14 research outputs found


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    Este artigo apresenta algumas características da nova realização do ITRS, o ITRF2000, cuja densificação deu-se através da inclusão de redes regionais com coordenadas obtidas por GPS. Transformações entre diferentes realizações do ITRS foram efetuadas através da aplicação das equações de Helmert e de Helmert generalizada, entre referenciais de mesma época e com época diferente, respectivamente. Aspectos importantes a serem considerados é a realização e a época de referência em que são fornecidos os parâmetros de transformação pelo ITRS, sendo necessária a atualização dos mesmos quando desejam-se parâmetros vinculados a uma época diferente daquela em que são fornecidos. Utilizaram-se nove estações em três diferentes placas tectônicas, e as coordenadas transformadas do ITRF2000 para as de 93 e 97 foram comparadas com as divulgadas nessas realizações, visto que os ITRF94, 96 e 97 possuem os mesmos parâmetros de transformação em relação ao ITRF2000. ITRF2000 and its use Abstract This paper presents some features of ITRS new realization, the ITRF2000, whose densification happened by the inclusion of regional geodetic networks with coordinates obtained by GPS. Transformations between different realizations of the ITRS were done by the application of Helmerts equation and Helmerts generalized equation, between references of the same and different epochs, respectively. The realization and the reference time when the transformation parameters are supplied by the IERS as important aspects to be considered, being their update necessary when parameters linked to a different time from the one they are supplied are wished. Nine stations in three different tectonical plates, and the coordinates transformed from the ITRF2000 to the 93 and 97 were compared with the divulged ones in these realizations, since ITRF94, 96 and 97 have the same transformation parameters in relation to ITRF2000

    Mitigating the impacts of COVID-19: failure mode and effect analysis and supply chain resilience (FMEA-SCR) combined model

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    Purpose – The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic generated a worldwide financial crisis by impacting several links of the supply chain, however companies can take advantage by quantitatively measuring the disruptive impacts. Design/methodology/approach – This study sought to develop the failure mode and effect analysis and supply chain resilience (FMEA-SCR), a hybrid tool developed using a potential failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) applied to supply chain resilience (SCR) and taking into account the capability factors and business processes. Findings – In order to validate, the proposed model was applied into two different organizational study cases: an university and a cooperative managing urban solid wastes with recyclable potential (MSWRP). Through the procedures described here any organization can understand and assess in a simplified way the impacts over their supply chain generated by such a crisis. Originality/value – This study synthesizes three different procedures into a single method called FMEA-SCR, allowing organizations to understand and assess in a simplified way, the impacts over their supply chain generated by COVID-19. To this end, it brought together the studies developed by Rajesh and Ravi (2015) and Curkovic et al. (2015), on possible causes of disruptions in SC, the capability factors of Pettit et al. (2010) used by organizations to mitigate the effects of disruptions, besides Lambert's and Croxton (2005) business processes, thus weaving a method that allows organizations to visualize, analyze and classify the pandemic impacts over their supply chain

    Method for determining the performance of recycling cooperatives

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    In developing countries, Recyclable Material Collectors Cooperatives are presented as a public policy model for managing Urban Solid Wastes with Recyclable Potential (MSWRP) being fundamentals in the resources recovery chain. Thus, this study aims to propose a method to help analyze the management performance of cooperatives in their Operational Activities in the Recycling Chain (OARC): in the waste collection management, in production management, in waste marketing management and as an instrument of social inclusion, income generation and MSWRP reduction. To exemplify the application of the method, a longitudinal research was carried out on some characteristics of cooperatives based in a medium-sized city of Brazil in their OARC. For data treatment were used the DEA-SBM and DEA-Window Models, Tobit Regression, Kruskal-Wallis test, AHP and SAW method. The results suggest that the integrated performance indexes of cooperatives present variability in the scenarios analyzed (economic, environmental and social aspects), indicating that the preferences of a decision maker change the indexes and performance ranking of cooperatives. Furthermore, the results indicate that cooperatives are heterogeneous, with different levels of management performance and administrative organization, besides that presenting communication difficulties, and the rent paid by the collection centers for the collection trucks are very different, in some cases there is a cooperative organized with separated administrative sectors and in others all administrative functions are performed by the of the president of the same. Results also indicate the need for maintenance and increases of public actions thereby integrating the cooperatives and waste collectors, aiming to guarantee greater control in the collection, production and commercialization of MSWRP, since increases in cooperatives management performances in their OARC is fundamental for their survival and for the improvement of its member’s life quality.Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR)Em países em estágio de desenvolvimento, as Cooperativas de Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis apresentam-se como um modelo de política pública de gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos com Potencial Reciclável (RSUPR) e são fundamentais na cadeia de recuperação de recursos. Assim, este estudo objetiva propor um método para auxiliar a análise do desempenho das cooperativas em suas Atividades Operacionais na Cadeia da Reciclagem (AOCR): na gestão da coleta dos RSUPR, na gestão da produção, na gestão da comercialização dos resíduos e como um instrumento de inclusão social, geração de renda e redução de RSUPR. Para exemplificar a aplicação do método, realizou-se uma pesquisa longitudinal de algumas características das cooperativas sediadas em uma cidade brasileira de porte médio em suas AOCR. Foram utilizados para o tratamento dos dados os Modelos DEA-SBM e DEA-Window, Análise de Regressão Tobit, teste de Kruskal-Wallis, método AHP e SAW. Os resultados sugerem que os índices integrados de desempenho das cooperativas apresentam variabilidade nos cenários analisados (aspectos econômico, ambiental e social), indicando que as preferências de um decisor alteram os índices e ranking de desempenho das cooperativas. Apontam ainda, que as cooperativas são heterogêneas, com distintos níveis de desempenho e organização administrativa e possuem dificuldades de comunicação; os aluguéis pagos pelos centros de triagem e dos caminhões para coleta são muito distintos, há cooperativa organizada em setores administrativos e em outras o presidente exerce todas as funções administrativas. Indicam também a necessidade de manutenção e o aumento de ações públicas integradas às cooperativas de catadores, visando o maior controle nas operações de coleta, produção e comercialização dos RSUPR, pois o aumento no desempenho das cooperativas em suas AOCR é fundamental para a sua sobrevivência e para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos seus cooperados

