13 research outputs found

    eTerveys – pilottien jatkuvuussuunnittelu Case eMedic

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    eTerveys pilotteja toteutetaan entistä enemmän pyrkimyksenä vastata väestön ikääntymisen, saatavilla olevan työvoiman vähenemisen ja kustannusten nousun aiheuttamiin haasteisiin. Useat pilotit eivät kuitenkaan saa todellista muutosta aikaiseksi, eivätkä ne jää vakituiseksi toiminnaksi. Tässä artikkelissa esitetään kirjallisuuden ja yhden eTerveys pilotin avulla esimerkki jatkuvuussuunnittelusta, jolla pyritään tukemaan pilotin muuttumista pysyväksi toiminnaksi. Artikkelissa esitetään prosessi, jota voidaan käyttää jatkuvuussuunnittelun apuna. Selvityksen perusteella jatkuvuussuunnittelua tulisi tutkia laajemmin eTerveyden alalla, jotta lukuisista eri alan hankkeista saataisiin pitempiaikaista hyötyä

    A Theoretical Approach to Information Needs Across Different Healthcare Stakeholders

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    Abstract. Increased access to medical information can lead to information overload among both the employees in the healthcare sector as well as among healthcare consumers. Moreover, medical information can be hard to understand for consumers who have no prerequisites for interpreting and understanding it. Information systems (e.g. electronic patient records) are normally designed to meet the demands of one professional group, for instance those of physicians. Therefore, the same information in the same form is presented to all the users of the systems regardless of the actual need or prerequisites. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the differences in information needs across different stakeholders in healthcare. A literature review was conducted to collect examples of these different information needs. Based on the findings the role of more user specific information systems is discussed

    Terveydenhuolto‐organisaatioiden välinen tiedonsiirto – toimintaympäristöjen vertailu Suomessa ja Yhdysvalloissa

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    Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan kirjallisuuteen ja haastatteluaineistoon perustuen, mitkä tekijät ovat edellytyksenä menestyksekkäälle organisaatioiden väliselle, potilaan terveyteen liittyvien tietojen siirrolle kahdessa erilaisessa toimintaympäristössä. Tiedonsiirtoon osallistuvia osapuolia voivat motivoida omien tavoitteiden, esimerkiksi taloudellisten säästöjen, aikaansaaminen. Käyttäjät voidaan myös määrätä siirtämään tietoa organisaatioiden välillä. Molemmissa tapauksissa on kuitenkin keskeistä, että käyttäjät itse kokevat hyötyvänsä tiedonsiirrosta työssään

    Promoting health and well-being of entrepreneurs with health technology

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    [EN] In Finland the number of entrepreneurs over 55 years old has increased from 60000 to 100000 between 2000-2010. The growth has continued since and now, there are 113000 entrepreneurs in Finland who have reached the age of 55. Most of the companies in Finland are micro or SSM´s and the responsibility of entrepreneurs´health and wellbeing is ofthen on the shoulders of the entrepreneurs themselves. Supporting this group by giving them means more effectively to take action in preventiong work- and age-related injuries and problems can help in proonging careers.Entrefox is a project funded by European Social Fund and it aims at promoting health and wellbeing of entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs over the age of 55 espicially following the principles of active ageing and lifelong learning. Three groups of 10 entrepreneurs will be organized to crate their own wellbeing pland and to give them meand to follow the progress of their own plan. Health technology will be used to help observing and motivating the process. Futrhermore, students from different fields (physiotherapy, engineering, health promoting) will be included to support the entrepreneurs.Raitoharju, R.; Heikkinen, K. (2019). Promoting health and well-being of entrepreneurs with health technology. En Proceedings 5th CARPE Conference: Horizon Europe and beyond. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 218-221. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARPE2019.2019.10172OCS21822

    Motion Tracking Exergames for Elderly Users

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    This paper reports the results from the field tests of two custom made exergames, based on a commercial off-the-shelf technology, aimed for the elderly people. First game resembles the guided mobility and stretching class, and the second one is more game-like with youthful theme and active movement. Both exergames were tested on two sites, urban and rural setting, totaling 19 elderlies. Usability findings are reported in a form of System Usability Scale (SUS) score analysis, and playability aspects as a Game Experience Questionnaire (GEQ) analysis. Results from the questionnaires are supplemented with observation and interview material. The second game, which had more familiar setting and appropriate pacing, received positive feedback and higher scores from the tests. Based on this material we discuss about the design of exergames aimed for the elderly persons who are not experienced computer game players, the importance of graphical clarity and the need for specialized game experience questionnaire for the elderlies.</p

