213 research outputs found

    Effect of calf-starter protein solubility on calf performance

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    Three starters containing differently processed protein supplements were fed to Holstein heifer calves, using an early weaning program. One starter contained soybean meal. The other starters contained soybean grits processed through an extrusion cooker to reduce the protein solubility to an intermediate (PDI> 50%) or low (PDI < 15 %) level. Calf performance was similar on all three starters

    Optimum Cropping Pattern for Sericulture-dominant Farms in Southern Dry Zone of Karnataka

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    Sericulture is labour-intensive and well-suited to small and marginal farms with surplus labour, especially female labour. Ample labour and a small land-base encourage farmers to practise sericulture as a subsidiary occupation. While income from crop production is seasonal, sericulture provides a year-round income, which is an important incentive for small farmers to take up sericulture. The agricultural production is seasonal, while consumption is evenly spread over the years. Under such circumstances, the planners and policymakers are confronted with the challenge of formulating a suitable agricultural production policy with which the desired growth of agricultural production can be achieved. In the present study, optimum cropping patterns for different categories of sericulturists have been suggested by selecting Siddlaghatta in Kolar and Kollegal talukas in Mysore as study areas. The primary data have been collected using the personal interview method. The deterministic linear programming technique has been employed to work out the maximum attainable returns by small, medium and large farmers through the optimum allocation of various crops, sericulture and livestock (dairy), using the available resources. The model has suggested fewer crops in the cropping pattern of both the areas. The model has also suggested shifting of the cropping pattern from subsistence-dominated crops like ragi to commercial crops like bivoltine sericulture in the Kolar area and crossbreed sericulture in the Musore area. The suggested cropping patterns have increased the gross income in the range of 83.55 to 388.68 per cent in the Kolar area and 2.71 to 10.70 per cent in the Kollegal area.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Effect of supplemental Vitamin E on the performance, metabolic profiles, and immune responses of dairy calves.

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    Forty-six Holstein heifer calves were used from birth to 3 rno to study the effect of supplemental vitamin E at 1400 or 2800 mg dl-a.-tocopherol acetate given orally at weekly intervals or 1400 mg dl-a-tocopherol by intramuscular injection. Weekly starter consumption was 10 to 27 % more (P=.12) and weekly weight gains were 9 to 25% more (P=.13) in supplemented calves. Creatine phosphokinase activity was negatively correlated with serurn tocopherol concentrations, indicating a subclinical muscular dystrophy in unsupplemented calves. Lymphocyte stimulation indices were positively correlated with serum tocopherol concentration. Calves given high level of oral supplementation had higher IgM antibody concentration. It was concluded that supplemental vitamin E is beneficial for calves reared on conventional complete starters to increase disease resistance and to obtain optimum performance.; Dairy Day, 1984, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1984

    Integrated Multiple Features for Tumor Image Retrieval Using Classifier and Feedback Methods

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    AbstractThe content based image retrieval method greatly assists in retrieving medical images close to the query image from a large database basing on their visual features. This paper presents an effective approach in which the region of the object is extracted with the help of multiple features ignoring the background of the object by employing edge following segmentation method followed by extracting texture and shape characteristics of the images. The former is extracted with the help of Steerable filter at different orientations and radial Chebyshev moments are used for extracting the later. Initially the images similar to the query image are extracted from a large group of medical images. Then the search is by accelerating the retrieval process with the help of Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The performance of the retrieval system is enhanced by adapting the subjective feedback method. The experimental results show that the proposed region based multiple features and integrated with classifier and subjective feedback method yields better results than classical retrieval systems

    Performance of early weaned calves fed lasalocid

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    Twenty-two newborn, bull calves were used to determine the effects of lasalocid on growth and feed intake of early-weaned calves from week 1 to 12. Calves were assigned to lasalocid or control groups on day 3. Lasalocid-fed group received lasalocid in milk from day 4 to 7 and in milk and pre-starter from days 7 to 14 and in starter feed from weeks 2 to 12. Lasalocid-fed calves had a significantly higher feed consumption and greater weight gain than calves that did not receive lasalocid. The difference became apparent only after 6 wk of age. Lasalocid appears to be a beneficial feed additive for newborn calves.; Dairy Day, 1987, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1987

    Effect of ruminal protozoa on performance of early-weaned calves

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    Twenty newborn bull calves assigned to two groups, protozoa-free or protozoa-inoculated, were used to determine the effects of ruminal protozoa on performance of early weaned calves. Calves in the protozoa group were inoculated via stomach tube with a suspension of ruminal protozoa at weekly intervals until a viable population was established. Calves were evaluated weekly for weight gain and feed intake. Feed intake and weight gain were not significantly different between the groups but tended to be higher in protozoa-inoculated than protozoa-free calves.; Dairy Day, 1987, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, 1987

    Effect of route of administration of lasalocid on response of young dairy calves

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    Forty newborn bull calves were assigned to one of four feeding groups. The feeds either contained lasalocid in milk (M), prestarter (PS), and starter (S); lasalocid in PS and S; lasalocid in S only; or no lasalocid. Calves were fed M at 8% of birth weight (bw) daily and offered PS to a maximum of 0.5 lb daily. When 0.5 lb of PS was consumed in one day the calves were fed M at 4% of bw daily. They were weaned when they consumed dry feed at the rate of 1.3% of bw. Daily feed intake and weekly weight gains of calves were evaluated. Blood serum samples were used to evaluate blood metabolites at wk 4, 8, and 12. We concluded that lasalocid in M, PS, and S supported greater feed efficiency and allowed earlier weaning with less animal variation than when lasalocid was delivered in PS and S, only in S, or not at all

    Seed System Innovations in the Semi-Arid Tropics of Andhra Pradesh

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    Performance of early weaned calves fed lasalocid

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    Twenty-two newborn, bull calves were used to determine the effects of lasalocid on growth and feed intake of early-weaned calves from week 1 to 12. Calves were assigned to lasalocid or control groups on day 3. Lasalocid-fed group received lasalocid in milk from day 4 to 7 and in milk and pre-starter from days 7 to 14 and in starter feed from weeks 2 to 12. Lasalocid-fed calves had a significantly higher feed consumption and greater weight gain than calves that did not receive lasalocid. The difference became apparent only after 6 wk of age. Lasalocid appears to be a beneficial feed additive for newborn calves