12,411 research outputs found

    Borel Degenerations of Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay curves in P^3

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    We investigate Borel ideals on the Hilbert scheme components of arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay (ACM) codimension two schemes in P^n. We give a basic necessary criterion for a Borel ideal to be on such a component. Then considering ACM curves in P^3 on a quadric we compute in several examples all the Borel ideals on their Hilbert scheme component. Based on this we conjecture which Borel ideals are on such a component, and for a range of Borel ideals we prove that they are on the component.Comment: 20 pages, shorter and more effective versio

    Tri-county pilot study

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    The author has identified the following significant results. An area inventory was performed for three southeast Texas counties (Montgomery, Walker, and San Jacinto) totaling 0.65 million hectares. The inventory was performed using a two level hierarchy. Level 1 was divided into forestland, rangeland, and other land. Forestland was separated into Level 2 categories: pine, hardwood, and mixed; rangeland was not separated further. Results consisted of area statistics for each county and for the entire study site for pine, hardwood, mixed, rangeland, and other land. Color coded county classification maps were produced for the May data set, and procedures were developed and tested

    Charge exchange contribution to the decay of the ring current, measured by energetic neutral atoms (ENAs)

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    In this paper we calculate the contribution of charge exchange to the decay of the ring current. Past works have suggested that charge exchange of ring current protons is primarily responsible for the decay of the ring current during the late recovery phase, but there is still much debate about the fast decay of the early recovery phase. We use energetic neutral atom (ENA) measurements from Polar to calculate the total ENA energy escape. To get the total ENA escape we apply a forward modeling technique, and to estimate the total ring current energy escape we use the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relationship. We find that during the late recovery phase of the March 10, 1998 storm ENAs with energies greater than 17.5 keV can account for 75% of the estimated energy loss from the ring current. During the fast recovery the measured ENAs can only account for a small portion of the total energy loss. We also find that the lifetime of the trapped ions is significantly shorter during the fast recovery phase than during the late recovery phase, suggesting that different processes are operating during the two phases

    The spectrum of the Broad Line Region and the high-energy emission of powerful blazars

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    High-energy emission (from the X-ray through the gamma-ray band) of Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars is widely associated with the inverse Compton (IC) scattering of ambient photons, produced either by the accretion disk or by the Broad Line Region, by high-energy electrons in a relativistic jet. In the modelling of the IC spectrum one usually adopts a simple black-body approximation for the external radiation field, though the real shape is probably more complex. The knowledge of the detailed spectrum of the external radiation field would allow to better characterize the soft-medium X-ray IC spectrum, which is crucial to address several issues related to the study of these sources. Here we present a first step in this direction, calculating the IC spectra expected by considering a realistic spectrum for the external radiation energy density produced by the BLR, as calculated with the photoionization code CLOUDY. We find that, under a wide range of the physical parameters characterizing the BLR clouds, the IC spectrum calculated with the black-body approximation reproduces quite well the exact spectrum for energies above few keV. In the soft energy band, instead, the IC emission calculated using the BLR emission shows a complex shape, with a moderate excess with respect to the approximate spectrum, which becomes more important for decreasing values of the peak frequency of the photoionizing continuum. We also show that the high-energy spectrum shows a marked steepening, due to the energy dependence of the scattering cross section, above a characteristic energy of 10-20 GeV, quasi independent on the Lorentz factor of the jet.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A simultaneous XMM-Newton and BeppoSAX observation of the archetypal Broad Line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548

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    We report the spectral analysis of a long XMM-Newton observation of the well-studied, moderate luminosity Broad Line Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548. The source was at an historically average brightness and we find the hard (3-10 keV) spectrum can be well fitted by a power law of photon index gamma ~ 1.75, together with reflection. The only feature in the hard X-ray spectrum is a narrow emission line near 6.4 keV, with an equivalent width of ~ 60 eV. The energy and strength of this line is consistent with fluorescence from `neutral' iron distant from the central continuum source. We find no evidence for a broad Fe K line, with an upper limit well below previous reports, suggesting the inner accretion disc is now absent or highly ionised. The addition of simultaneous BeppoSAX data allows the analysis to be extended to 200 keV, yielding important constraints on the total reflection. Extrapolation of the hard X-ray power law down to 0.3 keV shows a clear `soft excess' below ~ 0.7 keV. After due allowance for the effects of a complex warm absorber, measured with the XMM-Newton RGS, we find the soft excess is better described as a smooth upward curvature in the continuum flux below ~ 2 keV. The soft excess can be modelled either by Comptonised thermal emission or by enhanced reflection from the surface of a highly ionised disc.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, accepted by MNRAS; minor changes to text and figure

    Fe K emission and absorption features in XMM-Newton spectra of Mkn 766 - evidence for reprocessing in flare ejecta

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    We report on the analysis of a long XMM-Newton EPIC observation in 2001 May of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 766. The 3-11 keV spectrum exhibits a moderately steep power law continuum, with a broad emission line at ~6.7 keV, probably blended with a narrow line at ~6.4 keV, and a broad absorption trough above ~8.7 keV. We identify both broad spectral features with reprocessing in He-like Fe. An earlier XMM-Newton observation of Mkn 766 in 2000 May, when the source was a factor ~2 fainter, shows a similar broad emission line, but with a slightly flatter power law and absorption at a lower energy. In neither observation do we find a requirement for the previously reported broad 'red wing' to the line and hence of reflection from the innermost accretion disc. More detailed examination of the longer XMM-Newton observation reveals evidence for rapid spectral variability in the Fe K band, apparently linked with the occurrence of X-ray 'flares'. A reduction in the emission line strength and increased high energy absorption during the X-ray flaring suggests that these transient effects are due to highly ionised ejecta associated with the flares. Simple scaling from the flare avalanche model proposed for the luminous QSO PDS 456 (Reeves etal. 2002) confirms the feasibility of coherent flaring being the cause of the strong peaks seen in the X-ray light curve of \mkn.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Global energetic neutral atom (ENA) measurements and their association with the Dst index

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    We present a new global magnetospheric index that measures the intensity of the Earth\u27s ring current through energetic neutral atoms (ENAs). We have named it the Global Energetic Neutral Index (GENI), and it is derived from ENA measurements obtained by the Imaging Proton Spectrometer (IPS), part of the Comprehensive Energetic Particle and Pitch Angle Distribution (CEPPAD) experiment on the POLAR satellite. GENI provides a simple orbit-independent global sum of ENAs measured with IPS. Actual ENA measurements for the same magnetospheric state look different when seen from different points in the POLAR orbit. In addition, the instrument is sensitive to weak ion populations in the polar cap, as well as cosmic rays. We have devised a method for removing the effects of cosmic rays and weak ion fluxes, in order to produce an image of “pure” ENA counts. We then devised a method of normalizing the ENA measurements to remove the orbital bias effect. The normalized data were then used to produce the GENI. We show, both experimentally and theoretically the approximate proportionality between the GENI and the Dst index. In addition we discuss possible implications of this relation. Owing to the high sensitivity of IPS to ENAs, we can use these data to explore the ENA/Dst relationship not only during all phases of moderate geomagnetic storms, but also during quiescent ring current periods