42 research outputs found

    Development of brief version of the Social Rhythm Metric

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    Objetivo: O objetivo deste trabalho é o estabelecimento de uma versão abreviada da Escala de Ritmo Social, com vistas à aplicação em pesquisa. Métodos: Tomando como padrão-ouro a Escala de Ritmo Social de 17 itens, estabelecidas três versões breves a partir de três critérios diferentes. Comparados escores de regularidade e quantidade de atividades desenvolvidas em um período de uma semana de 167 sujeitos saudáveis, 25 portadores de epilepsia mioclônica juvenil e 16 portadores de transtorno depressivo. Resultados: A versão breve de seis itens mostrou melhor concordância com relação ao padrão-ouro k = 0,51; p < 0,001. A análise bivariada demonstrou significativa correlação entre a versão breve-6 e o padrão-ouro: (r = 0,87; p < 0,001). Houve correlação com idade na versão breve-6 (r = 0,2; p < 0,001), ainda mais significativa do que no padrão-ouro (r = 0,2; P < 0,01). Na análise ANOVA, o grupo saudável apresentou escores mais altos de regularidade em ambas as escalas. Com relação à quantidade de atividades, o grupo saudável assemelhou-se ao dos portadores de epilepsia e o dos portadores de depressão apresentou médias mais baixas. Conclusão: A simplificação da escala diminui a porcentagem de itens não preenchidos e custo em material impresso e facilita a padronização. O processo envolveu cuidadosa análise da adequação do instrumento à cultura-alvoOBJECTIVE: The objective of this work was to establish a brief version of the Social Rhythm Metric, aimed at applying it in research. METHODS: Taking the 17-item Social Rhythm Metric as the gold standard, three brief versions were created based on three different criteria. compared the scores of the regularity and quantity of activities carried out in a week for 167 healthy subjects and 25 individuals with juvenile myoclonic epilepy and 16 with depressive disturbance. RESULTS: The brief version of 6 items showed better concordance in relation to the gold standard; k = 0.51, p < 0.001. Bivariate analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between the brief version 6 and the gold standard (r = 0.87; p < 0.001). There was a correlation with age in the brief 6 version (r = 0.2; p < 0.001), even more significant than in the gold standard (r = 0.2; P < 0.01). ANOVA showed higher scores for regularity in the healthy using both scales. However, in relation to the quantity of activities, the healthy group resembled the epilepsy group, and the individuals with depression showed lower means. CONCLUSION: The simplification of the Social Rhythm Metric decreased the percenta-ge of items not filled in and the cost of printed matter and facilitate the standardization. The process involved a careful analysis of suitability of the instrument for the target culture

    A new chronobiological approach to discriminate between acute and chronic depression using peripheral temperature, rest-activity, and light exposure parameters

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    Background: Circadian theories for major depressive disorder have suggested that the rhythm of the circadian pacemaker is misaligned. Stable phase relationships between internal rhythms, such as temperature and rest/activity, and the external day-night cycle, are considered to be crucial for adapting to life in the external environmental. Therefore, the relationship and possible alterations among (i) light exposure, (ii) activity rhythm, and (iii) temperature rhythm could be important factors in clinical depression. This study aimed to investigate the rhythmic alterations in depression and evaluate the ability of chronobiological parameters to discriminate between healthy subjects and depressed patients. Methods: Thirty female subjects, including healthy subjects, depressed patients in the first episode, and major recurrent depression patients. Symptoms were assessed using Hamilton Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory and Montgomery-Äsberg Scale. Motor activity, temperature, and light values were determined for 7 days by actigraph, and circadian rhythms were calculated. Results: Depressed groups showed a lower amplitude in the circadian rhythm of activity and light exposure, but a higher amplitude in the rhythm of peripheral temperature. The correlation between temperature and activity values was different in the day and night among the control and depressed groups. For the same level of activity, depressed patients had lowest temperature values during the day. The amplitudes of temperature and activity were the highest discriminant parameters. Conclusions: These results indicate that the study of rhythms is useful for diagnosis and therapy for depressive mood disorders