    Aulas de Matemática na EJA: o que pensam os professores

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    The Integration of Recycling Cooperatives in the Formal Management of Municipal Solid Waste as a Strategy for the Circular Economy—The Case of Londrina, Brazil

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    In many developing countries, the informal recycling sector is responsible for reducing the amount of waste in landfills and supplying the needs of recycling industries. In the context of municipal solid waste (MSW) management, considering that developing countries aim to implement circular economy (CE) actions, it is essential to ensure the inclusion of waste pickers (catadores) in an adapted CE structure. This study analyzes the integration of recycling cooperatives in the formal management of municipal solid waste with recyclable potential (MSWRP) of a medium-sized municipality in Brazil, with the objective of ascertaining the contributions of cooperatives in an adapted CE structure and, at the same time, identifying a cooperative that can be used as a benchmarking option for other cooperatives, especially in relation to their organizational and operational practices. The results indicate that from this integration, cooperatives have legal responsibility in the management of MSWRP, resulting in the professionalization of its members and increasing their productivity. The results also revealed that the implementation of the CE in developing countries is, in a sense, conditioned to the performance of the informal sector in the recycling chain and, in addition, that the inclusion of cooperatives in the formal sector of MSWRP management can improve the rates of a municipality

    Fatores relacionados à vacinação contra a gripe em idosos: estudo transversal, Cambé, Paraná, Brasil

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a cobertura vacinal contra a gripe em idosos e a associação entre a vacinação e variáveis socioeconômicas, demográficas, de saúde e estilo de vida. Estudo de natureza epidemiológico-descritiva, transversal, realizado de abril de 2008 a setembro de 2009, com 990 idosos do Município de Cambé, Paraná, Brasil. A cobertura vacinal foi de 74,6%. A maior taxa de adesão foi entre os indivíduos com idades de 70-79 anos [razão de prevalência ajustada (RP) = 1,05] e 80 anos ou mais (RP = 1,03), hipertensos, e com renda mensal de até 3 salários mínimos (RP = 1,10) ou superior (RP = 1,17) comparados aos idosos sem renda. Idosos sedentários (RP = 0,96) aderiram menos à vacinação, e divorciados/separados (RP = 0,92) apresentaram menor adesão comparados aos casados. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade de estratégias de atenção à saúde, considerando os fatores que interferem na adesão voluntária à vacinação, contribuindo para aumentar as chances de sucesso dos programas de imunização

    Proposal of Multicriteria Decision-Making Models for Biogas Production

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    While biogas production offers promising solutions for waste management, energy diversification, and sustainable development, effective project implementation requires comprehensive evaluation criteria that encompass diverse aspects, such as the problem to be addressed, biodigester technology selection, business model development, investment considerations, and final product utilization. A preliminary study involving an integrative review of 58 articles yielded 499 unique criteria. These criteria were categorized into four groups: economic, environmental, social, and technical, encompassing a total of 39 subcriteria. Six stages of the biogas production cycle were considered in the analysis: project, initiation, biodigester type selection, location determination, operational cycle definition, and final product utilization. The analysis revealed that existing decision-making models often prioritize technical and economic considerations while neglecting broader social and environmental perspectives. This paper addresses this gap by proposing, for the first time, stage-specific, multicriteria decision-making (MDCA) models tailored to each phase of a biogas production cycle. These models empower project managers and policymakers to optimize resource allocation, minimize the environmental impact, maximize social benefits, and ensure project viability and profitability. The models’ adaptability allows for tailored prioritization based on specific project requirements and contexts. This groundbreaking research fills a critical void in biogas decision making by bridging the gap between existing technical and economic model limitations and the growing need for truly sustainable project development