26,915 research outputs found

    Decoherence rates for Galilean covariant dynamics

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    We introduce a measure of decoherence for a class of density operators. For Gaussian density operators in dimension one it coincides with an index used by Morikawa (1990). Spatial decoherence rates are derived for three large classes of the Galilean covariant quantum semigroups introduced by Holevo. We also characterize the relaxation to a Gaussian state for these dynamics and give a theorem for the convergence of the Wigner function to the probability distribution of the classical analog of the process.Comment: 23 page

    Self-adjointness of Dirac operators via Hardy-Dirac inequalities

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    Distinguished selfadjoint extensions of Dirac operators are constructed for a class of potentials including Coulombic ones up to the critical case, x1-|x|^{-1}. The method uses Hardy-Dirac inequalities and quadratic form techniques.Comment: PACS 03.65.P, 03.3

    Study of boundary-layer transition using transonic-cone preston tube data

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    The laminar boundary layer on a 10 degree cone in a transonic wind tunnel was studied. The inviscid flow and boundary layer development were simulated by computer programs. The effects of pitch and yaw angles on the boundary layer were examined. Preston-tube data, taken on the boundary-layer-transition cone in the NASA Ames 11 ft transonic wind tunnel, were used to develope a correlation which relates the measurements to theoretical values of laminar skin friction. The recommended correlation is based on a compressible form of the classical law-of-the-wall. The computer codes successfully simulates the laminar boundary layer for near-zero pitch and yaw angles. However, in cases of significant pitch and/or yaw angles, the flow is three dimensional and the boundary layer computer code used here cannot provide a satisfactory model. The skin-friction correlation is thought to be valid for body geometries other than cones

    Analytic structure of Bloch functions for linear molecular chains

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    This paper deals with Hamiltonians of the form H=-{\bf \nabla}^2+v(\rr), with v(\rr) periodic along the zz direction, v(x,y,z+b)=v(x,y,z)v(x,y,z+b)=v(x,y,z). The wavefunctions of HH are the well known Bloch functions \psi_{n,\lambda}(\rr), with the fundamental property ψn,λ(x,y,z+b)=λψn,λ(x,y,z)\psi_{n,\lambda}(x,y,z+b)=\lambda \psi_{n,\lambda}(x,y,z) and zψn,λ(x,y,z+b)=λzψn,λ(x,y,z)\partial_z\psi_{n,\lambda}(x,y,z+b)=\lambda \partial_z\psi_{n,\lambda}(x,y,z). We give the generic analytic structure (i.e. the Riemann surface) of \psi_{n,\lambda}(\rr) and their corresponding energy, En(λ)E_n(\lambda), as functions of λ\lambda. We show that En(λ)E_n(\lambda) and ψn,λ(x,y,z)\psi_{n,\lambda}(x,y,z) are different branches of two multi-valued analytic functions, E(λ)E(\lambda) and ψλ(x,y,z)\psi_\lambda(x,y,z), with an essential singularity at λ=0\lambda=0 and additional branch points, which are generically of order 1 and 3, respectively. We show where these branch points come from, how they move when we change the potential and how to estimate their location. Based on these results, we give two applications: a compact expression of the Green's function and a discussion of the asymptotic behavior of the density matrix for insulating molecular chains.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Calibration of transonic and supersonic wind tunnels

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    State-of-the art instrumentation and procedures for calibrating transonic (0.6 less than M less than 1.4) and supersonic (M less than or equal to 3.5) wind tunnels were reviewed and evaluated. Major emphasis was given to transonic tunnels. Continuous, blowdown and intermittent tunnels were considered. The required measurements of pressure, temperature, flow angularity, noise and humidity were discussed, and the effects of measurement uncertainties were summarized. A comprehensive review of instrumentation currently used to calibrate empty tunnel flow conditions was included. The recent results of relevant research are noted and recommendations for achieving improved data accuracy are made where appropriate. It is concluded, for general testing purposes, that satisfactory calibration measurements can be achieved in both transonic and supersonic tunnels. The goal of calibrating transonic tunnels to within 0.001 in centerline Mach number appears to be feasible with existing instrumentation, provided correct calibration procedures are carefully followed. A comparable accuracy can be achieved off-centerline with carefully designed, conventional probes, except near Mach 1. In the range 0.95 less than M less than 1.05, the laser Doppler velocimeter appears to offer the most promise for improved calibration accuracy off-centerline

    Partnership research with older people: moving towards making the rhetoric a reality

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    As nursing develops closer partnerships with older people in delivering care, it also needs to develop partnerships in order to create the knowledge base for practice in a way that challenges professional hegemony and empowers older people. However, the process of developing partnerships in research takes place against a background of academic research traditions and norms, which can present obstacles to collaboration. This paper is a reflection on the issues that have arisen in three projects where older people were involved in research at different levels, from sources of data to independent researchers. It points to some of the areas that need further exploration and development

    Perturbation Theory of Schr\"odinger Operators in Infinitely Many Coupling Parameters

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    In this paper we study the behavior of Hamilton operators and their spectra which depend on infinitely many coupling parameters or, more generally, parameters taking values in some Banach space. One of the physical models which motivate this framework is a quantum particle moving in a more or less disordered medium. One may however also envisage other scenarios where operators are allowed to depend on interaction terms in a manner we are going to discuss below. The central idea is to vary the occurring infinitely many perturbing potentials independently. As a side aspect this then leads naturally to the analysis of a couple of interesting questions of a more or less purely mathematical flavor which belong to the field of infinite dimensional holomorphy or holomorphy in Banach spaces. In this general setting we study in particular the stability of selfadjointness of the operators under discussion and the analyticity of eigenvalues under the condition that the perturbing potentials belong to certain classes.Comment: 25 pages, Late

    Quantum graphs with singular two-particle interactions

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    We construct quantum models of two particles on a compact metric graph with singular two-particle interactions. The Hamiltonians are self-adjoint realisations of Laplacians acting on functions defined on pairs of edges in such a way that the interaction is provided by boundary conditions. In order to find such Hamiltonians closed and semi-bounded quadratic forms are constructed, from which the associated self-adjoint operators are extracted. We provide a general characterisation of such operators and, furthermore, produce certain classes of examples. We then consider identical particles and project to the bosonic and fermionic subspaces. Finally, we show that the operators possess purely discrete spectra and that the eigenvalues are distributed following an appropriate Weyl asymptotic law

    Comment on `On the Quantum Theory of Molecules' [J. Chem.Phys. {\bf 137}, 22A544 (2012)]

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    In our previous paper [J. Chem.Phys. {\bf 137}, 22A544 (2012)] we argued that the Born-Oppenheimer approximation could not be based on an exact transformation of the molecular Schr\"{o}dinger equation. In this Comment we suggest that the fundamental reason for the approximate nature of the Born-Oppenheimer model is the lack of a complete set of functions for the electronic space, and the need to describe the continuous spectrum using spectral projection.Comment: 2 page