    How do stress, sleep quality, and chronotype associate with clinically significant depressive symptoms? A study of young male military recruits in compulsory service

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    Objective: Although studies have shown an association between poor sleep and chronotype with psychiatric problems in young adults, few have focused on identifying multiple concomitant risk factors. Methods: We assessed depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory [BDI]), circadian typology (Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire [MEQ]), sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [PSQI]), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale [PSS]), social rhythm (Social Rhythm Metrics [SRM]), and salivary cortisol (morning, evening and night, n=37) in 236 men (all 18 years old). Separate analyses were conducted to understand how each PSQI domain was associated with depressive symptoms. Results: Depressive symptoms were more prevalent in individuals with higher perceived stress (prevalence ratio [PR] = 6.429, p o 0.001), evening types (PR = 2.58, p o 0.001) and poor sleepers (PR = 1.808, p = 0.046). Multivariate modeling showed that these three variables were independently associated with depressive symptoms (all p o 0.05). The PSQI items subjective sleep quality and sleep disturbances were significantly more prevalent in individuals with depressive symptoms (PR = 2.210, p = 0.009 and PR = 2.198, p = 0.008). Lower levels of morning cortisol were significantly associated with higher depressive scores (r = -0.335; p = 0.043). Conclusion: It is important to evaluate multiple factors related to sleep and chronotype in youth depression studies, since this can provide important tools for comprehending and managing mental health problems

    Avaliação do ritmo social em humanos : adequação da ferramenta de pesquisa e aplicação clínica

