241 research outputs found

    Suspended chains damp wind-induced oscillations of tall flexible structures

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    Hanging-chain system, which is a form of impact damper, suppresses wind-induced bending oscillations of tall cylindrical antenna masts. A cluster of chains enclosed in a neoprene shroud is suspended inside the tip of the antenna mast, forming a simple method of damping structural vibrations

    Decoupler pylon: wing/store flutter suppressor

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    A device for suspending a store from a support such as an aircraft wing and more specifically for increasing the flutter speed of an aircraft flying with attached store and reducing the sensitivity of flutter to changes in the pitch inertia and center of gravity location of the store is described. It comprises softspring where the store pitch mode is decoupled from support modes and a low frequency active control mechanism which maintains store alignment. A pneumatic suspension system both isolates the store in pitch and, under conditions of changing mean load, aligns the store with the wing to which it is attached

    Viscous pendulum damper Patent

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    Mercury filled pendulum damper for controlling bending vibration induced by wind effect

    Viscous-pendulum damper suppresses structural vibrations

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    The viscous pendulum damper consists of a cylinder containing round trays on which round lead slugs rest. When assembled, the container is filled with a viscous liquid and attached, with axis vertical, to the structure. The device permits varying the damping of structural vibrations

    Test unit free-flight suspension system Patent

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    Free flight suspension system for use with aircraft models in wind tunnel test

    A flight investigation of oscillating air forces: Equipment and technique

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    The equipment and techniques are described which are to be used in a project aimed at measuring oscillating air forces and dynamic aeroelastic response of a swept wing airplane at high subsonic speeds. Electro-hydraulic inertia type shakers installed in the wing tips will excite various elastic airplane modes while the related oscillating chordwise pressures at two spanwise wing stations and the wing mode shapes are recorded on magnetic tape. The data reduction technique, following the principle of a wattmeter harmonic analyzer employed by Bratt, Wight, and Tilly, utilizes magnetic tape and high speed electronic multipliers to record directly the real and imaginary components of oscillatory data signals relative to a simple harmonic reference signal. Through an extension of this technique an automatic flight-flutter-test data analyzer is suggested in which vector plots of mechanical admittance or impedance would be plotted during the flight test

    Correlation with flight of some aeroelastic model studies in the NASA Langley transonic dynamics tunnel

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    The NASA Langley transonic dynamics tunnel, which has a variable density Freon-12 (or air) test medium, was designed specifically for the study of dynamics and aeroelastic problems of aerospace vehicles. During the 15 years of operation of this facility, there have been various opportunities to compare wind tunnel and flight test results. Some of these opportunities arise from routine flight checks of the prototypes; others, from carefully designed comparative wind-tunnel and flight experiments. Such data obtained from various published and unpublished sources are presented. The topics covered are: gust and buffet response, control surface effectiveness, flutter, and active control of aeroelastic effects. Some benefits and shortcomings of Freon-12 as a test medium are also discussed. Although areas of uncertainty are evident and there is a continuing need for improvements in model simulation and testing techniques, the results presented indicate that predictions from aeroelastic model tests are, in general, substantiated by full scale flight tests

    Aeroelasticity matters: Some reflections on two decades of testing in the NASA Langley transonic dynamics tunnel

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    Testing of wind-tunnel aeroelastic models is a well established, widely used means of studying flutter trends, validating theory and investigating flutter margins of safety of new vehicle designs. The Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel was designed specifically for work on dynamics and aeroelastic problems of aircraft and space vehicles. A cross section of aeroelastic research and testing in the facility since it became operational more than two decades ago is presented. Examples selected from a large store of experience illustrate the nature and purpose of some major areas of work performed in the tunnel. These areas include: specialized experimental techniques; development testing of new aircraft and launch vehicle designs; evaluation of proposed "fixes" to solve aeroelastic problems uncovered during development testing; study of unexpected aeroelastic phenomena (i.e., "surprises"); control of aeroelastic effects by active and passive means; and, finally, fundamental research involving measurement of unsteady pressures on oscillating wings and control surface

    Wing/store flutter with nonlinear pylon stiffness

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    Recent wind tunnel tests and analytical studies show that a store mounted on a pylon with soft pitch stiffness provides substantial increase in flutter speed of fighter aircraft and reduces dependency of flutter on mass and inertia of the store. This concept, termed the decoupler pylon, utilizes a low frequency control system to maintain pitch alignment of the store during maneuvers and changing flight conditions. Under rapidly changing transient loads, however, the alignment control system may allow the store to momentarily bottom against a relatively stiff backup structure in which case the pylon stiffness acts as a hardening nonlinear spring. Such structural nonlinearities are known to affect not only the flutter speed but also the basic behavior of the instability. The influence of pylon stiffness nonlinearities or the flutter characteristics of wing mounted external stores is examined

    Propeller-rotor whirl flutter - A state-of- the-art review

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    Propeller rotor whirl flutter and instability in conventional and Vertical Takeoff and Landing /VTOL/ aircraf