348 questionários aplicados, 55 (16%) foram respondidos por estudantes do 5º ano que haviam cursado a Disciplina de Ginecologia. Destes, 43% eram mulheres, 62% tinham familiares médicos e 17% história familiar de câncer de mama. Resultados: em relação ao conhecimento dos métodos diagnósticos, 84% dos alunos acertaram o sinal mais freqüente do câncer de mama; 34%, o melhor método de rastreio; 49%, quando indicar a mamografia em mulheres assintomáticas; 37%, a periodicidade preconizada da mamografia após 50 anos e 24%, quando associar o ultra-som à mamografia para detecção do câncer de mama. Os alunos do 5º ano apresentaram um índice de acerto para todas as perguntas significativamente maior que os demais. O sexo só apresentou diferença em relação ao maior conhecimento pelas mulheres quanto ao melhor período para o auto-exame e quando indicar a associação do ultra-som à mamografia. A presença de familiares médicos e a história familiar de câncer de mama não influenciaram as respostas. Conclusão: mesmo entre acadêmicos de medicina ainda é grande a desinformação a respeito do diagnóstico do câncer de mama. Não obstante, após cursar a disciplina, esse conhecimento aumenta significativamente

    Should breast reconstruction and breast oncoplastic procedures be performed during the coronavirus pandemic?

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    The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the face of the treatment of breast cancer and breast reconstruction globally. Mastectomy with immediate implant-based breast reconstruction was on the rise due to advances in meshes and implants. However, due to the prioritisation of the critically ill and diversion of the work force, breast cancer treatment has drastically changed. This is an opinion paper written by the authors with experience and importance in the scenario of breast reconstructive surgery. The authors are from different countries with the COVID-19 pandemic in different stages

    Oncoplastic mammaplasty with geometric compensation: Evolution of the technique, outcomes and follow-up in a multicentre retrospective cohort

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    Background and Objectives To report on the outcomes and evolution of an oncoplastic mammaplasty referred to as geometric compensation mammaplasty. Methods Seventy-three patients with malignant tumours were operated on and followed up in five centres in two countries. Preoperative markings were performed using a Wise pattern. The resection of affected skin was geometrically compensated using another area of preserved skin. Results Mean pathological tumour size was 30.42 +/- 21.98 mm. Twenty tumours (30.77%) were locally advanced and 15 (20.55%) were multicentric. Twenty-two patients (34.38%) were submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cosmetic results were considered good or excellent in 59 cases (80.82%). Margins were positive in two cases (2.74%). Complications were partial wound dehiscence (n = 11; 15.07%), fat necrosis (n = 9; 12.33%), skin necrosis (n = 5; 6.85%), seromas (n = 5; 6.85%), enlarged scars (n = 7; 9.59%) and infection (n = 2; 2.74%). There were three cases of local recurrence (4.29%), two of bone metastasis (2.86%) and three of metachronous contralateral breast cancer (4.35%). No deaths were recorded within a mean follow-up of 35.33 +/- 28.21 months. Conclusions The technique allowed breast conservation in situations requiring a large resection of skin in difficult positions, with a high rate of free margins, correction of ptosis, satisfactory symmetry and few complications