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    Introdução: Interações sociais podem afetar diretamente ritmos biológicos, independente de seu papel na organização do zeitgeber fótico. A força do zeitgeber social refere-se ao padrão rítmico das interações sociais e pode ser quantificada através da escala de ritmo social. Objetivos: Principais: 1. Adequar o instrumento de avaliação do ritmo social ao contexto de pesquisa. 2. Estudar o ritmo social em humanos. Secundários: 1. Estabecer uma versão abreviada da Escala de Ritmo Social com vistas à aplicação em pesquisa. 2. Estabelecer uma versão da Escala de Ritmo Social de 17 itens para o português angolano, para estudos transculturais. 3. Investigar a correlação entre ritmo social, fase do sono e sintomas psiquiátricos menores em trabalhadores saudáveis. Métodos: Na primeira parte do trabalho a Escala de Ritmo Social (ERS-17) foi submetida a um processo de adequação a dois contextos de pesquisa diferentes. Na segunda parte, a escala foi utilizada em um estudo clínico para avaliar a correlação entre sintomatologia psiquiátrica menor e a variável ritmo social em uma amostra saudável. Tomando como padrão-ouro a ERS-17, foram comparados escores de regularidade e quantidade de atividades de 167 sujeitos saudáveis, 25 portadores de epilepsia mioclônica juvenil e 16 portadores de transtorno depressivo, para o estabelecimento da Versão Breve. No estudo transcultural, a versão brasileira da Escala de Ritmo Social foi submetida à avaliação de 10 estudantes universitários angolanos, que analisaram o grau de clareza de cada uma das 15 sentenças do instrumento por meio da Escala Analógico-Visual de 10 cm e propuseram modificações na escala. Foi realizada revisão dos resultados para a elaboração da versão final, bem como prova de leitura e relatório final. No estudo clínico, transversal, foram avaliados 143 trabalhadores saudáveis do HCPA. Sintomas psiquiátricos menores foram avaliados pelo Self-Repport Questionnaire (SRQ-20), e ritmo social foi avaliado pela ERS-17. Exposição à luz e variáveis do sono foram avaliadas pelo Munich Choronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ). Resultados: Foi estabelecida uma versão breve de 6 itens com boa concordância com relação ao padrão-ouro k=0,51; p<0,001 e significativa correlação entre ambas: (r=0,87; p<0,001). No estudo transcultural foi estabelecida uma versão angolana que manteve uma equivalência de itens com relação à versão em português brasileiro e grau satisfatório de clareza e equivalência semântica. No estudo clínico, Quantidade de atividades correlacionou com escolaridade e tempo médio do sono e, inversamente, com (Ponto Médio do Sono) MSF e SRQ-20. Regularidade correlacionou com idade, SRQ-20 e número de dias trabalhados. SRQ-20 correlacionou inversamente com regularidade e quantidade de atividades. Conclusões: No estabelecimento da versão breve, concluiu-se que a simplificação da escala diminui a porcentagem de itens não preenchidos, o custo em material impresso e facilita a padronização. O estudo transcultural demonstrou que apesar de ser o Português o idioma oficial nos dois países, há diferenças culturais significativas que podem influenciar os resultados caso sejam ignoradas. O estudo clínico demonstrou que variáveis de ritmo social tiveram correlação inversa com sintomas psiquiátricos menores, que foram mais explicados por baixos níveis de atividade do que por baixos níveis de regularidade.Background: Social rhythms can directly affect biological rhythms, independent of its role in organizing the photic zeitgeber. The strength of the social zeitgeber refers to the rhythmic pattern of social interactions and can be measured by Social Rhythm Metric. Objectives: Main Objectives: 1. To match the assessment tool of social rhythm to the research context. 2. To Study the social rhythm in humans. Secondary Objectives: 1. Establish an abbreviated version of the Social Rhythm Metric-17 for use in research. 2. Establish a version of the SRM-17 for the Angolan Portuguese, for cross-cultural studies. 3. To investigate the correlation between social rhythm, sleep phase and minor psychiatric symptoms in healthy workers. Methods: In the first part of this work, the Social Rhythm Metric (SRM-17) was submitted to a process of adaptation to two different research contexts. In the second part, the scale was used in a clinical study to evaluate the correlation between minor psychiatric symptomatology and the variable social rhythm in a healthy sample. Taking as gold standard SRM-17, were compared scores of regularity and amount of activities of 167 healthy subjects, 25 patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and 16 patients with major depressive disorder, for establishing the Brief Version. In the cross-cultural study, the Brazilian version of the of SRM-17 was submitted to evaluation of 10 college students Angolans, who analyzed the clarity of each of the 15 sentences of the instrument through the Visual Analog Scale-10 cm and proposed modifications. Review of the results was performed for the final version, as well as proof reading and final report. In the clinical study, cross-sectional, were evaluated 143 healthy workers from HCPA. Minor psychiatric symptoms were assessed by the Self-Repport Questionnaire (SRQ-20) and social rhythm was assessed by SRM-17. Light exposure and Sleep variables wereassessed by MCTQ. Results: Was established brief version of 6 items with good agreement with respect to the gold standard (k = 0.51, p <0.001) and significant correlation between the two: (r = 0.87, p <0.001). In the transcultural study was established an angolan version that kept an equivalence of items with respect to Brazilian Portuguese version of SRM-17 and satisfactory degree of clarity and semantic equivalence. In the clinical study, number of activities correlated with schooling and average sleep time and inversely, with Midpoint of sleep (MSF) and SRQ score. Regularity correlated with age, SRQ score and number of days worked. SRQ score correlated inversely with regularity and amount of activities. Conclusions: When establishing of the short version, it was concluded that the simplification of the scale decreases the percentage of unanswered questions, the print cost, and facilitates the standardization. The transcultural study showed that, in spite of the common language in both countries, there are significant cultural differences which can inffluence the results when ignored. The clinical study showed that social rhythm variables were inversely correlated with minor psychiatric symptoms, which were explained more by lower activity levels than low levels of regularity