    Suomen terveysteknologia-alan nykytila ja haasteet

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    Suomen terveysteknologia-alan yritykset ovat sijoittuneet eri puolille maata painopisteen ollessa kuitenkin viidessä maakunnassa. Näille maakunnille on yhteistä, että niissä toimii yliopistollinen sairaala. Eniten terveysteknologia-alan yrityksiä toimii Uudellamaalla, Pirkanmaalla ja Varsinais-Suomessa. Valviran laiterekisterin yrityksistä kaksi kolmasosaa toimii näissä kolmessa maakunnassa. Seuraavaksi eniten yrityksiä toimii Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla sekä Pohjois- Savossa. Puhuttaessa terveysteknologia-alasta nousevat usein esille nosteessa olevat startup-yritykset. Valviran laiterekisterin yritysten iän mediaani vuonna 2015 oli kuitenkin jo 17 vuotta (keskiarvo 18 vuotta) ja neljännes yrityksistä on perustettu ennen vuotta 1990. Noin joka seitsemäs rekisterissä olevista yrityksistä on perustettu vuonna 2010 tai sen jälkeen ja noin puolet vuosituhannen vaihteen jälkeen. Voidaankin sanoa, että ainakin terveysteknologian alan ytimen muodostavien Valviran laiterekisterin yritysten liiketoiminta on yleistä käsitystä vakiintuneempaa. Terveysteknologia-ala on, kuten useimmat muutkin toimialan Suomessa, varsin pienyritysvaltainen ja polarisoitunut. Noin joka neljännen yrityksen vuotuinen liikevaihto oli alle 0,2 miljoonaa euroa, ja puolella yrityksistä liikevaihto jäi alle miljoonan euron. Noin joka kahdeksannella yrityksellä liikevaihto oli 20 miljoonaa euroa, ja vain muutama yritys ylsi yli 100 miljoonan euron liikevaihtoon. Henkilöstömäärällä mitattuna yli puolet Valviran laiterekisterin yrityksistä oli mikrokokoisia, eli sellaisia, joiden työntekijämäärä on alle 10 henkeä. Alle 50 henkeä työllistävien yritysten osuus oli noin neljä viidesosaa. Suuryrityksiä eli vähintään 250 henkeä työllistäviä oli vajaat 6 prosenttia. Terveysteknologia-alan yrityksistä selvästi yli puolet toimii kansainvälisillä markkinoilla ja loput ensisijaisesti valtakunnallisilla markkinoilla. Vain alueellisilla tai paikallisilla markkinoilla toimivien yritysten määrä on hyvin The Finnish health technology companies, classified in this research as such through having at least one product registered in the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) product register, are distributed around Finland, with an emphasis on regions with a university hospital. Most of the firms are based in Uusimaa, Pirkanmaa and Finland Proper. Of the companies in the Valvira register, two-thirds are based in these counties. The next largest number of health technology companies are located in North Ostrobothnia and Northern Savonia. When discussing the health technology industry, startup firms are often mentioned. However, the median age of the companies in the Valvira register in 2015 was 17 years (average 18 years), and a quarter of the companies had been founded before 1990. Approximately one out of seven companies in the register had been founded in or after the year 2010, and approximately half after the year 2000. Therefore, it can be said that at least the business activity of the companies forming the core of the companies in the Valvira register is better established than commonly thought. The health technology industry, as most other industries in Finland, is polarised, consisting mainly of small firms. In 2015, the yearly sales of approximately a quarter of the companies was under 0.2 million euro, and in half of the companies, under one million euro. Approximately one in eight companies had yearly sales of at least 20 million euro, and only a couple of companies reached yearly sales of over 100 million euro. In terms of the number of personnel, over half of the companies in the Valvira register were micro-sized, i.e. had fewer than 10 employees. Approximately four out of five companies employed fewer than 50 employees. The proportion of large companies, i.e. companies employing at least 250 people, was approximately 6 percent. With regard to their internationalisation, clearly over half of the health technology companies are functioning on the international market and the rest primarily on the domestic market. There are only few companies operating merely on a local scale. According to the balance sheet materials of the research, the health technology-related sales of the Valvira-listed 260 companies totals nearly 1.7 billion euro, with a total personnel of approximately 7200 employees. A larger group of 418 companies was recognised as focusing on health technology business, even though they did not necessarily produce medical devices, with aggregate sales in 2015 of approximately 2.1 billion euro, and a total personnel of over 10200 employees. The median growth of sales of health technology companies has varied somewhat during the examined period. For instance, in 2009, the sales of the companies declined significantly with the median growth of sales sinking to -3.1%. After a growth period of two years, the median of sales growth sunk to 0 percent in 2013. On the other hand, it is worthwhile to notice that the growth of sales is not the only important issue, as profitability should also be considered while growing. In 2015, the median of sales growth of the health technology industry was 3.9%. However, there were major differences in the development of sales growth, as the sales of every fourth company grew over 20% in 2015, meanwhile the sales of every third company decreased. The development of the net result, a measure of the profitability of the companies, has been rather steady. After 2012, the profitability of the companies has been in a slight decline, and in 2015 the median of net result was 2.1%, and over a third of the companies were making a loss. The profitability of the best quadrant was however very good, as the upper quartile of net result percentage in 2015 was over 10%. The risk of bankruptcy of health technology companies was on general level small. However, there are major differences in the risk of bankruptcy, and in a quarter of the companies the situation is challenging in that regard.</p

    Information technology acceptance in the Finnish social and healthcare sector: exploring the effects of cultural factors

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