17 research outputs found
U.S. v. Microsoft: Did Consumers Win?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2005
- Field of study
Effects of Parental Leave Policies on Female Career and Fertility Choices
- Author
- C Dustmann
- C I Baum
- C J Ruhm
- C L Baum Ii
- C.-H Wen
- C.-Y Lin
- D Del Boca
- G.-L Gayle
- H Kasahara
- J Adda
- J Currie
- J M Wooldridge
- J Rust
- J Waldfogel
- M Baker
- M Francesconi
- M P Keane
- M Sheran
- Non-Reg
- P Arcidiacono
- P Arcidiacono
- P Carneiro
- P Frijters
- P L On
- R Bernal
- R Kambayashi
- R Lalive
- R Lalive
- Reg Work
- S Abe
- S Altug
- S James-Burdumy
- Shintaro Yamaguchi
- U Sch�nberg
- W Van Der Klaauw
- Y Asai
- Z Eckstein
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2016
- Field of study
Comparison Between Performances of In2O3 and In2TiO5-Based EIS Biosensors Using Post Plasma CF4 Treatment Applied in Glucose and Urea Sensing
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Reduced Duodenal Cytochrome P450 3A Protein Expression and Catalytic Activity in Patients With Cirrhosis
- Author
- Bonkovsky H.L
- Bouillon R
- Chalasani N
- Cotting J
- DJ McConn II
- DK Blough
- Elizondo G
- Garcia-Valdecasas-Campelo E
- George J
- Guengerich F.P
- Jurutka P.W
- KE Thummel
- Kharasch E.D
- Kleinbloesem C.H
- Kuehl P
- Lamba J.K
- Lin Y.S
- Lindell M
- Lown K
- Lown K.S
- Lowry O.H
- MacGilchrist A.J
- Makishima M
- MC Shuhart
- Monegal A
- Morgan D.J
- Paine M.F
- Paine M.F
- Pentikainen P.J
- Pugh R.N
- Regå
- Robin D.W
- Rodighiero V
- Rostami-Hodjegan A
- Shen D.D
- SL Taylor
- Somogyi A
- T Hashizume
- Thummel K.E
- TL Mathisen
- van Harten J
- Xu Y
- Xu Y
- Y Xu
- YS Lin
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Antitrust for High-Tech and Low: Regulation, Innovation, and Risk
- Author
- Arthur Hellman
- Christopher Pleatsikas
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- F C
- F C
- Franklin M See Generally
- Fred Vogestein
- Frederick Schauer
- Gregory Sisk
- J
- Jeffrey Rohlfs
- Jerry S Cohen
- John E Sherman
- L Michael
- M Stanley
- Mason L
- Mcgowan Fisher
- Michael D Whinston
- Mitchell &
- Pablo Spiller
- Phil G Simon
- Posner Ii
- Richard S Tedlow
- Roger L Faith
- Ronald A Cass &
- Ronald A. Cass
- See Bill Rigby
- See Timothy
- Supra Muris
- Supra White
- William G Shepherd
- Yale J Reg
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Zum literargeschichtlichen Ort des Prophetengesetzes Dtn 18 zwischen dem Jeremiabuch und Dtn 13
- Author
- Auch
- Broughton P.E.
- Davids »im Namen
- den Gebotseinleitung· Beide
- Der Rahmen
- Deuteronomium Gegen Eduard
- Dion Paul E.
- Dohmen
- Frank-Lothar Hossfeld So
- Frank-Lothar So
- Gottfried Seitz Zu
- Graupner Axel
- Hermisson Hans-Jürgen
- Hinzu
- I Reg
- Jhwh »kannte«
- Levin Christoph
- Levin So
- Lohfink Norbert
- Lohfink Norbert
- Mag
- Max Lohr So
- Mit
- Nichts
- Otto Eckart
- Perlitt
- Perlitt Lothar
- Rüterswörden S.
- S.
- S.
- S.
- Schmid Konrad
- Schmidt Ludwig
- Seitz Christopher R.
- Skweres D. E.
- Steuemagel Carl
- Stähli Hans-Peter
- Thiel Winfried
- Tropper Josef
- Veijola Timo
- Wellhausen Julius
- Wendung Zuweilen
- Zum
- Zwar
- »alle Völker Beachte
- ärischen Beachte
- ärt Deuteronomium II z.St.
