6 research outputs found

    Diseño de ruedas de posicionado de precisión para ambientes criogénicos basadas en cojinetes autolubricados

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    This Thesis studies the design of cryogenic precision positioning wheels, applied to the fabrication of the filter and grisms wheels of EMIR, the Infrared Multi-Object Spetcrograph for the Gran Telescopio de Canarias. Throughout this work a review is made of the available technology for this type of mechanisms –which allows them to operate in cryo-vacuum environments– and the improvements and novel ideas incorporated are described. One of the most significative contributions is the fabrication of plain bearings and friction brakes based on special auto lubricating surface treatments over an aluminium alloy substrate. These components allow a reduction in the start up times of the instrument EMIR and are essential to attain the position stability of the wheels in operation. The wheels in EMIR are the first precision ryogenic mechanisms to incorporate this improvementSe estudia el diseño de ruedas de posicionado de precisión en ambientes criogénicos, aplicado a la construcción de las ruedas de filtros y de grismas de EMIR, el Espectrógrafo Multiobjeto Infrarrojo para el Gran Telescopio Canarias. A lo largo de la tesis se realiza una revisión de la tecnología disponible para este tipo de mecanismos que les permite operar en ambientes criogénicos y de vacío- y se describen las mejoras y novedades que se han aportado. Una de las aportaciones más significativas es la fabricación de cojinetes y frenos de fricción a base de tratamientos superficiales autolubricantes sobre una base de aleación de aluminio. Estos componentes permiten reducir los tiempos de puesta en marcha del instrumento EMIR y son esenciales para alcanzar la estabilidad de posicionado requerida en funcionamiento de las ruedas. EMIR es tal vez el proyecto instrumental más ambicioso en el que se ha embarcado el IAC. Al estar destinado al telescopio óptico más grande del mundo, el GTC, en estos momentos es también una de las cámaras espectrógrafo infrarrojo en proyecto más grandes del mundo. Las ruedas de EMIR son los primeros mecanismos criogénicos de precisión que incorporan este avance. Esta tesis surge con la idea de plasmar tanto los conocimientos adquiridos en el campo de mecanismos de precisión para criogenia en proyectos anteriores a EMIR, como los resultados de las investigaciones y los avances que se están logrando en el marco del desarrollo de la mecánica de EMIR; estos últimos materializados en el diseño y fabricación de las ruedas de filtros y de grismas de este instrumento

    EMIR, the GTC NIR multi-object imager-spectrograph

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    EMIR, currently entering into its fabrication and AIV phase, will be one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 meter telescope under construction by GRANTECAN at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). EMIR is being built by a Consortium of Spanish and French institutes led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). EMIR is designed to realize one of the central goals of 10m class telescopes, allowing observers to obtain spectra for large numbers of faint sources in a time-efficient manner. EMIR is primarily designed to be operated as a MOS in the K band, but others a wide range of observing modes, including imaging and spectroscopy, both long slit and multi-object, in the wavelength range 0.9 to 2.5 um. It is equipped with two innovative subsystems: a robotic reconfigurable multi-slit mask and dispersive elements formed by the combination of high quality distraction grating and conventional prisms, both at the heart of the instrument. The present status of development, expected performances, schedule and plans for scientific exploitation are described and discussed. The development and fabrication of EMIR is funded by GRANTECAN and the Plan Nacional de Astronomía y Astrofísica (National Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Spain).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EMIR, the GTC NIR multiobject imager-spectrograph

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    Espectrógrafo Multi-objecto InfraRojo (EMIR), currently entering into its fabrication and AIV phase, will be one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 m telescope under construction by GRANTECAN at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). EMIR is being built by a Consortium of Spanish and French institutes led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). EMIR is designed to realize one of the central goals of 10 m class telescopes, allowing observers to obtain spectra for large numbers of faint sources in an time-efficient manner. EMIR is primarily designed to be operated as a MOS in the K band, but offers a wide range of observing modes, including imaging and spectroscopy, both long slit and multiobject, in the wavelength range 0.9–2.5 µm. It is equipped with two innovative subsystems: a robotic reconfigurable multislits mask and dispersive elements formed by the combination of high quality diffraction grating and conventional prisms, both at the heart of the instrument. The present status of development, expected performances, schedule, and plans for scientific exploitation are described and discussed. The development and fabrication of EMIR is funded by GRANTECAN and the Plan Nacional de Astronomía y Astrofísica (National Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Spain).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    EMIR, the GTC NIR multiobject imager-spectrograph

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    Espectrógrafo Multi-objecto InfraRojo (EMIR), currently entering into its fabrication and AIV phase, will be one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 m telescope under construction by GRANTECAN at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). EMIR is being built by a Consortium of Spanish and French institutes led by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). EMIR is designed to realize one of the central goals of 10 m class telescopes, allowing observers to obtain spectra for large numbers of faint sources in an time-efficient manner. EMIR is primarily designed to be operated as a MOS in the K band, but offers a wide range of observing modes, including imaging and spectroscopy, both long slit and multiobject, in the wavelength range 0.9–2.5 µm. It is equipped with two innovative subsystems: a robotic reconfigurable multislits mask and dispersive elements formed by the combination of high quality diffraction grating and conventional prisms, both at the heart of the instrument. The present status of development, expected performances, schedule, and plans for scientific exploitation are described and discussed. The development and fabrication of EMIR is funded by GRANTECAN and the Plan Nacional de Astronomía y Astrofísica (National Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Spain).Peer Reviewe

    EMIR: the GTC NIR multi-object imager-spectrograph

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    EMIR, currently entering into its fabrication and AIV phase, will be one of the first common user instruments for the GTC, the 10 meter telescope under construction by GRANTECAN at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory (Canary Islands, Spain). EMIR is being built by a Consortium of Spanish and French institutes led by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC). EMIR is designed to realize one of the central goals of 10m class telescopes, allowing observers to obtain spectra for large numbers of faint sources in an time-efficient manner. EMIR is primarily designed to be operated as a MOS in the K band, but offers a wide range of observing modes, including imaging and spectroscopy, both long slit and multiobject, in the wavelength range 0.9 to 2.5 µm. It is equipped with two innovative subsystems: a robotic reconfigurable multislit mask and disperssive elements formed by the combination of high quality diffraction grating and conventional prisms, both at the heart of the instrument. The present status of development, expected performances, schedule and plans for scientific exploitation are described and discussed. The development and fabrication of EMIR is funded by GRANTECAN and the Plan Nacional de Astronomia y Astrofisica (National Plan for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Spain).Peer Reviewe