40 research outputs found

    Her går det rundt - cellebiologiens mysterier og ENTREZ sin underlige verden

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    Endelig skulle jeg lære meg alt om de molekylærbiologiske databasene som ligger i menylinjen til høyre for PubMed. Jeg deltok på ”Bridging the Gap between PubMed and the Entrez Life Science Databases” som ble tilbudt som dagskurs før EAHIL-konferansen i Helsinki. David Herron fra Karolinska Instituttet i Stockholm holdt et informativt og morsomt kurs og viste oss det mest elementære innen molekylær cellebiologi før vi så nærmere på noen av databasene. Det er nok ikke bygget noen bro mellom PubMed og Entrez for min del enda, men jeg hangler i det minste langsmed et tau og forstår deler av materien - tror jeg

    Evidence-based decision making when refurnishing a medical library: a shorter way to better decisions?

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    The question how to use the remaining open space after removing unused shelving gave us the idea to run an evidence-based library project at the Medicine and Dentistry Library at the University in Bergen. The transition from print to electronic literature has resulted in great physical changes in our library. Unnecessary bookshelves had to be removed and we had to decide what to do with the empty space in the library. We used evidence-based practice as a method for better decision making. The different steps during the project were: finding evidence from the literature, gathering information on user needs and preferences, involving our colleagues before making decisions. The results of the project were quite satisfying. Working evidence-based contributed positively to the decision making process, and we have proven that we can work evidence-based within a short time frame

    Sharing literature search blocks: status and ideas for a cooperative solution

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    Sharing and reusing search blocks was the theme of the workshop session at EAHIL-ICAHIS-ICLC in Edinburgh, June 2015. Most of the participants used to save and reuse literature search blocks. Several web pages for sharing search blocks were presented. The discussion on quality issues resulted in a list of requirements for sharing search blocks; these data would contribute to a better understanding of the search and the context of it, and therefore a higher confidence when reusing it. The best format for sharing seach blocks was not easy to agree upon. Future work will include setting up a network of initiators for search block sites aiming on finding good and flexible solutions for sharing search blocks

    Kunnskapsbasert kassering på EAHIL-konferansen i Lisboa

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    Å finne frem til kunnskapsbaserte kriterier for kassering av bøker var ett av temaene vi jobbet med på workshopen om kunnskapsbasert bibliotekpraksis på EAHIL-konferansen i Lisboa. Målet med workshopen var å lære om hvordan vi selv kan jobbe kunnskapsbasert i vårt daglige arbeid

    Småsnutter fra EAHIL-konferansen i Helsinki

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    Sammendrag av et utvalg innlegg på EAHIL-konferansen i Helsinki i 2008

    Norwegian medical librarians’ views about the future

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    The article describe Norwegian medical librarians thoughts about trends and future developments. Results from a survey among library staff in medical and healthcare libraries in Norway in June 2022 are presented. Digital development, teaching and research support were highly emphasised, as well as the importance of physical library space, collaboration with own institution, and the library’s impact. Furthermore, the librarians also registered their competency needs within teaching and education, first line support, open science, evidence syntheses, and in cooperation and management. Our project indicates that employees in medical and health libraries are aware of trends and competency needs. These competency needs are essential to be addressed to providers of continuing education in order to offer relevant library services.publishedVersio

    Norwegian Medical Librarians’ Views about the Future

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    The article describe Norwegian medical librarians thoughts about trends and future developments. Results from a survey among library staff in medical and healthcare libraries in Norway in June 2022 are presented.   Digital development, teaching and research support were highly emphasised, as well as the importance of physical library space, collaboration with own institution, and the library’s impact. Furthermore, the librarians also registered their competency needs within teaching and education, first line support, open science, evidence syntheses, and in cooperation and management.  Our project indicates that employees in medical and health libraries are aware of trends and competency needs. These competency needs are essential to be addressed to providers of continuing education in order to offer relevant library services.&nbsp

    Competency building in a busy working day for librarians and for libraries

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    Medical librarians know very well that they must build new competencies to offer relevant services and develop new library services. In a workshop at the EAHIL conference 2023, suggestions for competency building, and how libraries can build competency, were discussed. Positive and enthusiastic participants came up with many ideas: different types of clubs, webinars and courses, knowledge sharing with colleagues, regularly block out time, or just solve your tasks in a new way. The experiences showed that competency building in a busy work schedule is possible. The initiatives have in common that they portray an attitude to learn more, but also the willingness to organise activities and share competency with colleagues.publishedVersio

    Norwegian medical librarians’ views about the future

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