- ür Belege
- Publication venue
- 'Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co, KG'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hold on to Tribal Sovereignty: Establishing Tribal Pesticide Programs that Recognize Inherent Tribal Authority and Promote Federal/Tribal Partnerships
- Author
- . &
- . &
- . &
- . Ennis
- . Mcleod
- . Plater
- . Supra Getches
- . Supra Grijalva
- . Supra Lara
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- . U S C
- Agreements
- All
- American
- Ann Tweedy
- As
- Assistance
- Be
- Brooks
- C Amend
- C F R
- Congress
- Country . . Indian
- Coursen
- Coursen
- Ct
- Dan Tarlock
- Daniel
- Dept
- Don
- E ) Registrationofpesticides
- Epa
- Epa&apos
- Epa&apos
- Epa.Indian
- Epa.Website
- Et � �201
- Federal
- For
- Grijalva
- Grijalva
- Grijalva
- H R Rep
- H R See
- Harris
- However
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Ii
- James
- James Gustave Speth
- Jane Kloeckner
- Jerry Reynolds
- Jessica
- Jody Seegenerally
- Justice
- L
- L Thomas
- Lara
- Lara
- Many
- Mead
- Montana
- Philip
- R Daniel
- Ralph
- Reg
- Reg
- Royster
- Rups
- Santee
- See
- See
- See
- See
- See
- See Fieldprogramsandenforcementcooperativeagreements
- Seealso
- Seegenerally
- Seeinfra
- Supra
- Tas
- Test Montana
- The
- Tribal
- U S
- U S
- U S
- U S C
- U S C C A N
- U S C �7
- U S Epa
- U S Epa Website
- U S See
- U S See
- U S Seealso
- U S Seegenerally
- Valerie
- Washingtonliquidfertilizerco
- Wildcat
- Wildcat
- Wildcat
- Wildcat
- Wildcat
- Wildcat
- Williams
- Zygmunt
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � Copyright
- � �136
- � �171
- � �7474
- �136
- �23
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2012
- Field of study
Super-Regulator: A Comparative Analysis of Securities and Derivatives Regulation in the United States, Great Britain, and Japan
- Author
- . L Pub
- . L Pub
- A Ii Markham
- A Iii Markham
- Aaron Lucchetti
- Alex Beatty
- America
- America Ceos Of
- Andre Scheerer
- Andrea Felsted
- Andrew Chin
- Another Tokyo
- Arthur Andersen
- Broker-Dealer Markham &
- Charles Citigroup
- Charles Garnsworthy
- Chen
- Chen
- David Ibison
- David Ibison
- David Pilling
- David Pilling
- Dept
- Economist Hampered
- Eric C Sibbitt
- Erik Portanger
- Ex-Ntt
- Financial
- Fsa-Gb
- G James
- Gary Silverman
- George Walker
- Glenn Whitney
- Gretchen Morgenson
- Henry Laurence
- Howard Davies
- Insurance Day
- Introduction Fsa
- Isabelle Clary
- J Brooklyn
- J Fordham
- J Wall St
- J Wall St
- J Wall St
- James K Glassman
- James Mackintosh
- James Mackintosh
- Japan
- Japan -Can
- Jeff Zeleny
- Jerrry W Markham
- Jerry W. Markham
- Jessica C Wiley
- John W Dower
- Ken Belsen
- Kenneth Gooding
- L C B Gower
- Laurence
- Laurence
- Laurence
- Lydia Adetunji
- Maeve Bromwich
- Michael S Bennett
- Michael Schroeder
- Michiyo Nakamoto
- Norman S Poser
- Pardieck
- Phred Dvorak
- Phred Dvorak &
- Robert Thomson
- Sara Calian
- See Andrew Hill
- See Corinne
- See Generally
- See Generally
- See Generally
- See Jerry
- See Patrick
- See Randall Smith
- Sibbitt
- Silva Ascarelli
- Silva Ascarelli
- Stefan Wagstyl
- Takeshi Uera
- Thomas Sims
- Tomomi Miyazaki
- U Int&apos
- W Holman
- Wall Lse
- Wall Security
- Yale J On Reg
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2002
- Field of study
Scamming Considered as One of the Exact Sciences: 19th Century American Literature Foreshadows Insights of Behavioral Economics
- Author
- Alan Ziebl
- Alan Ziebl &
- Andrew R Johnson &
- Annamaria Andriotis &
- Arthur Hobson
- Austin W Scott
- Barak Orbach
- Barak See
- Christine Negroni
- Christopher Mayer
- D N Y
- Daniel Michaels
- Deborah A Demott
- E D N Y
- E D N Y
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E G See
- E Poe&apos
- Ernest J Weinrib
- F Supp
- F Supp
- Fin See
- George M Beard
- Ginger Zhe Jin &
- Hendricks V. Starkist
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Id
- Ii E Infra Part
- Jad Mouawad
- James Kenney
- James Stewart
- Jean Braucher
- Jeremy Bentham
- Jeremy Bentham
- Jeremy Bentham
- John Y Campbell
- K Markus
- K Rajesh
- Kristie Hamilton
- Laura Stover
- Louise Pound
- Neil Irwin
- Ng
- Nicholas Bloom
- Oren Bar-Gill
- Paul Ziobro
- Peter Funk&apos
- Poe
- Poe See
- Pollin
- Pratima J Wall St
- R Burton
- R Burton
- Ran Spiegler
- Reg
- Reginald C See
- Robert A Jarrow
- Samuel Rezneck
- Sarena Ng
- Scott Mccartney
- See
- See Christopher
- See Clayton Marsh
- See Henry
- See Henry Gilgoff
- See Matthias Rieker
- Shelly Banjo
- Stephano Dellavigna
- Supra Poe
- Supra Poe
- Supra Poe
- Supra Poe
- Supra Poe
- Terence Whalen
- Terence Whalen
- Thompson
- W Douglas
- Wall Million
- Whalen
- Xavier Gabaix
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study